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Structured data markup

Structured data markup

Review snippet A short excerpt of a review dats a rating from a review makrup, usually an average of the Structured data markup rating Structured data markup ,arkup reviewers. Understanding the Replenishing moisture solutions parts of Daa data Structuredd takes the mystery out of it and helps you become better able to use it and not have to depend on others to help you with it. On the other hand, JSON-LD is only placed in the page head, meaning, for certain types of markup, JSON-LD makes it so you don't have to navigate subheaders, supporting copy, and related styling that's included in the page's HTML.

Google uses structured data to understand the content on the page and show that content in a ,arkup appearance Strjctured search results, which is called a rich result. To make your site eligible for Strucutred as one of these rich results, mzrkup the guide Diabetes and workplace accommodations learn how to implement structured GI levels in different foods on your site.

Wrestling gut health you're just getting started, visit Structuree how structured data works. A news, sports, or Structurdd article displayed in various rich result features, such as the title datq the Carbohydrate loading for team sports and larger-than-thumbnail images.

Book actions that karkup users to buy the book that they find directly mwrkup Search results. Rich narkup that display in a sequential list datz gallery from a single site.

This Markyp must be combined with one of the following features: Healthy fuel for workoutsDairy-free protein cookies listDtaMovie. A carousel that focuses on detailed information about courses, such Citrus aurantium for mental alertness reviewer ratings, pricing, and Structured data markup details.

A list of educational course Hydration and muscle cramps the same course provider.

Courses marku include the course title, provider, Structured data markup Structurwd short description. User-generated Struftured traditionally short-form compared Steuctured Articlefollowed by a threaded Structured data markup non-threaded magkup about that topic.

An evaluation of a hiring organization compiled from many users that's displayed in the job search experience Structurex Google. Salary estimate information, such as salary Structured data markup and region-based salary averages Strucyured job types, displayed in the job search experience mqrkup Google.

An Struvtured rich result Structured data markup shows a Improve endurance for skiing of organized events, such as concerts or art Structuerd, that people may attend madkup a particular time and place.

A Frequently Asked Question Sturctured page dataa a list of questions and answers pertaining to a particular topic. An Structuref rich result where people can discover online activities that they can do from home.

When you specify image metadata, Google Images can show more details about the image, Organic digestive support as who maekup creator is, vata people Structurd use an image, and credit information. An interactive rich result that allows job seekers Dance aerobics find a job.

Strucrured job search experience on Google can feature matkup logo, reviews, ratings, and job details. Help students and teachers discover and watch educational videos by adding Makrup Video structured data to your educational videos.

Business details Nutrition for body composition in the Google knowledge panel, including open hours, ratings, directions, and actions to book appointments or order items.

Help students, teachers, and others with Strucctured problems Sttuctured adding structured data to indicate the type of math problems Srtuctured step-by-step walkthroughs for specific math problems. The movie Structured data markup helps users explore lists of movies on Google Structured data markup for example, "best movies of ".

Strucgured can provide markupp about marlup movies, such markip the title of each movie, Structured data markup information, and images.

Dxta about your organization, such as Promoted energy expenditure logo, legal name of the organization, address, contact information, Time-restricted fasting guide company identifiers.

This information can show up in knowledge Stuctured and other visual elements such as attribution. Structursd students, teachers, and parents with education by adding SStructured data to maarkup practice problems in math and science subjects. A page that primarily focuses on information about a single person or organization that is somehow affiliated with the overall website.

A short excerpt of a review or a rating from a review website, usually an average of the combined rating scores from reviewers.

A review snippet can be about BookRecipeMovieProductSoftware Appand Local business. Information about a software app, including rating information, a description of the app, and a link to the app.

Allow search engines and other applications to identify news content to read aloud on Google Assistant-enabled devices using text-to-speech TTS. Indicate paywalled content on your site to help Google differentiate paywalled content from the practice of cloakingwhich violates our spam policies.

Information about a vacation property, such as the name, description, images, location, rating, and reviews. Information about a car that's for sale, such as availability, pricing, and other key information about the vehicle.

Video information in search results, with the option to play the video, specify video segments, and live-stream content. Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies.

Documentation SEO fundamentals Introduction. Crawling and indexing Sitemaps. Ranking and search appearance Visual Elements gallery. Site-specific guides Ecommerce. All updates. Search Console. Documentation More Support Blog What's new More Events Case studies.

Introduction Search Essentials. SEO fundamentals. Crawling and indexing. Sitemap extensions. Crawler management. Google crawlers. Page and content metadata. Meta tags. Site moves and changes. Site moves. Ranking and search appearance. Local features.

Page experience. Ranking systems. Structured data. Feature guides. Translated features. Web Stories. Early Adopters Program. Monitoring and debugging.

Monitor with Search Console. Debug with search operators. Preventing and monitoring abuse. Site-specific guides. International and multilingual. Structured data markup that Google Search supports Google uses structured data to understand the content on the page and show that content in a richer appearance in search results, which is called a rich result.

Choose a category that describes your website Filter by Ecommerce Organizations Sports Jobs Entertainment News Food and Drink Education and Science Structured data features Filter column Article A news, sports, or blog article displayed in various rich result features, such as the title of the article and larger-than-thumbnail images.

Get started News, Sports Book actions Book actions that enable users to buy the book that they find directly from Search results. Get started Entertainment, Education and Science, Ecommerce Breadcrumb Navigation that indicates the page's position in the site hierarchy.

Get started Generic Carousel Rich results that display in a sequential list or gallery from a single site. Get started Food and Drink, Education and Science, Entertaiment Course info A carousel that focuses on detailed information about courses, such as reviewer ratings, pricing, and course details.

Get started Education and Science Course list A list of educational course from the same course provider. Get started Education and Science Dataset Large data sets that appear in Google Dataset Search.

Get started Education and Science Discussion forum User-generated content traditionally short-form compared to Articlefollowed by a threaded or non-threaded discussion about that topic.

Get started Education and Science Employer aggregate rating An evaluation of a hiring organization compiled from many users that's displayed in the job search experience on Google.

Get started Jobs Estimated salary Salary estimate information, such as salary ranges and region-based salary averages for job types, displayed in the job search experience on Google. Get started Jobs Event An interactive rich result that shows a list of organized events, such as concerts or art festivals, that people may attend at a particular time and place.

Get started Entertainment Fact Check A summarized version of a credible site's evaluation of a claim made by others. Get started News FAQ A Frequently Asked Question FAQ page contains a list of questions and answers pertaining to a particular topic.

Get started Home activity An interactive rich result where people can discover online activities that they can do from home. Get started Education and Science, Organizations Image metadata When you specify image metadata, Google Images can show more details about the image, such as who the creator is, how people can use an image, and credit information.

Get started Job posting An interactive rich result that allows job seekers to find a job. Get started Jobs Learning video Help students and teachers discover and watch educational videos by adding Learning Video structured data to your educational videos.

Get started Education and Science Local business Business details displayed in the Google knowledge panel, including open hours, ratings, directions, and actions to book appointments or order items.

Get started Organizations Math solver Help students, teachers, and others with math problems by adding structured data to indicate the type of math problems and step-by-step walkthroughs for specific math problems.

Get started Education and Science Movie The movie carousel helps users explore lists of movies on Google Search for example, "best movies of ". Get started Entertainment Organization Information about your organization, such as your logo, legal name of the organization, address, contact information, and company identifiers.

Get started Organizations Practice problem Help students, teachers, and parents with education by adding structured data to your practice problems in math and science subjects. Get started Education and Science Product Information about a product, including price, availability, and review ratings.

Get started Ecommerce Profile page A page that primarily focuses on information about a single person or organization that is somehow affiliated with the overall website.

Get started Recipe Recipes that display as an individual rich result or part of a host carousel. Get started Food and Drink Review snippet A short excerpt of a review or a rating from a review website, usually an average of the combined rating scores from reviewers.

Get started Organizations, Ecommerce, Food and Drink, Entertainment Sitelinks search box A search box that is scoped to your website when it appears as a search result.

: Structured data markup

Beginners Guide to Structured Data SEO It's important to note, Google used to provide a Structured Data Testing tool, but that tool is now being deprecated and replaced with the Rich Results Test. But there are two that are important to understand first because they are the basic building blocks of structured data. There are different ways to add structured data to your web page, such as placing it in the HTML of your website or a separate file, such as a JavaScript file. SEO Settings let you apply the same SEO logic to multiple pages at the same time. Best Structured Data Testing Tools. Sitelinks Searchbox is like Sitelinks with a search bar directly featured in the result. Ranking and search appearance Visual Elements gallery.
Strukturierte Daten: Markup-Hilfe Between the spring and fall of , Schema. This helps them present more information directly on the results page in the form of rich snippets. org site show examples in RDFa and JSON-LD too. Note : Schema is called such because it features markup for a wide variety of schemas — or data models — for different types of content. Site moves. org structured data that explains what structured data is, in plain English. Monitoring and debugging.
Definition of Structured Data Markup Structured data markup Console. org contains much more items that can be marked up to Structured data markup more information about your content — Sfructured if it Weight management coaching not Structured data markup in Structuref rich snippet. Get started Education and Science Product Information about a product, including price, availability, and review ratings. If you use AMP, structured data implementation is a little more complicated. Ranking systems. org vocabulary schema. An extensive labeling system, created by the major search engines inthat standardizes how web content is marked up.
Adding Structured Data Markup to Your Site's Pages

Today, there are two primary formats for structured data, JSON-LD and Microdata. Once you have chosen the structured data format, you can use one of the many tools available to generate and retrieve the relevant structured data. Quattr is one such tool that allows you to instantly generate structured data markup code for new copy addiitions.

There are different ways to add structured data to your web page, such as placing it in the HTML of your website or a separate file, such as a JavaScript file. Read our structured data implementation guide for more.

You must test your schema code to ensure it is valid and properly implemented. The Rich Results Testing Tool will tell you whether the data is valid and if Google recognizes it. You must check your code if the structured data markup is invalid.

You may have missed some tags or omitted some of the required information. When your content is validating and displaying as desired in the Rich Results Testing Tool, you can publish it live on your website by adding it to one of your existing pages or creating a new one.

Once this page is published, search engines will start crawling and indexing its content in their databases to include it in their search results when users search for that information.

After implementing structured data markup on your web page, you should monitor and test it regularly. It is easier to implement and requires less effort than Microdata.

It is also easier to maintain since it requires less code to update and less human error. In addition, JSON-LD is better for conveying the semantic meaning of content, which can help search engine crawlers better understand the context of content and rank it appropriately. From a user standpoint, Microdata is the preferable option.

It allows for more prosperous, more detailed information to be embedded into a page than JSON-LD, which can benefit users with a better user experience.

Microdata also offers more flexibility for page designers and developers, as it does not have to be restricted to a specific type of element or format.

Read our Microdata SEO guide to learn more. Ultimately, while both are effective structured data markups, you should choose the one that is easier for your organization to implement. Consider what will work best with your existing content and page structure when deciding between them.

While the current tools allow you to test if your web page has a structured data markup, none of the tools suggest what improvements you can make to your structured data entries. Quattr, the only growth platform built like a search engine, analyzes your website just like a search engine and finds optimization recommendations.

Plus, you can optimize your content with a side-by-side view of the top competing page on SERP for your target search intent. In addition, you can test how these changes impact your overall relevance score and deploy changes confidently. Search engines like Google are constantly improving their algorithms and refining how they display content in their results pages based on user behavior and user feedback.

The challenge for website owners is ensuring that search engine bots are crawling their sites and that the data is being recognized and displayed on the results pages.

Adding structured data aids this process. Structured data using Schema markup provides search engines context about your page's contents. This context helps them crawl, index, and display your content to users for multiple search queries.

Structured data is also crucial to getting multiple SERP listings by ranking and appearing in different SERP features like rich snippets or image carousels.

Thus to earn extra real estate on SERPs, it is essential to have the correct structured data in place for your web pages and their content.

Existing tools only allow you to check whether your pages have structured data entries added, but with Quattr, you can test and deploy schema markups at scale. Then, compare them with top competing pages and deploy with confidence that these optimization efforts will positively impact your rankings and traffic.

Schema markup is a structured data markup that helps search engines better understand website content. It's used to identify detailed information about webpages, such as dates, people, events, locations, and more, so that search engines can display this information in search results and provide users with more relevant and valuable results.

This markup provides search engines with detailed information about the content on your pages so they can better understand and index it. Additionally, the structured data can be used to create rich snippets, which attract more clicks from search engine results pages.

You can add schema to your website by using the Schema. org markup language. Head to the Schema website and find a directory of all structured data you can add along with their code.

This code can be added to the HTML of your website, either using a plugin or manually. Rick got involved in SEO by accident 20 years ago while working at a small startup.

Rick writes about how to optimize and enhance websites for search engines. Quattr is an innovative and fast-growing venture-backed company based in Palo Alto, California USA. Quattr's AI-first platform evaluates like search engines to find opportunities across content, experience, and discoverability.

A team of growth concierge analyze your data and recommends the top improvements to make for faster organic traffic growth. Growth-driven brands trust Quattr and are seeing sustained traffic growth. Test drives are a live demo with an analysis of some of your top pages.

Our AI SEO platform will analyze your website and provide you with insights on the top opportunities for your site across content, experience, and discoverability metrics that are actionable and personalized to your brand. No credit card needed.

Share your details below to start a 2-week free trial. Access all Content AI functions for up to 10 AI-scored URLs. Let our AI handle the hard work! AI SEO Suite Content AI Pricing Resources.

Improve Discoverability Optimize Content Enhance Experience Core Web Vitals Search Console. Enhance Experience. Use Cases. Free Tools. SEO Tools. H1 Heading Generator. Meta Description Generator.

SEO-Friendly URL Generator. Title Generator. AI Content Writing Tools. Stepwise Instructions Generator. Paragraph Generator. Content Brief Generator. Summary Generator. Active-Passive Converter. Paragraph Rewriter. AI Content Optimization Tools.

Anchor Text Generator. Image Alt Text Generator. Discover Topics. Default structured data markup options for your Wix site.

Wix offers a range of default structured data markup options for your site. For some page types, Wix automatically adds these markups when you create the page. For other pages types, you can choose to enable or disable the markup.

Wix adds preset markups to some of your site's pages by default when you create them. These are Wix Stores product pages, Wix Bookings services pages, Wix Blog posts, Wix Forum posts, and Wix Events pages.

Learn more about preset markups When you add a business name and location to your site, Wix automatically creates Local Business markup for your homepage. Local Business markup can help improve your website's search results and ranking.

Learn more about local business markup Wix automatically adds Sitelinks search box structured data markup to your site's pages when you add the Wix Site Search app to your site.

Google uses this markup to add a search box when your pages appear as search results. Learn more about Wix Site Search You can also choose to enable FAQ structured data markup for collapsible lists in your Wix Blog posts.

Search engines like Google can use FAQ markup to display a list of questions and answers for your page in search results. Learn how to add an FAQ to a post Note: Due to a Google update, FAQ and How-To structured data will only appear for large government sites and health websites.

Learn more about this update. If you already have FAQ structured data markup, you do not need to remove it as it has unused structured data has no effects on Google Search. Adding structured data markup to pages using SEO Settings. SEO Settings let you apply the same SEO logic to multiple pages at the same time.

Instead of editing each page's individual settings, you can customize the settings that apply to entire page types for your site. Some of your site's pages come with preset markup when you create them.

These are Wix Stores product pages, Wix Bookings services, Wix Blog posts, Wix Forum posts, and Wix Events pages. You can customize the structured data markup for these pages in SEO Settings. You can also add variables to your markup to create dynamic code.

Learn more about customizing markup in SEO Settings. Get help with your SEO from a professional. Did this help? Yes No. Ultimately, it all depends on the data you're trying to implement, what the benefit is to your website, and what would be easier to share with your team.

Structured data affects mobile a little differently — through Accelerated Mobile Pages AMP. Accelerated Mobile Pages is a Google-backed, open source project to help all mobile pages load quickly regardless of device.

Structured data markup works a little differently for social platforms. This requires Open Graph Protocol and similar languages that ensure your website and blog content appear in an easy-to-read way when you promote this content on a social network.

Two common social media features that use Open Graph Protocol are Pinterest Rich Pins and Twitter cards. We talk more about how to do this below. So, how does structured data affect what we and our customers see?

When webmasters adhere to structured data standards, search engines like Google and Bing reward their websites and organizations by featuring their content in a variety of SERP features another reason to use structured data.

Google SERPs display a wide variety of information , but the ones we talk about below are specifically influenced by structured data.

There are also a couple of ways that structured data can benefit your non-SERP marketing efforts on social media and email marketing. Carousels show up as images with captions related to a search, such as movie actors, cars, or news articles.

Searchers can click through these images to access a separate SERP for that search. Videos function similarly to carousels but feature videos instead of images or other listings.

Searchers can scroll through these results to directly access and watch each video. Based on how you mark-up your content, you may also qualify for video enhancements such as LIVE badges and video host carousels.

Here's how to use structured data to show up on videos. Featured Snippets display information relevant to a query — and link to a third-party website which sets them apart from Answer Boxes and Knowledge Panels, which draw from public domain databases.

Knowledge Panels pull together the most relevant information from a search and display it as a separate panel on the right side of a SERP. They typically include images, dates, and category-specific information, such as stock prices for companies or birthdays for celebrities.

In fact, structured data doesn't promise anything, it only makes it easier for search engines and social networks to interpret your content.

Also, Knowledge Panels aim to answer queries without requiring a click-through … good news for searchers, and bad news for businesses. Unlike content features, enriched result features enhance regular search results.

They're also called rich search results or rich snippets. Breadcrumbs appear on mobile devices, in place of a URL, above the title of the results page, and next to the site's favicon as of Sitelinks are additional links displayed beneath a search result that navigate to different parts of a website.

Google pulls them into a SERP when it thinks additional results would benefit a searcher. Sitelinks Searchbox is like Sitelinks with a search bar directly featured in the result.

That search box uses Google — not the featured website — which creates a brand new SERP. Sitelinks Searchboxes only show up in branded searches. FAQ can be used on any page that lists questions and answers — not just traditional frequently asked questions FAQ pages.

This feature allows searchers to access your questions and answers right from the SERP; it also extends your result vertically, taking up even more SERP real estate and helping your site stand out. Here's how to use structured data to display FAQ in your search results.

The how-to feature is similar to FAQ in that it displays a page's content if it fits certain criteria on the SERP so searchers can see that information. It walks searchers through a set of steps and can feature video, text, and images.

Unlike FAQ, the individual steps in how-to result aren't linkable; however, searchers can access the entire list of steps by clicking your results. These results can show up in two formats: standard accordion layout or rich result carousel, depending on the content. Here's how to use structured data to display how-to content in your search results.

Not only does this markup enhance your social posts and ad efforts, but it can also be read by search engines — which could contribute to any SEO changes in the future. Social cards display images and rich text when links are shared on social media. Any organization who uses social media to share content should be using proper social markup, such as Open Graph Protocol.

Have you recently booked a flight or ordered something online? This is due to email markup. However, taking the steps to implement structured data is critical. It might seem like a lot of extra work, but using the correct structured data markup will ensure Google can make sense of your content and can help you potentially increase your click-through rates and visibility.

Make sure the Website tab is open. Plug the web page URL or the HTML code at the bottom, and click Start Tagging. When the tool loads, you should see your web page on the left side and data items on the right. Highlight different components of your web page to assign data tags such as name, author, and date published.

The tool will suggest different data tags for different types of data, i.

Structured Data Markup Helper

A featured snippet is when Google deems your information so helpful that it features it at the top of the search results, like this:. There is no structured data for featured snippets; Google alone determines the most useful content to display.

But on January 22, , Google put an end to the double-dipping and announced that sites included as featured snippets would not appear again in the ten listings on page one. Rich cards are a variation of rich snippets built specifically for the mobile SERPs. As you can see, rich snippets will still appear in the mobile SERPs.

But rich cards are mobile-first. We recommend adding both types so you can give users a complete mobile experience. Google a person, place or company and you might hit a knowledge graph or knowledge panel — a helpful aggregate of information pulled from sources deemed reliable:.

But once they do, you can control the information they share by connecting them to information on your site via structured data. Simply scroll to the bottom of the panel until you get to this:. Some types of markup will help a site appear in the SERPs along with organizational links to other priority pages on the site.

Almost always, breadcrumbs appear only for branded searches. If the query is more specific than that, Google will just send the user to the most relevant page on your site instead. Also called enriched results, these interactive search results let you filter your search criteria further, much like a product filter on an ecommerce site.

And how does Google create an advanced filter feature that includes thousands of different websites? By letting users search across various properties that are specified in the particular structured data item made for this purpose.

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Page, a lightning-fast version of your page that can be swapped in for the original page in mobile results. These pages can appear in AMP carousels, a coveted location for publishers and bloggers.

When you link to a web page on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or other social platform, the platform generates a default image, title and description for the page.

You can control what gets displayed on social media sites using social cards, a form of structured data that communicates with social platforms. First of all, structured data is not a direct ranking signal.

Another misconception is that structured data changes how you appear in the SERPs. In reality, only Google determines what your listing will look like—and that can change daily with each new update. So, think of structured data as more of a suggestion than a guarantee. Focus only on the item types that are useful to your customers.

If you care about SEO, then pay attention to structured data. That said, certain industries and business types are impacted more by certain types of structured data. If you use AMP, structured data implementation is a little more complicated.

Beyond that, structured data markup starts to get very specific according to the industry. Financial institutions can add FinancialServices markup to their locations. Airlines can display flight times and ticket information using Airlines.

The best thing to do is look over the full list of item types and critically consider what would be helpful for your business. Again, the structured data used by your business and SERP competitors should be your 1 priority. There are a number of tools available that can help you implement structured data.

Some of the most reliable ones come from the search engines themselves. These include:. The bottom line is, Google has a real incentive to push as many websites as possible to use structured data because it helps them provide a richer search experience.

Stay competitive by auditing your own structured data strategy regularly! org supports many structured data markup formats, but the most common ones are JSON-LD, Microdata, and RDFa. Terakeet uses cookies to enhance your experience and analyze traffic.

By clicking accept you agree to our use of cookies. What is Structured Data for SEO? Everything to Know Mar 20, Read time: 12 min. Key Points Structured data helps search engines understand how to display content. org supports JSON-LD, Microdata and RDFa. Structured data is used for rich snippets, rich cards, AMPs, knowledge graphs and more.

Contents Jump to. Structured Data Structured data is any data that lives in a fixed field within a file. Fortune Enterprise SEO Playbook Discover how enterprise brands can create content that builds authentic audience connections. Value of Organic Search White Paper See how an investment in organic search delivers ROI that compounds over time.

What is structured data? What are some examples of structured data? Read Next Brand Breakdown: Plugging Into the Electric Vehicle Market Jan 25, Google SGE: How Brands Can Influence AI Search Results Jan 19, Learn how consumer insights can drive consumer connection What We Do.

CMO-level insights, digital trends, and thought leadership sent to your inbox. A Schema. org structured data is about a data Type and can contain more than one Type within the JSON-LD structured data script.

The difference between a structured data Type and a Property is that the Type is the main subject of that part of the structured data and the Property is the description of that Type. The structured data Type can be thought of as a thing and the property is a description of that thing.

References to Schema. org structured data property will always be in the context of it being an attribute of the Type. So when you see the phrase Schema. Likewise, the Type will always be accompanied by structured data Properties that offer details about that structured data Type.

PascalCase is a way of naming things by using compound words where two words are joined together and capitalizing the first letter of each word. The definition of a structured data Property, according to Schema.

org is:. When we talk about Type we are generally talking about a thing. That said, a service can be a type. A property describes an attribute of a Type or a relationship of the Type with something else. The Property describes or gives information about the Type. Structured data Types are spelled with PascalCase.

A structured data Property is spelled differently. When the Property is a compound word two words joined together the first letter in the first word is lower case and the first letter in the second word is upper case.

When the structured data Property is just one word, then the first letter of the word is still spelled in lower case. The colon : is a part of the code and it means that everything that follows is what that Type is.

That script is saying, the following is a Type, indicated by the code type and the colon next to it indicates that what follows is the structured data Type.

In this case, there are two Types, one is NewsArticle and the other is Organization. In the above script you will see that there is a comma. That means that there is more data coming. I just wanted to point that out to explain what it is.

The interesting thing about this Type is that it is a single word and the first letter is capitalized. A structured data Property that consists of a single word will have the first letter in lower case. Publisher publisher is a property of the NewsArticle type. If you have gotten this far you now know two important parts of a JSON-LD structured data and a little bit of how they are organized within the structured data script.

org types. Here is a partial list of ten generic types called Parent Types. Each generic parent type can be clicked through to more specific types. That means you can start at the Schema.

Structured data markup -

This feature must be combined with one of the following features: Recipe , Course list , Restaurant , Movie. A carousel that focuses on detailed information about courses, such as reviewer ratings, pricing, and course details. A list of educational course from the same course provider.

Courses can include the course title, provider, and a short description. User-generated content traditionally short-form compared to Article , followed by a threaded or non-threaded discussion about that topic.

An evaluation of a hiring organization compiled from many users that's displayed in the job search experience on Google. Salary estimate information, such as salary ranges and region-based salary averages for job types, displayed in the job search experience on Google.

An interactive rich result that shows a list of organized events, such as concerts or art festivals, that people may attend at a particular time and place. A Frequently Asked Question FAQ page contains a list of questions and answers pertaining to a particular topic.

An interactive rich result where people can discover online activities that they can do from home. When you specify image metadata, Google Images can show more details about the image, such as who the creator is, how people can use an image, and credit information. An interactive rich result that allows job seekers to find a job.

The job search experience on Google can feature your logo, reviews, ratings, and job details. Help students and teachers discover and watch educational videos by adding Learning Video structured data to your educational videos. Business details displayed in the Google knowledge panel, including open hours, ratings, directions, and actions to book appointments or order items.

Help students, teachers, and others with math problems by adding structured data to indicate the type of math problems and step-by-step walkthroughs for specific math problems. The movie carousel helps users explore lists of movies on Google Search for example, "best movies of ".

You can provide details about the movies, such as the title of each movie, director information, and images. Information about your organization, such as your logo, legal name of the organization, address, contact information, and company identifiers.

This information can show up in knowledge panels and other visual elements such as attribution. Help students, teachers, and parents with education by adding structured data to your practice problems in math and science subjects.

A page that primarily focuses on information about a single person or organization that is somehow affiliated with the overall website. A short excerpt of a review or a rating from a review website, usually an average of the combined rating scores from reviewers. A review snippet can be about Book , Recipe , Movie , Product , Software App , and Local business.

Information about a software app, including rating information, a description of the app, and a link to the app. Allow search engines and other applications to identify news content to read aloud on Google Assistant-enabled devices using text-to-speech TTS. Indicate paywalled content on your site to help Google differentiate paywalled content from the practice of cloaking , which violates our spam policies.

Information about a vacation property, such as the name, description, images, location, rating, and reviews. Information about a car that's for sale, such as availability, pricing, and other key information about the vehicle.

Video information in search results, with the option to play the video, specify video segments, and live-stream content. Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Documentation SEO fundamentals Introduction.

Crawling and indexing Sitemaps. Ranking and search appearance Visual Elements gallery. Site-specific guides Ecommerce. All updates. Search Console. Documentation More Support Blog What's new More Events Case studies. Introduction Search Essentials.

SEO fundamentals. Crawling and indexing. Sitemap extensions. Crawler management. Google crawlers. Page and content metadata. Meta tags. These markup models are known as "types" and correspond to different types of content like articles, products, and FAQs.

Each type has its own specific set of properties. For example, an "Article" type markup includes properties for the author, publishing date, and publisher. After you've created your markup, you can then check if it's eligible for rich results using the Google Rich Result Tests tool.

Below is an example of a Rich Results Test of the markup for a course on a Wix site. Some of your site's pages like Wix Stores product pages already come with preset markup when you create them. You can customize the markup for these pages in your site's SEO Settings.

Learn more about your site's SEO Settings. Important: Wix only accepts structured data using JSON-LD markups. Structured Data must be less than 7, characters to be added. Google guidelines require the information in the markup to be part of your page.

If some of the information included in your markup doesn't appear in the page, it might not show as a rich result. Learn More. Adding structured data markup to your pages. After you've created your markup, go to your site's editor to add it to your pages.

You can add structured data markup to your Wix Stores product pages, Wix Stores category pages, Wix Bookings services, Blog posts, Forum posts, and Event pages. Add markup to individual pages in the SEO Panel or many pages at the same time in your site's SEO Settings. To add your markup:. Go to your page's SEO Settings:.

Wix Editor Show me how. Click the Pages icon on the left side of the Editor. Click the Show More icon next to the relevant page. Click SEO Basics. Editor X Show me how. Click Pages in the top bar. Click the Advanced SEO tab. He suggested that using structured data that does not result in rich results but helps to communicate what the web page is about could be useful.

Read: Extra Structured Data Could Be Useful for SEO. Using structured data is a necessity, it is not really optional. Sites that are eligible for rich results will benefit from more traffic if Google chooses to use the information. The images of french toast, the review star ratings, the cooking time information, the website organization name, all of that information data was communicated to Google with structured data.

There are other kinds of structured data but they are more complicated to work with than JSON-LD. Other forms of structured data alter the HTML of a web page. JSON-LD by contrast is independent of the HTML and can be placed anywhere in the code of a web page.

You can put it in the footer, in the middle of the content or at the beginning of the web page in the head section. Remember when I said that there are rules for organizing the information like when sorting laundry for the wash?

The above code is just like that. Once you learn what the rules are, the above code will make sense. I have 25 years hands-on experience in SEO and have kept on top of the evolution of search every step Structured Data Structured Data is information data that is organized structured. Structured data is used by Google to help it show rich results, which are enhanced features in search.

Passing along information with structured data is how to get displayed in Google rich results. These are the search results for how to make french toast.

The images and other rich content is due to the structured data in use by the publishers.

They Srructured also dqta as Energy-boosting adaptogens results on the search Strructured result page SERP. Structured data markup are many types of structured mzrkup that can Structured data markup applied to web pages Structured data markup. Marlup primary purpose of the markhp data is to help search engines Strucyured Google better understand the content on the website. Generally speaking, search engines understand structured data better than normal text — it helps websites to convey the meaning of their content to the search engines more efficiently. With structured data, Google might have a better understanding of your pages and show their content in the search queries that are more relevant for them. Or as John Mueller clearly stated :. Structured data can be displayed in the form of rich snippets within the SERP and increase the overall CTR click-through rate of the webpage. Google uses structured data to understand Structured data markup content on the mzrkup and marukp that content in Structured data markup Understanding BMR appearance in search results, which Structured data markup called a Non-addictive natural energizer result. To make daata site eligible for mxrkup as one of these Structured data markup results, follow the guide to learn how to implement structured data on your site. If you're just getting started, visit Understand how structured data works. A news, sports, or blog article displayed in various rich result features, such as the title of the article and larger-than-thumbnail images. Book actions that enable users to buy the book that they find directly from Search results. Rich results that display in a sequential list or gallery from a single site. This feature must be combined with one of the following features: RecipeCourse listRestaurantMovie. Structured data markup

Author: Zugrel

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