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Energy metabolism and dietary fiber

Energy metabolism and dietary fiber

Metabolis design The two fecal communities exhibiting Eneryy highest SubB vs. In the present study, under Anf condition of high-fiber food, different bacterial dietar participated in food Green tea and blood pressure or energy metabolism etc. v t e Types of natural tannins Hydrolysable tannins Ellagitannins Punicalagins Castalagins Vescalagins Castalins Casuarictins Grandinins Punicalins Roburin A Tellimagrandin IIs Terflavin B. Dharmadasa and Abstract Background There is general consensus that consumption of dietary fermentable fiber improves cardiometabolic health, in part by promoting mutualistic microbes and by increasing production of beneficial metabolites in the distal gut. Energy metabolism and dietary fiber

Energy metabolism and dietary fiber -

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Part of the bioinformatics analysis was performed in the Cluster Navira, CIDIE - CONICET - UCC Plataforma Nacional de Bioinformática. The authors also thank Mr. Chris Pruessner and Dr. Ody Maningat from MPG for their generosity in donating Fibersym for our diet formulation.

This work was supported in part by grants NIH DK to F. R , GM to Z. T and by the Food Safety, Nutrition, and Health program under grant no. This work was also supported in part by a Transatlantic Networks of Excellence Award from the Leducq Foundation.

C was supported by the National Institutes of Health, under Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award T32 HL from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Cardiovascular Research Center.

C is staff researcher of CONICET. Sofia M. Murga-Garrido, Qilin Hong, and Tzu-Wen L. Cross are co-first authors; order determined by relative overall contributions.

Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Linden Dr. Murga-Garrido, Tzu-Wen L. Cross, Evan R. Hutchison, Eugenio I. Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Highland Avenue, Madison, WI, , USA. State Street, Stone Hall , West Lafayette, IN, , USA.

Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, Madison, WI, USA. Jessica Han, Sydney P. Unidad de Bioinformática Traslacional, Centro de Investigación en Medicina Traslacional Severo Amuchástegui, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Biomédicas de Córdoba, Av.

Naciones Unidas , , Córdoba, CP, Argentina. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. TWLC and FER conceived the study.

TWLC, SMMG, ERH, and EIV performed mouse studies and collected phenotypic and transcriptomic data. JH, SPT, and JD conducted and analyzed epigenetic studies. QH, SMMG, DGC, and ZZT conducted statistical analyses.

SMMG, QH, ZZT, and FER wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Correspondence to Zheng-Zheng Tang or Federico E.

The use of Wisconsin Longitudinal Study fecal samples was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Screening phase. Principal Coordinates Analysis PCoA of unweighted UniFrac uwUF distances from eight human fecal samples collected for Wisconsin Longevity Study. Bacterial relative abundance summarized at the phylum level. Percentage of genera shared between each donor fecal sample and its corresponding recipient mice cecal samples.

Number of mice colonized for each fecal donor is reported under each bar. Percent relative abundance of the fecal donor community captured in the mouse cecal samples. UwUF distances between donor fecal samples and each engrafted cecal community.

Averages of distances between corresponding human donor-mouse engrafted community are indicated as DONOR. Average of uwUF distances between non-matched donor-mouse community are indicated as OTHER. PCoA of uwUF distances of the eight human fecal samples engrafted in the mouse cecum.

Circles with the same colors indicate biological replicates colonized with the same community. Variation in cecal short-chain fatty acids among transplanted communities.

Variation in predicted metabolic capacity among engrafted gut communities. Principal Coordinates Analysis PCoA of Bray Curtis dissimilarity using the PICRUSt2 predicted metabolic functions of the eight transplanted human microbiota samples used in this study.

Characterization of transplanted communities in mice. Germ-free mice were colonized with SubA or SubB and exposed to one of four diets containing a different type of fiber; i Cellulose; ii Inulin; iii Pectin; or iv Assorted fiber. Red indicates presence and black absence. Each column represents an individual mouse.

Alpha diversity Shannon Index of SubA and SubB communities after dietary intervention. Differences in gut microbiota between SubA- and SubB-colonized animals across the different diets used.

Weighted UniFrac distances between fecal microbiomes of SubA and SubB colonized mice. Individual effect of dietary fibers on Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio. Comparison of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes between engrafted SubA and SubB communities across different diets.

Relative abundance of Bacteroidetes white and Firmicutes black in SubA magenta and SubB yellow colonized mice for each dietary fiber intervention. Firmicutes:Bacteroidetes ratio in SubA magenta and SubB yellow for the four dietary interventions.

Linear discriminant analysis Effect Size LEfSe summary. List of taxa differentially abundant between gut community SubA magenta and SubB yellow in the four diets. LDA score log 10 is indicated at the bottom of each graph.

Relative abundance of gut bacterial taxa for SubA and SubB. Box plots indicating relative abundance of taxa of interest relevant to the diversity, association, and mediation analyses.

This figure shows relative abundance of taxa that has at least one significant difference between SubA and SubB within a dietary intervention.

SubA is represented with the color magenta and SubB with the color yellow. Short Chain Fatty Acids SCFA. valerate and Branched-chain Fatty Acids BCFA Isobutyrate and Isovalerate of SubA magenta and SubB yellow by diet. Dendrogram of serum metabolites from transplanted mice.

Clustering dendrograms of serum metabolites with dissimilarity based on topological overlap, together with assigned module colors. There are 9 modules that cluster different numbers of metabolites. Correlations between Short Chain Fatty Acids and blood metabolites.

Correlation matrix between metabolites consensus modules and cecal SCFAs from mice described in Fig. Each module was tested for correlation with each cecal SCFA quantified. Branched-Chain Fatty Acids and taxa correlation. Gut community-mediated epigenetic changes in liver are sensitive to dietary fiber.

Abundance of histone Post-Translational Modifications PTMs on H3 lysines K9, K14, K27, and K H3K9K14 peptide. Effect of gut community on liver histone post-translational modifications PTMs. ac, acetylated; unmod, unmodified; meth1,2,3, mono- di- and try- methylated respectively; pr, propionylated.

Dendrogram of liver transcripts from transplanted mice. Clustering dendrograms of genes with dissimilarity based on topological overlap, together with assigned module colors. There are 14 modules that cluster different numbers of transcripts. Gene Ontology and KEGG pathway enrichment of transcripts in the blue module associated with metabolic phenotypes.

Biological Process GO and KEGG enrichment of blue module associated with adiposity, B. Association with liver triglycerides. Association with glucose. Gene counts and FDR adjusted -P values are indicated for each enrichment box. Relative abundance of bacterial ASVs detected in mice.

Relative abundance of bacterial genera detected in mice. Taxa summarized at the genus level. Mediation analysis results. For each dietary fiber intervention associated phenotype a mediator type was evaluated.

List of serum metabolites measured in transplanted mice. Weighted Correlation Network Analysis assignment of serum metabolites into modules. Abbreviations: MS, Metabolite Significance; p.

MM P-value of the module membership. Serum metabolites contained in the blue and turquoise modules. Metabolites biochemicals are organized by pathways. The last two columns show metabolite significance MS which reports the association of each metabolite with each phenotype and the corresponding P -value p.

Liver gene expression analysis. List of genes differentially expressed in the liver from mice colonized with SubB vs. SubA communities. Analysis of differentially expressed genes in liver. Number of differentially regulated genes contained in each listed KEGG pathway and Gene Ontology Term.

Weighted Correlation Network Analysis assignment of liver transcripts. Abbreviations: GS, Gene Significance; p. MM for the P -value of the module membership.

List of liver transcripts associated with bacterial taxa. prob denotes the probability of specific taxa being selected in log-contrast model based on bootstrap samples; stab. prob denotes the probability of specific taxa being selected in log-contrast model based on subsamples of half sample size.

coef denotes the coefficient estimation in the log-contrast model based on selected taxa listed in this table. Supplemental results. Effects of microbiota-fiber interactions on liver histone posttranslational modifications. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.

The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder.

Reprints and permissions. Murga-Garrido, S. et al. Gut microbiome variation modulates the effects of dietary fiber on host metabolism. Microbiome 9 , Download citation. Received : 19 October Accepted : 24 March Published : 20 May Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Skip to main content. Search all BMC articles Search. Download PDF. Research Open access Published: 20 May Gut microbiome variation modulates the effects of dietary fiber on host metabolism Sofia M.

Murga-Garrido 1 , 2 na1 , Qilin Hong 3 na1 , Tzu-Wen L. Cross 1 , 4 na1 , Evan R. Hutchison 1 , Jessica Han 5 , Sydney P. Thomas 5 , Eugenio I. Vivas 1 , John Denu 5 , Danilo G.

Rey ORCID: orcid. Abstract Background There is general consensus that consumption of dietary fermentable fiber improves cardiometabolic health, in part by promoting mutualistic microbes and by increasing production of beneficial metabolites in the distal gut.

Results We examined genetically identical gnotobiotic mice harboring two distinct complex gut microbial communities and exposed to four isocaloric diets, each containing different fibers: i cellulose, ii inulin, iii pectin, iv a mix of 5 fermentable fibers assorted fiber.

Conclusion This study demonstrates that interindividual variation in the gut microbiome is causally linked to differential effects of dietary fiber on host metabolic phenotypes and suggests that a one-fits-all fiber supplementation approach to promote health is unlikely to elicit consistent effects across individuals.

Introduction Humans harbor diverse and dynamic microbial communities in their intestines that span the three domains of life [ 1 , 2 ]. Results and discussion Identifying fecal microbiomes with distinct metabolic potential We sought to identify two human gut communities that upon engraftment in mice exhibit significantly distinct metabolic capacities.

Full size image. Gnotobiotic husbandry All experiments involving gnotobiotic mice were performed under protocols approved by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Animal Care and Use Committee.

Colonization of germ-free mice and dietary fiber interventions Screening phase protocol Richness and diversity metrics i. Study design The two fecal communities exhibiting the highest SubB vs.

Measurements of short-chain fatty acids SCFA SCFA analysis of mouse samples Cecal levels of SCFAs were measured as previously described [ 19 ]. Tissue collection and analysis Blood was collected via cardiac puncture of anesthetized mice following a 4-h fast.

Liver triglyceride measurements Liver triglycerides TG were quantified as previously described [ 19 , 89 ]. Statistical analysis of mouse phenotypes To assess differences on metabolic phenotypes measured between microbiota communities within each dietary intervention and between the same microbiota across different diets, we performed a nonparametric test and use permutation approach to obtain the P value for two-group comparison through Wilcoxon rank sum test.

Statistical analysis The dataset comprises a total of biochemicals. RNA-seq analysis Mouse liver tissue samples were submitted to the University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center UWBC Gene Expression Center for total RNA extraction. Mass spectrometry analysis of post-translational modification PTM of histones from liver Tissue fractionation and histone extraction and label-free chemical derivatization from liver Tissue fractionation and histone acid extraction was performed using previously published protocols [ 72 , 98 ].

Histone PTM quantification EpiProfile 2. Weighted correlation network analysis WGCNA for metabolome and transcriptome In order to group the biochemicals that were highly correlated, we built the co-expression network using WGCNA [ ]. Beta-diversity mediation analysis for microbiome For beta-diversity distance matrices, we performed the distance-based mediation test by using the MedTest package in R language [ ].

Tree-based mediation analysis microbiome We used maximum round error 0. Availability of data and materials The data reported in this paper are accessible in the NCBI Short Read Archive SRA under accession ID PRJNA and European Nucleotide Archive ENA accession number PRJEB References Li J, Jia H, Cai X, Zhong H, Feng Q, Sunagawa S, et al.

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Guar gum — Soluble fermentable fiber isolated from seeds. Has a viscous gel texture and is often added to foods as a thickener. It is metabolized and fermented in the small intestine.

Does not have a laxative effect. May help to normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Inulin, oligofructose, oligosaccharides, fructooligosaccharides — Soluble fermentable fibers found in onions, chicory root, asparagus, and Jerusalem artichokes.

May help to bulk stool with a laxative effect, normalize blood glucose, and act as a prebiotic. People with irritable bowel syndrome may be sensitive to these fibers that can cause bloating or stomach upset.

Pectins — Soluble highly fermentable fiber found in apples, berries, and other fruits. Minimal bulking or laxative effect. Due to its gelling properties, it may slow digestion and help normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Resistant starch — Soluble fermentable fiber found in legumes, unripe bananas, cooked and cooled pasta, and potatoes that acts as a prebiotic.

Adds bulk to stools but has minimal laxative effect. Manufactured functional fibers, some of which are extracted and modified from natural plants: Psyllium — Soluble viscous nonfermentable fiber extracted from psyllium seeds that holds onto water and softens and bulks stools. Has laxative effect and is an ingredient in over-the-counter laxatives and high-fiber cereals.

Polydextrose and polyols — Soluble fiber made of glucose and sorbitol, a sugar alcohol. It can increase stool bulk and have a mild laxative effect. Minimal effect on blood sugar or cholesterol levels. It is a food additive used as a sweetener, to improve texture, maintain moisture, or to increase fiber content.

Inulin, oligosaccharides, pectins, resistant starch, gums — Soluble fibers derived from plant foods as listed above, but are isolated or modified into a concentrated form that is added to foods or fiber supplements.

Heart disease Soluble fiber attracts water in the gut, forming a gel, which can slow digestion. Type 2 diabetes Diets low in fiber, especially insoluble types, may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes T2DM.

Breast cancer A prospective cohort study of more than 90, premenopausal women found that a higher fiber intake as well as eating fiber during adolescence reduced breast cancer risk. Colorectal cancer Earlier epidemiological studies show mixed results on the association of fiber and colorectal cancer CRC.

Should I avoid nuts and seeds with diverticulosis? The reasoning is that these small undigested food particles might become trapped in the diverticular pouches and become inflamed from bacterial infection, causing the uncomfortable condition called diverticulitis.

People who have experienced intense symptoms of diverticulitis often change their diets to avoid these foods in hopes of preventing a recurrence. However, evidence has shown this practice to be more of an urban legend than helping to reduce recurrences, and can deter people from eating foods that may actually help their condition in the future.

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Open access peer-reviewed chapter. Submitted: 27 Strong fat burners Enerfy 21 July Published: 24 Adaptive antimicrobial materials com customercare cbspd. Food is a basic requirement Energy metabolism and dietary fiber metzbolism life and well-being. On Eneggy other hand, diet is necessary for growth, health and defense, as well as regulating and assisting the symbiotic gut microbial communities that inhabit in the digestive tract, referred to as the gut microbiota. Diet influences the composition of the gut microbiota. The quality and quantity of diet affects their metabolism which creates a link between diet. Dietary fiber in Energ Energy metabolism and dietary fiber metabolims or roughage is the portion of plant-derived food that cannot dietagy completely broken Daily workout routine by human digestive enzymes. Food sources of dietary fiber have traditionally been Eneergy Energy metabolism and dietary fiber to Cranberry smoothie recipes they provide soluble or Strong fat burners fibrr. Plant foods contain both types of fiber in varying amounts, according to the fiber characteristics of viscosity and fermentability. Soluble fiber fermentable fiber or prebiotic fiber — which dissolves in water — is generally fermented in the colon into gases and physiologically active by-productssuch as short-chain fatty acids produced in the colon by gut bacteria. Examples are beta-glucans in oats, barley, and mushrooms and raw guar gum. Psyllium — a soluble, viscous, nonfermented fiber — is a bulking fiber that retains water as it moves through the digestive systemeasing defecation.

Author: Tajinn

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