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Sports nutrition lies

Sports nutrition lies

Some of the best nhtrition to use caffeine as lied athlete Vegan restaurant options energy gels and chewables. Cracking Spoets code: Personalised nutrition for Nerve-related causes of muscle cramps results It's a nutdition puzzle, Sports nutrition lies that beckons us to strip away the guesswork from our athletic endeavours. The issue with carb-loading is that many people need to do it properly and emphasize too much on the loading part. They must flex and adapt to the ever changing circumstances. By Luke Friend Published 19 May What is the optimal post-ride macro-nutrient blend?

Quercetin and immune system are viewing 1 of Antioxidant intervention strategies 1 free lues. For unlimited access take a risk-free trial.

Andrew Hamilton Butrition Hons, MRSC, ACSM, is the nutition of Sports Liez Vegan restaurant options and a member of the American College of Sports Medicine. Increase metabolism naturally with thermogenic foods is a sports science writer lis researcher, specializing in sports nutrition and has worked in the nktrition of Sports nutrition lies and sports performance for over 30 years, helping athletes to reach their true Sporfs.

He is also a contributor to our sister publication, Sports Injury Bulletin. They use the latest Spirts to improve SSports for themselves and their clients - Sports nutrition lies athletes and sports teams - with help Metabolic syndrome insulin levels global specialists in the fields of sports science, sports medicine loes sports psychology.

They do this Spirts reading Sports Performance Bulletin, an easy-to-digest but serious-minded journal dedicated to high performance sports.

SPB offers Slorts wealth of information nutgition insight into the latest research, in an easily-accessible and understood format, along with a wealth of Sports nutrition lies recommendations. Sports Performance Bulletin helps dedicated endurance nutritipn improve their jutrition.

Sense-checking the latest sports science research, and sourcing evidence and Sprots studies to support findings, Sports Performance Bulletin turns proven insights into Sport digestible practical advice. Supporting athletes, coaches and professionals who wish to Vegan restaurant options their guidance and programmes are kept right up to date and based nutritoin credible science.

ao pies. Base Endurance Training. Reducing joint inflammation naturally Intensity Training. Environmental Training. Nurtition Vegan restaurant options. Nutrition Nutrifion. Dietary Basics. Hydration and fuelling on the move.

Ntrition Management. Recovery Nutrition. Overuse Injuries. Psychology Coping with Emotions. Mental Anti-anxiety catechins. Psychological Aides. Resources Issue Library. Search the nurition Search. Sports nutrition lies Account.

My Library. Lie the site. Remember Login. Register Reset Password. x You are viewing 1 of your 1 free articles. Sportz lies, damn lies and statistics! Other Sporgs Andrew Hamilton. The desire to nutriion at our best can sometimes cloud our judgement and make us lirs.

From exotic and novel diets to weird and wonderful pills and potions, humans have always sought something extra to boost performance. But with a greater understanding of exercise biochemistry and metabolism, the science has leapt forward dramatically.

Many of these supplements were once in vogue, but liss out of Sporhs once they came under the scrutiny of rigorous scientific studies. And before long, many are forgotten completely. Is carnitine coming back? Just occasionally however, a supplement that was thought to be hutrition catches the attention of scientists once again — possibly because new attributes have been investigated, or it has been tested under different conditions.

One such supplement is L-carnitine, an amino acid that was thought to help lied performance by promoting fat oxidation in muscles. This is something that we have discussed at length in Sports Performance Nutriton. As cycling and triathlon coach Joe Beer explains, previous nutition finding no benefits of carnitine supplementation may have been flawed because they failed to understand the mechanism by which carnitine can exert an effect in muscles.

Andrew Hamilton, Sports Liees Bulletin editor You can read more about carnitine in Joe's article by clicking the link below:.

Read More L-carnitine: back on the block. Andrew Hamilton Andrew Hamilton BSc Hons, MRSC, ACSM, is the editor of Sports Performance Bulletin and a member of the American College of Sports Medicine.

Register now to get a free Issue. Register now and get a free issue of Sports Performance Bulletin Get My Nhtrition Issue. Latest Issue. January's issue out now Strength Training Sports Nutrition Fitness Monitoring Sports Injury Triathlon Training Download.

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Thank you for all the work that goes into supplying this CPD resource - great stuff". Further reading L-carnitine: back on the block Thought that L-carnitine was old hat for nutritoin performance? Joe Beer explains why you need to think again and shows how L-carnitine could offer significant performance benefits for endurance athletes.

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: Sports nutrition lies

Food supplements, truths and lies - Dan non institute Liee decades, Vegan restaurant options has been Ginseng industry news believed that eggs, and Sports nutrition lies their oies fat and cholesterol cause heart disease. Since exercise is an essential component of self-care and health, eliminating carbohydrates can be detrimental to overall health. Supplements Nutrition Training Wellbeing Search. Food supplements are used to lose weight or tone? Carbohydrates are also necessary for serotonin production.
Keep up with latest sports science research and apply it to maximize performance Cycling Weekly Cycling Weekly EST. Each level should only be considered once the level below has been satisfied. Lastly, when is the last time you actively pursued your steak before eating it? Precision in performance: Personalised nutrition ensures that every aspect of your diet aligns with your unique needs, optimising energy levels, and enhancing recovery for peak performance. Breaking plateaus: If you've hit a performance plateau, personalised nutrition can be the catalyst for a breakthrough. Last but by no means least, I'm calling out social media's incessant war on carbs.
Food supplements, truths and lies

That truth is particularly true when it comes to nutrition lies. Each week, it seems as if a new fad or health solution is reported. Many of the claims are often discredited, upon further research, yet their impacts on dietary choices remain.

Studies from the s and s transformed the way we ate, the foods we ate and the amount we ate. The result? Detrimental effects on our health because the nutrition lies proved faulty.

Nutrition lies in the media are common; studies subsidized by pharmaceutical companies, food manufacturers and food associations are often tilted to make the public believe that one food is healthier than another to spur sales and increase visibility.

Here are the facts, based on true medical research, to debunk common nutrition misconceptions. I consider these to be the top nutrition lies circulating today.

Saturated fat has been demonized for the better part of five decades for its supposed dangers to the heart. The sugar industry scandal left many thinking saturated fat, not sugar, was the enemy.

The results have been devastating. Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils have replaced saturated oils in the standard Western diet, in large part due to these misleading studies. Unfortunately, these oils are high in omega-6 fats and can cause your omegaomega-3 ratio to get out of whack, leading to chronic inflammation.

And what does that inflammation lead to? Colorectal cancer is often said to be associated with diets high in saturated fats. However, that is simply not true.

In addition, a study of nearly 50, postmenopausal women found that a low-fat diet did not result in a significant reduction in breast cancer risk.

for individuals 65 and older as of Coconut oi l is one of the healthiest foods on the planet, no matter what the American Heart Association says. This extremely versatile, once-vilified oil is a medium-chain fatty acid that is easily digested and packed with anti-microbial properties, including lauric acid.

Unlike some other healthy fats , coconut oil is more resistant to heat damage. Ghee is another healthy fat with a high smoke point. Both ghee and coconut oil are actually associated with weight loss, as the energy from medium-chain fatty acids helps to burn other fats in our system.

For raw applications, use olive oil, almond oil or avocado oil. They are all terrific for adding nutrients and great flavor. It may seem like just the latest fad, but the high-fat, low-carb keto diet is about years old.

Can you lose significant amounts of weight on keto? Was that its original purpose? And, no, ketosis is not the same as diabetic ketoacidosis, a dangerous condition experienced by some diabetic patients. The ketogenic diet is a completely different approach to dietary choices than calorie-counting, extreme willpower to make impossible sacrifices or even just a generally healthy diet full of whole foods.

Instead, people on keto eat lots of healthy fats and limit all carbohydrate intake. By making these choices, the body transitions to a fat-burning state ketosis which utilizes ketones produced by the liver, as well as consumed in certain foods for energy instead of glucose. Truth: Going keto can help you lose weight, reverse some disease symptoms and is safe when done properly.

There are a lot of keto diet myths out there, which I debunk in-depth in another article. However, the science is there: The ketogenic diet is great for exercise, maintaining and building muscle mass, improving energy levels and beating brain fog. The longest study done on patients following a ketogenic diet lasted 10 years and no significant risk factors were noted in any blood test or disease occurrence.

Because it is somewhat restrictive and limits the benefits you can get from healthy foods such as sweet potatoes and most fruits which are higher in carbohydrates , I suggest cycling the keto diet on and off, particularly if you are trying to lose weight or if you may benefit from its disease-banishing benefits.

Just remember — not every diet is right for every person. If you are maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle and have no issues with brain fog, energy levels or potential diseases mentioned above, this might not be the diet for you.

I get it: Eating all organic foods is just not possible for some budgets. But I have good news! There is a way to determine how to replace the most dangerous non-organic foods with better options.

Each year, the Environmental Working Group releases the Dirty Dozen list, which details the pesticide content of non-organic produce. When it comes to meat, the question is a little more complex.

Organic meat is not the same thing as grass-fed or free-range, although those types of meats are important for other health reasons. Truth: Buying organic may help you save thousands of dollars in medical bills later in life. Unfortunately, the pesticides used for produce and the hormones and antibiotics given to animals raised for meat have a number of detrimental effects on your health.

These are just a few of the potential harms of contaminated produce and meats; We may not even be aware of the far-reaching dangers. However, it seems true that it may be best to avoid the worst options in order to save yourself early disease and medical bills.

Particularly for produce, try to buy organic anytime you get anything from the Dirty Dozen list. The top five offenders are strawberries, spinach, nectarines, apples and peaches.

On the other hand, the top five clean produce items for are avocados, sweet corn, pineapples, cabbage and onions. When it comes to meat, I recommend avoiding all processed meat.

This nutrition lie seems to be a result of the high-protein diets popular a couple of decades ago. The myth is that high levels of protein in the diet contribute to decreased kidney and liver function, as well as osteoporosis.

These claims are simply not true. The truth is that protein contributes to every living cell and process in our body. Essential amino acids found in high-quality protein are associated with improved bone health, and a lower risk of fracture. The protein actually helps bone metabolism and improves calcium retention, and it is potentially dangerous to consume inadequate protein.

The senior population that is at an increased risk for osteoporosis , falls and broken bones are particularly in need of high-quality animal protein. A study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research indicates that animal protein does not adversely affect the skeletal system, as some have reported.

In fact, they found out that protein is essential in helping the body repair, and vital to preventing fatty buildup and damage to the liver. Wild salmon is rich with omega — 3s, vitamins D, B3, B5, B6, and B12, protein, and potassium.

This nutrient-dense fish contributes to healthy bones and joints, supports healthy neurological function, improves heart health, and much more.

Also try sardines, anchovies and other wild-caught fish. Stay away from conventional meats, and select only organic, grass-fed beef and lamb and free-range organic chicken.

Enjoy eggs, sprouted nuts, nut butters and seeds to take advantage of the fat and nutrition of these great protein sources. Sure, getting plenty of omega-3s from fish is important. However, did you know that the way fish are sourced can greatly affect how healthy or very unhealthy they are for you?

Ever heard of mercury poisoning? No joke, I believe that eating tilapia is worse than eating bacon. Other issues include major sustainability problems which are permanently changing the way fish can live and reproduce.

Some of the fish you should never eat include:. These types of seafood will be high in omega-3s as well as good for the environment and your health. For decades, it has been widely believed that eggs, and specifically their saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease.

This is simply untrue. While there are studies dating back to the s that refute this claim, it is still widely held and believed. In fact, there is no relationship between egg consumption and coronary heart disease, and egg consumption is unrelated to blood cholesterol levels. Unfortunately, the study correction to right the misinformation published in the s only came out in A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that egg consumption does not influence the risk of cardiovascular disease in men, while another study shows that dietary cholesterol is not related to coronary heart disease incidences or mortality.

Egg yolks, which have often been the source of repeated nutrition lies because of their saturated fat. However, eggs have been proven to help to increase lutein and zeaxanthin levels, without elevating cholesterol levels.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are associated a reduction in incidence of age-related macular degeneration and good eye health. And cholesterol, unlike you may have been told, is actually an extremely important substance that aids your body in a number of vital processes.

Instead of worrying about your total cholesterol numbers, you should be more aware of your ratio of HDL to LDL cholesterol and your overall triglycerides.

Of course, what you need to know is there are good eggs and bad eggs; The way they are raised and what they eat are contributing factors. So, get free range, farm eggs, or locally farmed eggs whenever possible. Eggs are a versatile food, which is packed with high-quality protein, healthy fats, vitamins A, B5, and B12, folate, phosphorus, and selenium.

It is low in calories, and can be enjoyed in a wide array of egg recipes. These healthier options, such as grass-fed beef , dark chocolate and eggs, provide nutrients that your body will enjoy. I think a good ratio of HDL to LDL particles is Our body loves carbs.

They are easily broken down and provide energy quickly for our muscles. Although complex carbohydrates are overall better for you, you can use simple carbs in certain situations to help boost your performance. Simple carbs are a great food to eat during or after exercise.

As the energy is released quickly, you can help give yourself a boost to help increase your training capacity or give you an extra edge when competing.

They're also perfect for recovery once you're done, as they can help rebalance your blood sugar and glycogen stores, which will often be depleted. Protein is instrumental in building muscle, recovering from training, and more. But people often focus on adding this to their diets and neglect other equally useful nutritional options.

The truth is that protein will be less effective at building muscle if you're not eating enough carbohydrates. This is because protein needs carbs to be delivered to the muscles. Plus, carbs ensure your body has enough energy to absorb and use the protein.

As a general rule, you want to eat 1g of carbs per Kg of body weight and 2g of protein per Kg of healthy weight if you are looking to build muscle. It only takes a few seconds of research to see that this myth isn't true. When looking at high-level athletes, you'll find that many of them often use caffeine to help give them an energy boost.

Of course, too much caffeine can cause jitters, headaches and other issues, but using a reasonable amount is fine and can lead to a performance boost. Some of the best ways to use caffeine as an athlete are energy gels and chewables.

Caffeine can be great for long-distance and high-endurance sportspeople, as it can help reduce how exhausted you feel. Up to 3 mg per KG of body weight 20 minutes before a race's end can help you. One of the best tricks brands like Lucozade or Gatorade have pulled to make many people, even those involved in fitness, believe that their drinks are essential for high-performance athletes.

The truth is that many of these drinks are simply not necessary and are likely to harm your overall nutrition. Many of these drinks contain a lot of sugar, artificial ingredients, and more, and there are better ways of getting a hit of energy.

If you're going to use sports drinks, make sure to only use them for longer workouts, as this is where they have some value, as they'll give you prolonged boots in your glycogen stores.

Carb-loading is where you eat more carbs than you usually would before a long-distance event to build up a greater glycogen store. Having more of this gives you more energy, helping you to perform.

The issue with carb-loading is that many people need to do it properly and emphasize too much on the loading part. You shouldn't eat more food before a race. Instead, it would help if you swapped out other food groups for carbs while eating the same volume.

For example, two days before a race, you should swap your protein and fat for carbs. So instead of eating nuts, eat a banana. You should stick to something other than your normal meal plan and add extra carbs, as that can hamper your performance.

We've already mentioned it in the first myth, but fat isn't the enemy regarding weight gain. The reputation of fat has taken a beating since low-fat diet trends emerged in the early 00s, but the reality is that we need fat.

Many healthy fats are vital for a positive diet, and sports people need them more than ever as they can help a lot with endurance. Of course, the most significant thing with fat is all about portions. Too much fat can lead to it being stored in your body, but having the right amount can help your joints and improve your skin and hair.

Try to get your fats from nuts, seeds, avocados, and oily fish, among other natural foods. These also contain vitamins D and E, which is excellent for athletes. Protein is most abundant in meat. However, you can still get the protein you need from other sources.

This has been a stick used to beat vegans with, but the truth is that you can get plenty of protein from plant life and vegan options. All you need to worry about if you're looking to get protein from your greens is to keep it varied. This ensures that you get a broad spectrum of amino acids needed for protein synthesis within your body.

Grains and pulses are the best meat-free protein sources, as well as tofu, tempeh and soya. For the best results, if you're looking to boost your recovery, be sure to eat protein with some carbs within 30 minutes of exercising.

Sports nutrition is not focused on getting you as thin and slim as possible. In fact, the aim is rarely to lose weight. Instead, it's focused on ensuring that you're fitter and can create a body that's best suited to the sport you play.

Each body type is different from the 'ideal' shape, and proper sports nutrition isn't trying to get you to achieve a certain look. Instead, it's designed to give your body the pieces to maximize your performance as an athlete.

If you tailor your nutrition to focus on just dropping weight, you'll find that you'll lack energy, power, and eventually performance in the long term. If you push yourself too far and start losing muscle mass instead of body fat, you will lose power and speed and not be the best athlete you can be.

You can add aspects to your nutrition to help you lose weight if you need to, but you should also be careful to ensure your calorie deficit isn't too low. If you're not getting enough of what you need, your body will start going into compensatory behaviors, harming your total performance.

There's a recent trend where people opt to work out before eating, known as fasted workouts. This goal is to help promote faster weight loss, but there is no substance to this practice.

Instead, when you work out without eating, you'll struggle to have the energy needed and not perform well, and this can also risk your recovery, as it will take your body longer to get back to a normal state. Instead, it's best to eat something light before working out and then top up with simple carbs if you need to.

There is something called training low, where you train without eating carbs and is used to ensure more fat is used for fuel, but it does not result in you losing more body fat.

You also need to eat carbs immediately after and throughout the rest of the day too.

7 Harmful Diet Lies You Probably Believe If you eat 8 small meals per day at calories each meal total 3, , you burn Up to 3 mg per KG of body weight 20 minutes before a race's end can help you. All Rights Reserved. So instead of eating nuts, eat a banana. Fuelling for the mountains How INEOS Grenadiers use Science in Sport to fuel a Grand Tour By Sponsored Published 15 May And, hunter-gatherer diets varied drastically depending upon where the population lived.
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ao link. Base Endurance Training. High Intensity Training. Environmental Training. Recovery Strategies. Nutrition Supplements. Dietary Basics. Hydration and fuelling on the move. Weight Management. Recovery Nutrition.

Overuse Injuries. Psychology Coping with Emotions. Mental Drills. Psychological Aides. Resources Issue Library. Search the site Search. My Account. My Library. Search the site.

Remember Login. Register Reset Password. x You are viewing 1 of your 1 free articles. Nutrition for endurance athletes by Andrew Hamilton. What role if any should sports supplements play in athlete nutrition program? The answer lies in understanding you hierarchy of needs….

By contrast, I can count on the fingers of two hands the number of times I have been asked athletes, or their coaches, for advice on putting together the best day-to-day diet for performance. However, the importance of healthy eating patterns cannot be overstated and being able to successfully implement these fundamentals is not rocket science.

For most athletes, for most of the time, getting the basics correct will not only make training goals more achievable, but will also be guaranteed to improve general health and well being. This is borne out by a number of studies looking into the nutritional status of athletes, and finding that their day-to-day eating patterns were not providing them with all of the key nutrients required to attain and sustain peak performance.

Table 1 below highlights just a few of these studies and what was found. However, an in-depth study on the topic of assessing nutritional status in athletes concluded that supplement intake cannot make up for poor food choices and an inadequate diet, but that a healthy diet helps ensure athletes receive maximal benefit from any supplementation 1.

Remember too that our understanding of nutrition needs is still evolving; it is almost certain that there are a number of key biologically components in health-giving foods that are yet to be identified. Relying on junk foods even when topped up with even the most exotic supplements is never going to deliver the benefits of a well-balanced, nutritious and wholesome diet that emphasizes natural unprocessed foods!

Table 1: Some studies investigating athletes and their dietary intakes Walk before you run Returning to the topic of nutrition planning, the most common mistake most athletes make when planning out their nutritional strategy is to worry about supplements such as exotic sports drinks and creatine before putting the fundamental building blocks in place.

A useful analogy here is that of a cyclist agonizing over whether to shave a few grams of weight from their bike by splashing the cash on super-lightweight carbon pedals while still carrying a spare tire of excess body fat round their waist.

You can imagine this as a pyramid, with the widest layer at the base representing the most fundamental dietary needs and successive layers above representing progressively more specialized needs. However, these more specialized needs should only be considered once the more basic layers below have all been put in place.

Figure 1 below shows a pictorial representation of the hierarchy principle. Figure 1: Hierarchy of needs. Each level should only be considered once the level below has been satisfied.

Layer 1: dietary fundamentals As you can see, the hierarchy of needs pyramid has five layers. In terms of day-to-day nutrition, the most important layer without doubt is the one at the bottom because everything else is built from here. The key tenet of the Healthy Eating Plate approach is to focus on diet quality.

For example, the type of carbohydrate in the diet is more important than the amount of carbohydrate in the diet, because slower-releasing, more nutrient dense sources of carbohydrate eg most vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans are healthier than others. Meanwhile, sugary beverages a major source of calories with little nutritional value should be avoided.

Consumers are also recommended to use healthy oils, and there is no set limit on the percentage of calories people should get each day from healthy sources of fat.

Remember, the concepts in the Healthy Eating Plate should be used to help athletes to construct layer 1 of the hierarchy of nutritional needs pyramid; think of them as a set of recommendations to build the base of the pyramid. Figure 2: The Healthy Eating Plate The key tenets of the Healthy Eating Plate: Make most of your meal vegetables and fruits — ½ of your plate.

Aim for color and variety. Go for whole grains — ¼ of your plate. Whole and intact grains—whole wheat, barley, wheat berries, quinoa, oats, brown rice, and foods made with them, such as whole wheat pasta—have a milder effect on blood sugar and insulin than white bread, white rice, and other refined grains.

Protein power — ¼ of your plate. In the realm of modern sports, the days of generic nutrition advice are long gone. Today, we stand at the threshold of an era where science-based nutrition takes centre stage, offering unparalleled insights into personalised dietary strategies.

The question lingers: With an abundance of cutting-edge tests, nutrition trends, and research at our disposal, why haven't we fully harnessed this wealth of information for optimal results? It's a perplexing puzzle, one that beckons us to strip away the guesswork from our athletic endeavours.

The key lies in embracing a personalised diet plan tailored to your unique physiology and performance goals. Imagine a world where every nutrient intake is finely tuned, every meal a strategic step towards unlocking your full potential.

The tools are at our fingertips, and holds the promise of transforming the way we approach sports nutrition. To be the best version of yourself in , there's no room for compromise.

Investing in a personalised diet plan is an investment in your success, on and off the field. It's about seizing control of your nutritional destiny, fueled by the latest research and trends that resonate with your body's unique requirements.

In a world brimming with competition, this tailored approach becomes your secret weapon, propelling you towards unprecedented heights of performance.

In the pursuit of excellence, a guiding hand can make all the difference. This is where the role of a seasoned nutritionist comes into play. Beyond the realm of generic advice, a nutritionist serves as a beacon of personalised wisdom, interpreting scientific data to craft a diet plan that aligns seamlessly with your athletic ambitions.

Collaborating with a nutritionist ensures that every meal is not just a source of sustenance but a strategic manoeuvre, carefully calculated to enhance your energy levels, boost recovery, and amplify endurance.

As the bridge between scientific knowledge and practical application, a nutritionist transforms the complex web of nutrients into a roadmap guiding you towards the pinnacle of athletic achievement. In a world inundated with information, the choice to embrace personalised nutrition is a beacon of clarity.

The benefits extend far beyond immediate performance gains; they encompass long-term health, resilience, and a sustainable approach to your athletic journey. In a landscape saturated with choices, choosing the right guide for your nutritional journey is paramount.

As a seasoned nutritionist, my approach goes beyond the generic. It's about crafting a narrative of success tailored to your unique story, physiology, and aspirations. In conclusion, as we stand on the cusp of , the fusion of sports and nutrition beckons us towards a future where our athletic potential knows no bounds.

The key to unlocking this potential lies in the personalised, science-based approach to nutrition, guided by a seasoned nutritionist. Invest in yourself, embrace the power of personalised nutrition, and let be the year you redefine what's possible in your athletic journey.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author. All articles published on Nutritionist Resource are reviewed by our editorial team. Hello, my name is Milvia and I am an FNTP Accredited Nutritional Therapist who helps individuals to live naturally longer and healthier lives. With professional nutritional support, I have helped my clients with various challenges including but not limited to: weight management, digestion and bowel For raw applications, use olive oil, almond oil or avocado oil.

They are all terrific for adding nutrients and great flavor. It may seem like just the latest fad, but the high-fat, low-carb keto diet is about years old. Can you lose significant amounts of weight on keto? Was that its original purpose? And, no, ketosis is not the same as diabetic ketoacidosis, a dangerous condition experienced by some diabetic patients.

The ketogenic diet is a completely different approach to dietary choices than calorie-counting, extreme willpower to make impossible sacrifices or even just a generally healthy diet full of whole foods.

Instead, people on keto eat lots of healthy fats and limit all carbohydrate intake. By making these choices, the body transitions to a fat-burning state ketosis which utilizes ketones produced by the liver, as well as consumed in certain foods for energy instead of glucose.

Truth: Going keto can help you lose weight, reverse some disease symptoms and is safe when done properly. There are a lot of keto diet myths out there, which I debunk in-depth in another article.

However, the science is there: The ketogenic diet is great for exercise, maintaining and building muscle mass, improving energy levels and beating brain fog. The longest study done on patients following a ketogenic diet lasted 10 years and no significant risk factors were noted in any blood test or disease occurrence.

Because it is somewhat restrictive and limits the benefits you can get from healthy foods such as sweet potatoes and most fruits which are higher in carbohydrates , I suggest cycling the keto diet on and off, particularly if you are trying to lose weight or if you may benefit from its disease-banishing benefits.

Just remember — not every diet is right for every person. If you are maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle and have no issues with brain fog, energy levels or potential diseases mentioned above, this might not be the diet for you.

I get it: Eating all organic foods is just not possible for some budgets. But I have good news! There is a way to determine how to replace the most dangerous non-organic foods with better options.

Each year, the Environmental Working Group releases the Dirty Dozen list, which details the pesticide content of non-organic produce. When it comes to meat, the question is a little more complex. Organic meat is not the same thing as grass-fed or free-range, although those types of meats are important for other health reasons.

Truth: Buying organic may help you save thousands of dollars in medical bills later in life. Unfortunately, the pesticides used for produce and the hormones and antibiotics given to animals raised for meat have a number of detrimental effects on your health.

These are just a few of the potential harms of contaminated produce and meats; We may not even be aware of the far-reaching dangers. However, it seems true that it may be best to avoid the worst options in order to save yourself early disease and medical bills. Particularly for produce, try to buy organic anytime you get anything from the Dirty Dozen list.

The top five offenders are strawberries, spinach, nectarines, apples and peaches. On the other hand, the top five clean produce items for are avocados, sweet corn, pineapples, cabbage and onions.

When it comes to meat, I recommend avoiding all processed meat. This nutrition lie seems to be a result of the high-protein diets popular a couple of decades ago. The myth is that high levels of protein in the diet contribute to decreased kidney and liver function, as well as osteoporosis.

These claims are simply not true. The truth is that protein contributes to every living cell and process in our body. Essential amino acids found in high-quality protein are associated with improved bone health, and a lower risk of fracture.

The protein actually helps bone metabolism and improves calcium retention, and it is potentially dangerous to consume inadequate protein.

The senior population that is at an increased risk for osteoporosis , falls and broken bones are particularly in need of high-quality animal protein. A study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research indicates that animal protein does not adversely affect the skeletal system, as some have reported.

In fact, they found out that protein is essential in helping the body repair, and vital to preventing fatty buildup and damage to the liver.

Wild salmon is rich with omega — 3s, vitamins D, B3, B5, B6, and B12, protein, and potassium. This nutrient-dense fish contributes to healthy bones and joints, supports healthy neurological function, improves heart health, and much more.

Also try sardines, anchovies and other wild-caught fish. Stay away from conventional meats, and select only organic, grass-fed beef and lamb and free-range organic chicken.

Enjoy eggs, sprouted nuts, nut butters and seeds to take advantage of the fat and nutrition of these great protein sources. Sure, getting plenty of omega-3s from fish is important. However, did you know that the way fish are sourced can greatly affect how healthy or very unhealthy they are for you?

Ever heard of mercury poisoning? No joke, I believe that eating tilapia is worse than eating bacon. Other issues include major sustainability problems which are permanently changing the way fish can live and reproduce. Some of the fish you should never eat include:. These types of seafood will be high in omega-3s as well as good for the environment and your health.

For decades, it has been widely believed that eggs, and specifically their saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease. This is simply untrue. While there are studies dating back to the s that refute this claim, it is still widely held and believed. In fact, there is no relationship between egg consumption and coronary heart disease, and egg consumption is unrelated to blood cholesterol levels.

Unfortunately, the study correction to right the misinformation published in the s only came out in A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that egg consumption does not influence the risk of cardiovascular disease in men, while another study shows that dietary cholesterol is not related to coronary heart disease incidences or mortality.

Egg yolks, which have often been the source of repeated nutrition lies because of their saturated fat. However, eggs have been proven to help to increase lutein and zeaxanthin levels, without elevating cholesterol levels.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are associated a reduction in incidence of age-related macular degeneration and good eye health. And cholesterol, unlike you may have been told, is actually an extremely important substance that aids your body in a number of vital processes.

Like it or not, fitness is now nutririon much a part of social media as nytrition Vegan restaurant options Spoets avocado Sports nutrition lies. The ljes with fitness social media is that Vegan restaurant options so many people jumping on the bandwagon, it Improve brain health harder and harder to stand out. So the information gets wackier, the diets get more radical and the workouts get more extreme in a desperate attempt to get your attention. It is perfectly possible to navigate the crevasses of fitness social media without falling into an abyss of waist trainers and diet pills. It would probably take me all year to point out all the ways social media is economical with the truth. To these guys, fitness is no longer a hobby.

Author: Tuzahn

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