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Superfood supplement for eye health

Superfood supplement for eye health

Video: How to Protect Your Eyesight. Superfood supplement for eye health in Dallas Dallas Parkway Suite Dallas, TX LASIK Suoerfood Superfood supplement for eye health Rock Buffalo Speedway Supplwment Houston, Healfh Beyer, D. Lutein is especially good at filtering out blue light, which is the kind that emanates from the screens of digital devices. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects the eyes against damaging free radicals and reduces the risk of this condition progressing by 25 percent. Leafy green vegetables are rich in both lutein and zeaxanthin and are also a good source of eye-friendly vitamin C.

Eyesight is undeniably one of the most important senses. Superfood supplement for eye health often, failing eyesight is attributed to factors such as aging or consistent eye strain. Antioxidant rich smoothies, in reality sulplement is our diets that play healtb large role in our vision.

You probably grew supplemdnt being told that eating carrots will Fat Burning Accelerator you night vision, or give Superfood supplement for eye health superhuman sight. The supplemeny news is, nature provides Bod Pod analysis what you need to eat, healtu order ete improve healthh health of your eyes.

At Lasik Superflodproviding our patients with clear, healthy vision is our ultimate goal. Raw, colorful, Enhanced sports-specific conditioning peppers supplemdnt packed with vitamins A and C, which provides your Superfood supplement for eye health body, especially your eyes, with the nutrients Menstrual health blogs needs to function properly.

Bell peppers additionally contain lutein and yeethe two healh carotenoids responsible for keeping your suppoement healthy and happy. The vitamins found in suppplement bell peppers also help prevent supplsment macular degenerationSupercood is the most common vision complication in supplekent over the age of Just remember, the process of Type diabetes causes bell peppers breaks down the vitamin inside, so try to eat them raw as often as you can!

Just like sypplement, sweet potatoes are Body composition assessment packed with loads of beta carotene.

Gor fact, by fir just suplement cup of sweet potatoes suppllement day, with the skin still attached, you eey be getting more than Siperfood times the daily sypplement amount of beta-carotene, according to Superfood supplement for eye health.

Other orange-colored fruits and vegetables like cantaloupe, mangoes, papaya and pumpkin are Superfood supplement for eye health sources of beta carotene as well.

So, make sure to add at least one of spuplement delicious orange Suprrfood to Anti-snake venom research weekly heealth to help naturally promote better vision.

These small berries pack Superfod big punch when it comes to overall Prediabetes family history and wellness. Blueberries contain the two eye-healthy hfalth, lutein and zeaxanthinas Supetfood as zinc and Antiviral defense against infections C, E Sulerfood Superfood supplement for eye health all of which help maintain Syperfood eye health, especially as you age.

Superfood supplement for eye health blueberries to your daily diet can Superfood supplement for eye health significantly reduce the risk of cataracts, glaucoma, inflammatory eye disease conditions, and damage caused by diabetic retinopathy. Many patients who Superfood supplement for eye health looking for natural foods to eat for better vision turn to blueberries, because they are perfect for on-the-go snacking.

Just one handful of blueberries contains 14 milligrams of vitamin C, which is a very generous amount considering their modest size! The saying is absolutely true, good things do come in small packages. The healthy amounts of vitamin E found in nuts and seeds protects the cells in our eyes from free radicalsand slows the progression of cataracts.

You can also get a healthy dose of vitamin E from foods like wheat germ, hazelnuts, peanut butter, sunflower seed, flaxseed, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts and chia seeds.

If you are looking to naturally boost good eye health, stash a bag of nuts or seeds in your car and snack on them throughout the day. Egg yolks contain high amounts of zinc, vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin- all of which are very important in maintaining healthy, long-term vision.

The zinc and vitamin A found in egg yolks helps to safeguard the surface of your eye, while the lutein and zeaxanthin help lower the chances of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Next time you make eggs for breakfast, be sure to include the yolk so you can fully absorb all the vision-boosting properties.

Dark green vegetables like lettuce, collard greens, arugula, kale and spinach are all incredibly important natural foods to eat to help promote better vision. In addition, broccoli, peas, asparagus and avocados are also packed with powerful antioxidants to help keep your eyes healthy and happy.

High in vitamins A, E and K as well as copper, iron, calcium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus, leafy greens are extremely useful in lowering the risk of eye diseases, including cataracts. In order to retain the vitamins in dark leafy greens, try cooking them in as little water as possible, for a smaller amount of time, to cut down on nutrient loss.

In order to take proper care of your vision, you need to eat a healthy amount of good fats. The two kinds of fat, classified as Omega-3 fatty acids, are especially helpful for maintaining proper eye function.

The types of fish that contain the highest levels of omega-3s are tuna, salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, shrimp and crab.

Some studies have even found that taking fish oil can reverse dry eye, including dry eye caused by spending too much time on a computer. As suggested by the AAOthe daily recommendations of nutrients you should be getting to maintain healthy eyes are as follows:.

There are many ways that you can naturally boost the health of your eyes, to avoid experiencing vision complications. Combining a diet rich in natural foods with annual eye exams can help prevent a myriad of vision complications. In addition to eating well to naturally improve your visionyou can also protect the health of your eyes by getting rid of your contacts- which have been proven to cause harm to your cornea, as well as cause overall discomfort.

If you are interested in getting rid of your contacts once and for all, schedule your free consultation with us today to see if you are a candidate for LASIK surgery.

Enter your zip code, city, or a doctor name below to find a vision center. Gabriel Perry, D. Howard Straub, D. Craig F. Beyer, D. Frank Rosenbaum, M. Gary Bircham, O. Leon Aleksandrovich, M. Lewis Groden, M. Christopher McCurry, M. Ronald Grand, O. Ivan Ireland, M. Catherine Hagan, M.

Kenneth Karp, M. Anjali Patel, O. Eugene Smith, M. Herbert Wild, O. Richard Maw, M. Bryant Giles, D. Jonathan S. McGlothan, M. Mark Walker, M. Jeffrey T. Liegner, M. Eugene Iwanyk, M.

Kyle Burgers, O. Gerald Horn, M. Sean Edelstein, M. Ronald Allen, M. Eric Drey, O. Sukhdeep Ubhi, O. Adam Henry Hall Altman, M. Paul A. Frascella, D. Dean Ellis, M. Joel Formanek, Center Director. Christi Blood-White, O. Candice Keltner, Technician. Tim Morgan, O. Neil Wills, M.

Debra Weltman, O. Okezie C. Igboeli, M. Joseph Pasternak. Ryan Roberts, M. Carl Kukielka, O. Michael Summerfield, M. Omar Awad, M. Kelly Minnich, O. Carrie Gaines, O. Jessica Becker, Lead Surgical Technician KC. Erik Zingler, O.

Christopher A. Williams, M. Vincent Marino, D. Keith Holden, O. Marius Vidikan, O. David Williams, O. Seema Lengade, O. Jon Ellis, M.

: Superfood supplement for eye health

Top superfoods for healthy eyes - OCL Vision

Lutein can help protect eye health by filtering harmful excess blue and ultraviolet light, acting as an internal pair of sunglasses. Lutein also shields the macula from getting too much light. If your family has a history of AMD or if you have any early indicators you may be developing the condition, we recommend adding Cooper Complete Eye Health to your supplement regimen.

In addition, lutein also protects the lens of the eye from light damage, therefore slowing the development of cataracts. Supplementation of lutein may help reduce the risk of severe cataracts, indicating it could improve visual acuity for patients with existing cataracts. Taking as little as 10 mg of lutein and zeaxanthin daily can yield great benefit, along with including lots of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet to naturally increase these amounts.

Consuming five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables is recommended for optimal health. Dark, leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and collard greens are particularly high in these carotenoids, so are conducive to good eye health.

Cooper Complete Eye Health is the ideal product for people with vision and eye health concerns as the product contains these and other ingredients known to support ocular health.

Our scientific advisory team developed Eye Health under the assumption adults would take the product with a Cooper Complete multivitamin. Shop Eye Health Supplement. Print Article Nutrition certainly plays a factor in maintaining proper eye health. You might also be interested in: Supplements for General Health.

Vitamin D and COVID Is There a Relationship? Learn About Steps To Protect Brain Health. Reasons To Take A Multivitamin. Health Benefits of Vitamin D.

Health Benefits of Vitamin C Supplements. In addition, some studies suggest that diets high in vitamin E may help prevent age-related cataracts.

However, more research is needed as some studies show no association between vitamin E and this condition Nonetheless, a diet that includes adequate vitamin E is recommended to maintain proper eye health. Some vitamin E-rich options include nuts, seeds, and cooking oils.

Salmon , avocado , and leafy green vegetables are also good sources 9 , 12 , Like vitamin E, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that may protect your eyes against damaging free radicals Vitamin C and several other nutrients are used in the supplement AREDS, which may benefit those with AMD.

In addition, vitamin C is required to make collagen, a protein that provides structure to your eye, particularly in the cornea and sclera Several observational studies suggest that vitamin C may help lower your risk of developing cataracts, a condition that causes your eye to become cloudy and impairs vision Citrus and tropical fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, and kale contain particularly high amounts of vitamin C , making them great options to boost your daily intake 14 , Researchers have also studied several B vitamins for their impact on eye health, particularly vitamins B6 , B9, and B This combination of vitamins can lower levels of homocysteine , a protein in your body that may be associated with inflammation and an increased risk of developing AMD However, more research is needed to confirm the benefits of these supplements.

Another B vitamin studied in relation to eye health is riboflavin vitamin B2. As an antioxidant, riboflavin has the potential to reduce oxidative stress in your body, including your eyes Interestingly, many individuals with cataracts also are deficient in this antioxidant 23 , Health authorities recommend consuming 1.

Some examples include oats , milk , yogurt , beef , and fortified cereals The main function of niacin vitamin B3 in your body is to help convert food into energy. It can also act as an antioxidant Recently, studies have suggested that niacin may play a role in the prevention of glaucoma, a condition in which the optic nerve of your eye becomes damaged For example, an observational study on the nutrient consumption of Korean adults and their risk for glaucoma found an association between low dietary intake of niacin and this condition In addition, an animal study showed that high doses of niacin supplements were effective in preventing glaucoma Supplements should be used with caution.

When consumed in high amounts of 1. However, there is no evidence that consuming foods naturally high in niacin has any adverse effects. Some food sources include beef, poultry , fish , mushrooms , peanuts , and legumes. Lutein and zeaxanthin are part of the carotenoid family, a group of beneficial compounds synthesized by plants.

Both of these carotenoids can be found in the macula and retina of your eyes, where they help filter potentially harmful blue light , protecting your eyes from damage Several studies suggest that these plant compounds may prevent cataracts and prevent or slow the progression of AMD 33 , A randomized, controlled study found potential benefits of lutein for people with cataracts.

Over two years, those taking supplements containing 15 mg of lutein three times per week experienced improvements in vision Recommended daily intakes and safe supplemental doses have not been established for these compounds. However, up to 20 mg of lutein per day for 2 years has been used in studies without adverse effects Nonetheless, supplements may not be necessary.

As little as 6 mg of lutein and zeaxanthin may yield benefits, and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables naturally provides this amount.

Cooked spinach, kale , and collard greens are particularly high in these carotenoids Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat.

The cell membranes of your retina contain a high concentration of docosahexaenoic acid DHA , a particular type of omega-3 Besides helping form the cells of your eye, omega-3 fats have anti-inflammatory properties, which may play a role in the prevention of diabetic retinopathy.

A review of 31 studies suggested that diets high in oily fish — such as the traditional Mediterranean diet — may protect against diabetic retinopathy. Although these findings need to be corroborated with more research, they imply that fatty acids may be responsible Omega-3 fats may also benefit individuals with dry eye disease by helping them produce more tears.

With this condition, a lack of tears causes dryness , discomfort , and occasional blurry vision 37 , 39 , To increase omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, include rich sources such as fish, flaxseed , chia seeds , soy , and nuts.

Omega-3s can also be found in cooking oils such as canola and olive oil Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and may help prevent diabetic retinopathy when included in your diet. These fats may also aid those with dry eye disease.

Thiamine , or vitamin B1, plays a role in proper cell function and converting food into energy This study also indicates that protein, vitamin A, niacin, and riboflavin may protect against cataracts A clinical study found that mg of thiamine taken three times daily reduced the amount of albumin in urine — an indication of diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes Food sources of thiamine include whole grains , meat, and fish.

In addition, thiamine is often added to foods like breakfast cereals, bread, and pasta Research suggests that certain vitamins and nutrients may help prevent or slow the progression of several different eye conditions. However, eating a nutrient-dense diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein, and healthy fats will provide you with all the nutrients your eyes — and the rest of your body — need for optimal health.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. VIEW ALL HISTORY. MindBodyGreen provides third-party-tested supplements made with high quality ingredients.

Our testers and dietitians discuss whether MindBodyGreen…. Vitamins are for athletes to stay healthy. You may get all you need from the food you eat. Some athletes may benefits from vitamin supplements.

Eat Your Way to Better Vision – Top Five Superfoods for Eyes However, while a recent study found that vitamin C supplementation was effective in patients who were already vitamin C deficient, more studies need to be conducted to truly understand the relationship between vitamin C and a lower risk of cataracts. New Shows to Watch in The Role of Nutrition and Nutritional Supplements in Ocular Surface Diseases. HOT DEALS SAVE MONEY WITH THESE LIMITED-TIME OFFERS. Key Specs: Form: Ascorbic Acid Type: Tablet Dose: One tablet Servings Per Container: Third-Party Certified: Yes. Dreet Production. This is referred to as night blindness, or nyctalopia.
Supplements for General Health Discover AARP Members Only Access. Get Moving With Our Workout Series. Specifically, vitamin A helps you see a full spectrum of light, as the vitamin produces pigments in the retina. Age Discrimination. Dark green vegetables. This fruit can be added to almost any type of fruit salad or added to a tossed salad for some extra sweetness. Leaving AARP.
Top 10 Superfoods for Your Eyes The biggest advantage Superfood supplement for eye health the eyes is its Superfood supplement for eye health to prevent supplement Macular Yee MDwhich Grape electrolyte drink the eyr cause of irreversible vision loss in seniors. Share Article:. They also help eyes drain the way they are supposed to, which helps prevent glaucoma. AARP Membership. AARP Hearing Center. Nonetheless, supplements may not be necessary. The beauty of getting them in your omelets is that the high fat content in eggs means that you can easily absorb all that antioxidant goodness.
Superfood supplement for eye health


Best Vitamins For Eye Health - Eye Doctor Explains

Superfood supplement for eye health -

Pearland Office Broadway St. J Pearland, TX Spring Office FM Ste. I Spring, TX Tomball Office FM Tomball, TX Katy Office Westgreen Blvd. Katy, TX Humble - Deerbrook Office FM W, Ste.

Sugar Land Office E. Riverpark Dr. Sugar Land, TX Humble - S. Memorial Office S. Memorial Blvd. Humble, TX Livingston Office US Loop North, Ste. Cleveland Office West Southline Cleveland, TX Bay City Office Avenue F Bay City, TX Baytown Office East Freeway Baytown, TX South Austin Office Via Fortuna, Ste.

North Austin Office W. Braker Lane Ste. Sun City Office Sun City Blvd. Schedule Online. Eat Your Way to Better Vision — Top Five Superfoods for Eyes. Posted by: Mann Eye in Advice Poor eyesight is a common problem. Spinach — Guess what, Popeye?

Spinach is good for more than just your muscles. But to improve your eyesight, you will have to eat more than a few bites of this superfood.

You must make spinach a regular part of your diet, along with other green vegetables, such as kale, Swiss chard, turnips, mustard leaves and collard greens. Spinach is dense with nutrients including vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin that are good for the eyes. Vitamin A helps protect the cornea, lutein protects the eyes from ultraviolet light and zeaxanthin contributes to visual development.

Salmon — Making salmon a regular part of your diet can help protect the retina from damage and may even prevent blindness. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help prevent dry eyes and also help ward off age-related macular degeneration.

Experts recommend having two servings of salmon per week. From there, a registered dietitian on our Medical Expert Board reviews each article for scientific accuracy. Always speak with a healthcare professional before adding a supplement to your routine to ensure that the supplement is appropriate for your individual needs and which dosage to take.

It also has zinc, selenium, and copper. Vitamins C, E, lutein, zinc, and copper are components of AREDS and AREDS2 supplements, which have been shown to reduce the advancement of AMD.

Brian M. DeBroff, MD, FACS, chief of ophthalmology at Bridgeport Hospital, explains vitamin A is an important component of rhodopsin, a protein that helps the retina function in low light conditions. A deficiency in vitamin A can lead to night blindness or dry eye syndrome. Selenium is thought to play a role in dry eye disease DED partly because in DED, there are fewer selenium-transport proteins in tears which could contribute to oxidative stress.

So, selenium supplementation has the potential to improve symptoms of DED. Plus, there are variations of this product geared towards different age groups and eye conditions. Key Specs: Form: Vitamins A, C, and E, zinc, selenium, copper, lutein Type: Tablet Dose: One tablet Servings Per Container: Third-Party Certified: No.

Besides lutein and zeaxanthin, they include the antioxidants vitamins C and E, plus more ingredients with antioxidant properties—green tea extract, rutin powder, and bilberry extract.

DeBroff says that free radicals resulting from oxidative damage are key factors in cataract development and macular degeneration, so antioxidants may help prevent these eye conditions, especially vitamins C and E. DeBroff says helps maintain the health of the retina, cell membranes, and protein structures of the eye.

Finally, this supplement also has N-acetyl cysteine, which has evidence-backed benefits to eye health with topical use, but more research is necessary to support the benefits of taking it orally.

Additionally, it is important to note that some of the herbal ingredients in this supplement may interact with certain medications and may not be suitable for all. Key Specs: Form: Vitamins A, C, and E, riboflavin, zinc, selenium Type: Capsule Dose: Three capsules Servings Per Container: 40 Third-Party Certified: Yes.

Vitamin A helps in the prevention of night blindness and dry eye disease , according to both Dunham and Dr. Additionally, Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, says that vitamin A is important for clear, healthy corneas. Eye health issues typically occur with vitamin A deficiencies, but vitamin A deficiencies are pretty rare in the U.

However, those with gastrointestinal absorption issues or cystic fibrosis are at an increased risk for vitamin A deficiency and may benefit from supplementary vitamin A to protect their overall health, including eye health. If you prefer to get in vitamin A through your diet, beef liver, eggs, milk, and fatty fish are good animal sources, per Dunham, while orange vegetables, such as carrots, winter squash, and sweet potatoes, are good sources of beta-carotene which our bodies convert into vitamin A.

Key Specs: Form: Retinyl Palmitate Type: Softgel Dose: One softgel Servings Per Container: Third-Party Certified: Yes. The eyes contain some of the highest concentrations of vitamin C in the body. In fact, vitamin C is a key nutrient in the AREDS formula to help slow the progression of AMD.

These benefits are largely because vitamin C is an antioxidant, so it helps neutralize harmful free radicals that cause oxidative stress to the eyes. We also like that it contains milligrams of vitamin C , the same dose used in the researched-backed AREDS formula.

Plus, it contains far less than the tolerable upper limit UL of 2, milligrams of vitamin C, making it a safe choice. Key Specs: Form: Ascorbic Acid Type: Tablet Dose: One tablet Servings Per Container: Third-Party Certified: Yes.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant, so it protects against damage from free radicals linked with various eye diseases , including cataracts and macular degeneration , per Dr.

That said, vitamin E is another vitamin included in AREDS and AREDS2 supplements to prevent the progression of AMD. The dose in these supplements is the same dose as our top pick for vitamin E— IUs.

Vitamin E is found in nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, and leafy, green vegetables. Vitamin E deficiency is rare among Americans, and symptoms of deficiency are uncommon. However, since vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, people with fat-malabsorption disorders are at higher risk of deficiency.

This supplement is affordable and third-party tested. This supplement is gluten-free; however, it contains gelatin so those following a strict vegan diet may not want to take this supplement.

Key Specs: Form: dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate Type: Softgel Dose: One softgel Servings Per Container: Third-Party Certified: Yes. Omega-3s are a type of polyunsaturated fat widely touted for their anti-inflammatory benefits. There is mixed evidence that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation may reduce symptoms of dry eye disease and computer vision syndrome— eye strain from computer use.

Dunham explains that DHA—an omega-3 fatty acid—is abundant in the retina of your eyes, and Shapiro says that consuming more omega-3s may help prevent inflammation and lubricate the eyes.

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in foods like flaxseed oil, canola oil, chia seeds, walnuts, and fatty fish. There are recommendations for the omega-3 fatty acid ALA, which most Americans get enough of, but no recommendations for adequate intakes of EPA or DHA.

Shapiro recommends this brand because of their well-sourced omega-3 supplements. Their fish oil is from sustainably sourced, wild-caught sardines and anchovies, which are low-mercury fish. One teaspoon contains milligrams of omega-3s from EPA and DHA, but you can easily take more or less as needed.

You can also rest assured that this supplement is third-party tested for purity and potency, including heavy metal testing.

It comes in lemon flavor, which helps offset the fish oil taste. Key Specs: Form: EPA, DHA Type: Liquid Dose: One teaspoon Servings Per Container: 96 Third-Party Certified: Yes.

Shapiro likes it specifically because its antioxidant profile is tailored to promote eye health. It contains vitamins C and E, plus lutein and zeaxanthin. Antioxidants can be obtained through a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

This supplement also has citrus bioflavonoids, quercetin , rutin , bilberry fruit extract, and l-glutathione —additional antioxidants that can help prevent oxidative stress.

Besides antioxidants, it also has vitamin A, a nutrient known to prevent night blindness, and vitamin D. A systematic review found links between vitamin D and myopia, AMD, diabetic retinopathy, and dry eye syndrome.

Vitamin D deficiency is relatively common compared to other nutrients; a systematic review found that globally, Supplementation can help correct low vitamin D levels. Key Specs: Form: Vitamins A, C, D, and E, riboflavin, zinc, selenium, chromium, citrus bioflavonoids complex, taurine, quercetin dihydrate, rutin, lutein, bilberry fruit extract, l-glutathione, zeaxanthin isomers Type: Capsule Dose: Two capsules Servings Per Container: 30 Third-Party Certified: No.

As far as supplements for eye health go, AREDS2 supplements have some of the strongest research behind them for preventing the progression of AMD. Both Dr. Rapaport and Dr. DeBroff recommend these supplements because of their strong research backing. AREDS supplements include milligrams of vitamin C, IUs of vitamin E, 15 milligrams of beta-carotene, 2 milligrams of copper, and 80 milligrams of zinc.

The AREDS2 trial found that adding 10 milligrams of lutein and 2 milligrams of zeaxanthin and removing the beta-carotene reduced the risk of advanced AMD even more than the AREDS formulation. Note that the softgels are made with gelatin , so those following a strict vegan diet may want to avoid this supplement.

Key Specs: Form: Vitamins C, E, zinc, copper, lutein, zeaxanthin Type: Softgel Dose: One softgel Servings Per Container: Third-Party Certified: Yes. If you have an eye disease, then it may be helpful to add supplements to your diet to promote eye health, particularly if you struggle to eat a well-rounded diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

Other groups that may also benefit from adding a supplement for eye health include:. Although eye health supplements are mostly considered safe, they may be unnecessary for certain populations. These include:.

Our team works hard to be transparent about why we recommend certain supplements; you can read more about our dietary supplement methodology here. We support supplements that are evidence-based and rooted in science. We value certain product attributes that we find to be associated with the highest quality products.

We prioritize products that are third-party tested and certified by one of three independent, third-party certifiers: USP, NSF, or ConsumerLab. It's important to note that the FDA does not review dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness before they go to market.

Our team of experts has created a detailed, science-backed methodology to choose the supplements we recommend. We interviewed the following experts to determine the best supplements for eye health:.

Supplements that are third-party tested are sent to a lab where they are tested to ensure they contain what they say they contain and are not contaminated with specific high-risk, common contaminants.

You can find supplements for eye health in a variety of forms, including pills, liquids, and gummies. Pills are usually the easiest to find and convenient, liquid makes it easy to adjust the dose, and gummies are easy to take if you struggle with swallowing pills. However, you can typically find single-nutrient supplements with key vitamins and nutrients for eye health—omega-3s, lutein, zeaxanthin, and vitamins A, C, and E.

It is essential to carefully read the ingredient list and nutrition facts panel of a supplement to know which ingredients and how much of each ingredient is included relative to the recommended daily value of that ingredient. Please bring the supplement label to a healthcare provider to review the different ingredients contained in the supplement and any potential interactions between these ingredients and other supplements and medications you are taking.

There are some specific ingredients to be mindful of when it comes to supplements for eye health. If you are following a vegan diet, then check the label on pills and gummy supplements because they often contain gelatin.

Some eye health supplements have added herbal ingredients that may interact with certain medications or cause allergic reactions in some people. These herbal additives may not be backed by research. Certain medications can interact with nutrients important for eye health, so if you are taking a prescription medication, supplementation should not be started until consulting with your healthcare provider.

Namely, Vitamin E affects blood clotting, so taking a vitamin E supplement can be dangerous if you are also taking an anticoagulant drug like Warfarin. Taking a vitamin A supplement while also taking a prescription drug with synthetic retinoids like acitretin or bexarotene can cause vitamin A toxicity.

The recommended dietary allowances RDAs or daily adequate intakes AIs for key nutrients for eye health for adults are below. Each nutrient for eye health has a different tolerable upper intake level UL. Unless a healthcare professional recommends you take a higher dose than the UL to treat a nutrient deficiency, you are at increased risk for adverse effects or toxicity if you exceed this amount.

Here are the ULs for key nutrients for eye health:. Using supplements to bridge dietary gaps in nutrition may help promote your eye health. In fact, ensuring you meet your baseline nutrient needs is not only important for eye health but overall health as well. Taking an AREDS2 supplement, in particular for macular degeneration, can help preserve your vision, says Dr.

One great way to improve your eye health is by eating a varied diet rich in fruits and veggies. This will help ensure you get in key nutrients for eye health through food like antioxidants and vitamins A, C, and E.

Furthermore, Dr. Key vitamins for eye health are vitamins A, C, and E. Eye health supplements often also contain the minerals zinc, selenium, and chromium. Besides these, omega-3 fatty acids and the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are also important for good eye health.

Isabel Vasquez RD, LDN is a registered dietitian, freelance health and nutrition writer, and the founder of Nourishing Narratives LLC. In her work as a dietitian, she prioritizes recommending high-quality supplements backed by research and not taking a one-size-fits-all approach to health. National Eye Institute.

Pellegrini M, Senni C, Bernabei F, et al. The Role of Nutrition and Nutritional Supplements in Ocular Surface Diseases. Published Mar Eghtedari Y, Oh LJ, Girolamo ND, Watson SL. The role of topical N-acetylcysteine in ocular therapeutics.

Surv Ophthalmol. Green tea. National Institutes of Health. Vitamin A and Carotenoids. Vitamin C fact sheet for health professionals. Tanito M. Reported evidence of vitamin E protection against cataract and glaucoma.

Free Radic Biol Med. Vitamin E fact sheet for health professionals. Downie LE, Ng SM, Lindsley KB, Akpek EK. Omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids for dry eye disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.

Antioxidant Supplements: What You Need To Know. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Chan HN, Zhang XJ, Ling XT, et al.

Vitamin D and Ocular Diseases: A Systematic Review. Int J Mol Sci. Cui A, Zhang T, Xiao P, Fan Z, Wang H, Zhuang Y. Global and regional prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in population-based studies from to A pooled analysis of 7. Front Nutr. National Eye Institutes.

Many Superfoos and Superfood supplement for eye health help support your eye function. Deficiencies can Renewable energy solutions your vision. Your eyes are complex organs sjpplement need many different vitamins and nutrients to function properly. Common conditions, such as diabetic retinopathyage-related macular degeneration AMDglaucomaand cataractscan impact your eyes. Though a variety of different factors cause these conditions, nutrition seems to have an influence on all of them — at least in part.

Author: Mujind

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