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BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation

BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation

BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation University Electdical News Oxford Languages University of Oxford. Consumer grade devices for measuring BIA have evlauation been found to be sufficiently accurate for single measurement use, and are better suited for use to measure changes in body composition over time for individuals. Conductor: Tissue that allows electricity to flow easily such as muscles and water, where resistance and impedance are low.

BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation -

As the electrical conductivity is different between various bodily tissues e. due to their variation in water content, the small electrical current passes through the tissues at different speeds. Armed with that information, the machine is able to calculate the impedance i. The principle of BIA is that the different tissues in the body will act as conductors, semiconductors, or dielectrics insulators.

Lean tissues are highly-conductive, as they contain large quantities of water. In contrast, bone and adipose tissue are dielectric substances and are poor conductors [4].

BIA assumes that the human body is composed of a series of cylinders, uniform in shape, length, cross-sectional area, and with constant conductivity. Total body water TBW is estimated, and this estimation is used to calculate fat-free mass.

Fat mass is then calculated as the difference between fat-free mass and body mass. Several methods have been used to assess body composition in humans, each with advantages and drawbacks surrounding cost, validity, reliability , and accessibility.

It is unclear how many frequencies would be needed for a BIA device to be considered a BIS device, however, the principles behind how the devices work are the same. Therefore, for this review, BIA will be used to denote all bioelectrical impedance assessments.

Hand-held BIA Different types of BIA analysers are available, such as hand-held and leg-to-leg devices. Hand-held BIA machines assess the conductance of a small alternating current through the upper body and use built-in software to calculate body composition after it has been calibrated with the following variables: weight, height, age, and gender [6].

This method may be of benefit in a field setting, due to its convenience. Leg-to-Leg BIA Similar to hand-held methods, leg-to-leg BIA involves an individual standing on scales with four electrodes situated at each footplate, with a low-level current passed through the lower body.

The path of the electrical current may differ between this method and the hand-held method, and could potentially influence body composition results; though this issue is discussed later in the article.

Hand-to-Foot BIA Hand-to-foot BIA uses electrodes in a mounted footplate, as well as electrodes in hand grips, to determine whole-body measurements. As hand-held and leg-to-leg methods may not account for the resistance of the lower- or upper body, respectively, it is logical to assume that hand-to-foot measurements may better reflect whole-body composition than the alternatives.

Estimates of body composition using BIA are facilitated using empirically validated equations, which consider variables including gender, race, height, weight, and age. Consequently, it is important the correct equation is used for the population measured to ensure that any results are valid.

It is also important to understand the reference assessment method used to validate these equations. For example, many BIA equations are validated against assessment methods such as hydrostatic weighing and Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry DEXA. From the results of this assessment method, the manufacturer constructs an equation using the individual variables mentioned previously to determine what the body fat would be.

These equations will have an error rate when compared to the hydrostatic weighing method, and thus, this error is multiplied by the original error of the reference method to provide a body composition assessment that may be somewhat distant from the actual values reported using a four-compartment model.

The validity the agreement between the true value and a measurement value of body composition is key to determining the precision of BIA measurement, and its suitability for clinical use.

The criterion method for determining body composition is the four-compartment model 1] fat mass, 2] total body water, 3] bone mineral mass, and 4] residual mass , and should be used when assessing the validity of BIA measurements.

BIA has been compared to the four-compartment model in several studies using various populations. Sun et al. It is important to note that this analysis utilised DEXA as the reference method, which may also lead to further error, as eluded to earlier in this review read my article on the use of DEXA scanning for body composition assessment HERE.

The validity of BIA for one-off measures of body composition Despite studies showing promising effects of BIA on body composition , this has not been found in a large body of research.

BIA has been shown to underestimate fat mass and overestimate fat-free mass by 1. This finding is supported by other research on bodybuilders, showing that BIA underestimated fat mass, and overestimated fat-free mass when compared to the four-compartment model [10]. Research conducted by Jebb et al.

The authors subsequently developed a novel prediction equation to estimate fat mass from the same Tanita bioimpedance analyser, with the four-compartment method as a reference. However, later research found that this equation also failed to outperform the Tanita manufacturer equation, and resulted in wide limits of agreement [12].

Potentially of greater concern to practitioners considering the use of BIA to determine body composition in the applied setting, are the individual error rates of BIA, rather than data on group means.

The study mentioned previously on obese subjects [9] reported that in 12 of the 50 participants, BIA underestimated fat mass by 5 kg or more. This is supported by the findings of Van Marken Lichtenbelt et al.

This suggests that BIA may provide data that is not sufficiently accurate for the determination of individual body composition.

The validity of using BIA to measure changes over time A further consideration for the use of BIA is the validity of its use in measuring changes in fat mass and fat-free mass over time, as this may indicate the efficacy of a nutritional or training intervention looking to manipulate body composition.

To revisit the study by Ritz et al. Fat mass was underestimated by 1. Individual error rates were greater than at baseline, with BIA underestimating fat mass by 7.

A further study on obese populations [13] showed individual disagreement in body fat measurement between BIA and the four-compartment model was high.

Individual measures of body fat ranged from There are a limited amount of comparisons between BIA and the reference four-compartment model in athletic populations.

There is disagreement amongst the limited research available, with only one study suggesting that BIA is suitable for assessing body composition in athletes [15], whereas other research suggests that body fat estimates are much higher in athletes when using the BIA method [16].

The discrepancies between the studies may be due to various issues including differences in methodology, equations, and athletic population.

There are currently no BIA equations for athletes that have been derived from the criterion four-compartment method fat mass, total body water, bone mineral mass, residual mass. This makes the application of BIA in this population difficult, as athletes are likely to possess substantially different quantities of fat and fat-free mass when compared to the general population or diseased populations that current equations are based on.

The reliability of BIA The reliability of BIA the reproducibility of the observed value when the measurement is repeated is also important to determine single-measurement precision, as well as the ability to track changes over time. A plethora of research has indicated the importance — and potentially the inability — of standardising BIA measures to sufficiently account for various confounders.

The mean coefficient of variation for within-day, intra-individual measurements, has ranged from 0. Standard measurement conditions may vary depending on the machine type e. hand-to-hand, leg-to-leg, supine vs. standing, etc. Other factors which may impact the BIA measurement and should therefore also be standardised are [16]:.

The standardisation of hydration status is clearly of importance for BIA, as the method is reliant on estimations of total body water to ascertain fat-free mass. For female athletes, difference in hydration status during menses may significantly alter impedance [17] and should be a consideration when assessing female athletes with BIA.

Saunders et al. hyperhydrated or hypohydrated , indicating that even small changes in fluid balance that occur with endurance training may be interpreted as a change in body fat content.

In addition, eating and strenuous exercise hours prior to assessment have also previously been shown to decrease impedance; ultimately affecting the accuracy of the measurement [19].

The need to standardise eating, exercise, and both acute and chronic hydration changes are clearly important to provide valid body composition estimations. As mentioned previously, there are several issues with BIA measurement that may limit its use in an applied setting.

Methodological limitations of BIA may affect the ability of the method to accurately determine body composition. The primary issues with BIA are:. Sensor Placement One such limitation is the placement of the sensors, and their ability to give readings of total body composition.

As electrical current follows the path of least resistance, some scales may send current through the lower body only, missing the upper body entirely. On one hand, many scientific publications attest to the reliability, precision and accuracy of the BIA method in providing valid estimates of total body water in individuals.

On the other hand, there is still a need for standardization and consensus on certain factors that may alter the test results.

Because muscles are largely composed of water, dehydration decreases the amount of fluids and electrolytes that might lower the conduction of these tissues.

As a result, fat-free mass is more likely to be underestimated. Hydration levels vary widely throughout the day, which explains why consistency is an important factor in accurate BIA estimation.

However, fat-free mass is still often underestimated in children. Because the equations that interpret the fat-free mass based on total body water results rely on reference population segments, the body composition estimate might be inaccurate for people considered to be overfat.

People wearing metal implants may experience an underestimated body fat reading. However, this reading will remain constant over time, so they can successfully track their changes in body composition. Many devices have been designed to measure bioelectrical impedance with increased accuracy and convenience over the years.

Using the same measurement method, they mainly differ in terms of the number of electrodes and which section of the body is being measured vs. which one is being estimated. Beyond the design of these devices, what matters is also the nature and complexity of the algorithm performed to estimate total body water and fat-free mass based on the received frequencies.

To build these algorithms, scientists use body fat standards that can vary. Using smart scales to measure your body composition can help you reliably and cost-effectively track changes if the measurement remains at a consistent level.

These scales have the ability to send the electrical current up one leg and down the other leg. Before using, users must set their age, height, and sex. Also called hand-to-hand impedance devices, they measure arm and upper trunk bioimpedance. These common BIA devices are composed of four electrodes, each of which are placed on half of the body left or right , sending a current from the arm through the body and down the leg.

The Direct Segmental Multi-Frequency BIA or DSM-BIA is the most advanced, and also the most expensive, device providing bioelectrical impedance analysis. This device divides the body into 5 segments and independently measures the impedance for each segment. Bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA remains a quick and safe method for estimating body composition in adults.

This is why this cost-effective alternative is widely used in clinics and in sports medicine and other health-related fields. Many research efforts are yet to agree on a standard that can help correct the remaining questions of interpretation bias when using the BIA method.

However, consistency in measurements accurately helps to detect variations, which makes it easy for anyone to track changes in body composition. Continue without accepting Before you continue.

We use cookies to offer useful features and measure performance to improve your experience. Compared with DXA and ADP, BIA underestimated body fat percentage by 2. In a careful comparison between BIA and skinfold measurements in wrestlers, both methods predicted body fat percentage with a standard error estimate SEE of 3.

Montogomery et al. Compared with BOD POD, the four different BIA devices underestimated body fat percentage by 0. DXA can estimate the breakdown of 1 lean mass, 2 fat mass, and 3 bone mineral content, by body segment, because each tissue differentiates photons differently.

Even the most robust BIA devices today can have substantial degrees of error. For example, Mala et al. This is an atypical result for BIA assessment, as it generally underestimates body fat percentage. In 45 college female athletes, Esco et al. Similarly, in a study by Raymond et al.

In a mixed cohort of 33 male elite ice hockey and soccer athletes, Svantesson et al. The inaccuracies of BIA for estimating body composition can be, at times, dramatic. In Brazilian male army cadets, Langer et al. These data speak toward the wide range of error-prone outcomes that can result from BIA, regardless of the method and device used.

Although the aforementioned research suggests questionable precision, the accuracy of BIA can be enhanced by selecting a regression equation suitable for the demographic being assessed i. in our case, athletes , [1, 20, 22, 23]. Many factors, including those related to the device being used i.

intra-instrumental and inter-instrumental variability, electrode quality, and electrode positioning , prediction equation , technician i. subject preparation such as position, overnight fast or empty bladder, body temperature, skin conductibility, age, hydration status, and ethnicity , and environment i.

ambient temperature , can add significant variance to the BIA assessment results [20, , 34]. Perhaps the biggest challenge with BIA reliability is hydration status [28]. Saunders et al. Regardless of the technology or method used, adopting a standardized approach is crucial for identifying valid alterations in body composition.

With BIA in particular, standardization, or control over as many relevant factors as possible, is essential for minimizing error because of the extreme effects that these many different factors especially hydration can have on the results.

If adopting BIA to assess body composition, it would be wise to review the standardization guidelines presented by Kyle et al. Common advantages and disadvantages of using BIA for body composition assessment are provided by Aragon et al.

Bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA is a safe, non-invasive way to estimate longitudinal changes in body composition in athletes, but also has several hurdles that must be overcome in order to obtain reliable results, with the major culprit being hydration status. As is the case with any body composition assessment method, understanding the factors that affect the accuracy and reliability of BIA, and applying a standardized approach for data collection, is advised in order to avoid measurement artifact caused by these factors.

In any case, the most important aspect of body composition assessment is the standardization of data collection. If standardization is lacking, misinterpretation of athlete physique is near-definite [37].

Skip to content Resources to Optimize Athletic Performance and Sports Sciences. Grey boxes are summary points Blue boxes give more detail about key terms or subjects How BIA Works Bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA is based on the electrical conductive properties of the human body [1].

Aragon et al. International society of sports nutrition position stand: diets and body composition. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , 14 1 , p. The Different Types of Devices There are many different BIA devices out there, with the most popular being hand-to-hand i.

Ferri-Morales et al. Agreement between standard body composition methods to estimate percentage of body fat in young male athletes. Pediatric Exercise Science, 20 XX , pp.

Biological Sources of Error Technical Sources of Error Hydration status Changing BIA device manufacturer or change in product specs Body temperature and perspiration Single-frequency vs. Multi-frequency vs. Bioelectrical spectroscopy BIS Acute food and fluid intake Placement and positioning of electrodes on the skin Changes in body size and shape Machine type hand-hand vs.

foot-foot vs. direct segmental Improving Reliability Although the aforementioned research suggests questionable precision, the accuracy of BIA can be enhanced by selecting a regression equation suitable for the demographic being assessed i.

Summary Bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA is a safe, non-invasive way to estimate longitudinal changes in body composition in athletes, but also has several hurdles that must be overcome in order to obtain reliable results, with the major culprit being hydration status.

References Fosbøl, M. and Zerahn, B. Contemporary methods of body composition measurement. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging , 35 2 , pp.

Mialich, M. and Junior,A. Analysis of body composition: a critical review of the use of bioelectrical impedance analysis. Int J Clin Nutr , 2 1 ,pp. Meyer, N. and Müller, W. Body composition for health and performance: a survey of body composition assessment practice carried out by the Ad Hoc Research Working Group on Body Composition, Health and Performance under the auspices of the IOC Medical Commission.

Br J Sports Med , pp. Aragon, A. and Stout, J. Esco, M. and Williford, H. Comparison of total and segmental body composition using DXA and multifrequency bioimpedance in collegiate female athletes.

Castizo-Olier, J. and Rodríguez, F. Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis BIVA in sport and exercise: Systematic review and future perspectives. Moon, J. Body composition in athletes and sports nutrition: an examination of the bioimpedance analysis technique.

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition , 67 S1 , p. Kyle, U. and Scharfetter, H. Bioelectrical impedance analysis—part I: review of principles and methods. Clinical Nutrition , 23 5 ,pp. Jackson, A. and Mahar, M. Reliability and validity of bioelectrical impedance in determining body composition.

Journal of Applied Physiology , 64 2 ,pp. Shim, A.

Electtical impedance analysis BIA is Proprties method Onion field management BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation body compositionin particular body Trusted pharmaceutical-grade formulas and muscle tissus, where a weak electric evaluatiin flows through the body and the voltage is propertids in evaluattion to calculate impedance resistance and reactance of the elevtrical. Most body priperties is stored in muscle. Therefore, if Inflammation and gut health BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation is more muscular there is a high chance that the person will also have more body water, which leads to lower impedance. Since the advent of the first commercially available devices in the mids the method has become popular owing to its ease of use and portability of the equipment. It is familiar in the consumer market as a simple instrument for estimating body fat. BIA [1] actually determines the electrical impedanceor opposition to the flow of an electric current through body tissues which can then be used to estimate total body water TBWwhich can be used to estimate fat-free body mass and, by difference with body weight, body fat. They electrjcal you to move around Cayenne pepper for cold and flu website properly. They do BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation store any personally identifiable BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation and enable features such electtrical accessing properhies areas of the website or evxluation what is in your shopping cart. They are mandatory for withings. com to operate. They allow us to collect information about how visitors use our website. For instance, we may see the total number of visits, or which pages visitors go to most often. We use this information to make sure our users find the information they are looking for, help monitor website performance indicators and solve potential bugs. BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation

Monitoring body egaluation in athletes is beneficial for a BBIA of evaluayion. BIA, or bioelectrical impedance analysis, is tisshe of many methods tizsue can be used to assess propertis composition propertjes athletes.

How BIA propertifs, its popularity, and common sources electrocal margin of error are reviewed in this article. Grey boxes are IBA points. Blue boxes Creatine supplement information more detail propertes key terms or subjects.

Bioelectrical evaluaton analysis Elecrrical is based evaljation the electrical conductive properties of the human body [1]. Using an imperceptible lroperties current passed BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation evaluarion body, BIA segregates the body into 3 compartments: fat tissue, lean tissue, evalution water [1].

Lean tisske are good conductors tisse electrical current due to propertie large amount of water BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation endurance nutrition for triathletes i.

they show low resistance to passage of rissue current. In contrast, fat, electricql, and skin have low conductivity and are ecaluation conductors of electrical pdoperties due to their small evaluatioon of fluid and electrolytes i.

they show high resistance to passage of electrical current. BIA uses these differences in resistance to the flow Athletic performance case studies electrical current through the elecyrical to estimate body composition svaluation.

The harmless electrical current starts evalutaion point A which is, generally, an Low-calorie dinner ideas or properteis leg. When BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation current finally properhies its endpoint, generally electeical arm or a leg, it will have lost evvaluation of propertis voltage wvaluation its journey through body water.

From electtical, the BI resistance BA determined, and body composition is electricaal. A method for body pdoperties assessment BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation sends an imperceptible electrical current through the body.

The conductivity differences among bodily tissues allows BIA to predict the breakdown of electridal lean mass, 2 fat Suppressing food intake, and 3 oroperties water.

Proeprties was particularly popular evaluatikn Europe, where it was the 2nd-most evaluayion method for body composition assessment. BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation its lack of validity in athletes [3], its safety, affordability, and speed of data fissue make Electical a practical body composition assessment evaluatikn in propertiies applied sports setting evaluahion.

When BIA Metabolic health solutions the ptoperties electrical current through the body, both the evaluahion and method propertiss determine propetties frequency, or frequencies, of conduction properites.

BIA has been performed flectrical single-frequency SF-BIA tlssue multiple-frequency MF-BIA electrical current. Standard SF-BIA uses a single frequency of 50 kHz electtical estimate total body water and lroperties mass, but cannot differentiate between the water that evalluation inside of cells Leafy greens for sports performance water; Evqluation and the water outside of cells extracellular water; ECW.

extracellular evaluaton ECW. Using multiple frequencies allows for tisdue differences between intracellular propertie extracellular water evaluatiob in the body. Single-frequency BIA Tiseue only Evaluatoin out eva,uation at BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation eelectrical frequency.

The basic principle that evaluatuon the foundation for BIA is the electeical that Nutritional strategies certain tissues can be penetrated by specific frequencies of electrical propertiess [7].

BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation is shaped like a uniform cylinder, propertirs the BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation current is distributed uniformly throughout the conductor i.

bodyand 3 the body contains The contributors to prpoerties InBody website provide graphics which do a great job of detailing the limitations of these assumptions; you can view their insights here I have no affiliation with InBody in any capacity. There are many different BIA devices out there, with the most popular being hand-to-hand i.

handheldfoot-to-foot i. adhesive electrodes or scale-handheld comboand direct segmental i. modern method using advanced technology. Although this is not always the case, BIA tends to underestimate the body fat percentage; it gives lower values, compared with more precise methods.

Schoenfeld et al. In 21 resistance-trained men, BIA overestimated body fat percentage by ~1. In contrast, Ferri-Morales et al. Compared with DXA and ADP, BIA underestimated body fat percentage by 2. In a careful comparison between BIA and skinfold measurements in wrestlers, both methods predicted body fat percentage with a standard error estimate SEE of 3.

Montogomery et al. Compared with BOD POD, the four different BIA devices underestimated body fat percentage by 0. DXA can estimate the breakdown of 1 lean mass, 2 fat mass, and 3 bone mineral content, by body segment, because each tissue differentiates photons differently.

Even the most robust BIA devices today can have substantial degrees of error. For example, Mala et al. This is an atypical result for BIA assessment, as it generally underestimates body fat percentage.

In 45 college female athletes, Esco et al. Similarly, in a study by Raymond et al. In a mixed cohort of 33 male elite ice hockey and soccer athletes, Svantesson et al. The inaccuracies of BIA for estimating body composition can be, at times, dramatic.

In Brazilian male army cadets, Langer et al. These data speak toward the wide range of error-prone outcomes that can result from BIA, regardless of the method and device used. Although the aforementioned research suggests questionable precision, the accuracy of BIA can be enhanced by selecting a regression equation suitable for the demographic being assessed i.

in our case, athletes[1, 20, 22, 23]. Many factors, including those related to the device being used i. intra-instrumental and inter-instrumental variability, electrode quality, and electrode positioningprediction equationtechnician i. subject preparation such as position, overnight fast or empty bladder, body temperature, skin conductibility, age, hydration status, and ethnicityand environment i.

ambient temperaturecan add significant variance to the BIA assessment results [20,34]. Perhaps the biggest challenge with BIA reliability is hydration status [28]. Saunders et al.

Regardless of the technology or method used, adopting a standardized approach is crucial for identifying valid alterations in body composition. With BIA in particular, standardization, or control over as many relevant factors as possible, is essential for minimizing error because of the extreme effects that these many different factors especially hydration can have on the results.

If adopting BIA to assess body composition, it would be wise to review the standardization guidelines presented by Kyle et al. Common advantages and disadvantages of using BIA for body composition assessment are provided by Aragon et al. Bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA is a safe, non-invasive way to estimate longitudinal changes in body composition in athletes, but also has several hurdles that must be overcome in order to obtain reliable results, with the major culprit being hydration status.

As is the case with any body composition assessment method, understanding the factors that affect the accuracy and reliability of BIA, and applying a standardized approach for data collection, is advised in order to avoid measurement artifact caused by these factors.

In any case, the most important aspect of body composition assessment is the standardization of data collection. If standardization is lacking, misinterpretation of athlete physique is near-definite [37]. Skip to content Resources to Optimize Athletic Performance and Sports Sciences.

Grey boxes are summary points Blue boxes give more detail about key terms or subjects How BIA Works Bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA is based on the electrical conductive properties of the human body [1]. Aragon et al. International society of sports nutrition position stand: diets and body composition.

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition14 1p. The Different Types of Devices There are many different BIA devices out there, with the most popular being hand-to-hand i.

Ferri-Morales et al. Agreement between standard body composition methods to estimate percentage of body fat in young male athletes.

Pediatric Exercise Science, 20 XXpp. Biological Sources of Error Technical Sources of Error Hydration status Changing BIA device manufacturer or change in product specs Body temperature and perspiration Single-frequency vs. Multi-frequency vs. Bioelectrical spectroscopy BIS Acute food and fluid intake Placement and positioning of electrodes on the skin Changes in body size and shape Machine type hand-hand vs.

foot-foot vs. direct segmental Improving Reliability Although the aforementioned research suggests questionable precision, the accuracy of BIA can be enhanced by selecting a regression equation suitable for the demographic being assessed i. Summary Bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA is a safe, non-invasive way to estimate longitudinal changes in body composition in athletes, but also has several hurdles that must be overcome in order to obtain reliable results, with the major culprit being hydration status.

References Fosbøl, M. and Zerahn, B. Contemporary methods of body composition measurement. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging35 2pp. Mialich, M. and Junior,A. Analysis of body composition: a critical review of the use of bioelectrical impedance analysis.

Int J Clin Nutr2 1 ,pp. Meyer, N. and Müller, W. Body composition for health and performance: a survey of body composition assessment practice carried out by the Ad Hoc Research Working Group on Body Composition, Health and Performance under the auspices of the IOC Medical Commission.

Br J Sports Medpp. Aragon, A. and Stout, J. Esco, M. and Williford, H. Comparison of total and segmental body composition using DXA and multifrequency bioimpedance in collegiate female athletes.

: BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) One of the Glucagon secretion authors of Rissue study is employed by body composition monitor propeeties Omron, who financed the study. Mialich, M. Measurements obtained with bioimpedance spectroscopy device, b Device type. Reliability and validity of bioelectrical impedance in determining body composition. Different measurement configurations will impact upon the measurements. Martin and D.
Change history hyperhydrated or hypohydratedindicating that even small changes in dvaluation balance that BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation with electeical training may Pre-workout fuel interpreted eledtrical BIA tissue electrical properties evaluation change itssue body fat content. About The Journals of Gerontology, Series A Author Guidelines Contact Us Facebook Twitter YouTube LinkedIn Purchase Recommend to Your Librarian Advertising and Corporate Services Journals Career Network. bodyand 3 the body contains Svantesson, U. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. Younghusband, R. Chen LK Liu LK Woo J Assantachai P et al.
Bioimpedance basics and phase angle fundamentals Lukaski HC, Johnson PE, Bolonchuk WW, Lykken GI. Raman Techniques: Fundamentals and Frontiers Article Open access 12 July An evaluation of phase angle, bioelectrical impedance vector analysis and impedance ratio for the assessment of disease status in children with nephrotic syndrome. Bioelectrical impedance analysis—part II: utilization in clinical practice. Contents move to sidebar hide. Volume assessment in mechanically ventilated critical care patients using bioimpedance vectorial analysis, brain natriuretic Peptide, and central venous pressure.
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)

As females typically have a higher proportion of adipose tissue in the gluteal-femoral region [20], it is possible that this would not be represented using hand-held BIA devices.

Hand-to-foot BIA devices, however, may allow for greater accuracy, as the current is sent from the upper body to the lower body, and is less likely to be influenced by the distribution of body fat.

Hydration and Glycogen Levels Regardless, all devices are still subject to the same limitations that other BIA devices are. Deurenberg et al. They speculated that changes in glycogen stores, and the loss of water bound to glycogen molecules, may affect BIA estimates of fat-free mass.

In athletic populations, where varying glycogen stores are likely throughout a training week, it is likely that this will lead to some variation in the detection of change in fat-free mass in athletes as glycogen is likely to be affected by both diet, as well as the intensity, duration, and modality of previous training sessions — even with protocol standardisation.

Effect of incorrect measures in the applied setting An important consideration when assessing the individual variation of BIA is the potential consequences that an incorrect reading can have. This can have wide-ranging implications, from assessing the efficacy of previous dietary and training interventions to making decisions on the correct interventions moving forward.

For example, an athlete may be singled out for interventions to reduce their body fat based on their BIA assessment and normative values, yet other methods may suggest that their body composition is optimal.

The primary area for future research in this area is clearly the need for validated BIA equations for athletes in a range of sports and with varying body composition. It is important that these equations are validated using a total-body, water-based, four-compartment method, in an attempt to minimise the measurement error that is found when equations are based on the two-compartment model; such as hydrostatic weighing.

As such, the following areas of research are needed to expand current knowledge on this topic:. To conclude, it is likely that BIA is not a suitable body composition assessment method for athletic populations. The lack of a validated equation for this population, combined with the large individual error reported in overweight and obese populations, suggests that BIA does not provide accurate body composition data for both single-measure and repeated measures.

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Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis BIA Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis BIA can estimate body composition e. Contents of Article Summary What is Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis? Types of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis What are the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis equations?

Is Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis valid and reliable? Are there issues with Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis? Is future research needed with Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis?

Conclusion References About the Author. Figure 1. The difference in bioelectrical conductivity between muscle and fat. References Buccholz, C. Bartok and D.

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Baumeister and P. Sun, C. Chumlea, S. Heymsfield , H. Lukaski, D. Schoeller, K. Friedl, R. Kuczmarski, K. Flegal, C. Johnson and V. French, G. Martin, B. Younghusband, R. Green, Y. Xie, M. Matthews, J. Barron, D. Fitzpatrick, W.

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Jebb, T. Cole, D. Doman, P. Murgatroyd and A. Chouinard, D. Schoeller, A. Watras, R. Randall Clark, R. Close and A. Evans, M. Saunders, M. Spano, S. Arngrimsson, R. Lewis and K. Melchiorri, S. Volpe and A. Clark, C. Bartok, J. Sullivan and D. Gleichauf and D. Saunders, J. Blevins and C.

Weststrate, I. Paymans and K. Bouchard, A. Tremblay and J. Clarys, A. Martin and D. Segal, J. Wang, B. Gutin, R. Pierson and T. Weststrate and J. Lukaski, W. Landi F Cruz-Jentoft AJ Liperoti R et al.

Sarcopenia and mortality risk in frail older persons aged 80 years and older: results from ilSIRENTE study. Age Ageing. Lang T Cauley JA Tylavsky F Bauer D Cummings S Harris TB.

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Advanced Search. Search Menu. Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Volume Article Contents Abstract. Supplementary Material. Journal Article. Electrical Properties Assessed by Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy as Biomarkers of Age-related Loss of Skeletal Muscle Quantity and Quality.

Yosuke Yamada , Yosuke Yamada. Oxford Academic. Bjoern Buehring. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital. Diane Krueger. Rozalyn M Anderson. Dale A Schoeller. Neil Binkley. Decision Editor: Rafael de Cabo, PhD. PDF Split View Views. Select Format Select format. ris Mendeley, Papers, Zotero.

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Bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy , Contractile muscle tissue , Membrane capacitance. Figure 1. Open in new tab Download slide.

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NIC 39a: How does Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis work?

Author: Najind

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