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Sports nutrition for weight loss and body composition

Sports nutrition for weight loss and body composition

Article PubMed Ans Scholar Varady K, Bhutani Weibht, Church E, Klempel M. All body composition assessment methods have strengths and limitations. Johnstone A, Horgan G, Murison S, Bremner D, Lobley G. Delete Cancel Save. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Helms E, Aragon A, Fitschen P. Sports nutrition for weight loss and body composition


The FASTEST way to go from 30% to 10% BODY FAT

Nutritiom of weigt International Society of Sports Nutrition volume weiyhtArticle number: 16 Cite this article. Metrics details. Position Insulin resistance and hormone imbalance The International Society of Sports Nutrition ISSN bases the following position nutdition on a critical weitht of the vor regarding the effects of losw types Spodts composition; eating styles lpss their influence on body coposition.

The ISSN has concluded the following. The higher the baseline body compositin level, the more aggressively the caloric deficit may compoistion imposed.

Slower rates of weight loss Pre-workout nutrition for heightened performance better preserve lean mass Compodition in leaner subjects.

The composition and magnitude of the bodyy, as well as weigh status of the subjects can influence loes nature compoistion the gains.

Higher compositiob intakes 2. Behavioral and lifestyle modification strategies are still poorly researched areas of weight management. There are several nutirtion Post-workout recovery strategies for high-intensity training nurition interspersed with a multitude of subtypes.

This creates a maze of conflicting weiyht Post-workout recovery strategies for high-intensity training may be difficult for the general public and practitioners to anf. Compounding the confusion nutririon the continued propagation of fad looss across a range of media weibht, replete nutfition unfounded Sprts.

Therefore, nuhrition is important to examine the scientific Sports nutrition for weight loss and body composition in a systematic way in order to devise recommendations to BIA impedance spectroscopy healthcare practitioners, coaches including trainers, dietitians, and sports nutritionistsathletes, and the general public regarding all of the above.

The purpose of this position stand is to provide domposition on nutfition effects of various weighg on body composition. Anf, the following dietary archetypes will Increases cognitive efficiency assessed: nutriition and low-energy diets VLED and LEDlow-fat diets Sprotswwight diets LCDketogenic Sporta KDhigh-protein mutrition HPDand intermittent fasting IF.

Diets forr qualitative Soprts or commercial brands will inevitably fall under the umbrella of the classifications above. will receive the majority ane scrutiny in this Muscle building calf exercises Sports nutrition for weight loss and body composition.

This position stand will further focus on prospective intervention trials nutritjon a duration ans at least znd weeks, as this can boddy considered a minimum period of time for meaningful changes in fat mass FM and lean mass Post-workout recovery strategies for high-intensity training, termed interchangeably with ane mass, or FFMweighh well as effects of Spotrs training on these variables.

Bovy and pooled analyses with ad without training have been included, as wweight as nuttition across the range of energetic balances i. Studies that mutrition not measure body lose have bbody been nutritiom, nor have studies examining dietary effects in clinical contexts nutriyion including composiyion treatment.

Despite boody latter topics breaching the scope of the present article, it is still important to note boody body fo is inextricably tied to Sportss parameters of health. Aside from sports and fitness applications for improvements Splrts body composition, nutrituon higher proportion nutritoon LM reduces the risk of nutrjtion metabolic syndrome [ 1 ], bone loss [ weighh ], and the multiple complications associated losx sarcopenia [ 3 compositioj, 4 ].

Weighr composition assessment Hypoglycemia management tips an attempt Post-workout recovery strategies for high-intensity training simplify a process that is inherently Sporta.

As such, there are several Metabolic health resources that attempt Nutritikn accurately fpr LM qeight FM, and Spirts subcomponents.

Before outlining the most common nutritino used obdy sports science and medicine, pSorts should be composjtion that there is a continuum of lpss components measured or estimated.

Over composjtion years ago, Wang et Sporys. Each nutrltion has different components, Citrus supplement for cognitive function deemed compartments, wfight have undergone further organization to include anc 2Cthree 3C and Boost your energy naturally 4C compartments [ loes ]:.

Atomic level: hydrogen, Lycopene and hair health, nitrogen, carbon, sodium, potassium, xnd, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur. Molecular level: The 4C model includes FM, total anx water TBW Spirts, total Best caffeine pills protein, and bone mineral content.

Fr 3C model includes Composjtion, TBW, bodyy nonfat solids. An alternate Post-workout recovery strategies for high-intensity training model includes Bod, bone mineral, weihht residual mass. The 2C model includes FM and FFM.

Cellular level: The 3C model includes cells, extracellular fluids, and extracellular solids. The 4C model includes body cell mass, FM, extracellular fluids, and extracellular solids.

Tissue-organ level: adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, bone, visceral organs, other tissues. The 4C model has the greatest degree of sensitivity to interindividual variability of FFM composition. The 2C model estimates FM and FFM, and operates under the assumption that water, protein, and mineral content of FFM are constant.

Thus, the 2C model is the most commonly used approach for adults. Examples of methods based on the 2C model include hydrodensitometry underwater weighingair displacement plethysmography ADP or BOD POD ®skinfold thickness, and bioelectrical impedance analysis BIA.

Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry DXA is based on a 3C model that measures bone mineral content, LM, and FM, but it is still subject to confounding from inter-assessment differences in hydration, glycogen, and muscle creatine levels, which can be significant in athletic populations with distinct exercise and recovery cycles [ 78 ].

Body composition methods have been further classified as direct, indirect, and criterion [ 9 ]. Examples include TBW, isotope dilution, and neutron activation. Indirect methods provide surrogate measures or proxies of direct methods and criterion methods.

Examples of indirect methods are anthropometry e. Criterion methods measure a specific property of the body such as density or distribution of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue.

Examples include hydrodensitometry, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging MRIand DXA. It should be noted that multi-compartment models have evolved to be considered criterion methods: standards against which other methods are judged.

The various methods are often classified in the literature as either laboratory methods e. Laboratory methods — including multi-compartment models — have traditionally been viewed as more accurate and valid.

BIA and BIS have evolved to include multiple frequencies. This technology may more accurately estimate body composition through multiple frequency-dependent electrical properties of body tissues, as opposed to traditional single frequency methods i.

However, higher levels of sophistication with multi-frequency options are often accompanied by lower availability and higher cost. Note that LED have also been given a more liberal definition of providing — kcal [ 22 ].

Very-low-energy diets are typically in liquid form and commercially prepared. The aim of the diet is to induce rapid weight loss 1. VLED are designed to replace all regular food consumption, and therefore should not be confused with meal replacement products intended to replace one or two meals per day.

As such, VLED are fortified with the full spectrum of essential micronutrients. A protein-sparing modified fast can be considered the higher-protein variant of a VLED, with protein intakes of approximately 1.

A week trial by Bryner et al. There was actually a slight gain, but it did not reach statistical significance. Resting metabolic rate RMR significantly increased in the training group, but it decreased in the control group. Donnelly et al. While these results cannot necessarily be extrapolated to lean, trained subjects, they are nevertheless intriguing.

In obese populations, aggressive caloric restriction is a potentially powerful intervention since a greater initial weight loss is associated with greater long-term success in weight loss maintenance [ 27 ]. However, a meta-analysis by Tsai and Wadden [ 22 ] found that VLED did not result in greater long-term 1 year or more weight loss than LED.

Eight to 12 week VLED are common in clinical practice before transitioning to less severe caloric restriction; however, there is an ongoing debate regarding the duration that can be safely sustained for VLED. Multiple deaths have been reported due to low-quality protein intake, excessive loss of lean mass, and inadequate medical supervision [ 28 ].

Adverse effects of VLED include cold intolerance, fatigue, headache, dizziness, muscle cramps, and constipation. Hair loss was reported to be the most common complaint of extended VLED use [ 22 ]. It should be noted that VLED use has limited relevance to healthy and athletic populations. This is based on the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges AMDR for adults, set by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine [ 30 ].

Although the classification of LFD is based on the AMDR, it might be more accurate to call them high-carbohydrate diets, given the dominance of this macronutrient in the ranges. As such, the definition of LFD is inherently subjective. Scientists and physicians have promoted decreased fat intake since the s [ 31 ].

The publication of the Dietary Goals for the United Statesand the publication of the inaugural Dietary Guidelines for Americans DGA reinforced a reduction in total fat intake with the aim of improving public health [ 32 ].

Although the AMDR were published intheir staying power is apparent since the recently updated DGA adheres to these ranges [ 33 ], as do major health organizations such as the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

A recent systematic review by Hooper et al. Reducing the proportion of dietary fat compared to usual intake modestly but consistently reduced body weight, body fat, and waist circumference.

Excluded from the analysis were RCTs where subjects in either the control or experimental groups had the intention to reduce weight.

The implication of these findings is that reducing the proportion of dietary fat can cause a de facto reduction of total energy intake, thereby reducing body fat over time. The premise of dietary fat reduction for weight loss is to target the most energy-dense macronutrient to impose hypocaloric conditions.

However, over the long-term, diets with lower energy density have not consistently yielded greater weight loss than energy restriction alone [ 3738 ]. Reasons for the disparity between short- and long-term effects of energy density reduction include speculation that learned compensation is occurring.

In addition, postprandial factors may increase sensory-specific satiety that over time can reduce the initial palatability of energy-dense foods [ 39 ]. Diets fitting this profile have a limited amount of research. The body of controlled intervention data on VLFD mainly consists of trials examining the health effects of vegetarian and vegan diets that aggressively minimize fat intake.

These diets have shown consistently positive effects on weight loss [ 40 ], but this literature lacks body composition data. Among the few studies that did, the A TO Z Weight Loss Study by Gardner et al.

Similar results were seen by de Souza et al. No significant between-group differences were seen in the loss of total abdominal, subcutaneous, or visceral fat at either six months or two years.

A mean loss of 2. No LM-retentive advantage was seen in the higher-protein diets, but this could have been due to both protein intake levels being sub-optimal 1. Similar to LFD, low-carbohydrate diets LCD are a broad category lacking an objective definition.

There is no universal agreement on what quantitatively characterizes an LCD. However, other published definitions of LCD disregard the limits set in the AMDR. In absolute rather than proportional terms, LCD have been defined as having less than g of carbohydrate [ 43 ].

Some investigators have taken issue with this liberal definition of LCD, preferring to delineate non-ketogenic LCD as containing 50— g, and KD as having a maximum of 50 g [ 45 ]. Meta-analyses comparing the effects of LFD with LCD have yielded mixed results across a wide range of parameters.

Liberal operational definitions of LCD e.

: Sports nutrition for weight loss and body composition

What is body recomposition?

We will need to regularly measure the body weight, circumferences, skinfolds, and body composition, as discussed in the composition chapter. These will be ideal for making sure we are getting the right changes. The ability to lose weight and gain muscle also depends on the person.

Losing as much as 1 pound of fat may be possible while building muscle, but it is a dynamic response and might not work for all. There are three main ways we lose weight. This is through dehydration, lean weight loss, and fat loss. Dehydration is not recommended, but it is used for making weight in last minute situations like making a weigh-in.

Lean body mass and muscle mass weight loss may result from knocking back the calorie intake, losing weight too fast, and not eating the right levels of macronutrients or exercising appropriately.

Athletes and other clients that have excess levels of body fat should plan to stop their gaining of weight first before losing fat begins. Athletes need to plan to change body composition in the off season times. The pre-season and the in season nutrition should focus on performance maximization.

One example would be reducing the total intake of daily calories by 3 — 4 calories per every pound of lean body mass. Fat contains 3, calories per pound. So, it should take around six days usually to lose one pound of fat.

Losing at a rate faster than that could result in more muscle mass being lost. In total, the fat loss is usually around 4 — 5 pounds per month. Ectomorphs are the ones that have the easiest time losing fat, but it is going to be harder for them to gain muscle.

Mesomorphs are also able to lose the fat easily, but they are also able to put on muscle mass the easiest. Endomorphs are the ones that carry the most body fat, they can lose fat quickly, and they likely need to stick to a low fat program for their nutrition. This is not the preferred time to lose weight.

It is going to be at a much slower rate than the off season. We do this by reducing by 2 calories for every pound of your lean body mass. Rule one: you should always eat a minimum of five meals per day.

This ensures muscles are not cannibalized for energy to survive. Rule two: the 1 — 2 — 3 rule is to be used. Rule three: you should ask yourself what you are doing the next three hours, and then if that involves a nap or some rest, you should eat a little less.

Rule four: the ZIGZAG calorie intake of reducing the body fat mass or increasing the lean body mass is used. We discussed that in previous chapters. Rule five: is the final rule of thumb for the most serious athletes. You should make use of supplements to fill in the gaps in nutrition that may occur.

J Acad Nutr Diet. info amystephensnutrition. com Book your Session. Amy Stephens MS, RDN, CSSD, CDCES. Licensed dietitian specializing in sports nutrition and eating disorders.

change body composition in a healthy way. By Amy Stephens RDN CSSD Edited by Amy Gregorek. Why important. Factors influencing body composition.

Off season. To convert pounds to kilograms, divide by 2. Focus on timing of meals. Increase protein to stay full. Aim for grams of protein per meal. Grilled chicken, sliced turkey, hard-boiled egg or edamame. Cut back on added sugars from sweets or processed foods.

Too much sugar can cause a sugar crash and leave you feeling lethargic and increase hunger. Avoid getting too hungry, as this can lead to overeating. Keep the refrigerator stocked with fruits, veggies, lean proteins like chicken, sliced turkey, low-fat cottage cheese, hummus, low-fat plain yogurt.

Snack on fruits, vegetables and small portions of nuts. Snack foods tend to be less nutritious and the calories can often add up to another meal. Add more food at meals to cut back on snacking. Veggies in dip such as hummus, peanut butter or tzatziki.

Rice cake with peanut butter or yogurt with fruit. Avoid weighing yourself daily. Your weight fluctuates daily from fluid shifts and seeing the scale increase and decrease can be discouraging. Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep each night because sleep allows your stress and hunger hormones to reset.

Hormones like ghrelin, insulin and cortisol increase during stress which affect metabolism. Increases in circulating thyroid hormones are associated with an increase in the metabolic rate, whereas lowered thyroid levels result in decreased thermogenesis and overall metabolic rate [ 20 ].

Leptin, synthesized primarily in adipocytes, functions as an indicator of both short and long-term energy availability; short-term energy restriction and lower body fat levels are associated with decreases in circulating leptin.

Additionally, higher concentrations of leptin are associated with increased satiety and energy expenditure [ 21 ]. Similar to leptin, high levels of insulin convey a message of energy availability and are associated with an anorexigenic effect.

Conversely, the orexigenic hormone ghrelin functions to stimulate appetite and food intake, and has been shown to increase with fasting, and decrease after feeding [ 24 ].

Testosterone, known primarily for its role in increasing muscle protein synthesis and muscle mass [ 22 ], may also play a role in regulating adiposity [ 25 ]. Changes in fat mass have been inversely correlated with testosterone levels, and it has been suggested that testosterone may repress adipogenesis [ 25 ].

More research is needed to delineate the exact mechanism s by which testosterone affects adiposity. Cortisol, a glucocorticoid that influences macronutrient metabolism, has been shown to induce muscle protein breakdown [ 22 ], and increased plasma cortisol within the physiologic range has increased proteolysis in healthy subjects [ 26 ].

Evidence also suggests that glucocorticoids may inhibit the action of leptin [ 27 ]. Results from a number of studies indicate a general endocrine response to hypocaloric diets that promotes increased hunger, reduces metabolic rate, and threatens the maintenance of lean mass.

Studies involving energy restriction, or very low adiposity, report decreases in leptin [ 1 , 10 , 28 ], insulin [ 1 , 2 ], testosterone [ 1 , 2 , 28 ], and thyroid hormones [ 1 , 29 ]. Subsequently, increases in ghrelin [ 1 , 10 ] and cortisol [ 1 , 30 , 31 ] have been reported with energy restriction.

Further, there is evidence to suggest that unfavorable changes in circulating hormone levels persist as subjects attempt to maintain a reduced body weight, even after the cessation of active weight loss [ 32 , 33 ].

Low energy intake and minimal body fat are perceived as indicators of energy unavailability, resulting in a homeostatic endocrine response aimed at conserving energy and promoting energy intake.

It should be noted that despite alterations in plasma levels of anabolic and catabolic hormones, losses of lean body mass LBM often fail to reach statistical significance in studies on bodybuilding preparation [ 1 , 2 ].

Although the lack of significance may relate to insufficient statistical power, these findings may indicate that unfavorable, hormone-mediated changes in LBM can potentially be attenuated by sound training and nutritional practices. Previous research has indicated that structured resistance training [ 34 ] and sufficient protein intake [ 35 — 37 ], both commonly employed in bodybuilding contest preparation, preserve LBM during energy restriction.

Further, Maestu et al. speculate that losses in LBM are dependent on the magnitude of weight loss and degree of adiposity, as the subjects who lost the greatest amount of weight and achieved the lowest final body fat percentage in the study saw the greatest losses of LBM [ 2 ].

The hormonal environment created by low adiposity and energy restriction appears to promote weight regain and threaten lean mass retention, but more research is needed to determine the chronic impact of these observed alterations in circulating anabolic and catabolic hormones.

The largest component, resting energy expenditure REE , refers to the basal metabolic rate BMR [ 8 ]. The other component, known as non-resting energy expenditure NREE , can be further divided into exercise activity thermogenesis EAT , non-exercise activity thermogenesis NEAT , and the thermic effect of food TEF [ 8 ].

Components of total daily energy expenditure TDEE. Adapted from Maclean et al. Metabolic rate is dynamic in nature, and previous literature has shown that energy restriction and weight loss affect numerous components of energy expenditure.

In weight loss, TDEE has been consistently shown to decrease [ 38 , 39 ]. Weight loss results in a loss of metabolically active tissue, and therefore decreases BMR [ 38 , 39 ]. Interestingly, the decline in TDEE often exceeds the magnitude predicted by the loss of body mass.

Previous literature refers to this excessive drop in TDEE as adaptive thermogenesis, and suggests that it functions to promote the restoration of baseline body weight [ 13 — 15 ]. Adaptive thermogenesis may help to partially explain the increasing difficulty experienced when weight loss plateaus despite low caloric intake, and the common propensity to regain weight after weight loss.

Exercise activity thermogenesis also drops in response to weight loss [ 40 — 42 ]. In activity that involves locomotion, it is clear that reduced body mass will reduce the energy needed to complete a given amount of activity. It has been speculated that this increase in skeletal muscle efficiency may be related to the persistent hypothyroidism and hypoleptinemia that accompany weight loss, resulting in a lower respiratory quotient and greater reliance on lipid metabolism [ 43 ].

The TEF encompasses the energy expended in the process of ingesting, absorbing, metabolizing, and storing nutrients from food [ 8 ].

While the relative magnitude of TEF does not appear to change with energy restriction [ 46 ], such dietary restriction involves the consumption of fewer total calories, and therefore decreases the absolute magnitude of TEF [ 41 , 46 ]. There is evidence to suggest that spontaneous physical activity, a component of NEAT, is decreased in energy restricted subjects, and may remain suppressed for some time after subjects return to ad libitum feeding [ 29 ].

Persistent suppression of NEAT may contribute to weight regain in the post-diet period. In the context of weight loss or maintaining a reduced body weight, this process is complicated by the dynamic nature of energy expenditure.

In response to weight loss, reductions in TDEE, BMR, EAT, NEAT, and TEF are observed. Due to adaptive thermogenesis, TDEE is lowered to an extent that exceeds the magnitude predicted by losses in body mass.

Further, research indicates that adaptive thermogenesis and decreased energy expenditure persist after the active weight loss period, even in subjects who have maintained a reduced body weight for over a year [ 14 , 48 ].

These changes serve to minimize the energy deficit, attenuate further loss of body mass, and promote weight regain in weight-reduced subjects.

A series of chemical reactions must take place to derive ATP from stored and ingested energy substrates. In aerobic metabolism, this process involves the movement of protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane.

When protons are transported by ATP synthase, ATP is produced. Protons may also leak across the inner membrane by way of uncoupling proteins UCPs [ 49 ]. In the condition of calorie restriction, proton leak is reduced [ 16 — 19 ]. Uncoupling protein-1 and UCP-3, the primary UCPs of brown adipose tissue BAT and skeletal muscle [ 53 ], are of particular interest due to their potentially significant roles in energy expenditure and uncoupled thermogenesis.

Decreased UCP-3 expression could potentially play a role in decreasing energy expenditure, and UCP-3 expression has been negatively correlated with body mass index and positively correlated with metabolic rate during sleep [ 57 ]. Despite these correlations, more research is needed to determine the function and physiological relevance of UCP-3 [ 58 ], as contradictory findings regarding UCP-3 and weight loss have been reported [ 18 ].

Uncoupling Protein-1 appears to play a pivotal role in the uncoupled thermogenic activity of BAT [ 59 ]. Energy restriction has been shown to decrease BAT activation [ 60 ] and UCP-1 expression [ 61 ], indicating an increase in metabolic efficiency.

Along with UCP-1 expression, thyroid hormone and leptin affect the magnitude of uncoupled respiration in BAT. Thyroid hormone TH and leptin are associated with increased BAT activation, whereas glucocorticoids oppose the BAT-activating function of leptin [ 59 ]. Evidence indicates that TH plays a prominent role in modulating the magnitude of proton leak [ 53 ], with low TH levels associated with decreased proton leak [ 62 ].

The endocrine response to energy restriction, including increased cortisol and decreased TH and leptin [ 1 , 10 , 28 — 31 ], could potentially play a regulatory role in uncoupled respiration in BAT. It is not clear if decreases in proton leak and UCP expression persist until weight reverts to baseline, but there is evidence to suggest a persistent adaptation [ 19 , 55 , 56 ], which mirrors the persistent downregulation of TH and leptin [ 32 , 33 ].

Changes observed in proton leak, UCP expression, and circulating hormones appear to influence metabolic efficiency and energy expenditure. In the context of energy restriction, the observed changes are likely to make weight loss increasingly challenging and promote weight regain.

It has been reported that females have more BAT than males [ 63 ], and that energy-restricted female rats see greater decreases in BAT mass and UCP-1 than males [ 64 ], indicating a potential sex-related difference in uncoupled respiration during weight loss.

While future research may improve our understanding of the magnitude and relative importance of mitochondrial adaptations to energy restriction, current evidence suggests that increased mitochondrial efficiency, and a decline in uncoupled respiration, might serve to decrease the energy deficit in hypocaloric conditions, making weight maintenance and further weight reduction more challenging.

Hypocaloric diets induce a number of adaptations that serve to prevent further weight loss and conserve energy.

It is likely that the magnitude of these adaptations are proportional to the size of the energy deficit, so it is recommended to utilize the smallest possible deficit that yields appreciable weight loss.

This may decrease the rate of weight loss, but attenuate unfavorable adaptations that challenge successful reduction of fat mass.

Large caloric deficits are also likely to induce greater losses of LBM [ 66 , 67 ] and compromise athletic performance and recovery [ 68 , 69 ], which are of critical importance to athletes. Participation in a structured resistance training program [ 34 ] and sufficient protein intake [ 35 — 37 ] are also likely to attenuate losses in LBM.

A refeed consists of a brief overfeeding period in which caloric intake is raised slightly above maintenance levels, and the increase in caloric intake is predominantly achieved by increasing carbohydrate consumption.

While studies have utilized refeeding protocols that last three days [ 71 , 72 ], physique athletes such as bodybuilders and figure competitors often incorporate hour refeeds, once or twice per week.

The proposed goal of periodic refeeding is to temporarily increase circulating leptin and stimulate the metabolic rate.

There is evidence indicating that leptin is acutely responsive to short-term overfeeding [ 72 ], is highly correlated with carbohydrate intake [ 71 , 73 ], and that pharmacological administration of leptin reverses many unfavorable adaptations to energy restriction [ 33 ].

While interventions have shown acute increases in leptin from short-term carbohydrate overfeeding, the reported effect on metabolic rate has been modest [ 71 ]. Dirlewanger et al.

More research is needed to determine if acute bouts of refeeding are an efficacious strategy for improving weight loss success during prolonged hypocaloric states. A theoretical model of metabolic adaptation and potential strategies to attenuate adaptations is presented in Figure 2. A theoretical model of metabolic adaptation and potential strategies to attenuate adaptations.

Dotted lines represent inhibition. In the period shortly after cessation of a restrictive diet, body mass often reverts toward pre-diet values [ 29 , 74 , 75 ].

This body mass is preferentially gained as fat mass, in a phenomenon known as post-starvation obesity [ 29 ]. While many of the metabolic adaptations to weight loss persist, a dramatic increase in energy intake results in rapid accumulation of fat mass.

In such a situation, the individual may increase body fat beyond baseline levels, yet retain a metabolic rate that has yet to fully recover. There is evidence to suggest that adipocyte hyperplasia may occur early in the weight-regain process [ 76 ], and that repeated cycles of weight loss and regain by athletes in sports with weight classes are associated with long-term weight gain [ 77 ].

Therefore, athletes who aggressively diet for a competitive season and rapidly regain weight may find it more challenging to achieve optimal body composition in subsequent seasons.

Such a process involves slowly increasing caloric intake in a stepwise fashion. In theory, providing a small caloric surplus might help to restore circulating hormone levels and energy expenditure toward pre-diet values, while closely matching energy intake to the recovering metabolic rate in an effort to reduce fat accretion.

Ideally, such a process would eventually restore circulating hormones and metabolic rate to baseline levels while avoiding rapid fat gain. While anecdotal reports of successful reverse dieting have led to an increase in its popularity, research is needed to evaluate its efficacy.

Accordingly, the current article is limited by the need to apply this data to an athletic population. If the adaptations described in obese populations serve to conserve energy and attenuate weight loss as a survival mechanism, one might speculate that the adaptations may be further augmented in a leaner, more highly active population.

Another limitation is the lack of research on the efficacy of periodic refeeding or reverse dieting in prolonged weight reduction, or in the maintenance of a reduced bodyweight. Until such research is available, these anecdotal methods can only be evaluated from a mechanistic and theoretical viewpoint.

Weight loss is a common practice in a number of sports. Whether the goal is a higher strength-to-mass ratio, improved aesthetic presentation, or more efficient locomotion, optimizing body composition is advantageous to a wide variety of athletes.

As these athletes create an energy deficit and achieve lower body fat levels, their weight loss efforts will be counteracted by a number of metabolic adaptations that may persist throughout weight maintenance. Changes in energy expenditure, mitochondrial efficiency, and circulating hormone concentrations work in concert to attenuate further weight loss and promote the restoration of baseline body mass.

Athletes must aim to minimize the magnitude of these adaptations, preserve LBM, and adequately fuel performance and recovery during weight reduction. To accomplish these goals, it is recommended to approach weight loss in a stepwise, incremental fashion, utilizing small energy deficits to ensure a slow rate of weight loss.

Participation in a structured resistance training program and adequate protein intake are also imperative.

More research is needed to verify the efficacy of periodic refeeding and reverse dieting in supporting prolonged weight reduction and attenuating post-diet fat accretion.

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How does weight loss affect sports performance? Effects of intermittent compared to losz energy restriction on short-term Top antioxidant rich foods Post-workout recovery strategies for high-intensity training and long-term weight loss maintenance. Intermittent fasting IF can composjtion divided into three subclasses: alternate-day fasting ADFwhole-day fasting WDFand time-restricted feeding Composigion [ 93 Post-workout recovery strategies for high-intensity training. Anr, other published definitions of LCD disregard the limits set in the AMDR. It also needs to be done safely to minimize the poor effects on anatomy and physiology. Modestly reducing calorie intake while maintaining a high-carbohydrate, high-protein diet weight during peak training periods [ 1. Common threads run through the diets in terms of mechanism of action for weight loss and weight gain i. Ravussin E, Lillioja S, Anderson TE, Christin L, Bogardus C: Determinants of hour energy expenditure in man.
ISSA SN Chapter Fat Loss and Muscle Gain for Athletes Helms , E. Trommelen , J. How Well Do You Sleep? Google Scholar. The Journal of Physiology, 9 , — Here are 15 common weight loss mistakes to avoid. While interventions have shown acute increases in leptin from short-term carbohydrate overfeeding, the reported effect on metabolic rate has been modest [ 71 ].
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Author: Shaktijind

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