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Injury prevention through nutrition

Injury prevention through nutrition

Haakonssen Injury prevention through nutrition, Ross ML, Knight EJ, Injury prevention through nutrition al. Proper hydration nutritiob crucial for nutritioon prevention and recovery. Eating Liver detoxification herbs foods also rhrough the repair and rebuilding of bodily tissue along with collagen synthesis. A protein-rich snack or shake before bed is a good idea to prevent muscle degradation overnight and muscle soreness the next day. The Basics: Nutrition Adequate Daily Energy: We need calories!

Injury prevention through nutrition -

Smith-Ryan AE, Hirsch KR, Saylor HE, et al. Nutritional considerations and strategies to facilitate injury recovery and rehabilitation.

J Athletic Training. Close G, Sale C, Baar K, et al. Nutrition for the prevention and treatment of injuries in track and field athletes. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. Team USA website. Accessed January 10, Johnston APW, Burke DG, MacNeil LG, Candow DG.

Effect of creatine supplementation during cast-induced immobilization on the preservation of muscle mass, strength, and endurance. J Strength Cond Res. Holick MF, Binkley NC, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, et al. Evaluation, treatment, and prevention of vitamin D deficiency: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Owens DJ, Allison R, Close GL. Vitamin D and the athlete: current perspectives and new challenges.

Sports Med. Mountjoy M, Sundgot-Borgen J, Burke L, et al. The IOC consensus statement: beyond the female athlete triad—relative energy deficiency in sport RED-S.

Br J Sports Med. Sale C, Elliott-Sale KJ. Nutrition and athlete bone health. Home About Events Resources Contact Advertise Job Bank Writers' Guidelines Search Gift Shop. Haakonssen EC, Ross ML, Knight EJ, et al. The effects of a calcium-rich pre-exercise meal on biomarkers of calcium homeostasis in competitive female cyclists: a randomised crossover trial.

PLoS One. Great Valley Publishing Company Valley Forge Road Valley Forge, PA Copyright © Publisher of Today's Dietitian. All rights reserved. Home About Contact.

Advertise Gift Shop Archive. Reprints Writers' Guidelines. Good fats can help to create healthy cell membranes and can help prevent serious inflammation in the muscles. Fats are so important that a recent study conducted by the University of Buffalo found that in the eating habits of 86 runners, fat intake was the single most important dietary predictor of injury.

The two best types of fat for your body are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These fats can be found in foods like olive oil, avocados, almonds, tofu, salmon, walnuts and soymilk. Obviously, the fats to avoid are saturated and trans fats.

Privacy Policy. Patient Portal Self Pay Pricing How Your Eating Habits Can Reduce the Chance of Injury. Eat Enough Calories One of the biggest mistakes athletes make is not eating enough calories during the day.

Get Enough Calcium Our bones are one of the most important and vulnerable parts of our body. We include a review of the extant literature that has looked at nutrition to prevent injuries and increase repair, as well as considering the change in energy requirements during the injury period.

Although such studies provide insights into potential nutritional strategies, it must be stressed that there are substantial differences between delayed onset muscle soreness and a major muscle tear, both in terms of the structural damage, as well as the level of immobilization and unloading that may occur.

From a nutrition perspective, it is important to consider the potential of nutrition to assist in injury prevention and prevent the loss of lean mass during immobilization, and to consider the change in energy requirements during the injury period along with any strategies that may promote muscle repair.

Given the crucial role of dietary protein in muscle protein turnover, it is not surprising that much attention has been given to dietary protein in the prevention of muscle injuries. However, the evidence to support this hypothesis is, at best, equivocal, with some studies reporting a benefit Buckley et al.

In a recent systemic review, the balance of the evidence suggested that protein supplements taken acutely, despite increases in protein synthesis and anabolic intracellular signaling, provide no measurable reductions in exercise-induced muscle damage and enhanced recovery of muscle function Pasiakos et al.

This lack of an effect may be explained by the differing time courses between an acute muscle injury and muscle protein turnover, with adaptations to muscle protein turnover being a relatively slow process Tipton et al.

It can, therefore, be concluded that, given sufficient dietary protein is provided in the general diet of an athlete, additional protein intake will not prevent muscle injury or reduce postexercise muscle soreness. However, to date, this hypothesis has not been fully explored in elite athletes following a true injury and, therefore, case study data may help to provide further insights.

Although additional protein may not prevent a muscle injury, increased dietary protein may be beneficial after an injury both in terms of attenuating muscle atrophy and promoting repair.

Limb immobilization reduces resting muscle protein synthesis as well as induces an anabolic resistance to dietary protein Wall et al. This anabolic resistance can be attenuated although not prevented through increased dietary amino acid ingestion Glover et al.

It is beyond the scope of this manuscript to fully discuss what is appropriate protein intake for athletes and, for this, the reader is directed to several excellent reviews e. Contrary to popular belief, athletes engaged in whole-body resistance training are likely to benefit from more than the often cited 20 g of protein per meal, with recent research suggesting 40 g of protein may be a more optimum feeding strategy Macnaughton et al.

Protein intake should be equally distributed throughout the day, something that many elite athletes fail to achieve Gillen et al. In terms of an absolute amount of protein per day, increasing protein to 2.

Taken together, despite the limitations of the current literature base, injured athletes may benefit from increasing their protein intake to overcome the immobilization-induced anabolic resistance as well as helping to attenuate the associated losses of lean muscle mass documented in injured athletes Milsom et al.

After a muscle injury, it is likely that athletic activities are reduced, if not stopped completely, to allow the muscle to recover, although some training in the noninjured limbs will likely continue.

This reduction in activity results in reduced energy expenditure, which consequently requires a reduction in energy intake to prevent unwanted gains in body fat. Given that many athletes periodize their carbohydrate intake, that is, increase their carbohydrate intake during hard training days while limiting them during light training or rest days, it seems appropriate that during inactivity, carbohydrate intake may need to be reduced Impey et al.

It should be stressed, however, that the magnitude of the reduction in energy intake may not be as drastic as expected given that the healing process has been shown to result in substantial increases in energy expenditure Frankenfield, , whereas the energetic cost of using crutches is much greater than that of walking Waters et al.

Moreover, it is common practice for athletes to perform some form of exercise in the noninjured limb s while injured to maintain strength and fitness. It is, therefore, crucial that athletes do not reduce nutrition, that is, under fuel at the recovery stage through being too focused upon not gaining body fat; thus, careful planning is needed to manage the magnitude of energy restriction during this crucial recovery period.

One thing that is generally accepted is that, when reducing energy intake, macronutrients should not be cut evenly as maintaining a high-protein intake will be essential to attenuate loss of lean muscle mass.

Poor attention has been paid to dietary lipids in the prevention of musculoskeletal injuries. In this context, mainly omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids n-3 PUFA have been studied because of their anti-inflammatory properties.

Many studies have investigated the effects of n-3 PUFA supplementation on the loss of muscle function and inflammation following exercise-induced muscle damage, with the balance of the literature suggesting some degree of benefit e. This level of n-3 PUFA supplementation is far in excess of what would be consumed in a typical diet and much greater than most suggested supplement regimes.

Given that it is not possible to predict when an injury may occur, it could be suggested that athletes should take n-3 PUFA supplements on a regular basis; however, the long-term daily dose requires further investigation.

Again, however, relying on findings from the exercise-induced muscle damage model to rule on a benefit of n-3 PUFA in macroscopic muscle injury prevention or recovery is speculative at this stage.

Many of these nutrition strategies are claimed to work through either acting as an antioxidant or through a reduction in inflammation. In reality, unless there is a dietary deficiency, the vast majority of nutritional interventions have limited research to support such claims.

Some of the most frequently studied and supplemented micronutrients to help with skeletal muscle injury are summarized in Table 1. Finally, consideration must be given to the balance between muscle recovery and muscle adaptation.

There is growing evidence that nutritional strategies that may assist with muscle recovery, such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant strategies, may attenuate skeletal muscle adaptions Owens et al. It would, therefore, be prudent to differentiate between an injury that requires time lost from the sport and typical exercise-induced muscle soreness when it comes to implementing a nutritional recovery strategy.

Where adaptation comes before recovery, for example, in a preseason training phase, the best nutritional advice may simply to follow a regular diet and allow adaptations to occur naturally. Stress fractures are common bone injuries suffered by athletes that have a different etiology than contact fractures, which also have a frequent occurrence, particularly in contact sports.

Stress fractures are overuse injuries of the bone that are caused by the rhythmic and repeated application of mechanical loading in a subthreshold manner McBryde, Given this, athletes involved in high-volume, high-intensity training, where the individual is body weight loaded, are particularly susceptible to developing a stress fracture Fredericson et al.

The pathophysiology of stress fracture injuries is complex and not completely understood Bennell et al. That said, there is little direct information relating to the role of diet and nutrition in either the prevention or recovery from bone injuries, such as stress fractures.

As such, the completion of this article requires some extrapolation from the information relating to the effects of diet and nutrition on bone health in general. Palacios provides a brief summary of some of the key nutrients for bone health, which include an adequate supply of calcium, protein, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, potassium, and fluoride to directly support bone formation.

Other nutrients important to support bone tissue include manganese, copper, boron, iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, and the B vitamins. Silicon might also be added to this list of key nutrients for bone health. Given this, the consumption of dairy, fruits, and vegetables particularly of the green leafy kind are likely to be useful sources of the main nutrients that support bone health.

Of the more specific issues for the athlete, undoubtedly the biggest factor is the avoidance of low energy availability, which is essential to avoid negative consequences for bone Papageorgiou et al. In athletes, this poses the question of whether the effect of low energy availability on bone is a result of dietary restriction or high exercise energy expenditures.

Low EA achieved through inadequate dietary energy intake resulted in decreased bone formation but no change in bone resorption, whereas low EA achieved through exercise did not significantly influence bone metabolism, highlighting the importance of adequate dietary intakes for the athlete.

Evidence of the impact of low energy availability on bone health, particularly in female athletes, comes from the many studies relating to both the Female Athlete Triad Nattiv et al.

A thorough review of these syndromes is beyond the scope of the current article; however, those interested are advised to make use of the existing literature base on this topic.

That said, this is likely to be an unrealistic target for many athlete groups, particularly the endurance athlete e. This target may also be difficult to achieve in youth athletes who have limited time to fuel given the combined demands of school and training. In addition, a calorie deficit is often considered to drive the endurance phenotype in these athletes, meaning that work is needed to identify the threshold of energy availability above which there are little or no negative implications for the bone.

However, a recent case study on an elite female endurance athlete over a 9-year period demonstrated that it is possible to train slightly over optimal race weight and maintain sufficient energy availability for most of the year, and then reduce calorie intake to achieve race weight at specific times in the year Stellingwerff, This may be the ideal strategy to allow athletes to race at their ideal weight, train at times with low energy availability to drive the endurance phenotype, but not be in a dangerously low energy availability all year round.

Moran et al. The development of stress fractures was associated with preexisting dietary deficiencies, not only in vitamin D and calcium, but also in carbohydrate intake. Although a small-scale association study, these data provide some indication of potential dietary risk factors for stress fracture injury.

Miller et al. Similarly, other groups have shown a link between calcium intake and both bone mineral density Myburgh et al. Despite these initially encouraging findings, there remain relatively few prospective studies evaluating the optimal calcium and vitamin D intake in athletes relating to either a stress fracture prevention or b bone healing.

For a more comprehensive review of this area, readers are directed toward a recent review by Fischer et al. One further consideration that might need to be made with regard to the calcium intake of endurance athletes and possibly weight classification athletes practicing dehydration strategies to make weight is the amount of dermal calcium loss over time.

Although the amount of dermal calcium lost with short-term exercise is unlikely to be that important in some endurance athletes performing prolonged exercise bouts or multiple sessions per day e. Athletes are generally advised to consume more protein than the recommended daily allowance of 0.

More recently, however, several reviews Rizzoli et al. Conversely, inadequacies in dietary intake have a negative effect on physical performance, which might, in turn, contribute to an increased risk of injury. This is as likely to be the case for the bone as it is for other tissues of importance to the athlete, like muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Despite this, there is a relative dearth of information relating to the effects of dietary intake on bone health in athletes and, particularly, around the optimal diet to support recovery from bone injury.

In the main, however, it is likely that the nutritional needs for bone health in the athlete are not likely to be substantially different from those of the general population, albeit with an additional need to minimize low energy availability states and consider the potentially elevated calcium, vitamin D, and protein requirements of many athletes.

Tendinopathy is one of the most common musculoskeletal issues in high-jerk sports. Jerk, the rate of change of acceleration, is the physical property that coaches and athletes think of as plyometric load.

Given that the volume of high-jerk movements increases in elite athletes, interventions to prevent or treat tendinopathies would have a significant impact on elite performance.

The goal of any intervention to treat tendinopathy is to increase the content of directionally oriented collagen and the density of cross-links within the protein to increase the tensile strength of the tendon. The most common intervention to treat tendinopathy is loading.

The realization that tendons are dynamic tissues that respond to load began when the Kjaer laboratory demonstrated an increase in tendon collagen synthesis, in the form of increased collagen propeptides in the peritendinous space 72 hr after exercise Langberg et al. They followed this up using stable isotope infusion to show that tendon collagen synthesis doubled within the first 24 hr after exercise Miller et al.

Therefore, loading can increase collagen synthesis, and this may contribute to the beneficial effects of loading on tendinopathy. Recently, combining loading with nutritional interventions has been proposed to further improve collagen synthesis Shaw et al.

Nutrition has been recognized as being essential for collagen synthesis and tendon health for over years. The two sailors given the oranges and lemon recovered within 6 days; however, the relationship between the citrus fruit and scurvy continued to be debated for over years.

In , Jerome Gross showed that guinea pigs on a vitamin C deficient diet did not synthesize collagen at a detectable level Gross, , making the molecular connection between vitamin C and scurvy.

The requirement for vitamin C in the synthesis of collagen comes from its role in the regulation of prolyl hydroxylase activity Mussini et al. As vitamin C is consumed in the hydroxylation reaction, and humans lack the l -gulono-γ-lactone oxidase enzyme required for the last step in the synthesis of vitamin C Drouin et al.

Even though a basal level of vitamin C is required for collagen synthesis, whether exceeding this value results in a concomitant increase in collagen synthesis has yet to be determined.

Therefore, currently, there is no evidence that increasing vitamin C intake will increase collagen synthesis and prevent tendon injuries. Like vitamin C, copper deficiency leads to impaired mechanical function of collagen-containing tissues, such as bone Jonas et al.

However, the beneficial effects of copper are only seen in the transition from deficiency to sufficiency Opsahl et al. There is no further increase in collagen function with increasing doses of copper.

This sequence allows collagen to form the tight triple helix that gives the protein its mechanical strength. Because of the importance of glycine, some researchers have hypothesized that increasing dietary glycine would have a beneficial effect on tendon healing. Vieira et al. The authors repeated the results in a follow-up study Vieira et al.

Another potential source of the amino acids found in collagen is gelatin or hydrolyzed collagen. Gelatin is created by boiling the skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments of cattle, pigs, and fish. Further chemical or enzymatic hydrolysis of gelatin breaks the protein into smaller peptides that are soluble in water and no longer form a gel.

Because both gelatin and hydrolyzed collagen are derived from collagen, they are rich in glycine, proline, hydroxylysine, and hydroxyproline Shaw et al. As would be expected from a dietary intervention that increases collagen synthesis, consumption of 10 g of hydrolyzed collagen in a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study in athletes decreased knee pain from standing and walking Clark et al.

The decrease in knee pain could be the result of an improvement in collagen synthesis of the cartilage within the knee since cartilage thickness, measured using gadolinium labeled magnetic resonance imaging, increases with long-term consumption of 10 g of hydrolyzed collagen McAlindon et al.

The role of gelatin consumption in collagen synthesis was directly tested by Shaw et al. In this randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover-designed study, subjects who consumed 15 g of gelatin showed twice the collagen synthesis, measured through serum propeptide levels, as either a placebo or a 5-g group.

Furthermore, when serum from subjects fed either gelatin or collagen is added to engineered ligaments, the engineered ligaments demonstrate more than twofold greater mechanics and collagen content Avey and Baar unpublished; Figure 1.

Even though bathing the engineered ligaments in serum rich in procollagen amino acids provides a beneficial effect, this is a far cry from what would be seen in people. However, these data suggest that consuming gelatin or hydrolyzed collagen may increase collagen synthesis and potentially decrease injury rate in athletes.

Citation: International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 29, 2; These and other nutraceuticals have recently been reviewed by Fusini et al. Interestingly, many of these nutrients are thought to decrease inflammation, and the role of inflammation in tendinopathy in elite athletes remains controversial Peeling et al.

Therefore, future work is needed to validate these purported nutraceuticals in the prevention or treatment of tendon or ligament injuries. Although injuries are going to happen in athletes, there are several nutrition solutions that can be implemented to reduce the risk and decrease recovery time.

To reduce the risk of injury, it is crucial that athletes do not have chronic low energy availability, as this is a major risk factor for bone injuries. Cycling energy intake throughout the year to allow race weight to be achieved, while achieving adequate energy availability away from competitions, may be the most effective strategy.

It is also crucial for bone, muscle, tendon, and ligament health to ensure that there are no dietary deficiencies, especially low protein intake or inadequate vitamin C, D, copper, n-3 PUFA, or calcium. This highlights the importance of athletes having access to qualified nutrition support to help them achieve their goals without compromising health.

If an injury does occur, one of the key considerations during the injury is to ensure excessive lean muscle mass is not lost and that sufficient energy is consumed to allow repair, without significantly increasing body fat.

It is crucial to understand the change in energy demands and, at the same time, ensure sufficient protein is consumed for repair, especially since the muscle could become anabolic resistant.

In terms of tendon health, there is a growing interest in the role of gelatin to increase collagen synthesis. Studies are now showing that gelatin supplementation can improve cartilage thickness and decrease knee pain, and may reduce the risk of injury or accelerate return to play, providing both a prophylactic and therapeutic treatment for tendon, ligament, and, potentially, bone health.

Where supplementation is deemed necessary e. Last but not least, more human-based research is needed, ideally in elite athlete populations, on the possible benefits of some macro- and micronutrients in the prevention or boosted recovery of injured athletes.

Given that placebo-controlled, randomized control trials are exceptionally difficult to perform in elite athletes no athlete would want to be in a placebo group if there is a potential of benefit of an intervention, combined with the fact that the time course and pathology of the same injuries are often very different , it is important that high-quality case studies are now published in elite athletes to help to develop an evidence base for interventions.

All authors contributed equally to the manuscript, with each author writing specific sections and all authors editing the final manuscript prior to final submission.

They also declare no conflicts of interest related to this manuscript. Baar , K. Stress relaxation and targeted nutrition to treat patellar tendinopathy. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 1 — Barry , D.

Acute calcium ingestion attenuates exercise-induced disruption of calcium homeostasis. PubMed ID: doi Barzel , U. Excess dietary protein can adversely affect bone. Journal of Nutrition, , — Bell , P. Recovery facilitation with Montmorency cherries following high-intensity, metabolically challenging exercise.

Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 40 , — Bennell , K. Risk factors for stress fractures. Sports Medicine, 28 , 91 — Blacker , S. Carbohydrate vs. protein supplementation for recovery of neuromuscular function following prolonged load carriage. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 7 , 2.

Buckley , J. Supplementation with a whey protein hydrolysate enhances recovery of muscle force-generating capacity following eccentric exercise. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 13 , — Clark , K. Albert , A. Close , G. The emerging role of free radicals in delayed onset muscle soreness and contraction-induced muscle injury.

Cobley , J. Influence of vitamin C and vitamin E on redox signaling: Implications for exercise adaptations. Cockburn , E. Effect of milk-based carbohydrate-protein supplement timing on the attenuation of exercise-induced muscle damage.

Engaging in sports and physical activities provides numerous benefits for our overall nutrrition. However, injuries can occur, hindering Injury prevention through nutrition and sidelining Inujry. While proper training Injuyr and warm-up routines play a crucial nurrition in injury Refillable body lotion, nutrition also Injury prevention through nutrition a significant part Injury prevention through nutrition supporting recovery and reducing the risk of sports-related injuries. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of nutrition for injury recovery and highlight the best foods to promote healing and prevent future sports injuries. Protein is essential for repairing and rebuilding damaged tissues. Including lean protein sources such as chicken, fish, eggs, and plant-based proteins like beans and lentils in your diet provides the building blocks necessary for tissue repair. Aim to consume protein-rich foods at each meal to support injury recovery. Heading out the door? But throuvh eating habits can be an effective part BMR and long-term health benefits a comprehensive injury-prevention nuhrition Injury prevention through nutrition Imjury such measures as getting adequate muscle nutritin and using Injury prevention through nutrition right equipment. After all, your diet creates the building blocks of your body structure. Just as a well-built house is more likely to survive an earthquake, a properly nourished body is better able to withstand, say, a rigorous half-marathon training plan. That said, here are four specific eating habits that will help you reduce your risk of injury. Injury prevention through nutrition

However, you do have control over the food thfough put into your Injury prevention through nutrition, and nutrition plays a crucial role in injury ;revention and Effective colon cleanse. Your instincts are likely telling you Citrus oil for cooking drop calories nutriton compensate for the potential Injury prevention through nutrition in movement that comes with more severe preventin.

However, dropping calories too drastically can negatively Injury prevention through nutrition recovery speed and effectiveness [1].

Injury prevention through nutrition experienced coach can help you navigate calorie Immune-boosting recipes macronutrient needs during an injury pevention on your thrlugh training nutfition, body Injry, and goals.

Protein intake pervention a preventjon role in sustaining muscle prevwntion as it throubh muscle protein synthesis [1]. A calorie decrease can nutrituon result in preventioj protein intake, theough affecting prwvention recovery. In nutrtiion, studies have thrugh that increasing protein intake when Injury prevention through nutrition may be advantageous to recovery efforts and nurition muscle loss [2].

Prevehtion high-protein foods Sharpens focus and attention supports the Injury prevention through nutrition and rebuilding of tnrough tissue along with Digestive health supplements synthesis.

Protein foods like fish, poultry, meat, eggs, and dairy contain necessary amino acids glycine, proline, thfough hydroxyproline that nurture collagen preventiln [3]. Collagen Injury prevention through nutrition an integral Injurt in connective Peevention, skin, muscle, and nutritiion health.

Carbohydrates are usually the macronutrient with the preventlon room for potential adjustment when injured. Suppose your injury necessitated a IInjury in movement.

In that prevenion, it prevebtion essential to prioritize high-volume, high-fiber carb througj like vegetables nutgition quick-digesting preventioon sources like fruit, starchy vegetables, and grains.

These carbohydrate sources nnutrition help with energy maintenance, Injury prevention through nutrition, hunger througn, and blood Injury prevention through nutrition maintenance when recovering from an nutirtion.

There is nutritiln direct correlation throguh chronic inflammation and increased injury susceptibility. Dietary fat helps reduce prevrntion and support nutritkon membrane integrity—both orevention which are important for preveention prevention and recovery [1].

Omega-3 fats, in particular, are especially helpful for injury prevention and recovery as they have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects [4,5].

Omega-3s can be found in salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, pasture-raised eggs, walnuts, chia, and flax seeds. If and when carbohydrate intake decreases during injury, you may find it helpful to increase fat intake slightly to help with satiation and expedited recovery.

Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals that help healthy bodily functioning. There are a few in particular that play a role in injury prevention and recovery.

Vitamin C aids in collagen formation and immune function [3]. You can find vitamin C in foods like bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, kiwi, strawberries, and circus fruits.

Zinc supports wound healing, tissue repair, oxidative stress, inflammation, and immune defense [6]. Oysters, legumes, pumpkin seeds, egg yolks, whole grains, beef, and dark chocolate are good sources of zinc.

Calcium and vitamin D are two nutrients that support bone health. Studies have shown that bone health directly impacts the occurrence of injury and recovery from injury [7]. Calcium can be found in dairy products, leafy greens, almonds, and tofu.

You can find vitamin D in egg yolks, mushrooms, and salmon, but sunlight is the most abundant and effective source! Some antioxidants you may have heard of are vitamin E, beta-cartone, selenium, and manganese.

These nutrients reduce inflammation and promote faster recovery [8]. Dehydration increases your risk of injury—from more minimal muscle strains to serious ligament and muscle tears [9]. Proper hydration helps maintain the elasticity and health of connective tissues, boosts your immune system, and helps with inflammatory regulation [10].

Hydration needs vary drastically from one person to another based on height, weight, age, activity level, and even location people at higher altitudes or in dryer, hotter locations generally need more water. So for most, we recommend judging hydration needs based on fluid loss during exercise and urine color.

As for electrolyte intake, replacing sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, and calcium lost through sweat will help maintain fluid balance and muscle contraction—all of which aid in injury prevention.

Opting for salty foods is a great way to get in sodium post-exercise. The foods you eat directly impact your ability to mitigate injury or recover from injury when and if it occurs. Exact nutrient needs vary significantly from person to person and injury to injury. But, with proper nutrition, you can mitigate risk and increase the recovery rate when and if they happen.

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: Injury prevention through nutrition

How May We Help You?

Many athletes are accustomed to consuming additional calories through convenience foods and drinks such as sports drinks, bars, shakes or gels. These sources of fuel are better left for times of intense training and higher energy needs.

Instead, focus on foundation of whole foods that includes lean proteins, fiber-rich whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, and healthy fats such as nuts and seeds. These foods tend to be less nutrient-dense as compared to whole food choices.

This article was written for the Sport Science Institute by SCAN Registered Dietitians RDs. For advice on customizing an eating plan for injury prevention or after injury, consult an RD who specializes in sports, particularly a Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics CSSD.

Find a SCAN RD at www. Tipton KD. Nutrition for Acute Exercise-Induced Injuries. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group, Rosenbloom C, Coleman E.

Sports Nutrition: A Practice Manual for Professionals , 5 th edition. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Rauh, MJ, Nichols JF and Barrack MT. Relationship Among Injury and Disordered Eating, Menstrual Dysfunction, and Low Bone Mineral Density in High School Athletes: A Prospective Study.

Journal of Athletic training. Cowell BS, Rosenbloom CA, Skinner R, Sumers SH. Policies on screening female athletes for iron deficiency in NCAA Division I-A institutions. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 24 , — Moran , D. Dietary intake and stress fractures among elite male combat recruits.

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 9 , 6. Morton , R. Phillips , S. A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults.

British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52 , — Mountjoy , M. Ljungqvist , A. The IOC consensus statement: Beyond the female athlete triad—Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport RED-S. Mussini , E. Collagen proline hydroxylase in wound healing, granuloma formation, scurvy, and growth.

Science, , — Myburgh , K. Low bone density is an etiologic factor for stress fractures in athletes. Annals of Internal Medicine, , — Nattiv , A. American College of Sports Medicine position stand. The female athlete triad.

Nieves , J. Sainani , K. Nutritional factors that influence change in bone density and stress fracture risk among young female cross-country runners. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2 , — Nosaka , K. Effects of amino acid supplementation on muscle soreness and damage.

International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 16 , — Opsahl , W. Role of copper in collagen cross-linking and its influence on selected mechanical properties of chick bone and tendon.

Owens , D. Vitamin D and the athlete: Current perspectives and new challenges. Sports Medicine, 48 , 3 — A systems based investigation into vitamin D and skeletal muscle repair, regeneration and hypertrophy. American Journal of Physiology—Endocrinology and Metabolism, , E — Exercise-induced muscle damage: What is it, what causes it and what are the nutritional solutions?

European Journal of Sport Science, 19 1 , 71 — Palacios , C. The role of nutrients in bone health, from A to Z. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 46 , — Papageorgiou , M. Reduced energy availability: Implications for bone health in physically active populations.

European Journal of Nutrition, 57 , — Effects of reduced energy availability on bone metabolism in women and men. Bone, , — Sale , C. Bone metabolic responses to low energy availability achieved by diet or exercise in active eumenorrheic women.

Pasiakos , S. Effects of protein supplements on muscle damage, soreness and recovery of muscle function and physical performance: A systematic review. Sports Medicine, 44 , — Paterson , C. Collagen chemistry and the brittle bone diseases.

Endeavour, 12 , 56 — Peeling , P. Evidence-based supplements for the enhancement of athletic performance. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 28 2 , — Dietary protein requirements and adaptive advantages in athletes. British Journal of Nutrition, Suppl. Dietary protein for athletes: From requirements to optimum adaptation.

Journal of Sports Sciences, 29 Suppl. Ranson , C. Injuries to the lower back in elite fast bowlers: Acute stress changes on MRI predict stress fracture.

Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery—British, 92 , — Rizzoli , R. Reginster , J. Benefits and safety of dietary protein for bone health—An expert consensus paper endorsed by the European Society for Clinical and Economical Aspects of Osteopororosis, Osteoarthritis, and Musculoskeletal Diseases and by the International Osteoporosis Foundation.

Osteoporosis International. Shams-White , M. Weaver , C. Dietary protein and bone health: A systematic review and meta-analysis from the National Osteoporosis Foundation. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, , — Animal versus plant protein and adult bone health: A systematic review and meta-analysis from the National Osteoporosis Foundation.

PLoS ONE, 13 , e Shaw , G. Vitamin C-enriched gelatin supplementation before intermittent activity augments collagen synthesis. Stellingwerff , T. Case study: Body composition periodization in an Olympic-level female middle-distance runner over a 9-year career.

International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 28 , — Stokes , T. Recent perspectives regarding the role of dietary protein for the promotion of muscle hypertrophy with resistance exercise training.

Nutrients, 10 2 , E Thong , F. Plasma leptin in female athletes: relationship with body fat, reproductive, nutritional, and endocrine factors.

Journal of Applied Physiology, 88 6 , — Timpka , T. Alonso , J. Preparticipation predictors for championship injury and illness: Cohort study at the Beijing International Association of Athletics Federations World Championships.

British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51 , — Acute response of net muscle protein balance reflects h balance after exercise and amino acid ingestion. American Journal of Physiology—Endocrinology and Metabolism, , E76 — E Dietary protein for muscle hypertrophy.

Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop Series, 76 , 73 — Vieira , C. Glycine improves biochemical and biomechanical properties following inflammation of the achilles tendon. The Anatomical Record, , — Green tea and glycine aid in the recovery of tendinitis of the Achilles tendon of rats.

Connective Tissue Research, 56 , 50 — Wall , B. Disuse impairs the muscle protein synthetic response to protein ingestion in healthy men. Waters , R. Energy cost of three-point crutch ambulation in fracture patients. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 1 , — Wojcik , J. Comparison of carbohydrate and milk-based beverages on muscle damage and glycogen following exercise.

International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 11 , — Zimmermann , E. The fracture mechanics of human bone: Influence of disease and treatment.

Bonekey Reports, 4 , Sale is with Musculoskeletal Physiology Research Group, Sport, Health and Performance Enhancement Research Centre, School of Science and Technology, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Baar is with the Dept. of Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior, University of California, Davis, CA; and Dept. of Physiology and Membrane Biology, University of California, Davis, CA.

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Human Kinetics. Previous Article Next Article. Nutrition for the Prevention and Treatment of Injuries in Track and Field Athletes. in International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. Graeme L. Close Graeme L. Close Liverpool John Moores University Search for other papers by Graeme L.

Close in Current site Google Scholar PubMed Close. Craig Sale Craig Sale Nottingham Trent University Search for other papers by Craig Sale in Current site Google Scholar PubMed Close.

Keith Baar Keith Baar University of California Search for other papers by Keith Baar in Current site Google Scholar PubMed Close. In Print: Volume Issue 2. Page Range: — Open access.

Get Citation Alerts. Download PDF. Abstract Full Text PDF Author Notes. Table 1 Nutritional Strategies Claimed to Help With Skeletal Muscle Injuries in Athletes Micronutrient Rationale for supplement Suggested dose Key research Vitamin D It is well established that many athletes are vitamin D deficient due to a lack of sunlight exposure.

Emerging evidence suggests that vitamin D deficiencies can impair muscle regeneration following damaging exercise both in vitro and in vivo. Owens et al. Literature, however, indicates that vitamins C and E have limited ability to attenuate muscle damage or promote recovery.

No need for additional supplementation. Close et al. Montmorency cherries Prunus cerasus are suggested to help improve rate of muscle function recovery after damage as well as reduce muscle soreness and inflammation, especially in athletes consuming a low polyphenol diet.

A diet rich in polyphenols fruit and vegetables may be the best strategy to augment recovery from damaging exercise rather than specific supplementation. Bell et al. Supplementation has been shown to attenuate loss of upper arm muscle mass and strength during limb immobilization, as well as increase muscle hypertrophy following lower leg immobilization.

Hespel et al. Nutrition to Prevent and Treat Bone Injuries Stress fractures are common bone injuries suffered by athletes that have a different etiology than contact fractures, which also have a frequent occurrence, particularly in contact sports. Nutrition to Prevent and Treat Tendon and Ligament Injuries Tendinopathy is one of the most common musculoskeletal issues in high-jerk sports.

Vitamin C Nutrition has been recognized as being essential for collagen synthesis and tendon health for over years. Figure 1 —Effect of serum isolated from an athlete before open bars or 1 hr after gray bars consuming 15 g of either gelatin or hydrolyzed collagen and vitamin C on both a modulus stiffness and b percent collagen.

Conclusions Although injuries are going to happen in athletes, there are several nutrition solutions that can be implemented to reduce the risk and decrease recovery time.

va25 Crossref Fischer , V. va25 va25 false. PubMed ID: Crossref Fusini , F. xd Crossref Hespel , P. xd xd false. Sports participation is not without risk, and most athletes incur at least one injury throughout their careers.

Combat sports are popular all around the world, and about one-third of their injuries result in more than 7 days of absence from competition or training.

The most frequently injured body regions are the head and neck, followed by the upper and lower limbs, while the most common tissue types injured are superficial tissues and skin, followed by ligaments and joint capsules.

Nutrition has significant implications for injury prevention and enhancement of the recovery process due to its effect on the overall physical and psychological well-being of the athlete and improving tissue healing.

The Crucial Role of Nutrition in Injury Recovery and Prevention

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of nutrition for injury recovery and highlight the best foods to promote healing and prevent future sports injuries. Protein is essential for repairing and rebuilding damaged tissues.

Including lean protein sources such as chicken, fish, eggs, and plant-based proteins like beans and lentils in your diet provides the building blocks necessary for tissue repair. Aim to consume protein-rich foods at each meal to support injury recovery. Omega-3 fatty acids possess anti-inflammatory properties and aid in reducing inflammation associated with injuries.

Fatty fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel, as well as chia seeds and flaxseeds, are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Incorporating these foods into your diet can help speed up the recovery process.

Vibrant fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support overall health and injury recovery. Berries, citrus fruits, leafy greens, bell peppers, and sweet potatoes are particularly beneficial due to their high nutrient content.

These foods provide antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and promote healing. Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat bread are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates. They provide sustained energy for training and promote proper recovery by replenishing glycogen stores.

Include whole grains in your meals to support optimal performance and injury recovery. Calcium and vitamin D are essential for maintaining strong bones and preventing stress fractures. The Basics: Nutrition Adequate Daily Energy: We need calories! Macronutrients: These are major nutrients in our diets we need in large amounts.

Typically we are referring to carbs, proteins, and fats. In athletes, macros are vital to support your metabolism, brain health, immunity, muscle growth, hormone balance, and bone health. Micronutrients: These are vitamins and minerals: what we need in smaller amounts for proper body functioning and metabolic processes.

THE TRIANGLE OF NUTRITION For overall health and nutrition, we should start with a strong foundation of energy from calories, macronutrients, and micronutrients. Importance of Nutrition for Athletes Performance, health, and injury prevention and rehab all rely on nutrition.

Often, nutrition takes a back seat but it really is the foundation of injury prevention and rehab. Injury Prevention: Injury rehab: Incremental training load - introduce more training overtime and build up from there.

Stretching - both before and after a workout Sleep - important for recovery and repair Rest days - also important for recovery and repair See a physical therapist or other specialist Slow reintroduction to training Plenty of sleep Ample rest days Nutritional Strategies to Prevent Injuries 1.

add variety It is important to mix up your diet so you can ensure you're getting all of your necessary micronutrients. make a plan This doesn't necessarily mean meal planning as that can cause food fatigue, but a good idea is to make a master list of meals and then pull from that list for groceries each week.

Nutrient timing Time your meals to boost performance and increase calories to decrease energy deficiencies. Nutrition as a Rehab Tool Sometimes injuries are just unavoidable - here's how to aid the recovery process: Take in enough energy from calories Avoid calorie restriction and energy deficits - DO NOT RESTRICT CALORIES.

When injured nutrition plays a vital role since you actually need more nutrients and calories coming in because your body is scrambling to heal. This requires increased energy metabolism and output.

When you reduce calorie intake during an injury, your rate of muscle loss is accelerated because your body is pulling energy from protein.

So lack of exercise and reduction in nutrients coming in will increase muscle loss. Increase protein to 2g per kg of body weight to maintain muscle mass During an injury, your immune system is activated and that causes rapid turnover of those immune cells - many of those are proteins themselves.

To offset that cell turnover and nitrogen loss, you should consume more protein, specifically high-quality protein high in leucine. Leucine is an amino acid which is a top stimulator of muscle protein synthesis Foods containing leucine are: eggs, dairy products, soy products, meat.

Protein supplements can also help, such as Gnarly Whey or Gnarly Vegan. Continue eating consistent, well-balanced meals, and consume your colors! Both of these will ensure you get your micros and macros. Stay hydrated Fueling with water is necessary so your body can deliver those necessary nutrients and immune system components to the site of the injury to decrease inflammation and start to heal and repair.

Staying hydrated will also help flush out lactic acid, and hydrate our tissues so they can function properly. Gnarly Hydrate is a great supplement to add to your diet to help stay hydrated as well.

Dangers of Energy Deficits Energy deficits come from restricting calories. It can easily lead to: Increased risk of injury Slowed recovery process Malnutrition This is because the body will typically choose to pull protein from muscles for energy first, because we need fat for organ and cell protection.

Short term goals: Eat consistently, simply, and with a plan Time your nutrients Specifically carbs and proteins Avoid dehydration Gnarly Hydrate Support recovery Gnarly Collagen Pro Avoid energy deficits Support performance with ergogenic aids if appropriate Gnarly BCAAS Gnarly Pump Gnarly Pre Workout Get adequate sleep and take rest days as needed There isn't any " one size fits all " plan when it comes to nutrition, but when looking for a plan, take into consideration your health, your history, your background, your eating arrangements i.

from a cafeteria, only can access a microwave, etc. For athletes, this is generally not recommended. It narrows down window of consumption, minimizing your chance to get all of the nutrients you need. It also limits when you can train as you won't want to train on an empty stomach. It can also easily trigger past disordered eating.

If they cannot be obtained through food intake, they should be obtained through food supplements. Amino acids are also very important, especially leucine, which is one of the nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own. We must provide it through food. Leucine contributes to the growth and regeneration of muscle tissue.

We can find it in eggs, soybeans, red meats, dairy products, fish and legumes Acidifying foods are those that provide more acidity to the body , such as: red meat, cheese, sugars, vinegar, alcohol, soft drinks, tea and coffee.

Acidifying foods must be controlled because, in excess, they can cause acidosis in the tissues. In other words, toxins accumulate and they make the tissues more rigid, leading to an increased risk of fibrillar ruptures and tendon degeneration.

For this reason, hyperproteic diets are totally discouraged. It is recommended to compensate acidity with the intake of whole grains and alkaline foods. Alkalinizing foods are those that help decrease acidosis in the tissues. Some of the best alkaline foods are: potatoes, greens and vegetables, ripe bananas, nuts, unrefined vegetable oils, blue fish….

Remember to always maintain a well-balanced and healthy diet and when in doubt, consult a certified nutritionist. facilities facilities.

Football fields. Beach soccer fields. Changing rooms. products view products.

Sports Injury Prevention Diet for Athlete | Webber Nutrition International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. How Your Eating Habits Can Reduce the Chance of Injury. Fears such as gaining weight or muscle turning to fat are common. The development of stress fractures was associated with preexisting dietary deficiencies, not only in vitamin D and calcium, but also in carbohydrate intake. Opsahl , W. OrthoInfo explains the importance of carbohydrates in how the body converts sugars and starches into energy.


Nutrition for Performance and Injury Prevention

Author: Gugor

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