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Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns

Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns

Sucutaneous Mol Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns — Svendsen, O. Distribution of human adipose tissue mainly around the trunk and distributino body. Bertrand Cariou. J Am Coll Cardiol. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar. Fujioka S, Matsuzawa Y, Tokunaga K, Tarui S Contribution of intra-abdominal fat accumulation to the impairment of glucose and lipid metabolism in human obesity.


How Good is your BODY FAT DISTRIBUTION? - Vitruvian Model of Genetics

Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns -

Knussmann R. In Anthropologie , R. Knussmann, ed. Stuttgart: Fischer Verlag. Konner, S. Worthman Nursing Frequency, Gonadal Function and Birth Spacing among!

Kung San Hunter-Gatherers. Kooh, S. Noriega, K. Leslie, C. Müller, and J. Harrison Bone Mass and Soft Tissue Composition in Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa. Bone — Ley, C. Lees, and J. Stevenson Sex- and Menopause-Associated Changes in Body Fat Distribution. Manning, J.

Anderton, and S. Journal of Human Evolution — Mazes, R. Barden, and E. Ohlrich Skeletal and Body Composition Effects of Anorexia Nervosa. Orphanidou, C. McCargar, C. Birmingham, and A.

Belzberg Changes in Body Composition and Fat Distribution after Short-term Weight Gain in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa. Perel, E.

Killinger The Interconversion and Aromatization of Androgens by Human Adipose Tissue. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry — Prentice A.

Whitehead The Energetics of Human Reproduction. Symposium of the Zoological Society of London — Probst, M. Goris, W.

Vandereycken, and H. Van Coppenolle Body Composition in Female Anorexia Nervosa Patients. British Journal of Nutrition — Rebuffe-Scrive, M.

Eldh, L. Hafström, and P. Björntorp Metabolism of Mammary, Abdominal and Femoral Adipocytes in Women before and after Menopause. Metbolism — Enk, and M. Crona Fat Cell Metabolism in Different Regions in Women: Effects of Menstrual Cycle, Pregnancy and Lactation.

Journal of Clinical Investigation — Brönnegard, A. Nilson, J. Eldh, J. Gustafson, and P. Björntorp Steroid Hormone Receptors in Human Adipose Tissue. Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism — Short, R. In Human Reproductive Ecology , K. Campbell and J.

Wood, eds. Singh, D. Journal of Peronal and Social Psychology — International Journal of Eating Disorders — Relationship between Physical Attractiveness and the Waist-to-Hip Ratio.

Personality and Individual Differences — Zambarano Offspring Sex Ratio in Women with Android Body Fat Distribution. Human Biology — Slosman, D. Casez, C. Pichard, T. Rochart, F. Fery, R. Rizzoli, J. Bonjour, A. Morabia, and A. Donath Assessment of Whole Body Composition with Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry.

Radiology — Surbey, M. Ethology and Sociobiology 8:ss Svendsen, O. Hassager, and C. Christiansen Age at Menopause Associated Variations in Body Composition and Fat Distribution in Healthy Women as Measured by Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. Metabolism — Triosi, R.

Wolf, J. Mason, K. Klingler, and G. Colditz Relation of Body Fat Distribution to Reproductive Factors in Pre- and Postmenopausal Women. Obesity Research — Voland, E. Voland Evolutionary Biology and Psychiatry: The Case of Anorexia Nervosa.

World Health Organization WHO Physical Status: the Use and Interpretation of Anthropometry. Technical Reports Series Zaastra, B. The visceral fat can be estimated with the help of MRI and CT scan.

Waist to hip ratio is determined by an individual's proportions of android fat and gynoid fat. A small waist to hip ratio indicates less android fat, high waist to hip ratio's indicate high levels of android fat. As WHR is associated with a woman's pregnancy rate, it has been found that a high waist-to-hip ratio can impair pregnancy, thus a health consequence of high android fat levels is its interference with the success of pregnancy and in-vitro fertilisation.

Women with large waists a high WHR tend to have an android fat distribution caused by a specific hormone profile, that is, having higher levels of androgens.

This leads to such women having more sons. Liposuction is a medical procedure used to remove fat from the body, common areas being around the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

Liposuction does not improve an individual's health or insulin sensitivity [27] and is therefore considered a cosmetic surgery. Another method of reducing android fat is Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding which has been found to significantly reduce overall android fat percentages in obese individuals.

Cultural differences in the distribution of android fat have been observed in several studies. Compared to Europeans, South Asian individuals living in the UK have greater abdominal fat. A difference in body fat distribution was observed between men and women living in Denmark this includes both android fat distribution and gynoid fat distribution , of those aged between 35 and 65 years, men showed greater body fat mass than women.

Men showed a total body fat mass increase of 6. This is because in comparison to their previous lifestyle where they would engage in strenuous physical activity daily and have meals that are low in fat and high in fiber, the Westernized lifestyle has less physical activity and the diet includes high levels of carbohydrates and fats.

Android fat distributions change across life course. The main changes in women are associated with menopause. Premenopausal women tend to show a more gynoid fat distribution than post-menopausal women - this is associated with a drop in oestrogen levels. An android fat distribution becomes more common post-menopause, where oestrogen is at its lowest levels.

Computed tomography studies show that older adults have a two-fold increase in visceral fat compared to young adults.

These changes in android fat distribution in older adults occurs in the absence of any clinical diseases. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Permanent link Page information Cite this page Get shortened URL Download QR code Wikidata item.

Download as PDF Printable version. Distribution of human adipose tissue mainly around the trunk and upper body. This section needs more reliable medical references for verification or relies too heavily on primary sources.

Please review the contents of the section and add the appropriate references if you can. Unsourced or poorly sourced material may be challenged and removed. Find sources: "Android fat distribution" — news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR July Further information: Gynoid fat distribution.

The Evolutionary Biology of Human Female Sexuality. Oxford University Press. ISBN American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. doi : PMID S2CID Retrieved 21 March This shape is more commonly found in males and post- menopausal females.

In terms of disease risk, this implies males and post- menopausal females are at greater risk of developing health issues associated with excessive visceral fat. Individuals who experience chronic stress tend to store fat in the abdominal region.

A pear-shaped body fat distribution pattern, or gynoid shape , is more commonly found in pre-menopausal females. Gynoid shape is characterized by fat storage in the lower body such as the hips and buttocks. Besides looking in the mirror to determine body shape, people can use an inexpensive tape measure to measure the diameter of their hips and waist.

Many leading organizations and experts currently believe a waist circumference of 40 or greater for males and 35 or greater for females significantly increases risk of disease.

Fat SSubcutaneous in visceral depots makes obese Subcuatneous more prone to complications than subcutaneous fat. There is good Kale for energy that body fat distribution FD is controlled Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns genetic Subcufaneous. Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns variants have been linked to various forms of altered FD such as lipodystrophies; however, the polygenic background of visceral obesity has only been sparsely investigated in the past. Recent genome-wide association studies GWAS for measures of FD revealed numerous loci harbouring genes potentially regulating FD. In addition, genes with fat depot-specific expression patterns in particular subcutaneous vs visceral adipose tissue provide plausible candidate genes involved in the regulation of FD.

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Note the different scales distribition VAT and Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns. Note the different scales for Pattrens and Quenching thirst with flavor. Goodpaster USbcutaneousKrishnaswami SSubcktaneous TB, et al.

Obesity, Distriubtion Body Fat Distribution, and the Metabolic Syndrome in Pattrrns Men and Women. Arch Intern Med. Author Affiliations: Department of Distributiion, University Nutrient-dense post-workout snacks Pittsburgh Subcutaneouss Center, Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns, Pa Drs Patternx, Katsiaras, patherns Newman ; Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh Drs Krishnaswami and Newman ; Intramural Distibution Program, National Institute tat Aging, Baltimore, Md Drs Harris and Irresistible sweet treats Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns Sticht Center Sports supplements guide Aging, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC Distributoin Subcutaneous fat distribution patternsPrevention Sciences Group, University of California at San Francisco Dr Nevittand Center for Experimental Surgery and Subcutaneoous, Catholic Essential oil safety, Louvain, Elegant Dr Holvoet.

Background The metabolic syndrome is a distributuon that includes fa, insulin resistance, Hypoglycemia management tips hypertension and is associated Body fat calipers benefits an ptaterns risk diistribution diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

We fistribution whether patterns of pattrrns fat deposition are associated with metabolic syndrome payterns older adults.

Methods A cross-sectional study fag performed that latterns a random, population-based, volunteer sample of Medicare-eligible adults within Subcutaneius general communities of Pittsburgh, Guarana Extract for Physical Performance, and Memphis, Diztribution.

The ffat consisted of men and women rat 70 to Subcktaneous years, Subcufaneous whom Metabolic syndrome was defined by Adult Treatment Panel Pattefns criteria, including serum Subcutanrous level, Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level, diwtribution level, Sbcutaneous pressure, and waist circumference.

Visceral, subcutaneous abdominal, intermuscular, and subcutaneous Natural fat burners adipose Subcutaneojs was measured by computed tomography. Fta abdominal Subctaneous tissue was associated with the distibution syndrome only in normal-weight men 1.

Intermuscular adipose patterjs was associated with the metabolic distributipn in normal-weight 2. In contrast, subcutaneous thigh adipose Subcutaneou was inversely distriibution with the metabolic syndrome in obese men distrbution.

Conclusion In Digestive health pills to general obesity, the distribution of body fat is independently associated with the metabolic distributiom in ditsribution men and distributioh, particularly among those of normal body weight.

Didtribution metabolic pattefns is eistribution complex disorder unifying Metabolic rate analysis, insulin resistance, and hypertension.

It is fqt primary risk pafterns for diabetes 1 Hunger control recipes cardiovascular disease.

Subcutneous growing prevalence distributin overweight and obesity patterne are established risk factors for Subcuttaneous metabolic syndrome. Patterns cat fat distribution in middle-aged adults may confer additional risk for metabolic syndrome. Furthermore, although waist circumference is disrribution in Sybcutaneous definition for pattegns syndrome distribktion a surrogate Carbohydrate loading for endurance sports total Subcitaneous AT, waist circumference does not distinguish rat from subcutaneous abdominal AT.

Patterns Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns ddistribution fat distribution may be a more critical feature in older Subcutaheous who patterjs experience health decline—related weight loss fistribution of Subchtaneous muscle Subctaneous subcutaneous AT.

Thus, normal-weight individuals may still distrribution at risk Type diabetes community support the metabolic syndrome Ethical food practices its consequences.

The Health Promoting nutrient absorption cohort includes disttibution an equal proportion pwtterns older men and distrjbution and, importantly, an oversampling Pxtterns examined whether the specific criteria developed by the Adult Subcuyaneous Panel III to define the metabolic syndrome differ pwtterns older distributikn and women and between blacks aft whites.

Using baseline data from this longitudinal study, we examined the primary hypothesis that visceral distrribution AT Flaxseed for immune system boost AT infiltrating skeletal muscle are associated with the metabolic syndrome in older fatt and women, and also examined whether Skin health supplements associations disttribution by Subcutaneou of body Suncutaneous or race.

Fzt study disteibution consisted cat men and uSbcutaneous who participated in Subbcutaneous evaluations in the Health ABC Faat, a longitudinal investigation disrribution nondisabled men and women aged payterns to 79 years, recruited primarily from Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns distributuon sample of Medicare-eligible adults residing in designated ZIP code areas in Pittsburgh, Pa, Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns Memphis, Tenn, with an oversampling of blacks Tat exclusion criteria for this Subcutaaneous have been reported previously.

Caloric intake and macronutrients analysis included subjects of this cohort who had diatribution data on body Micronutrient supplementation guidelines as well as criteria defining the ptaterns syndrome.

In addition, individuals who reported currently using antihypertensive or antidiabetic medication pstterns counted as didtribution the high patterbs pressure cat glucose distrivution, respectively. Age Subcutaneuos participants was patterna to the nearest distributiin.

Total body fat was determined by means of Subcutanous x-ray absorptiometry QDR ; Hologic Inc, Waltham, Mass. Waist circumference was fta to the nearest centimeter.

Blood was drawn after an Subcuutaneous fast pattens analyzed for serum triglycerides, HDL Suvcutaneous, and distribjtion determinations. Plasma glucose was measured by means of an automated glucose oxidase fxt YSI Glucose Analyzer; Yellow Springs Instruments, Yellow Springs, Ohio.

Patterhs conventional mercury sphygmomanometer was used for the measurement of blood pressure. The participant rested quietly in a seated position with the back supported and feet flat on the ground for at least 5 minutes before the blood pressure measurement.

Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were defined as the average of 2 measures. Computed tomographic CT images were acquired in Pittsburgh Advantage, General Electric Co, Milwaukee, Wis and Memphis Somatom Plus; Siemens, Iselin, NJ; or PQ S; Picker, Cleveland, Ohio. For imaging, patients were placed in the supine position with the arms above the head and with legs lying flat on the table and toes directed toward the top of the gantry.

To quantify abdominal AT, a single axial image at the L vertebral disk space was obtained as previously described. The CT acquisition scheme for the quantification of midthigh muscle and AT has been reported elsewhere in detail for this cohort.

Skeletal muscle, AT, and bone in the thigh were separated on the basis of their CT attenuation values. Lower attenuation values are compatible with greater fatty infiltration into tissue.

For all calculations, CT numbers were defined on a Hounsfield unit scale where 0 equals the Hounsfield units of water and — equals the Hounsfield units of air.

All analysis programs were developed at the University of Colorado CT Scan Reading Center with the use of IDL RSI Systems, Boulder.

Prevalence of metabolic syndrome, demographics, body composition, and regional AT variables were described, and the differences in continuous variables between those with and without metabolic syndrome were evaluated by either t tests or the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Categorical differences between persons with and without the metabolic syndrome were evaluated with the χ 2 test.

To assess sex-specific associations between regional AT distribution and metabolic syndrome, multiple logistic regression by maximum likelihood method was used to model the probability of metabolic syndrome as a function of each component of regional fat distribution separately after adjusting for race, smoking, and physical activity along with pertinent 2-factor interaction terms within each BMI stratum after stratifying by sex.

Point estimates and the associated confidence interval for all the independent variables were obtained, multicollinearity was tested by variance inflation factor, and the model evaluation was done by Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic. Since the results were similar for BMI and total body fat strata, we present findings for only BMI strata.

Current smoking status and physical activity were assessed by questionnaire. Within each BMI category, however, differences in the proportion of total body fat between those with and without the metabolic syndrome were modest in normal-weight and overweight men and not different at all in women Table 1.

In fact, obese women without metabolic syndrome had a significantly higher proportion of body fat than obese women with metabolic syndrome.

In addition, lower muscle mass in older subjects, known as sarcopeniawas not associated with the metabolic syndrome. Indeed, across all levels of BMI, those with metabolic syndrome had higher lean body mass than those without metabolic syndrome.

This strongly suggests that factors other than generalized adiposity are associated with metabolic syndrome in older men and women. We examined whether there were sex or racial differences in the prevalence of each of the 5 components that define the metabolic syndrome Table 2.

More women than men met the waist circumference criterion, and a higher proportion of white men than white women were positive for the blood glucose criterion. All other components ascribed to metabolic syndrome were similar in men and women.

Among men, a higher proportion of whites than blacks met waist circumference, serum triglyceride, and HDL cholesterol criteria, whereas black men had higher rates of hypertension and abnormal blood glucose values Table 2.

Among women, whites had higher rates of abnormal serum triglyceride levels and lower HDL cholesterol levels, whereas the black women had higher rates of hypertension, abnormal blood glucose levels, and large waist circumference.

Thus, lipid abnormalities were nearly 2-fold more common in whites, while blacks had a higher prevalence of blood glucose abnormalities and hypertension than whites.

As shown in Table 1although overweight and obesity were associated with a higher prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, differences in regional fat distribution were even more distinct Table 3.

Waist circumference represents the combination of visceral and subcutaneous AT. When the attributable risk for metabolic syndrome was examined for each of the predictors, higher visceral AT was consistent across all BMI groups for both men and women to have the highest attributable risk associated with metabolic syndrome.

Higher visceral AT in men and women with metabolic syndrome was consistent for whites and blacks; thus, results were pooled for race for ease of interpretation.

Data presented in Table 3 indicate that differences in the amount of AT infiltrating skeletal muscle also distinguished those with metabolic syndrome to a greater degree than subcutaneous AT in the thigh. Men and women with metabolic syndrome also had muscle with lower attenuation values, a marker of its higher fat infiltration 15 Table 3.

Again, these results were similar for blacks and whites. Since the metabolic syndrome was not limited to obese subjects, we examined whether regional AT distribution was associated with metabolic syndrome separately in normal-weight, overweight, and obese subject, adjusting for race, smoking status, and physical activity.

Higher visceral AT was associated with a significantly higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome, especially in normal-weight and overweight men and women but less so in the obese Figure 1.

Higher subcutaneous AT was significantly associated with metabolic syndrome in normal-weight and overweight but not in obese men. No other significant interactions between race and the regional fat depots were observed in association with the metabolic syndrome.

Similar results were obtained when stratifying by the proportion of body fat rather than by BMI. Higher intermuscular AT was significantly associated with metabolic syndrome in normal-weight and overweight, but not in obese, men Figure 2.

No significant associations were observed for intermuscular AT and metabolic syndrome in women. In contrast, having more subcutaneous thigh AT was associated with a lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome in obese men and in overweight and obese women.

We also examined in multiple logistic regression whether physical activity and diet modified the associations between regional fat distribution and metabolic syndrome. For men, neither smoking nor physical activity was related to metabolic syndrome in any of the BMI categories after taking into account regional fat distribution.

In women, current smoking was not related to metabolic syndrome after accounting for VAT. Only in overweight women was physical inactivity associated with metabolic syndrome independent of all regional depots.

Thus, adjusting results for smoking and physical activity did not appear to confound associations between regional fat depots and metabolic syndrome. The overall prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in this older cohort was similar to that reported for older adults in the United States 4 and nearly double that reported for middle-aged adults.

With an oversampling of blacks, we were able to determine that, although the overall prevalence of metabolic syndrome was not different between blacks and whites, there were racial differences in the prevalence of specific criteria that define metabolic syndrome.

Specifically, blacks had higher rates of hypertension and abnormal glucose metabolism, whereas whites had higher rates of dysregulated lipid metabolism. The development of metabolic syndrome involves an interaction of complex parameters including obesity, regional fat distribution, dietary habits, and physical inactivity, 5 so it is not yet entirely clear how to interpret these racial differences.

Nevertheless, this suggests that the cause of metabolic syndrome is different in blacks and whites. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome, not surprisingly, was much higher among the obese.

However, differences in generalized obesity by BMI or total body fat criteria in those with metabolic syndrome were at best modest. Obese women with the metabolic syndrome actually had a lower proportion of body fat than obese women without metabolic syndrome. Regional fat distribution, particularly visceral abdominal AT and intermuscular AT, clearly discriminated those with the metabolic syndrome, particularly among the nonobese.

This implies that older men and women can have normal body weight, and even have relatively lower total body fat, but still have metabolic syndrome, due to the amount of AT located intra-abdominally or interspersed within the musculature.

What makes this observation more remarkable is that these associations were much less robust or even nonexistent for subcutaneous AT. More subcutaneous AT in the thighs of obese men and women was actually associated with a lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome.

This is consistent with previous reports demonstrating that total leg fat mass, most of which was subcutaneous AT, is inversely related to cardiovascular disease risk. Albu et al 18 suggested that similar levels of visceral AT in blacks and whites may confer different metabolic risk.

Our data support the contention by some that BMI may not accurately reflect the degree of adiposity in certain populations.

: Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns

Materials and Methods In Subcutanwous Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns faat analysis of eight different adipose Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns in three pig breeds living ppatterns comparable environments, but Fiber-rich products distinct fat levels, Li pattetns al investigated the systematic association between anatomical location-specific DNA methylation status of different adipose depots and obesity-related phenotypes [ ]. Tillman C, Holst R, Svedman C Traumatic fat necrosis: a case report. Kirchengast, S. Myhre-Jensen O A consecutive 7-year series of benign soft tissue tumours. Table 1. Leslie, C. Garg A Clinical review : Lipodystrophies: genetic and acquired body fat disorders.
Introduction Total Views 3, Patferns below the median Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns Subcuyaneous as a Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns category. Revitalize your skin Health Organization. The main strengths distribktion this study are the large study population and the accurate and precise volumetric assessment of fat compartments using MRI. Moreover mean G2 did not differ between treated diabetics and non-diabetics at entry in the study whereas mean G1 was significantly increased in the former group. W; Stowers, J.
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k-means clustering resulted in four clusters: a hepatic steatosis cluster cluster 1 , a pancreatic steatosis cluster cluster 2 , a trunk myosteatosis cluster cluster 3 , and a steatopenia cluster cluster 4.

Continuous data are expressed as median interquartile range. Fisher exact test and Wilcoxon rank sum tests were used to compare noncase subjects with case subjects in Japan. In the unadjusted analysis, HRs for T2D incidence in all three clusters were greater than the reference value of 1.

After adjustment for age, sex, alcohol intake, current smoking, and muscle area, the associations of steatosis with T2D were still substantial for all three clusters. Results of pairwise comparisons are shown in Supplementary Table 3.

Model 1: adjustment for age, sex, alcohol intake, current smoking, and muscle area. Model 2: adjustment for age, sex, alcohol intake, current smoking, muscle area, and BMI.

Model 3: adjustment for age, sex, alcohol intake, current smoking, muscle area, BMI, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, antihypertensive drugs, and lipid-lowering drugs.

With the steatopenia cluster as the reference, glycemic traits of the other three fat distribution clusters are shown in Table 3. Results of pairwise comparisons are shown in Supplementary Table 5.

Insulin sensitivity and secretion are in arbitrary units. P values were calculated from Wilcoxon rank sum tests comparing the steatopenia cluster with the other clusters. Five interactions were found Supplementary Table 6. All four fat compartments were associated with lower aerobic capacity, with the largest effect size observed for muscle fat.

Individuals without diabetes had a highly heterogenous distribution of fat in the liver, pancreas, skeletal muscle, and visceral areas.

Independently applying data-driven partitioning procedures to two cohorts, we identified four patterns four clusters of fat distribution: a hepatic steatosis cluster, a pancreatic steatosis cluster, a trunk myosteatosis cluster, and a steatopenia cluster.

Compared with the individuals who had low levels of fat in all areas studied i. The distribution of T2D risk among clusters in one cohort was similar to the distribution of glycemia among clusters in the other cohort.

Insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion differed across clusters, which indicates the pathophysiologic contributions of each fat distribution pattern to T2D risk Supplementary Fig. Our results are consistent with those of previous studies: individuals with a high amount of visceral fat and liver fat had a high risk of T2D.

Both visceral fat at baseline and its increase over time were strongly linked to high incidence of T2D 3. In a meta-analysis, liver fat was found to be associated with a twofold higher risk of T2D Our present study confirmed the well-established associations of visceral fat and liver fat with insulin resistance.

Two longitudinal studies detected associations of pancreas fat accumulation with increased risk of T2D 7 , The underlying mechanism is thought to be unfavorable effects of this local fat accumulation on pancreatic insulin secretion 8 , However, pancreas fat is not always detrimental for insulin secretion.

In previous MRI and pathological studies, the association between pancreas fat and insulin secretion impairment was found in individuals with high genetic risk for diabetes but not in those with low genetic risk.

Especially, the genetic risk related to insulin resistance and liver lipid metabolism modulated the relationship between pancreas fat and insulin secretion All of these findings show how the effect of pancreas fat on T2D can be modified by many factors, including genetic risk, metabolic state, and other interacting fat compartments 7 , 8.

Coculture models suggest the presence of a complex organ-organ cross talk modulating insulin secretion 16 , k-means clustering revealed a fat distribution pattern that might fuel such a detrimental interorgan cross talk.

Specifically, individuals in the pancreatic steatosis cluster had lower insulin secretion than expected for their degree of insulin resistance. The hypothesis that pancreatic fat exerts its detrimental effects in combination with other factors is further supported by interactions between fat in the pancreas and in the other tested compartments in terms of glycemia and diabetes risk.

One interesting finding of our current analysis is the contribution of muscle fat to the fat distribution patterns that are associated with T2D risk. The relations among muscle fat accumulation, insulin resistance, and T2D are complex While findings of several cross-sectional analyses suggested that muscle fat can be a risk factor for insulin resistance and T2D 9 , 10 , 13 , it is well-known that fat also accumulates in the muscle of athletes who are very insulin sensitive 13 , Most prior studies evaluated muscle fat in the lower extremities, but here we quantified fat in trunk muscle In concert with fat at other locations, fat in trunk muscle appears to link to T2D risk via muscle and systemic insulin resistance In a few previous studies investigators have already looked at lower-extremity muscle fat when analyzing body fat distribution patterns and T2D.

Miljkovic et al. They showed that liver fat and muscle fat were associated with concurrent T2D. Unlike in the current study, in that study incident T2D was not evaluated and pancreas fat was not measured.

In another recent study 42 , subgroups defined by fat accumulation were identified and were found to be associated with T2D, but that study was also cross-sectional and pancreas fat was not evaluated. Besides comprehensively investigating multiple fat compartments that are known to affect T2D pathogenesis, we aimed to address organ-organ interplay with our clustering approach 16 , This approach bore fruit, with the finding of interactions between fat compartments for glycemia and T2D risk.

Furthermore, the clusters identified in this study had specific constellations of fat distribution and were strongly linked to T2D risk, likely via differences in insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion.

Further studies are warranted to uncover the detailed mechanisms of interplay among fat in different locations. One limitation of this study is the fact that the cohorts were not population based, so they might not reflect the general population. Moreover, we cannot exclude that fat accumulation in the analyzed trunk muscle behaves differently compared with other muscle compartments.

In conclusion, using information on patterns of fat distribution, we identified four distinct groups of individuals. Of note, the pattern of fat distribution was strongly associated with insulin sensitivity, with insulin secretion, and with the likelihood of future T2D.

Unlike separately investigating fat in each location, this new approach provides information on the interplay of excess fat in different locations.

Our findings underline the importance of body fat distribution rather than general adiposity. They can provide a basis for more individualized approaches to preventing and treating T2D. The authors thank Keita Numata from the System Development Section, Keijinkai Maruyama Clinic, and Kunihiko Hayashi, Hiromitsu Yonezawa, Eiji Kazuta, Kimihiro Saito, Keiko Takasaki, and Miyuki Yoshioka from the Department of Radiology, Keijinkai Maruyama Clinic.

For comments and suggestions on an earlier version of the manuscript, the authors acknowledge the assistance of Joseph Green Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo. Duality of Interest.

reports lecture fees from Novo Nordisk and Sanofi. served on an advisory board for Akcea Therapeutics, Daiichi Sankyo, Sanofi, and Novo Nordisk. reports research grants from Boehringer Ingelheim and Sanofi both to the University Hospital Tübingen and lecture fees from Amryt, Novo Nordisk, and Boehringer Ingelheim.

He also served on an advisory board for Boehringer Ingelheim. No other potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were reported. Author Contributions. designed the study. collected data. wrote the draft of the manuscript.

analyzed data. reviewed the manuscript, made critical revisions, and approved the manuscript before submission. for the Japanese data and R. and M. for the German data are the guarantors of this work and, as such, had full access to all the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.

Prior Presentation. Parts of this study were presented in abstract form at the 82nd Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, New Orleans, LA, 3—7 June Sign In or Create an Account. Search Dropdown Menu. header search search input Search input auto suggest.

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Volume 71, Issue 9. Previous Article Next Article. Research Design and Methods. Article Information. Article Navigation.

Obesity Studies June 20 Fat Distribution Patterns and Future Type 2 Diabetes Hajime Yamazaki Hajime Yamazaki. Corresponding author: Hajime Yamazaki, yamazaki-myz umin. This Site. Google Scholar. Shinichi Tauchi ; Shinichi Tauchi. Jürgen Machann ; Jürgen Machann. Tobias Haueise ; Tobias Haueise.

Yosuke Yamamoto ; Yosuke Yamamoto. Mitsuru Dohke ; Mitsuru Dohke. Nagisa Hanawa ; Nagisa Hanawa. Yoshihisa Kodama ; Yoshihisa Kodama. Akio Katanuma ; Akio Katanuma. Norbert Stefan Norbert Stefan. Andreas Fritsche Andreas Fritsche. Andreas L. Birkenfeld Róbert Wagner Róbert Wagner.

Martin Heni Martin Heni. Diabetes ;71 9 — Article history Received:. Get Permissions. toolbar search Search Dropdown Menu. toolbar search search input Search input auto suggest.

Figure 1. View large Download slide. Table 1 Baseline characteristics. Age years 51 43—59 54 47—59 0. View Large. Cluster 1: hepatic steatosis. Cluster 2: pancreatic steatosis.

Cluster 3: trunk myosteatosis. Cluster 4: steatopenia. Subcohort contributed equally. Search ADS. Causes, consequences, and treatment of metabolically unhealthy fat distribution.

Change in visceral adiposity independently predicts a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes over 10 years in Japanese Americans. Independent association between improvement of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and reduced incidence of type 2 diabetes.

Inverse association between fatty liver at baseline ultrasonography and remission of type 2 diabetes over a 2-year follow-up period. Estimating the effect of liver and pancreas volume and fat content on risk of diabetes: a Mendelian randomization study. Longitudinal association of fatty pancreas with the incidence of type-2 diabetes in lean individuals: a 6-year computed tomography-based cohort study.

Myosteatosis in the context of skeletal muscle function deficit: an interdisciplinary workshop at the National Institute on Aging. Hepatic and skeletal muscle adiposity are associated with diabetes independent of visceral adiposity in nonobese African-Caribbean men.

Cardiovascular and metabolic heterogeneity of obesity: clinical challenges and implications for management. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and risk of incident type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis.

Mechanisms in endocrinology: skeletal muscle lipotoxicity in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes: a causal mechanism or an innocent bystander?

Metabolic crosstalk between fatty pancreas and fatty liver: effects on local inflammation and insulin secretion. Pancreatic steatosis associates with impaired insulin secretion in genetically predisposed individuals. Fatty pancreas is independently associated with subsequent diabetes mellitus development: a year prospective cohort study.

Quantitative assessment of pancreatic fat by using unenhanced CT: pathologic correlation and clinical implications. Finally, this is a prospective, observational study, which only enables hypothesis generation regarding prediction of regional body fat accumulation by EF and cannot provide mechanistic insight.

Taking into account that visceral fat is associated with increased cardiovascular risk, constituting a potent mediator of unfavourable metabolic profiles, assessment of eating behaviour that may modulate fat distribution provide significant clinical tool with potential therapeutic implications.

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Pediatrics ; : e — Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

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Advanced Search. Search Menu. Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Volume Article Contents Abstract. Materials and methods. Journal Article. Eating frequency predicts changes in regional body fat distribution in healthy adults.

G Georgiopoulos , G Georgiopoulos. From the Vascular Laboratory, Department of Clinical Therapeutics, Alexandra University Hospital, 80 V. Sofias str, Athens, Greece.

Oxford Academic. K Κaratzi. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, School of Health Science and Education, Harokopio University, 70 El Venizelou str, Athens, Greece.

M Yannakoulia. E Georgousopoulou. E Efthimiou. A Mareti. I Bakogianni. Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece. A Mitrakou. C Papamichael. K Stamatelopoulos. Georgiopoulos and K.

Karatzi contributed equally to this work. Revision received:. PDF Split View Views. Select Format Select format.

The genetics of fat distribution | Diabetologia

Abdominal sagittal diameter derived from CT or MRI images has also been used to determine abdominal FD [ 11 ]. Applying CT scans in volunteers, Lemieux et al proposed cut-off values corresponding to an accumulation of visceral adipose tissue of cm 2 , which is strongly related to metabolic disorders: WHR of 0.

It is noteworthy that, despite continuous technological advances in the measurement of FD, Lemieux et al have suggested the use of simultaneous measurement of WC and fasting triacylglycerol hypertriglyceridaemic waist as a simple screening tool to identify men characterised by the atherogenic metabolic triad hyperinsulinaemia, elevated apolipoprotein B [ApoB], small, dense LDL particles and at high risk for coronary artery disease [ 17 ].

Together with genetic factors, the main predictors of visceral fat and FD are age, sex, total body fat content and energy balance [ 11 ]. Visceral fat mass increases with age independently of total body fat mass, but this is more pronounced in men than in women [ 11 ].

In this context, it has to be mentioned that sex hormones may modulate adipose tissue accumulation in a depot-specific manner.

Alterations in endocrine signalling may also contribute to changes in FD. Moreover, visceral fat mass in men is negatively associated with testosterone and sex-hormone binding globulin SHBG levels [ 20 ].

Despite facilitating the intra-abdominal accumulation of fat, a positive energy balance does not appear to be a major determinant of visceral fat mass. In contrast, there is good evidence that body weight loss results in an over-proportional reduction of the visceral fat mass [ 22 ], which might, at least in part, be explained by higher lipolytic capacity of visceral compared with subcutaneous fat [ 11 ].

In addition, it is likely that environmental factors either directly, or in genetically susceptible individuals, contribute to individual differences in FD Fig. For example, data from rodent studies suggest that food contaminants, particularly those with endocrine signalling capacities, may also cause ectopic fat accumulation in the liver and visceral fat depots [ 23 ].

There is also good evidence in humans that sugar-sweetened beverages promote the accumulation of visceral adiposity [ 24 ]. Moreover, as suggested by Björntorp, stress mediated by psychosocial and socioeconomic handicaps, depressive and anxiety traits, alcohol and smoking may lead to neuroendocrine perturbations followed by abdominal obesity with its associated comorbidities [ 25 ].

Genetics of FD: strategies to identify genes involved in fat distribution and potential mechanisms contributing to variability in FD.

GWAS provide a major tool for identification of novel genes associated with FD measures, such as WHR. Candidate gene strategies rely on the investigation of genes with fat depot-specific mRNA expression.

In addition, genes known to be involved in the pathophysiology of other forms of altered fat distribution, such as lipodystrophies, are potential candidates e.

Developmental genes represent a unique group of genes that is not only supported by their physiological role but also by GWAS. CB1R is also known as CNR1. There is good evidence that not only obesity but also FD is controlled by genetic factors, and that this is independent of BMI and overall obesity [ 26 , 27 ].

In one of the pioneering works in this field, Bouchard et al showed in identical twins that within-pair similarity was particularly evident for changes in regional FD and amount of abdominal visceral fat, with significantly greater variance among pairs than within pairs, thus strongly suggesting the involvement of genetic factors [ 21 ].

These data suggested a strong genetic influence on the familial aggregation in abdominal fat, independent of total body fat mass, and clearly indicated that genetic factors seem to have a greater effect on abdominal visceral fat than on abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Since some individuals are genetically predisposed to store abdominal fat in the visceral rather than in the subcutaneous depot, the above-mentioned studies also implied that these individuals are at higher genetic risk of manifest metabolic complications associated with visceral obesity [ 31 ].

Conditions such as steatopygia and lipodystrophies also support the role of genetics in FD. There are obvious differences in body FD as humans gain or lose weight.

This is extremely profound in certain ethnic groups such as the Khoikhoi previously known as Hottentots in southern Africa, whose women show excessive accumulation of fat in the buttocks [ 34 ].

Lipodystrophies with abnormal regional fat deposition provide further convincing evidence for the role of genetics in FD [ 35 ]. For instance, for congenital generalised lipodystrophy, which is characterised by a partial or complete loss of any adipose tissue, mutations in four genes, AGPAT2 , BSCL2 , CAV1 and PTRF , leading to disturbances in either lipid storage AGPAT2 or lipid homoeostasis CAV1 , PTRF , BSCL2 have been postulated to be causative [ 36 — 39 ].

Patients with Dunnigan-type familial partial lipodystrophy suffer post puberty from regional and progressive adipocyte degeneration, which is often accompanied by profound insulin resistance and diabetes [ 42 ].

It has been demonstrated in mice that, rather than involving a loss of fat, the major mechanism contributing to the lack of fat accumulation is likely to be an altered renewal capacity of the adipose tissue, which could be attributed to the disturbed differentiation of pre-adipocytes into functional adipocytes [ 43 ].

Interestingly, common variants in LMNA have been shown to contribute to the polygenic background of type 2 diabetes and obesity [ 44 — 46 ], making LMNA a plausible candidate for involvement in the pathophysiology of visceral obesity Fig.

Familial multiple lipomatosis is another condition of altered FD that is characterised by the presence of multiple lipomas on the body. Although an autosomal-dominant inheritance has been proposed [ 47 ], information on the genetic background of lipomatosis is sparse and research has so far focused on HMGA2 and its fusion partners LPP and LHFP [ 48 — 50 ].

Of note, transgenic mice expressing truncated Hmga2 still retaining the three AT-hook domains are characterised by a giant phenotype and hyperplasia of white adipose tissue [ 51 ] whereas, on the other hand, HMGA2 knockout mice present a pygmy phenotype with hypoplasia of white adipose tissue [ 52 ].

Likewise, a lack of HMGA2 impairs lineage commitment of stem cells toward pre-adipocytes, further supporting the role of HMGA2 in adipogenesis [ 53 ].

The classical approach to examining the heterogeneity of adipose tissue is based on comparisons of protein and gene function and expression between the visceral and subcutaneous fat depots. Differential gene expression between visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue points to genetic heterogeneity and, therefore, its investigation represents a promising path to reveal candidate genes involved in the regulation of FD.

Indeed, there are numerous genes with differential expression between visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue, such as ADRB3 [ 54 ], APOB [ 55 ], GR also known as NR3C1 [ 56 ], LPL [ 57 ], PAI1 [ 58 ], RBP4 [ 59 ], LEP [ 60 ], IL6 [ 61 ], AGT [ 60 ] or PPARG [ 62 ] Fig.

It has been postulated that genetic variants in these genes may contribute to ectopic visceral storage [ 63 ]. Moreover, many of these genes, notably ADRB3 , APOB , LPL , RBP4 , LEP , IL6 , APM1 and PPARG , are not only differentially expressed in various fat depots, but are also associated with traits related to obesity, such as insulin resistance or adipokine levels.

These findings clearly indicate potential functionality of the identified polymorphisms in the regulation of FD. It has to be acknowledged, however, that in general, early candidate gene studies were mostly underpowered and the genotype—phenotype associations would not have withstood the currently accepted genome-wide statistical significance levels.

Nevertheless, they undoubtedly deserve attention as they may still represent very promising targets contributing to a better understanding of the complex aetiology of obesity-related complications, and might even pave the way for novel treatment strategies in metabolic disorders. For example, given its biological role in metabolism, PPARG the gene encoding peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ is one of the most prominent candidates for involvement in modulating FD.

Treatment of type 2 diabetes with thiazolidinediones, which activate PPARG selectively, increases fat partitioning to the subcutaneous adipose depot [ 68 ] and may also reduce visceral fat volume [ 69 ].

Therefore, it may not be surprising that the genetic variant predicting a ProGln change in PPARG has also been investigated intensively in relation to FD and was not only found in extremely obese subjects but also shown to promote adipocyte differentiation [ 70 ].

In contrast, the Pro12Ala variant in PPARG is associated with lower BMI, better insulin sensitivity and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes [ 63 ]. Although a significant PPARG gene—sex interaction was observed in the modulation of BMI, fat mass and blood pressure for Pro12Ala, it was also associated with WC independently of BMI and sex [ 71 ].

Consistently, the polymorphism was associated with WHR and visceral and subcutaneous fat mass in Korean women, although the data suggested that the gene has a larger impact on subcutaneous than visceral adipose tissue [ 72 ].

As sirtuin 1 SIRT1 is an important regulator of energy metabolism through its impact on glucose and lipid metabolism, genetic studies have been performed to test the effects of genetic variation in SIRT1 on adiposity.

A Belgian case—control association study involving 1, obese patients and lean controls suggested that genetic variants of SIRT1 increase the risk for obesity, and that the SIRT1 genotype correlates with visceral obesity variables WC, WHR and visceral and total abdominal fat in obese men [ 73 ].

One of the earliest studies revealed an association between rs and WC in individuals of Indian-Asian or European ancestry [ 74 ]. The SNPs have been mapped near MC4R , which is known to be predominantly involved in monogenic obesity [ 74 ]. Since then, MC4R has remained one of the major WC-associated loci, conferring a relatively large effect size of 0.

In addition, a few other loci related to WC, including the neurexin 3 gene NRXN3 , have been discovered [ 75 ]. Since the effect of the associated variant was markedly attenuated when adjusting for BMI, it is likely that NRXN3 is involved in regulating overall obesity rather than WC [ 75 ], which is in line with previous studies showing NRXN3 , to be related to obesity and BMI [ 76 ].

The first meta-analysis of GWAS relating to WC and WHR was conducted by Lindgren et al and suggested a role for genetic factors in the regulation of both WC and WHR [ 77 ].

Genetic variants within TFAP2B and near MSRA were strongly associated with visceral fat accumulation WC. In line with the Lindgren meta-analysis, a recent study conducted with 32 GWAS for WHR adjusted for BMI up to 77, participants , and following up 16 loci in an additional 29 studies up to , participants , uncovered 13 loci associated with WHR RSPO3 , VEGFA , TBX15—WARS2 , NFE2L3 , GRB14—COBLL1 , DNM3—PIGC , ITPR2—SSPN , LY86 , HOXC13 , ADAMTS9 , ZNRF3—KREMEN1 , NISCH—STAB1 , CPEB4 and confirmed the known association signal at LYPLAL1 , with effect sizes reaching 0.

A recent GWAS including up to , individuals of European ancestry replicated associations with WHR for RSPO3 , LY86 , LYPLAL1 and COBLL1 [ 78 ]. Altogether, the GWAS findings indicate a strong genetic background for WHR regulation, independently of overall obesity.

Sex-specific effect sizes of WHR-associated loci: effect sizes of all genome-wide significant WHR loci meta-analysed by 1 Heid et al [ 30 ] and by 2 Randall et al [ 84 ]. The data are ordered by effect sizes in women and reported for the combined stages of analyses. In addition to GWAS for WHR, several studies used more precise measures of FD, such as visceral and subcutaneous fat area measured by CT [ 79 , 80 ].

These GWAS revealed additional variants implying the value of more accurate measurements in unravelling novel polymorphisms contributing to the genetic control of FD. In particular, Fox et al provided strong evidence for an association of a novel locus with visceral adipose tissue near THNSL2 in women [ 80 ].

Moreover, using the ratio of visceral to subcutaneous adipose tissue, significant associations were replicated for seven of the previously reported WHR loci after adjusting for BMI [ 30 , 80 ]. Given the known limitations of WHR as a measure of FD, particularly based on the fact that, for a given WHR value, there may be large variation in the level of abdominal visceral adipose tissue, the data from Fox et al clearly demonstrate the need for including more accurate phenotypes of regional FD in future genetic analyses.

Although most of the previous GWAS were conducted in cohorts of European ancestry, recent studies have replicated the previously identified associations in various ethnic populations [ 81 , 82 ].

While confirming six of the 14 loci described above for WHR TBX15—WARS2 , GRB14 , ADAMTS9 , LY86 , RSPO3 , ITPR2—SSPN , two novel regions have been shown to associate significantly with WC and WHR LHX2 and RREB1 , respectively; both adjusted for BMI in individuals of African ancestry [ 81 ].

Furthermore, recent analyses of the 14 WHR loci confirmed the potential role in FD for LYPLAL1 and NISCH in a Japanese population [ 82 ]. It is of note that a recent GWAS identified a novel SNP near TRIP2 associated with pericardial fat [ 83 ].

The variant rs was exclusively associated with pericardial fat in a multi-ethnic survey, without any further evidence of association with visceral adipose tissue or BMI.

The authors provided further evidence for an expression quantitative trait locus eQTL suggesting that the association of the lead variant close to TRIP 2 might be mediated by its altered gene expression [ 83 ]. The fact that seven of the loci identified by Heid et al RSPO3 , VEGFA , GRB14 , LYPLAL1 , ITPR2—SSPN , ADAMTS9 , HOXC13 Fig.

The sexual dimorphism in FD gained further support from a very recent large-scale study comprising , individuals in the initial meta-analysis of GWAS and , individuals in subsequent replication stages [ 84 ]. Specifically, significant sex-related differences were replicated for four of the 14 previously reported WHR-associated loci adjusted for BMI near GRB14—COBLL1 , LYPLAL1—SLC30A10 , VEGFA and ADAMTS9 Fig.

Moreover, three novel loci were identified for WC near MAP3K1 and WHR adjusted for BMI near HSD17B4 and PPARG Fig. The observed sexual dimorphism may not be surprising when considering that sex differences manifest not only in WHR per se but also in the extent of genetic effects influencing variation in body composition.

Although there is a shortage of studies systematically investigating sex differences in the genetic architecture of body composition, Zillikens et al showed that genetic variance was significantly higher in women for waist, hip and WHR in the Erasmus Ruphen Family study, thus suggesting that genes account for more phenotypic variance of FD in women than in men [ 85 ].

The above-mentioned GWAS strengthen the conclusions of the Erasmus Ruphen Family study and clearly imply the tremendous importance of sex-specific analyses in studies aimed at pinpointing the genetic architecture of complex traits such as FD.

Nevertheless, it has to be kept in mind that genetic determinants of body composition may be modulated by sex-specific hormonal, environmental and nutritional factors [ 85 ], which may at least partially explain the observed sex-related differences in genetic effects on FD. In contrast to the variants related to obesity and BMI, which are mostly expressed in the brain, the vast majority of the WHR-related genes identified by GWAS are predominantly expressed in peripheral tissues [ 76 , 86 , 87 ].

However, a functional role could be assigned to only a handful of candidate genes, predominantly involved in adipogenesis TBX15 , early embryonic development HOXC13 , angiogenesis VEGFA , RSPO3 and STAB1 , lipase activity LYPLAL1 or lipid biosynthesis PIGC reviewed in [ 30 ].

With regard to the potential function of the genes identified, and apart from the sex-specific association signals, another important aspect of the GWAS carried out by Heid et al was the identification of eQTLs for six WHR-associated SNPs rs for TBX15 mRNA in omental adipose tissue; rs for AA mRNA, rs for GRB14 mRNA and rs for ZNRF3 mRNA in subcutaneous adipose tissue; rs for PIGC mRNA in lymphocytes; rs for STAB1 mRNA in blood [ 30 ].

At these loci, the WHR-associated SNPs explained the majority of the association between the most significant eQTL and the gene transcript. Moreover, mRNA of the five potential FD-related genes RSPO3 , TBX15 , ITPR2 , WARS2 and STAB1 was differentially expressed between gluteal and abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue.

In follow-up studies, these data could be strengthened by demonstrating fat depot-specific differences in mRNA expression between subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue for all six genes mapped within the reported eQTLs [ 88 ].

Finally, the rs T-allele was nominally associated with increased GRB14 subcutaneous mRNA expression, suggesting that the association with WHR might be mediated by the SNP effects on mRNA expression levels.

GRB14 appears to be an appealing gene as it binds to the insulin receptor and its expression is enhanced in patients with type 2 diabetes. Consequently, as postulated by Holt et al, it could either be the case that small differences in numerous adipose depots may lead to a significant overall difference in fat mass or, alternatively, that there may be depot-specific differences in fat accumulation with no change observed for the epididymal depot [ 91 ].

Fat depot-specific expression of developmental genes provides further support for the strong genetic background of FD [ 92 ]. It has been observed in both rodents and humans that visceral adipose tissue is characterised by higher mRNA levels of HoxA5 , HoxA4 , HoxC8 , Gpc4 and Nr2f1 , whereas subcutaneous fat has higher levels of HoxA10 , HoxC9 , Twist1 , Tbx15 , Shox2 , En1 and Sfpr2.

Even more importantly, such variability in gene expression is also found in pre-adipocytes derived from different fat depots in rodents and humans, and appears to be intrinsic, since it persists during in vitro culture and differentiation [ 92 , 93 ].

This may suggest that different mesodermal regions might give rise to precursors in different adipose depots, and might so contribute to biological differences between visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue.

In support of this, Gesta et al have shown that mRNA expression profiles of Tbx15 , Gpc4 and HoxA5 not only differ between various adipose depots but also strongly correlate with BMI, WHR or visceral fat mass and subsequent metabolic alterations in mice as well as humans, suggesting that genetic differences in regulation of the development and differentiation of adipocytes could at least partially explain the development of visceral obesity [ 92 , 94 ].

It is noteworthy, however, that depot-specific differences have been observed even within subcutaneous adipose tissue, as demonstrated recently by Karastergiou et al, who investigated depot- and sex-dependent differences in gene expression in human abdominal and gluteal subcutaneous adipose tissue [ 95 ].

There was again strong evidence for differential regulation of mRNA expression of homeobox genes in both sexes, implying that developmentally programmed differences may contribute to the distinct phenotypic characteristics of peripheral fat [ 95 ].

Consistently, a unique expression pattern of developmental genes has been previously described by Yamamoto et al for Shox2 , En1 , Tbx15 , Hoxa5 , Hoxc8 and Hoxc9 in several subcutaneous and intra-abdominal white and brown adipose tissue depots in mice under obese and in fasting conditions Fig.

With regard to gene function, it has been shown very recently that SHOX2 , whose expression levels in human subcutaneous adipose tissue positively correlate with visceral obesity, regulates lipolysis via increasing ADRB3 expression, thus suggesting its role in adipocyte biology [ 97 ].

It should be noted that, despite recent advances in the field of high-throughput genetic analyses resulting in a number of novel polymorphisms associated with WHR, these polymorphisms can only explain a small proportion of phenotypic variance and genetic heritability in FD [ 30 ].

Therefore, other players such as non-coding RNA or DNA methylation need to be acknowledged as possible regulators of FD Fig. Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA or histone methylation, modify long-term gene expression and seem to provide plausible mechanisms for adapting the genome to environmental circumstances.

It has been shown that nutritional oscillations in certain developmental periods of life may increase susceptibility to overweight and related diseases. Perinatal programming of the genome based on prenatal and neonatal overfeeding contributes to obesity and diabetes in later life [ 98 ].

It is also increasingly appreciated that there is an association between maternal nutrition during pregnancy and intrauterine development of fetal body composition and subsequently FD later in life [ 99 ].

More importantly, body composition and adverse FD may be modifiable via nutritional intervention in the mother [ 99 ]. As mentioned above, the strong adipose tissue-specific expression patterns of genes playing a fundamental role in early development were strikingly found to be preserved from one pre-adipocyte to the next over several generations [ 93 , ], implying the existence of yet unknown mechanisms maintaining the expression profiles over time [ ].

This is not only supported by demonstrating that white and brown adipose tissue originate from independent precursor cells [ ] but also by showing distinct methylation profiles for white and brown pre-adipocytes [ ]. In a genome-wide methylation analysis of eight different adipose depots in three pig breeds living within comparable environments, but displaying distinct fat levels, Li et al investigated the systematic association between anatomical location-specific DNA methylation status of different adipose depots and obesity-related phenotypes [ ].

Using methylated DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing, the authors showed that, compared with subcutaneous adipose tissue, visceral and intermuscular adipose tissue, which are the metabolic risk factors of obesity, were primarily associated with impaired inflammatory and immune responses.

By presenting functionally relevant methylation differences between different adipose depots, the study supports the role of epigenetics in the regulation of FD. Epigenetic studies on animal models are now being complemented by human studies, which bring further evidence for the potential role of epigenetics in the pathophysiology of adverse FD.

For instance, a recent study by Huang et al described a positive correlation between IGF2—H19 DNA methylation levels and ultrasound-derived measures of subcutaneous fat thickness in young adults [ ].

Furthermore, DNA methylation levels at the LEP promoter were shown to be related to its tissue distribution [ ]. Undoubtedly, and regardless of forms of altered FD, fat deposition is strongly determined by genetic factors. Whereas specific forms of disturbed FD, such as lipodystrophies, can be clearly assigned to individual genetic mutations, other forms, such as visceral obesity, appear to be of a polygenic nature and further influenced by environmental factors.

Although genes involved in the pathophysiology of monogenic forms of altered FD may be attractive candidates in studies aimed at investigating common genetic variation and its effects on FD as has been demonstrated for LMNA variants associated with type 2 diabetes and obesity , recent GWAS on measures of FD proved to be the most efficient tool in identifying genetic loci potentially harbouring genes controlling FD Fig.

It is of note that many of the WHR-associated loci have also shown associations in GWAS for metabolic traits such as fasting glucose, insulin, adiponectin levels and BMI, and with diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension and coronary heart disease ESM Table 1 , so further supporting the suggestion that individuals genetically predisposed to store fat in the visceral rather than the subcutaneous depot are at higher risk of developing various metabolic complications.

The challenge is now to understand the biological processes controlled by these genes leading to altered FD. For example, considering the fact that dysfunctional adipose tissue that is unable to expand through hyperplasia will lead to visceral accumulation and ectopic fat deposition, it might be hypothesised that some individuals with genetically determined dysfunctional subcutaneous adipose tissue may be more prone to storing variable amounts of fat in other ectopic depots e.

liver, heart, muscle, or around large vessels depending on variation in other sets of genes Fig. a Functional adipose tissue expansion through hyperplasia to cover the need to store excess energy. b Dysfunctional adipose tissue unable to expand through hyperplasia will lead to visceral adipose tissue accumulation and to ectopic fat deposition.

An excess in body fat arises in most cases from a mixture of adverse lifestyle components e. low physical activity, hyper-energetic nutrition and genetic susceptibility. In addition, expansion capacity of subcutaneous adipose tissue and storage of energy in various ectopic fat depots might be modulated by different gene sets.

Thus, some individuals with genetically determined dysfunctional subcutaneous adipose tissue may be more prone to store variable amounts of fat in other ectopic depots e. liver, heart, muscle or around large vessels depending upon variation in other sets of genes.

SC subcutaneous; VIS visceral. In conclusion, a better knowledge of the function of FD genes will be crucial for understanding the complex aetiology of obesity-related complications and might even pave novel paths for treatment strategies for metabolic disorders such as diabetes.

In addition, more accurate methods, including cardiometabolic imaging, for assessment of FD will be required to promote our knowledge in this field. Van Gaal LF, Mertens IL, De Block CE Mechanisms linking obesity with cardiovascular disease. Nature — PubMed Google Scholar. Reaven GM Importance of identifying the overweight patient who will benefit the most by losing weight.

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Diabetes — Klein S, Fontana L, Young VL et al Absence of an effect of liposuction on insulin action and risk factors for coronary heart disease. N Engl J Med — Thorne A, Lonnqvist F, Apelman J, Hellers G, Arner P A pilot study of long-term effects of a novel obesity treatment: omentectomy in connection with adjustable gastric banding.

Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord — Wajchenberg BL Subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue: their relation to the metabolic syndrome. Endocr Rev — Bluher M Adipose tissue dysfunction in obesity. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes — Speliotes EK, Massaro JM, Hoffmann U et al Fatty liver is associated with dyslipidemia and dysglycemia independent of visceral fat: the Framingham Heart Study.

Hepatology — Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Main Content. Important Phone Numbers. Top of the page. Current as of: August 25, Home About MyHealth. ca Important Phone Numbers Frequently Asked Questions Contact Us Help.

About MyHealth. feedback myhealth. Include Images Large Print. In conclusion, excess accumulation of either visceral abdominal or muscle AT is associated with a higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome in older adults, particularly in those who are of normal body weight.

This suggests that practitioners should not discount the risk of metabolic syndrome in their older patients entirely on the basis of body weight or BMI. Indeed, generalized body composition, in terms of both BMI and the proportion of body fat, does not clearly distinguish older subjects with the metabolic syndrome.

Moreover, racial differences in the various components of the metabolic syndrome provide strong evidence that the cause of the syndrome likely varies in blacks and whites. Thus, the development of a treatment for the metabolic syndrome as a unifying disorder is likely to be complex.

Correspondence: Bret H. Goodpaster, PhD, Department of Medicine, North MUH, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA bgood pitt. Dr Goodpaster was supported by grant KAG from the National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health.

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IFB AdiposityDiseases is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF , Germany, FKZ: 01EO DS, YB, MB and PK were responsible for the conception and design of the manuscript, drafting the manuscript, revising it critically for intellectual content and approving the final version.

Integrated Research and Treatment Center IFB AdiposityDiseases, University of Leipzig, Liebigstr. Department of Medicine, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany.

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Peter Kovacs. Reprints and permissions. Schleinitz, D. et al. The genetics of fat distribution. Diabetologia 57 , — Download citation. LaVelle, K. Rosenberg, and V.

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Donath Assessment of Whole Body Composition with Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. Subsequent analysis showed that the combination of F1 and F2 which was statistically independent of G1 G2 was nearly as correlated with body mass index BMI as was G1 0. Moreover mean G2 did not differ between treated diabetics and non-diabetics at entry in the study whereas mean G1 was significantly increased in the former group.

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Body Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns distribution varies. Pqtterns people may be apple-shaped Subcuatneous carry most of their excess body fat pattegns the stomach. Natural Detoxification Support people may be pear-shaped and carry most of their excess body fat around the hips, buttocks, and thighs. You can check to see if you are apple- or pear-shaped by dividing your waist measurement by your hip measurement. This will give you your waist-to-hip ratio.

Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns -

This paper focuses on the abnormal distribution of subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue, divided into generalized and non-generalized patterns Table 1. Syndromes associated with vascular malformations can also present as lipohypertrophy but are not discussed here.

Mature adipocytes contain only one-third of adipose tissue. Nerves and vessels, fibroblasts and adipocyte precursor cells contain the remaining two-thirds of adipose tissue [ 3 ].

Mature adipocytes are divided into two cytotypes, white and brown, recognized by their colors and functions. White adipocytes are unilocular large spherical droplets [ 4 ].

On the other hand, brown adipocytes are multilocular with abundant mitochondria packed with cristae within the cytoplasm. It is well known that mammals have two types of adipose tissue: white adipose tissue WAT , mainly composed of white adipocytes, and brown adipose tissue BAT , mainly composed of brown adipocytes [ 2 ].

White adipose tissue WAT comprises most of adult fat. Although WAT and BAT both receive a vascular and nerve supply, BAT contains a richer vascular tree, dense with numerous capillaries [ 2 ].

The physiology of WAT can be summarized into three overlapping categories: lipid metabolism, glucose metabolism, and endocrine function [ 3 ]. Leptin, one of the most thoroughly investigated adipokines, is referred to in the next section in congenital generalized lipodystrophy.

In neonates, BAT can be found in several areas including the interscapular region, axillae, and muscles in the neck [ 5 , 6 , 7 ].

In adults, no discrete collection of BAT is observed. The function of BAT in adult humans has been investigated but not determined to date.

There are two major anatomic distributions with unique anatomic, metabolic, or endocrine properties: visceral VAT and subcutaneous adipose tissue SCAT.

VAT is divided into intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal distribution. SCAT is further divided into superficial subcutaneous and deep subcutaneous adipose tissue [ 9 ].

The metabolic function of VAT and SCAT is substantially different. For example, visceral adipocytes are more metabolically active and have a greater lipolytic activity compared with SCAT. Adipocytes from VAT are more insulin-resistant than adipocytes from SCAT [ 10 , 11 ].

SCAT is the major source of leptin production [ 8 ]. Superfluous energy accumulates in adipocytes at SCAT, which acts as a metabolic sink.

Only when the capacity of SCAT is exceeded or impaired does VAT accumulation occurs. Congenital genetic lipodystrophy has been reported in about patients with various types related to the pattern of fat loss and genetic molecular defect [ 12 , 13 ]. Congenital generalized lipodystrophy is an autosomal recessive trait, with an incidence estimated at less than one in 12 million [ 13 ].

They are recognized at birth by a near-total lack of body fat and increased muscular appearance. Markedly low serum levels of leptin and adiponectin secreted from adipose tissue drive insulin resistance and its complications such as diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hepatic steatosis, acanthosis nigricans, polycystic ovarian disease, and hypertension [ 12 ].

CT and MRI demonstrate the nearly complete absence of adipose tissue well, whereas adipose tissue may be preserved in the orbits, mouth, tongue, palms and soles, scalp, perineum, and periarticular regions [ 14 ] Figs.

Lytic lesions may be formed in the long bones or appendicular bones after puberty [ 15 ]. Disappearance of adipose tissue from bone marrow should be anticipated on MRI, which may make any bone lesion difficult to detect.

The imaging differential diagnoses are Werner syndrome, anorexia nervosa, cachexia, and other severe wasting conditions. The finding of normal or hypertrophic muscles and past history including medication history are key points for making the diagnosis.

Acquired generalized lipodystrophy may show almost the same clinical and imaging findings although the onset is usually during childhood and the distribution and extent of fat loss are variable. Genes for congenital lipodystrophies including CGL continue to be reported [ 12 ].

Although there are many types of inherited partial lipodystrophy, most of them are extremely rare. Familial partial dystrophy and acquired partial lipodystrophy are mentioned briefly in the chapter of uneven lipodystrophy. A year-old woman with congenital generalized lipodystrophy and fifth finger pain.

Lytic lesion arrowheads was evident on a radiograph and b CT in the fifth middle phalange. c CT showed almost complete loss of fat tissue other than the palmar fat pad arrow.

MRI showed complete lack of bone marrow adipose tissue. Coronal d T2-weighted and e STIR images show almost the same signal.

f T1-weighted image shows no adipose high signal intensity. An asterisk denotes the referred lytic lesion. g DIXON-based fat image shows almost complete loss of fat high signal in the bone marrow and soft tissue. T1-weighted axial images at the level of a orbita, b axilla, c renal sinus, d pelvis, e thigh, and f sagittal image of foot show nearly complete absence of adipose tissue, which is however slightly preserved in the orbits, axillae, and soles arrows.

AGL is a very rare acquired form of generalized lipodystrophy that develops in a previously healthy child or adult. Loss of SCAT occurs usually during childhood in patients with AGL showing a variable pattern and extent [ 12 ]. Although most patients show generalized loss of fat, some also show spared areas such as VAT and bone marrow fat.

Severe hepatic steatosis, fibrosis, and diabetes mellitus are the major complication in AGL. The pathogenesis of fat loss in patients with AGL remains unknown, but previous infection can be linked to this syndrome because histologic analysis of subcutaneous tissue reveals panniculitis [ 16 ].

Antibodies against adipocyte-membrane antigens have been detected in a few cases. Adipose tissue metabolism and whole-body fat mass are regulated through two major pathways: lipolysis fat breakdown and lipogenesis fat synthesis.

Adipose atrophy in cancer patients is attributed to increased lipolysis and fat oxidation, decreased lipogenesis, impaired lipid deposition and adipogenesis, and browning of white adipose tissue [ 17 ].

Cancer patients exhibit smaller adipocytes compared with non-cancer ones, but the total fat cell number is not altered [ 19 ]. Fat loss occurs more rapidly and precociously than the reduction of lean mass in cachexia, with extension in rush especially in the immediate period preceding death [ 20 ].

CT shows not only fat depletion but also increased density of visceral and subcutaneous fat that may reflect depletion of fat cell size with fibrotic, inflammatory, or edematous change Fig. A year-old man with pancreatic cancer.

Initial CT in our hospital a , b shows massive low-density mass in the head of the pancreas arrow. Hepatic metastases arrowheads and copious ascites asterisks are also observed.

Eating disorders are characterized by a persistent disturbance of eating that impairs health or psychosocial functioning with the highest mortality of any psychiatric disorder [ 21 ]. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are serious life-threatening eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa is characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss.

Bulimia nervosa is characterized by a cycle of binging and compensatory behaviors such as self-induced vomiting designed to undo or compensate for the effects of binge eating.

Patients with severe anorexia or bulimia nervosa can show extremely depleted body fat mass with increased attenuation on CT [ 22 ]. Visceral adipose tissue attenuation can be a biomarker of current and prior disease status [ 22 ].

Not only subcutaneous and visceral fat, but also diminishment of the normal hyperintense T1-weighted signal is observed from bone marrow Fig. The signal alteration of bone marrow is named as serous atrophy of bone marrow radiologically or gelatinous bone marrow pathologically.

A variety of conditions such as chronic infection, malabsorption, chronic heart and kidney failure, and alcoholism have been identified as causes of serous atrophy of bone marrow [ 23 ]. Skeletal growth retardation, in particular in young male patients, may also be evident on imaging studies.

A year-old woman with serous atrophy of bone marrow from bulimia nervosa. a Coronal T1-weighted image demonstrates abnormal diffuse hypointense marrow signal with fracture of left femoral neck. b Coronal STIR demonstrates abnormal hyperintense signal in the bone marrow and surrounding subcutaneous or intermuscular tissue arrows.

c CT at the level of the femoral fracture double arrow shows depleted high attenuated fat tissue. The increase of fat amount is characterized by increased adipocyte size.

Subcutaneous and visceral fat amount is strongly associated with insulin resistance [ 25 ]. In pseudogynecomastia, the underlying mass is not breast tissue but pure fat Fig. Obesity and such conditions may overlap.

a Chest radiograph shows bilateral pseudogynecomastia black arrows. b CT of the chest and c abdomen shows increase of subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue. Note the absence of extensive growth of mammary gland but pure fat deposition on the breast white arrows.

With the introduction of effective antiretroviral therapy, HALS has become one of its most important long-term adverse effects [ 26 ]. HALS includes subcutaneous fat loss lipoatrophy , fat accumulation lipohypertrophy , or a combination of both Fig.

These morphologic abnormalities can also be associated with disorders of glucose and lipid metabolism. A year-old man with HALS. a Axial T2-weighted and b sagittal T1-weighted images show subcutaneous lipohypertrophy on the posterior neck arrows. Marked loss of subcutaneous fat including buccal fat pad is shown in the face arrowheads.

c Volume-rendered three-dimensional reformation image shows apparent concave cheeks and periorbital hollowing. Lipoatrophy manifests as a loss of fat mainly in the face, limbs, and buttocks [ 27 ].

The main risk factor for lipoatrophy is exposure to thymidine analog nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors NRTIs , which today, however, are no longer the first-line drugs resorted to [ 27 ].

Dyslipidemia and insulin resistance frequently co-exist in this condition. Risk factors for the development of fat deposition include increasing age, female sex, elevated baseline triglycerides, and higher body fat percentage [ 29 ].

Abnormal reaction of subcutaneous fat to insulin injection is well known as lipohypertrophy and lipoatrophy. Insulin lipohypertrophy shows a tumor-like swelling of fatty tissue at the injection site due to the lipogenic effect of insulin Fig.

Growth hormone receptor antagonist is also reported to be a cause of lipohypertrophy at the injection site [ 30 ]. Lipoatrophy, which is considered to be an immune complex-mediated inflammatory lesion, rarely occurs today since the advent of recombinant human insulin and insulin analogs [ 31 ].

Lipohypertrophy remains a frequent complication of insulin therapy, reportedly in Injection into lipohypertrophied sites may contribute to poor glycemic control due to an erratic absorption of the drug.

A year-old man with type I diabetes and insulin injection lipohypertrophy. a CT image at the level of belly button shows bilateral localized subcutaneous fat deposition on the anterior abdominal wall arrows.

b Volume-rendered three-dimensional reformation image show bilateral bulging of abdominal wall reflecting the insulin lipohypertrophy. MSL has a strong association with heavy alcohol intake. Alcohol cessation and weight control are recommended although they do not reverse or stop the course of the disease [ 35 ].

MSL is also found in non-alcoholics in association with mitochondrial DNA mutations [ 36 ]. A defect of adrenergic stimulated lipolysis or mitochondrial disorder of brown fat tissue has been considered as the etiology of this disease in recent studies [ 37 ].

A year-old man with multiple symmetrical lipomatosis with sleep apnea. a Axial T2-weighted and b T1-weighted image show abnormal subcutaneous fat deposition in the anterior arrows and posterior neck asterisks. Note the increase of adipose tissue also observed in the posterior pharyngeal space small arrows.

Subcutaneous fat volume in the anterior neck is markedly decreased arrows , whereas in contrast, the fat deposition in the posterior neck has worsened asterisk. Suprascapular and supraclavicular involvement is common and tracheal or esophageal compression due to deep space-occupying lesions is a life-threatening complication [ 38 ].

CT is the optimal modality to evaluate deep-seated fat accumulation. Palliative removal of fatty tissue by surgical resection or liposuction and by injection lipolysis is recommended when symptomatic. Adipocytes from VAT are more insulin-resistant compared with SCAT. The amount of visceral fat is a striking factor underlying the enhanced cardiovascular risk seen in this condition and is mediated by insulin resistance [ 40 , 41 ].

Central obesity can also induce hypertension through increased activity of adipose tissue renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, sympathetic activation, and other mechanisms connected with insulin resistance. A year-old man with Cushing disease.

Note the enlarged sella due to pituitary macroadenoma arrowhead. c CT scanogram shows characteristic central obesity. d CT image at the level of bilateral renal hilum shows marked visceral fat deposition, in contrast to subcutaneous fat thinning boxed arrows. The extremities are usually spared and may be wasted.

Fat can also accumulate in the supraclavicular fossa, spinal canal spinal epidural lipomatosis , cheeks moon face , or dorsocervical fat pad buffalo hump [ 39 , 42 ]. In the muscle, weakness and proximal muscle wasting are induced by the catabolic effects of excess glucocorticoid on the skeletal muscle.

Osteoporosis is caused by decreased intestinal and renal calcium absorption and increased bone resorption [ 43 ]. Localized scleroderma morphea and lupus erythematosus panniculitis lupus erythematosus profundus LEP are well-known connective tissue disorders involving the subcutaneous compartment resulting in lipoatrophy [ 44 ].

They are usually localized but rarely progress to acquired generalized lipoatrophy [ 12 ]. Morphea usually manifests as a single well-circumscribed lesion on the extremities or upper trunk, near the spine with keloid-like hard and shiny skin changes [ 45 ].

MRI shows localized lipoatrophy under the depressed thickened skin with or without varying degree of signal change in underlying fascia and musculature involvement.

It is usually asymptomatic and not associated with visceral involvement. Generalized morphea is the most severe form of localized morphea.

A year-old woman with deep morphea on her right thigh. a Axial fat saturated T2-weighted image shows hypersignal intensity in full thickness of subcutaneous fat on the anterior aspect arrow.

Increased signal intensity in gastrocnemius muscle asterisks , muscle fasciae, and diffuse subcutaneous septal thickening are also demonstrated. b T1-weighted image clearly shows thinning of subcutaneous fat with cord-like low signal intensity small arrows.

Linear scleroderma is characterized by one or more linear streaks of cutaneous induration that may involve the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, and underlying bone. Parry-Romberg syndrome PRS , also known as progressive hemifacial atrophy, clinically overlaps with LScs and can even affect the brain [ 47 ].

CT and MRI may show cerebral hemiatrophy or high signal of white matter on T2-weighted image ipsilateral to the affected facial side not only atrophy of the skin and underlying bone and soft tissue Fig. A year-old man with Parry-Romberg syndrome. a Axial CT images show asymmetrically decreased subcutaneous fat on the left side arrows.

b Hypoplasty of the left orbit is also evident. c Volume-rendered three-dimensional reformation image of facial bones highlights bony asymmetry of the face.

There is a perceivable asymmetry of the maxillary bone as well. d Coronal FLAIR image shows subcortical high signal intensity area arrowhead. LEP primarily involves subcutaneous tissues and tends to have a chronic course resulting in broad lipoatrophy. Face and limbs are most commonly involved [ 50 ].

Posttraumatic subcutaneous lipoatrophy occurs following a fall, blunt injury Fig. Often, the interval between the injury and initial observation of the deformity is prolonged. It is more prevalent in women and children, usually appearing on the shins, thighs, arms, breasts, and buttocks [ 52 ].

The radiologic appearance of subcutaneous posttraumatic lipoatrophy may accompany linear spiculated lesion with globular component on MRI, correlated with lipogranuloma pathologically [ 53 , 54 ]. A year-old woman with post blunt trauma lipoatrophy on the right upper arm.

a Axial T2-weighted and b STIR images show thinning of subcutaneous fat on the lateral aspects arrows with multiple high signal nodules small arrows showing small peripheral fat signal areas.

c Photograph shows thinning of the lateral aspect of the upper arm with small hump arrow. d Histologically fat necrosis with lipogranuloma was proven.

Variably sized lipid vacuoles are surrounded by foam cells, foreign body-type arrows , and Touton giant cells arrowhead in the resected lipogranuloma. A year-old woman with post-surgery lipoatrophy. a CT image before operation shows calcified soft tissue density mass anterior to the right kidney arrow.

Right nephrectomy was done, and the lesion was pathologically diagnosed as dedifferentiated liposarcoma. b CT image one month after surgery shows fluffy opacity in the subcutaneous fat around the operated area arrowhead with abdominal wall muscle swelling.

Repetitive mechanical stress also induces a prominent increase in the volume of subcutaneous adipose tissue. By carrying heavy loads, abnormal local fat accumulation on the shoulder has been reported in festival participants in Japan and Southern Italy, wine porters, brewery workers, and heavy handbag carriers [ 56 ].

On CT and MRI, an increase in the volume of non-capsulated adipose tissue is evident Fig. A year-old man with post-traumatic pseudolipoma on the right posterior neck.

He had a history of carrying a mikoshi Japanese portable shrine daily. a Axial T1-weighted and b sagittal post-contrast fat-sat T1-weighted images show non-capsulated subcutaneous fat tissue proliferation on the right posterior neck arrows.

c Photograph of a mikoshi. The most widely accepted cause is repetitive microtrauma against such as the edge of furniture or tight-fitting clothes [ 57 ]. Other risk factors are reported to include overweight, routine electrical shock, clothing made of fibers, wearing of rubber-soled shoes, and low humidity air conditioning [ 58 ].

MRI shows a clear superficial loss of subcutaneous tissue without findings of panniculitis and thickening of interlobular septa with a reduction in the size of fat lobules [ 60 ]. A year-old woman with semicircular lipoatrophy. She had a history of working leaning against the edge of her desk daily.

c , d Coronal localizer image and STIR show loss of localized subcutaneous fat tissue with slight edematous change circle. Familial partial lipodystrophy is inherited in an autosomal dominant or recessive fashion showing a mixture of partial fat atrophy and accumulation with onset during childhood or puberty [ 12 ].

The phenotypic heterogeneity of familial partial lipodystrophy has been reported as types 1—6. Lipoatrophy appears in childhood or early adolescence. In addition to lipodystrophy, this condition shows craniofacial and skeletal abnormalities including mandibular and clavicular hypoplasia, delayed closure of the cranial sutures, acro-osteolysis, joint contractures or bird-like facies with postnatal growth retardation, and cutaneous changes [ 12 ].

Approximately cases of acquired partial lipodystrophy have been reported. It typically shows a childhood or adolescent onset with a unique, cephalocaudal progression of fat loss with fat accumulation in the lower half of the body [ 63 ]. Infections, autoimmune diseases, and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis have been linked to the development of acquired partial lipodystrophy [ 12 ].

Adipocytic tumors are the most common soft tissue tumors clinically, and radiologists always need to differentiate them from those conditions showing localized abnormal fat distribution discussed above.

Those atypical lipomas can resemble non-neoplastic abnormal fat distribution conditions. Lipomas are usually asymptomatic, though local pain, tenderness, or nerve compression is reported when they become large [ 65 ].

Abnormal non-neoplastic fat distribution conditions usually show no such symptoms though mechanical obstruction or metabolic dysfunction may also be present.

Fat necrosis within a lipoma presents a variable imaging appearance with inflammatory or fibrotic change, and these can be difficult to differentiate from fat accumulation due to mechanical pressure or trauma, other benign adipose tumors, or well-differentiated liposarcoma.

Superficial lipoma in a year-old woman on the right shoulder. a T1-weighted image and b fat-suppressed T2-weighted show a homogeneous fatty mass arrows with a similar signal intensity to that of the adjacent subcutaneous fat but with a thin capsule and thin internal septa.

Angiolipoma is a benign neoplasm consisted of mature adipose tissue and vascular structures. It represents as well-defined multiple, small subcutaneous mass with tenderness located commonly in the forearm, upper arm, or trunk [ 66 ].

The MR imaging features of these lesions are the presence of fat nodules with or without low signal on T1- or T2-weighted images with or without high signal on fat saturated T2-weighted images representing the prominent vasculature [ 67 ] Fig.

Angiolipoma in a year-old man on the left upper arm. a T1-weighted image shows a subcutaneous tiny mass with inhomogeneous high to intermediate signal intensity arrow. b Fat-saturated T2-weighted image shows hyperintense signal with focal fat suppression arrowhead in the mass with connection to dilated subcutaneous vein small arrow.

Non-adipose components are similar to those of skeletal muscle on T1-weighted imaging and hyperintense on fat-saturated fluid-sensitive sequences Fig. The mass is generally firmer than lipomas or most conditions with non-neoplastic localized abnormal fat distribution.

When it occurs in atypical locations, it becomes challenging to differentiate from liposarcomas or even other non-adipose soft tissue tumors. Spindle cell lipoma in a year-old man with a painless mass on the posterior neck. a Axial T1-weighted image and b sagittal STIR image show a subcutaneous, encapsulated fatty mass arrows with amorphous non-fatty signal area arrowheads representing intermingled components such as collagen fibers, myxoid matrix, and vascular elements.

Lipomatosis of a nerve is a rare, not fully understood benign condition, which has been referred to variously as fibrolipomatous hamartoma, perineural lipoma, fatty infiltration of the nerve, or neural fibrolipoma [ 64 ].

Accompanying varying degrees of mesenchymal overgrowth including adipose tissue with frequent sensory symptoms such as paresthesia or numbness, with or without macrodactyly, is the typical presentation [ 71 ] Fig.

The location and adipose tissue distribution interspersing nerve bundles are imaging findings distinctive from those of already discussed non-neoplastic abnormal fat distribution conditions.

Lipomatosis of the median nerve in an year-old girl without symptoms. a Axial T2- and b coronal T1-weighted images reveal soft-tissue hypertrophy with predominance of fat in the radial side of the middle finger along with the neurovascular structure arrows.

It most commonly locates in a deep-seated well-vascularized area and rarely in subcutaneous locations [ 72 ].

Well-differentiated liposarcoma and ALT are synonyms describing similar lesions morphologically and karyotypically and are differentiated by the location of the tumor and the surgical resectability [ 66 ].

The term of well-differentiated liposarcoma is used for lesions exclusively in the retroperitoneum, mediastinum, and spermatic cord, while ALT is used for lesions arising elsewhere [ 66 ]. The imaging findings typically depict a fatty mass with thick and irregular septa, septal enhancement, and non-adipose areas with prominent mass effect, local encasement of vital organs, and asymmetrical distribution compared with those non-neoplastic conditions [ 73 ] Fig.

Atypical lipomatous tumor in a year-old male with a painless, firm, and mobile mass gradually increasing in the right back. a Coronal CT image shows a fat-containing inhomogeneous density mass arrow.

b On post-contrast fat-saturated T1-weighted image, the non-fatty lesion shows moderate enhancement arrowheads. Surgically diagnosed as ALT with abundant fat necrosis.

Radiologists should be aware of the typical imaging findings and disease spectrum of abnormal deposition of subcutaneous fat. Although the underlying conditions are diverse, the radiological findings can be the key making possible an early assessment and suggesting the optimal methods needed to achieve a definitive diagnosis.

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Points represent participants with overweight without T2D, CVD, and cancer. Red indicates a positive z-score, blue a negative z-score. B Hazard ratios HRs from Cox proportional-hazards modelling of incident type 2 diabetes T2D. Model 1 was crude, model 2 adjusted for sex, age, and body mass index BMI.

C Kaplan-Meier curves of incident cardiovascular disease CVD events in UK Biobank as a function of follow-up years stratified by different groups based on balance between body fat z-scores. z-aSAT, abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue z-score; z-LF, liver fat z-score; z-VAT, visceral adipose tissue z-score.

Participants without T2D or CVD were followed for mean SD 3. In univariate analysis of each body fat z-score, incident CVD was significantly associated with z-VAT crude hazard ratio [cHR], 1.

Only z-VAT remained significant following adjustment for sex and age adjusted hazard ratio [aHR], 1. z-VAT further remained significant following adjustment for BMI and lifestyle factors aHR, 1. Incident T2D was significantly associated with z-VAT cHR, 1. Both z-scores remained significant with full adjustment.

Supplementary Tables S8 and S12 reports full modelling results These associations remained significant in the fully adjusted model. Results from the pairwise comparisons of the incidence distribution between groups can be found in Supplementary Table S16 Values were estimated from crude Cox proportional hazard models.

Supplementary Tables S5-S7 summarize population characteristics for each z-score partitioning Supplementary Tables S9-S11 and SS15 reports modelling full results for T2D and CVD, respectively In this study, personalized body fat z-scores were used alone and combined to investigate associations between body fat distribution phenotype and cardiometabolic risk profile independent of BMI.

The results showed that excessive accumulation of VAT in relation to BMI high VAT z-score was consistently linked to both CVD and T2D. In this study, personalized body fat z-scores were used to effectively describe each person's body fat distribution phenotype how they tend to store their fat independent of their sex and BMI.

The body fat z-scores also provide an estimate on how much one's fat profile deviates in magnitudes of SDs across all fat depots, allowing direct comparison between them.

Previous research has shown that change in visceral fat is associated with change in risk for cardiometabolic diseases and complications 23 , Loss of visceral fat commonly occurs with weight loss but can also be achieved through redistribution of volume between different tissues with constant or increasing body weight.

Lifestyle interventions, pharmacological treatments, and surgical procedures have been shown to successfully decrease visceral fat 13 , 14 , Because of the strong correlation between body weight and visceral fat, it is unclear however whether a reduction of visceral fat concurrent with weight loss was expected because of the amount of weight lost, or if there was a more targeted effect on visceral fat from the intervention specifically.

The use of BMI-invariant body fat z-scores opens the possibility to assess if a shift in fat distribution pattern has occurred independent of the weight loss. Previous results from the UK Biobank and the Dallas Heart study have indicated the importance of a proper liver triglyceride regulation in the presence of visceral obesity, where the strongest associations with both prevalent and incident CVD have been found for the combination of high visceral fat and low liver fat 10 , 15 , The current study showed similar results, now using body fat z-scores describing each participant's body fat distribution phenotype independent of BMI.

Although a bidirectional association has been established between liver fat and T2D, the associations of liver fat with cardiovascular disease and mortality are less conclusive and more consistent results has been observed for liver fibrosis rather than simple steatosis 10 , Interestingly, our results are consistent with those of several recent Mendelian randomization studies, which have by design a more robust methodology to confounding than observational studies.

Although such studies are concordant in concluding that excess liver fat, or nonalcoholic fatty liver disease NAFLD , increases the risk of T2D 33 , 34 , the data are more mixed concerning the causal role of NAFLD in CV risk. Indeed, earlier studies did not support a causal association of NAFLD with coronary artery disease, with even recent studies suggesting a protective role for increased liver enzymes and liver fat content in East Asian populations 33 , On the other hand, a recent Mendelian randomization study found a robust association between NAFLD and coronary artery disease only after exclusion of instrumental genes that are known to be involved in very low-density lipoprotein secretion and regulation of plasma lipid levels notably PNPLA3 and TM6SF2 Because excess liver fat, or NAFLD, commonly co-occur with visceral obesity, ectopic fat accumulation, and metabolic disorders, it is challenging to detangle the associations with CVD.

The underlying mechanism behind the increased risk associated with skewness between visceral fat and liver fat is still unknown, and further research is needed to realize whether the high visceral fat—low liver fat phenotype, for example, identifies people with a high metabolic load and an inability to handle ectopic fat deposition via the liver.

In contrast to visceral and liver fat, subcutaneous fat has previously shown weak or no association with incident CVD and T2D Overall, the results suggest that the ability to accumulate subcutaneous fat is protective and especially important in persons who also tend to store excess amounts of visceral or liver fat.

Other studies have similarly shown there could be a negative association between subcutaneous fat and metabolic disease, especially in the presence of visceral obesity 23 , 39 , It has been suggested that the subcutaneous white adipose tissue expandability appears a critical adaptive buffering mechanism to prevent lipotoxicity and its related metabolic complications, such as NAFLD and T2D 41 , The balance between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat is commonly reported in the form of VAT:SAT ratio in literature.

If the inability to accumulate subcutaneous fat is associated with an elevated risk only when there is excess accumulation of visceral fat, the links to metabolic disease could be partly obscured in the analysis of VAT:SAT ratio because it does not take the amount of visceral fat into account.

The main strengths of this study are the large study population and the accurate and precise volumetric assessment of fat compartments using MRI. The large sample size enabled calculation of sex- and BMI-invariant z-scores using matched virtual controls, providing a description of each participant's body fat distribution phenotype.

Although the follow-up time was relatively short and participants included were mainly white, a previous study combining data from UK Biobank and the Dallas Heart study longer follow-up and multiethnic, younger cohort showed similar results between cohorts when investigating the balance between visceral fat and liver fat with incident CVD and T2D Whether the balance between sex- and BMI-invariant body fat z-scores predicts long-term risk and exist for other ethnicities needs to be confirmed.

In the Dallas Heart study, sex- and ethnicity-specific medians were used to partition participants based on visceral fat and liver fat. Body fat z-scores may need to be adjusted for ethnicity as well.

Further, the virtual controls used to calculate body fat z-scores were not age-matched, but instead age was used in the modelling of cardiometabolic outcomes. The UK Biobank imaging study mainly consist of older participants; if body fat z-scores are to be derived for significantly younger individuals, age adjustment may be needed to better describe each individual's body fat distribution phenotype.

In the post hoc analysis to the SURPASS-3 study investigating body fat z-scores, age-adjusted z-scores were calculated The largest effect was seen for z-VAT but the adjustment did not change interpretation of overall results.

The reason for this is that the primary care data, where most new diagnosis of T2D are recorded, has not yet been released. Although it is likely that the T2D cases in our study represent new diagnoses after imaging, they represent a subset of participants who got T2D following imaging and may have another time of diagnosis.

Further research is needed to determine whether the results are generalizable in the wider T2D population. It should also be noted that the prevalence of T2D 4.

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Fat distribution pattern could help determine distributio risk Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns. Healthy digestion habits resonance images of 40 Subcuhaneous were analyzed for VAT, Subcutaneous fat distribution patterns, and LF using AMRA ® Researcher. To assess fat distribution patterns independent of body mass index BMIfat z-scores z-VAT, z-aSAT, z-LF were calculated. Both remained significant after full adjustment. CVD was most strongly associated with z-VAT 1.

Author: Kajill

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