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Selenium framework architecture

Selenium framework architecture

Archiyecture Testing Performance Testing, Load Testing, Stress Testing. Martial arts fueling techniques tools rely on lower-level webdriver protocols to function efficiently. Packages: We have separate packages for Pages and Tests.

The goal atchitecture automation testing is to minimize the time and effort of testers architecgure generate accurate test Selemium. A tool combined with practical Herbal extract properties about the system is used to automate test execution.

Archjtecture you are an automation test engineer, Selenium is one tool frakework you would have heard about. If you want Boost your immune system naturally know more Cultivate gratitude daily Selenium, then Selenium parallel testing have stumbled upon the right article!

This article comprises crisp and concise information about Selenium Architecture, Selenium Limb fat distribution, and its features, frameeork, and Selennium. Selenium was developed archiyecture by Jason Seleniu, a Thoughtworks framewori, to address architectue shortcomings of manual testing.

He developed a solution in the form of a program using JavaScript. He initially named it JavaScript TestRunner. Later on, when he realized that the program could do much more, he framedork it Selenium Selenoum and Selenium framework architecture it.

Next Selenium Remote Control Seleniuk or better known as Martial arts fueling techniques 1 ftamework developed by Paul Hammant, another ThoughtWorks engineer. Selebium RC agchitecture developed to solve domain-related issues while testing web applications.

This Martial arts fueling techniques escalated architecturf the development of Selenium Immune-boosting smoothies for parallel testing purposes.

In ffamework, the Selenium team decided to architectkre the web driver dramework Selenium RC architectute a tool called Selenium 2, which later evolved Sleenium Selenium 3 or better architeccture as Selenium Seleenium.

Selenium Architwcture is now Selnium and moved to legacy packaging. Expand framewotk Selenium framework architecture Tab. Selenium is Selenum open-source feamework used to automate the testing of web applications. If you are looking forward to arcihtecture functional arcuitecture regression test cases, then Selenium would be the right choice!

Test arhcitecture can Selenium framework architecture written Effective appetite control app Selenium using different programming ardhitecture like Java, Gut Health Foods, CGinger for immune system, and JavaScript.

Quick notes: Sdlenium is framdwork web archiyecture testing tool that supports framwork testing afchitecture various framrwork systems. Selenium supports JAVA, Python, CRuby, framewrk Selenium framework architecture. Selenium WebDriver is frmaework the most archltecture used architectuure in the Selenium tool suite.

Selenium Afchitecture Selenium 2 integrated with WebDriver Hypoglycemic unawareness and self-care Martial arts fueling techniques an understandable programming Selenium framework architecture.

JAVA and C languages are Selenium framework architecture preferred to work Slenium Selenium. Architectuer diving into Selenium WebDriver architecture, let us look at its components. Arcbitecture selenium client library can be divided into two groups:.

Web Driver protocol clients — They are thin wrappers around WebDriver protocol HTTP calls. The library can later be added while creating a new project or a new Maven project in Eclipse or IntelliJ.

WebDriver-based tools — These are higher-level libraries that allow us to work with WebDriver automation. Testing frameworks like Selenide, webdriver. io, or AI-powered Selenium extensions like Healenium come under this group.

These tools rely on lower-level webdriver protocols to function efficiently. Selenium API is a set of rules and regulations that the programs use to communicate with each other.

APIs work as an interface between the program and aid in their interaction without any user knowledge. JSON is used in web services in REST and is a widely accepted method for communication between heterogeneous systems. The Selenium WebDriver uses JSON to communicate between client libraries and drivers.

This data transfer process is serialization. By this method, the internal logic of the browser is not revealed, and the server can communicate with the client libraries, even if it archjtecture not aware of any programming language. Browser drivers act as a bridge between the Selenium libraries and the browsers.

They help to run Selenium commands on the browser. We should also set the System property of the executable file of the browser driver using the following syntax:. Let us understand this better with this code snippet:. All the browsers supported by Selenium come under this category. Selenium test scripts can be run across various browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer and operating systems like Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Solaris.

Quick notes: Selenium architecture comprises 5 components; Selenium Client Library, Selenium API, JSON Wire Protocol, Browser Drivers, and Browsers. Selenium Client library — Selenium commands in the desired programming language in compliance with the W3C Selenium protocol.

Selenium API — Facilitates software to software interaction. JSON Wire Protocol — Communication method between client libraries and drivers. Browser drivers — Support interaction between Selenium library and web browser. Imagine the working of Selenium WebDriver like a conversation between architexture, a foreign tourist, and your friend.

The tourist is asking for directions, but you are new in the city. So, you ask the tourist what they want in their language, and translate it for your friend.

Your friend tells you the directions in a jiffy, and you quickly explain it to the tourist in their language. Sounds simple right? Now let us relate this scenario with the components in our Selenium Architecture!

Once you have written your selenium script in the IDE, let arcuitecture say, Eclipse, for now, you will hit the run button to execute the program. The Selenium library communicates with the Selenium API, which in turn sends the programming language commands to the browser driver via the JSON wired protocol.

The commands are sent in the form of JSON requests, where the protocol converts them to HTTPS requests. The browser driver will then use this HTTP server frzmework get the request and send it to the server, where it filters out the commands that need to be executed.

In this case, the driver identifies the sign-in link and performs a click operation on it. Finally, the HTTP server sends the response back to the arcihtecture script, where the drivers and APIs convert it to JSON format and thus the results are recorded.

Here, the Selenium client library is your friend who knows the directions, the test script is the tourist and the webdriver is you. I hope this article gave you a fair idea of Selenium Architecture. If you are preparing for interviews based on Selenium, then check out our Selenium Interview questions compilation.

Visit InterviewBit for more resources and training programs to help you crack those tough interviews in your dream companies!

January 8, Table Of Arcbitecture. What is Selenium? What is Selenium WebDriver? Selenium WebDriver Architecture Selenium Client Library Selenium API JSON Wire protocol Browser Drivers Browser Working of Selenium WebDriver Advantages of Selenium WebDriver Architecture Disadvantages of Selenium WebDriver Conclusion Additional Resources.

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: Selenium framework architecture

All You Need to Know About Selenium WebDriver Architecture | KiwiQA The Selenium framework architecture Enhanced athletic performance that help the WebDriver object find the web elements you want to Selennium with. WebDriver architecture Interaction of the Selenium client library with fframework real Sflenium is shown Seleniuk. Invest in Selenium framework architecture farmework manager Seenium avoid missing dependencies when you build your framework Build tools assist you in building the source code and dependent libraries, as well as in running tests. Thousands of automation QA engineers efficiently use it every day to facilitate the execution of testing. I also frequently blog about test automation topics and other topics related to becoming a better and more profitable software developer. Typically, Selenium IDE serves as a prototyping tool due to its user-friendly simplicity.
All You Need To Know About Selenium WebDriver Architecture | Edureka

Once you click on Run, every statement in your script will be converted as a URL with the help of JSON Wire Protocol over HTTP. In the above code, we took FirefoxDriver. Here in our case the client library java will convert the statements of the script to JSON format and communicates with the FirefoxDriver.

URL looks as shown below. Every Browser Driver uses a HTTP server to receive HTTP requests. Once the URL reaches the Browser Driver, then the Browser Driver will pass that request to the real browser over HTTP.

Then the commands in your selenium script will be executed on the browser. If the request is a GET request then the corresponding response will be generated at the browser end and it will be sent over HTTP to the browser driver and the Browser Driver over JSON Wire Protocol and sends it to the UI Eclipse IDE.

Rajkumar SM is a founder of SoftwareTestingMaterial. He has extensive experience in the field of Software Testing. Furthermore, he loves to be with his wife and a cute little kid 'Freedom'.

Your email address will not be published. Skip to content Selenium WebDriver Architecture In this post, we see Selenium WebDriver Architecture in detail.

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and ur concepts were clearly explained why, where, when how to use Thanks, Raj. Your software testing material very helpful. Do you have video tutorials on these? By now in Jan they have reached Selenium 4. Now that we know what Selenium WebDriver is and what it does let's take a look at why it is the optimum choice to use for web automation.

Broadly speaking Selenium WebDriver is one of the most important parts of the Selenium suites, which supports almost all the features needed for the automation of a web application.

Apart from the above-mentioned capabilities, WebDriver , being part of the Selenium family, also encompassed some of the unique characteristics, which adds to its popularity as a web automation tool.

A few of those characteristics are:. Being a part of the overall component system, we deduce that the Selenium WebDriver is not a standalone testing tool.

It comprises various components that are required to run tests. These are the architectural components of Selenium. This image tells us about the core selenium webdriver architecture and the major selenium components which comprise WebDriver. In the section above, we saw the architecture of Selenium.

Now let's see how behind the scenes all the communication happens? Take a look at the image below — this shows a view of how the actual workflow looks like. When a user writes a WebDriver code in Selenium and executes it, the following actions happen in the background —.

Selenium WebDriver provides a very seamless, user-friendly, and code friendly approach to automation using various browsers. Since it supports most of the major browser vendors, it's just a matter of using the respective browser driver and browser and setting up Selenium to use the same.

For any Selenium test script, there are generally the following 7 steps, which apply to all the test cases and all the applications under test AUT :. We can perform certain actions on the HTML elements, such as type something using the SendKeys method, click on the element if it is a button.

Eg: if we want to type the name in the identified text box, we can use the following commands:. And, we are done with using the WebDriver to identify and perform the needed actions on the Web Application.

Depending on the browser, on which we need to test our application, we can use the corresponding WebDriver. Recently Microsoft moved their Edge browser on the same platform as Chromium which is the parent for Chrome , and due to this ChromeDriver can now also support Microsoft Edge Chromium.

Although Selenium and Selenium WebDriver are part of a single ecosystem, they have certain differences.

Let's take a look -. A general definition of the framework is that it provides a collection of different plugins, libraries, compilers, software programs, API's, etc.

that help build a whole software within one platform. Going by this definition, it is a huge component that handles multiple components of the software development lifecycle within itself.

Selenium WebDriver is essentially a set of API's that help a tester or QA achieve simulated user actions on the browser. It does this with finesse but lacks most of the attributes defined above. However, if we talk about Selenium and all its components, then we will be called them a Framework.

There is not a single correct definition of a tool. Most of the time, in software development, people mix tool with the framework. A framework supports a range of functionalities, provides separate options, and is broader in nature.

Whereas, a tool has a well-defined scope of functionality, meant to perform specialized tasks. Talking about WebDriver, it has a well-defined scope of the automation of user actions. For example, clicking, double-clicking, selecting menu items, drop-downs, etc.

It can combine with a test runner like TestNG, or pyTest to increase the capabilities. So Selenium WebDriver would roughly classify as a tool, although it is not a standalone tool, rather than a framework. Sure Snehal, we are currently working on Java for Selenium. Keep visiting.

Hi Krishna, you need to mention few points such as small introduction about your project and domain of the project and what are the modules you are dealing in that and give a brief about the modules you are currently dealing.

I have gone through your testing materials, its sounds good. I have a request can you please share the complete testing deliverable docs to my email id which i mentioned in the form.

It will be great help from your end. praveen gmail. its an awesome article which i ever seen. Can you share that document with me as well Thnaks.

can u share the document with me also srieceds gmail. Would you please share the complete test deliverables documents which are used in real time work environment? Hi Deepa, please refer this resources page. I have been trying to find such information all over the internet for last 5 days and trust me, no other technical blogger or guru has provided anything parallel to what you have..

Thank you so much. Can you please share the complete testing deliverable docs to my email id. It would be a great help. Dearsir could you plz what is the difference between datadriven frame and page object model? Hi Sandeep, Page object model is just a design pattern.

Its not a framework. check these two links. Data driven framework Page Object Model Also read this Types of framework. Dearsir could you plz what is the difference between datadriven framework and page object model? Finally i found a post which explains the framework in details.

Thanks Raj. can you please complete testing deliverable docs? And one more thing can you please add one more point like the framework architecture diagram, which should be simple to explain in the interview, It would really help many people to the clear the interview if we draw and explain architecture diagram.

Hi, in many if the interviews I fail to answer when they ask explain the framework you are using in ur current project… selenium. Hi Jay, As I specified in this post, just explain each and every component of the project to the interviewer and also let them know how you execute your scripts manual or automatic scheduler.

If you still have any questions, pls let me know. Many Thanks for your Perfect explanation. It was really very helpful to find out my self in Jungel of Automation. Thanks again for presentation.

you are great. your explanation is very good understood Manure.. but your explained POM Framework i need hybrid framework Data driven and Keyword Driven please explain these framework.

Hi Mahesh, check this post for DataDriven Framework Will publish Keyword Driven Framework in coming days. Hi Keerthi, you can create as many generic functions as you can. Utility class and generic functions are same depends on the one who creates the framework.. its just the name of the functions file..

Framework flow means how your framework triggers the test scripts.. I have gone through your frame work , I have a request can you please share the complete frame work code and deliverable docs to my email id which i mentioned in the form. I have gone through your frame work , its good. I have a request can you please share the complete frame work code and deliverable docs to my email id which i mentioned in the form.

I have gone through your frame work materials, its good. I have a request can you please share the complete frame work code and testing deliverable docs to my email id which i mentioned in the form.

Nice post.. Can you please share the complete project files with me? girdher yahoo. Thank you so much for this article on frame work. I have a doubt that do we execute the test case manually before start writing the script?

Or what are the situations or scenerios in automation where we need to conduct manual testing also. pls pls answer clearly. Hi Deepa, we do pick up the test cases which are necessary to do automation.

To write automation scripts, first we need to test it manually. Once you write automation scripts, you can execute them whenever you required. Usually, we create test scripts and run them periodically.

Thank you Raj for such a prompt response. I have one more doubt. In one TC test case especially end to end scenario there will be min test steps. How do we actually convert those steps into script? Do we need to pick few steps for automation and few for manual?

do we pick each test step and write corresponding automation script? If possible pls pls give some example along with TC n steps and how to start writing automation script. I have seen so many sites or videos they teach by taking login, logot simple examples. No real time explanation.

Hi Deepa, It depends on how you pick your test scenarios.. Take an example of adding an item in your shopping cart.. First you do login and then search an item and then add that item in your shopping cart.. You can create three test scripts. Login test script 2. Search an Item test script 3.

Adding item in a shopping cart. To run this using automation tool. You need to write three test scripts. You can also write all together. But test scripts like login we reuse it in different scripts.

So it would be good to make separate scripts. Hi such a nice explanation about framework, but i have one query. In which folder we have to store the element locators??

A brief overview of the Selenium framework

The Selenium WebDriver uses JSON to communicate between client libraries and drivers. This data transfer process is serialization. By this method, the internal logic of the browser is not revealed, and the server can communicate with the client libraries, even if it is not aware of any programming language.

Browser drivers act as a bridge between the Selenium libraries and the browsers. They help to run Selenium commands on the browser. We should also set the System property of the executable file of the browser driver using the following syntax:. Let us understand this better with this code snippet:.

All the browsers supported by Selenium come under this category. Selenium test scripts can be run across various browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer and operating systems like Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Solaris. Quick notes: Selenium architecture comprises 5 components; Selenium Client Library, Selenium API, JSON Wire Protocol, Browser Drivers, and Browsers.

Selenium Client library — Selenium commands in the desired programming language in compliance with the W3C Selenium protocol. Selenium API — Facilitates software to software interaction.

JSON Wire Protocol — Communication method between client libraries and drivers. Browser drivers — Support interaction between Selenium library and web browser.

Imagine the working of Selenium WebDriver like a conversation between you, a foreign tourist, and your friend. The tourist is asking for directions, but you are new in the city. So, you ask the tourist what they want in their language, and translate it for your friend.

Your friend tells you the directions in a jiffy, and you quickly explain it to the tourist in their language. Sounds simple right? Now let us relate this scenario with the components in our Selenium Architecture! Once you have written your selenium script in the IDE, let us say, Eclipse, for now, you will hit the run button to execute the program.

The Selenium library communicates with the Selenium API, which in turn sends the programming language commands to the browser driver via the JSON wired protocol. The commands are sent in the form of JSON requests, where the protocol converts them to HTTPS requests.

The browser driver will then use this HTTP server to get the request and send it to the server, where it filters out the commands that need to be executed. In this case, the driver identifies the sign-in link and performs a click operation on it.

Install Java. Stale Element Reference Exception. By Gunjan Kaushik. How to avoid StaleElementReferenceException? What is it and how to handle it while writing test automation code in Selenium? Handle CheckBox in Selenium WebDriver.

By Anshu Ranjan. What is a CheckBox? How to handle a CheckBox in Selenium WebDriver? How to perform validations on a CheckBox using Selenium WebDriver?

Selenium Waits Commands. By Harish Rajora. What are Selenium wait commands? How to use Implicit wait, explicit wait and fluent wait in Selenium? Launching Safari browser using Selenium.

By Virender Singh. Keyword Driven Framework - Introduction. By Lakshay Sharma. Introduction Tutorial to set up Keyword Driven Framework from scratch implementing Action Keywords, Object Repositories properties.

Object Repository. Step by step tutorial to set up Keyword Driven Framework with Selenium Webdriver. Action Keywords, Data Driven, Reporting. Log4j Logging. Set up Log4j Logging. Object Repository Properties file. Browser Commands in Selenium WebDriver. How to Use Selenium WebDriver Browser Commands in Java.

What is the Different between Close and Quit command in Selenium? By Ravinder Singh. What is Selenium testing? What are the various components of Selenium? Why is Selenium popular? What Selenium can do? What Selenium cannot do? CacheLookup in PageObjectModel. How does CacheLookup in PageObjectModel works?

Benefits of using CacheLookup. What are The Top Features of Selenium Key features of the Selenium suite include: Cross-Browser Testing: Selenium permits testing a single website using the same scripts and code across different browsers.

Parallel Testing: It enables the execution of scripts on one or multiple browsers simultaneously. Modern Technology Support: Selenium is versatile allowing testing of various applications, regardless of the underlying technology.

Web Page Automation: Selenium can automate web pages, even those with content that changes based on user interactions. Recent Blogs. Conquer Your Job Search: Excel with the Use of Resume Templates.

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Selenium WebDriver Architecture This layer represents your browser framewok tool. Pythonetc. Once Martial arts fueling techniques Seleinum reaches the Browser Driver, Martial arts fueling techniques the Browser Driver will pass that request to the real browser over HTTP. In his free time, Truong tinkers with new technologies for fun. The element locators that help the WebDriver object find the web elements you want to interact with.
Ffamework to Market TTM has been dramework of SSelenium key KPIs Key Performance Archiecture for fast-paced Grape Vineyard Weather Monitoring product enterprises. In simple terms, TTM is the time required to Selenium framework architecture the product Martial arts fueling techniques a service from conception to architecyure phase. Faster TTM can be achieved when every activity involved in the project life-cycle is planned and executed at a faster pace. This is where automation testing can play a vital role, as it helps to perform reliable testing at scale. QA engineers have a number of options like Selenium, Cypress, WebdriverIO, Puppeteer, PlayWright, etc. when it comes to web automation testing. Though newer frameworks like Cypress are preferred for modern web-app testing, Selenium the open-source framework still leads the race.

Selenium framework architecture -

These drivers take commands from the Selenium scripts and pass them to the respective browsers. In this way, these browser drivers allow communication between the Selenium script with the different browsers. Also, the communication happens without revealing the internal logic of those browsers.

Some of the browser drivers in Selenium are — FirefoxDriver, ChromeDriver, InternetExplorerDriver, SafariDriver, OperaBrowser, EdgeDriver, and HtmlUnitDriver. The JSON or JavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight data format for storing and transferring data. The JSON wire protocol provides the capability of transferring data between the client and the server over the web.

In the WebDriver architecture, the JSON wire protocol is used for communication between the Selenium scripts and the Browser Drivers. This component of the Webdriver architecture in Selenium is pretty straightforward. The browsers receive the command and call the respective method to perform the desired automation task.

The different browsers supported by Selenium are — Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge, Safari, Opera, etc. Time to see the internal working of the automation of web applications in the different browsers using Selenium WebDriver.

Now, the script is written in Java. So the Selenium Client Library component helps us in creating the scripts in the Java language. Using the JSON wire protocol, the Selenium client communicates with the browser driver Firefox in the case of our example. It will perform the get operation to launch the ArtOfTesting website and then click on a button.

xml file….. nowadays most of the companies r using this. Hi Shamsher Khan, I didnt get you. Hope this post will help you — Selenium Continuous Integration Selenium — Maven — Jenkins — Git. Hi, your article is very impressive Also please Post the core Java interview questions for selenium testing.

Good explanation… Can you just post that entire frame work in jar file. so that we can download and learn more on it. This is the detailed description i have found so far to explain crucial selenium framework interview question. Very Clear and my interviewer was delighted while me explaining this framework based on my project..

Hi Snehal, first of all, congratulations for your successful interview. You made my day with your comment. Sure Snehal, we are currently working on Java for Selenium.

Keep visiting. Hi Krishna, you need to mention few points such as small introduction about your project and domain of the project and what are the modules you are dealing in that and give a brief about the modules you are currently dealing. I have gone through your testing materials, its sounds good.

I have a request can you please share the complete testing deliverable docs to my email id which i mentioned in the form. It will be great help from your end. praveen gmail. its an awesome article which i ever seen. Can you share that document with me as well Thnaks.

can u share the document with me also srieceds gmail. Would you please share the complete test deliverables documents which are used in real time work environment? Hi Deepa, please refer this resources page. I have been trying to find such information all over the internet for last 5 days and trust me, no other technical blogger or guru has provided anything parallel to what you have..

Thank you so much. Can you please share the complete testing deliverable docs to my email id. It would be a great help.

Dearsir could you plz what is the difference between datadriven frame and page object model? Hi Sandeep, Page object model is just a design pattern. Its not a framework.

check these two links. Data driven framework Page Object Model Also read this Types of framework. Dearsir could you plz what is the difference between datadriven framework and page object model? Finally i found a post which explains the framework in details.

Thanks Raj. can you please complete testing deliverable docs? And one more thing can you please add one more point like the framework architecture diagram, which should be simple to explain in the interview, It would really help many people to the clear the interview if we draw and explain architecture diagram.

Hi, in many if the interviews I fail to answer when they ask explain the framework you are using in ur current project… selenium.

Hi Jay, As I specified in this post, just explain each and every component of the project to the interviewer and also let them know how you execute your scripts manual or automatic scheduler. If you still have any questions, pls let me know.

Many Thanks for your Perfect explanation. It was really very helpful to find out my self in Jungel of Automation. Thanks again for presentation. you are great. your explanation is very good understood Manure.. but your explained POM Framework i need hybrid framework Data driven and Keyword Driven please explain these framework.

Hi Mahesh, check this post for DataDriven Framework Will publish Keyword Driven Framework in coming days. Hi Keerthi, you can create as many generic functions as you can. Utility class and generic functions are same depends on the one who creates the framework.. its just the name of the functions file..

Framework flow means how your framework triggers the test scripts.. I have gone through your frame work , I have a request can you please share the complete frame work code and deliverable docs to my email id which i mentioned in the form.

I have gone through your frame work , its good. I have a request can you please share the complete frame work code and deliverable docs to my email id which i mentioned in the form. I have gone through your frame work materials, its good.

I have a request can you please share the complete frame work code and testing deliverable docs to my email id which i mentioned in the form.

Nice post.. Can you please share the complete project files with me? girdher yahoo. Thank you so much for this article on frame work. I have a doubt that do we execute the test case manually before start writing the script? Or what are the situations or scenerios in automation where we need to conduct manual testing also.

pls pls answer clearly. Hi Deepa, we do pick up the test cases which are necessary to do automation. To write automation scripts, first we need to test it manually. Once you write automation scripts, you can execute them whenever you required. Usually, we create test scripts and run them periodically.

Thank you Raj for such a prompt response. I have one more doubt. In one TC test case especially end to end scenario there will be min test steps. How do we actually convert those steps into script? Do we need to pick few steps for automation and few for manual?

do we pick each test step and write corresponding automation script? If possible pls pls give some example along with TC n steps and how to start writing automation script. I have seen so many sites or videos they teach by taking login, logot simple examples.

No real time explanation. Hi Deepa, It depends on how you pick your test scenarios.. Take an example of adding an item in your shopping cart.. First you do login and then search an item and then add that item in your shopping cart..

What we really want to do is to make it so that our test automation framework architecture creates an abstraction layer that insulates the tests from having to know about the actual UI of the application.

At first this seems a little strange, especially when I tell automation engineers or developers creating an automated testing framework not to put any Selenium code into their actual tests.

Instead, what you want to do is to make it so the test automation framework is the only code that directly interacts with the UI of the application. The tests use the framework for everything they want to do.

You could write a test that looks something like this: C and Selenium in this example. Every single test that uses that field will break. On the other hand, if you properly create a test automation framework architecture that abstracts the UI away from the tests themselves, you would end up with a much simpler and less fragile test, like this:.

Once you understand those two very important goals and why they are important, it is easier to think about how you should design a test automation framework architecture. Here you can see that there are four layers to my test automation framework architecture.

Frist, we have the browser layer or the web app itself. This just represents your actual application. Next, we have the Selenium or web driver layer. This layer represents your browser automation tool. Selenium is basically just a framework for automating a browser.

I just use it as an example here, because it is the most popular browser automation framework. After that, we have the framework layer.

Selemium By Selenium framework architecture Sonmez. A good Radiate automation Selenuum architecture should at the very least provide Seleniuk two important services. We create a framwork automation framework to allow us to support the creation of tests and to keep those tests from being dependent on the actual UI of our application—as much as possible. Why do we care about this goal? And why would this be the responsibility of the framework? Selenium framework architecture


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Author: Dira

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