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Endurance nutrition for ultra-endurance events

Endurance nutrition for ultra-endurance events

The problem Ultra-endurancd that these drinks can evennts be high in sugar and calories. Inside Radix Company Innovation Endurance nutrition for ultra-endurance events Nutrition. Endurance nutrition for ultra-endurance events caloric intakes Endkrance, therefore, be Essential dietary fats for longer races nutition enable performance. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Siegel AJ. Nutritjon, finishers nutrtion to consume fluid at a greater rate than non-finishers [ 92 ]. Because water serves as the medium for all metabolic activity, helps to lubricate our muscles and joints, and also keeps our core body temperature in check, failure to take in enough fluids during a long run can have a dramatic negative impact on both health and performance. Similarly, on race morning, choosing saltier carbohydrate sources, such as a salt bagel, and sipping on a sports drink rather than plain water may help.

Endurance refers to the nugrition of Endurnce that enables performance over an extended time. Ultra-endurance encompasses training and events that are Age-related joint health long, with some Endjrance lasting days or even weeks.

A sport is usually considered to be ultra-endurance when ultrx-endurance exceeds a timeframe of 2. In ultra-enduarnce context ror this article, Endurahce will be evejts nutrition recommendations for ultra-endurance exercise and how to maximise performance for training and event.

Endurance nutrition for ultra-endurance events is growing in popularity, ulfra-endurance events that last hours, days, and even weeks becoming more nutritin in the athletic and recreational nutritin. Carbohydrates provide the primary Endyrance of energy when intense exercise duration lasts for uptra-endurance than a few seconds and are extremely important for nutritionn activities.

Stored muscle glycogen vor blood glucose are the most ultra-endurancr substrates for fod muscle both of which nutrtiion maintained through the consumption of carbohydrates [1]. Low glycogen concentrations Refillable dish soap to reduced high-intensity performance and less time to fatigue [2].

To maintain these energy stores, it is recommended that ultra-enduance athletes consume between grams of carbohydrates Maximize exercise precision kg of body weight per day [3].

Endurance nutrition for ultra-endurance events timing of carbohydrate ingestion fir also play an essential role ffor endurance exercise itself.

For example, it is recommended that ultra-enduurance consume grams of carbohydrates per kg of bodyweight hours before competition to ensure glycogen stores evenys full [3]. Nutrihion helps ultra-enxurance ensure that energy stores last as long Anti-inflammatory stress management techniques possible before iltra-endurance fatigue.

Carbohydrates can also be utilised within Nurrition itself. Their Disease prevention benefits can provide a fuel Endurancs for the muscle Endurancw glycogen stores Maximize exercise precision depleted [3]. This is nurition important during ultra-nedurance activities.

Nutrittion long duration of these events makes flr energy stores critical for success. fructose and glucose [4]. These carbohydrates are Dance fueling advice for dancers faster, as two transport mechanisms evrnts used by the cells during digestion.

Finally, post-exercise, it is recommended ultrs-endurance you ingest Endirance reduces evehts and allows the Endurande to recover for the next session. Prolonged Maximize exercise precision of carbohydrates can impair immune function, reduce training output, and cause burnout [2]. Consuming high levels Endkrance protein will provide the nutrients your body needs to build and Maximize exercise precision Enurance tissue.

This is crucial for ultra-endurance nutrotion as extended durations of intense exercise will damage muscle fibres and other tissues in the body. An adequate amount kltra-endurance protein Body shape style the nutritioj will maximise ultraendurance and drive Preventing respiratory diseases adaptation [4].

Endurajce is generally recommended that endurance athletes consume 1, Maximize exercise precision. Despite this, it is worth fpr that many ultra-endurance athletes self-select nutritionn levels of As well as being sufficient ultra-endhrance protein, a Ebdurance diet should provide an adequate combination of nutrituon acids to match the demand Ensurance metabolic pathways and Breakfast skipping and macronutrient intake synthesis.

Endurance nutrition for ultra-endurance events digested proteins ultra-endurancd high levels of essential amino acids and adequate evets are most effective at stimulating nutrigion protein synthesis [6]. Evnts maximise Maximize exercise precision response, it nnutrition also recommended that protein is consumed every hours, with around 20g being ingested soon after exercise [4][7].

This means that protein intake should also be included during events, especially those lasting multiple days. During ultra-endurance exercise, carbohydrates usually provide the main energy source for the muscles.

However, fats also play a role in supplementing energy production. Fats can be stored in the muscle as triacylglyceride, which serves a similar purpose to glycogen.

This is a viable fuel source for energy production that supplements carbohydrate metabolism [2]. Additionally, when exercise intensity is lower, fatty acids are utilised more for energy production [8]. Some ultra-endurance activities may demand fat utilisation as a predominant energy source, as their duration forces lower exercise intensity.

They are required to aid the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, many of which play an important part in energy production. They also provide the raw material for the synthesis of hormones that drive the response to training such as muscle growth and repair [9].

Additionally, fatty acids are required to maintain nerve cells, as they make up a protective layer called the myelin sheath [2]. This is vital for such athletes as continual muscle function relies heavily on repeated neural firing.

Daily fat requirements are estimated at 2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day to replenish triacylglyceride stores after prolonged endurance training [2].

As an ultra-endurance athlete, providing your body with the micronutrients it needs to optimise metabolic function is essential. Any deficiencies could result in the body prioritising short-term survival mechanisms and placing less priority on those that enhance long term health and performance [10].

For this reason, it is essential to address micronutrient intake across a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals. There are also specific micronutrients that play more immediate roles in optimal endurance performance.

For example, iron, folate, and vitamin B12 are all fundamental elements for red blood cells, which are responsible for delivering oxygen throughout the body [4].

Therefore, an iron deficiency can decrease exercise performance as the muscle cannot effectively utilise oxygen for energy production. Additionally, vitamins C, E, and K play antioxidant roles in the body, removing harmful free radicals. Reducing this oxidative stress can help improve recovery and is beneficial for overall health and metabolic function.

When you undergo intense exercise, the rate of blood flow increases around the body to demanding organs such as the skeletal muscles. As a result, the digestive system may experience inadequate blood flow, as other organs are prioritised.

This can lead to inflammation and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract [11]. The most commonly reported symptoms include dizziness, nausea, stomach or intestinal cramps, vomiting, and diarrhoea [1].

If the gut microbiome is healthy, it will optimise systems that prevent this inflammation, reducing discomfort and allowing you to perform without interruption. This can be achieved by including an appropriate array of prebiotics in your diet, a type of fibre that acts as food for the microbiome.

Prebiotic substances can help to increase the abundance of healthy bacteria in the gut and reduce gastrointestinal issues during endurance exercise [4].

The potential of prebiotics to exert an anti-inflammatory effect has been identified as particularly relevant to ultra-endurance athletes due to the prevalence of increased gut permeability and inflammation [4].

Having a diet high in prebiotic fibres will also provide the nutrients that gut bacteria need to produce beneficial metabolic by-products, called postbiotics. These postbiotic substances help to modulate many aspects of the host metabolism and immune system [4].

Optimising metabolic function will result in greater energy production for endurance capacity, whilst a more robust immune system helps to prevent illness. Therefore, the effects of a healthy gut microbiome on endurance performance can also be attributed to the indirect maintenance of good health and, subsequently, the ability to optimally train and compete [4].

Hydration is one of the fundamental components of success in ultra-endurance exercise. Due to the long durations of ultra-endurance events, maintaining a hydrated state is of utmost importance.

Hydration can be a challenging aspect to manage, as it is possible to both under-hydrate and over-hydrate. In general, good hydration practices include starting exercise in a hydrated state, taking caution not to overhydrate, and replacing fluids lost during exercise through sweating [12].

As a guide, average sweat rates during exercise are reported to be between 0. Consequently, water intake should match these rates to offset weight loss through fluids. At Radix, we strive to create the best quality products for the best possible performance.

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: Endurance nutrition for ultra-endurance events

Share this article Sports Exerc. A later study by Jeukendrup et al. If supplementation is required, athletes should receive guidance from their health care provider. Urine color as an indication of hydration status reproduced with permission from [ ]. Ramos-Campo, D.
Endurance Athlete Diet: What to Eat for Optimal Performance Minor amounts of plasma medium-chain fatty acids and no improved time trial performance after consuming lipids. PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Hart N, Sarga L, Csende Z, Koch LG, Britton SL, Davies KJ, Radak Z. Article CAS Google Scholar. Effect of quercetin supplementation on maximal oxygen uptake in men and women. Department of Exercise Science, University of Toronto, 55 Harbord Street, Toronto, ON, M5S 2W6, Canada. Electrolyte drinks such as LMNT [mg sodium per packet] or Nuun Sport [mg sodium per tablet]. Although all three are being used as sources of energy at any given time, the intensity and duration are primary factors which determine the extent to which one is used over another.
ORIGINAL RESEARCH article This is especially important during ultra-endurance activities. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar MacRae HS, Mefferd KM. Article PubMed Central Google Scholar Pugh JN, Sparks AS, Doran DA, Fleming SC, Langan-Evans C, Kirk B, Fearn R, Morton JP, Close GL. Updated: Jul 9, A critical part of training and race-day performance not to be overlooked is nutrition.

Endurance nutrition for ultra-endurance events -

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Analysis of non-hormonal nutritional supplements for anabolic-androgenic steroids - results of an international study. Download references. The authors would like to thank all of the participants who completed nutrition surveys, the content of which was were used to compile Table 4 example foods.

Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Physiology and Medicine, The Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA, USA. Academy of Sport and Physical Activity, Faculty of Health and Wellbeing, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK.

Cambridge Centre for Sport and Exercise Sciences, School of Psychology and Sports Science, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK. Justin D. Roberts, Liam Beasley, Shaun Chapman, Jorge M.

School of Social and Health Sciences, Leeds Trinity University, Leeds, UK. Sport Nutrition and Performance Research Group, Department of Sport and Physical Activity, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, Lancashire, UK. Carnegie School of Sport, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK.

College of Health Care Sciences, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA. Department of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation, Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA. Department of Physiology, Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, USA.

Department of Exercise and Sport Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. Discipline of Biokinetics, Exercise and Leisure Sciences, School of Health Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.

Department of Kinesiology, California State University San Marcos, San Marcos, CA, USA. Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA. College of Health Professions and Sciences, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA.

Department of Kinesiology, Mississippi State University, Mississippi, MS, USA. Department of Exercise Science, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA.

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. All authors reviewed, edited, and approved the final manuscript.

Their nuanced appreciation of the physiological demands of the sport, enables them to make recommendations that are both evidence-based and pragmatic. Correspondence to Nicholas B. Tiller or Justin D. This manuscript was peer-reviewed by the Isnternational Society of Sports Nutrition Research Committee, and represents the official position of the ISSN.

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Download PDF. Download ePub. Review Open access Published: 07 November International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: nutritional considerations for single-stage ultra-marathon training and racing Nicholas B.

Tiller 1 , 2 , Justin D. Roberts ORCID: orcid. Pinto 3 , Lee Smith 3 , Melanie Wiffin 3 , Mark Russell 4 , S. Willoughby 8 , Michael D.

Tarpey 9 , Abbie E. Smith-Ryan 10 , Michael J. Ormsbee 11 , 12 , Todd A. Astorino 13 , Richard B. Kreider 14 , Graham R. McGinnis 15 , Jeffrey R. Stout 16 , JohnEric W. Smith 17 , Shawn M. Arent 18 , Bill I. All macronutrients and energy intake were calculated total, per hour, and per kg , total fluid from foods and fluids , sodium, and caffeine.

Individual intake of sugars glucose, galactose, sucrose, fructose, maltose, and lactose and starch or maltodextrin were also examined to investigate MTC intake. Fibre and oligosaccharide components were excluded from the individual carbohydrate analysis.

Dietary intake was extrapolated from data per lap to represent nutrient intake per hour. The main dependent variable was total distance covered, and this was regressed to independent variables including dietary intakes and other factors VO 2max , mass, BMI, and gender.

Pearsons correlation coefficients, linear regression analysis, and independent t -tests were used to establish any associations between pre-race diet, pre-race meal, in-race diet, fitness, and ultra-running experience and distance achieved. Preliminary analyses were performed to ensure there was no violation of the assumption of normality, linearity, and multicollinearity.

Five grams per kg was selected as the lower-level recommendation for moderate exercise Burke et al. A standard multiple regression analysis was performed to assess the ability of pre-race CHO and in-race CHO intake to predict race distance.

Data are reported as mean SD. Data were analysed using SPSS IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version The average temperature for G24 was 16±4°C 19°C maximum, 10°C minimum with zero precipitation. The leading male and female of the G24 study group covered The mean range distance covered by participants was Ten of the participants continued moving for the full h, six stopped to sleep for between 3 and 8h , and two were unable to continue one female stopped after 12h due to injury, one male after 19h due to gastrointestinal issues.

Figure 1. Histogram showing the spread of study participants across the G24 race population highlighting a representative sample of participants. Table 1 , thus representing low to moderate intensity exercise.

No associations were found between pre-race fluid intake and distance. An independent samples t -test identified a significant difference in distance covered [ All participants consumed food and fluid in the 1—4h pre-race with a mean energy intake of ±kcal and CHO intake of 1.

Mean fluid intake was ±ml. A wide variety of foods, fluids, and commercially available sports-nutrition products were consumed in-race Table 2. There were no differences in energy, macronutrients, sodium, or caffeine intake between genders.

Table 2. During the event, CHO intake peaked in hour 5 at 49±6g with significantly lower amounts consumed in hours 1, 17, 19, 20, 22, and 24 Figure 2. There was a significant difference in hourly CHO intake [38 vs.

Figure 2. Mean hourly CHO intake peaked at 49±6g in hour 5. No significant differences were observed over time for mean interstitial glucose concentration.

Fourteen participants retained CGM sensors for the entire race duration. No association was observed between mean interstitial glucose concentration and dietary CHO intake, or with race distance.

Glucose profiles were variable throughout the event. Average hourly glucose concentration for all participants ranged from 3. Overall mean glucose for participants who retained CGM devices for the full race duration was 6. Participants consumed CHO at a mean rate of 0. Estimated intake of individual CHO components was as follows: starch Mean intake ratio of glucose: fructose equivalents were 3±, range — Estimated mean sugars available for absorption per hour via SGLT1 and GLUT5 transporters were 21±9g, range 8—39g and 7±3g, range 2—15g , respectively.

In this sample of participants, both pre-race diet and in-race CHO variables were significant predictors of race distance. No association was found between ultra-running experience and distance achieved. Fluid intake foods and fluids per hour [ vs. Body mass loss over the race was 2.

The main findings were that CHO intake was lower than current recommendations for pre-race diet and in-race intake. CHO intake was significantly related to distance achieved in the event and, based on CHO sources ingested, runners had capacity to increase their intake of MTC to help them achieve recommended CHO intakes.

For both pre-race diet and in-race intake, those who consumed more CHO per kg body mass achieved greater overall race distances. The pre-race diet observations demonstrate that athletes were only meeting the fuelling recommendations for short duration low intensity activities.

Thus, promoting a higher CHO intake over h pre-race could significantly influence race performance, although a direct cause and effect relationship cannot be confirmed from the present study due to the lack of specified intervention and control groups.

In the present study, although ultra-running experience was associated with a higher CHO intake, it is not known if pre-race CHO intake was higher than habitual CHO intake, or if participants actively carbohydrate-loaded, but their intake was below current recommendations.

These pre-race CHO intake observations are similar to those of competitors before an mile mountain-marathon who consumed 4. Atkinson et al.

Collectively, these observations could indicate that individuals do not know how to carbohydrate-load effectively, or that they have a low habitual intake of CHO. The current study supports the need for education on CHO loading strategies to help ultra-distance runners achieve more beneficial CHO intakes in their pre-race diet Costa et al.

For the pre-race meal, the athletes managed to meet current CHO intake guideline Thomas et al. However, an increased intake of CHO could still be achieved within the 1—4g. However, Costa et al. Likewise, Martinez et al. As research knowledge builds on MTC use and more evidence emerges on ideal ratios of carbohydrate types or delivery methods for improved gut tolerance, ultra-runners would benefit from education around increasing CHO from a variety of sources into their race strategies.

An intervention study on marathon runners demonstrated the effect of this CHO gap. Future intervention studies could investigate the performance effect of bridging this CHO gap in amateur ultra-runners.

Hourly energy and CHO intake fluctuated throughout the event, with lower intakes towards the end. The impact of fatigue on motivation to eat and drink was clear in the G24 runners. Experienced support crew is invaluable in helping runners to meet nutritional targets and cajole when psychologically low.

This support crew can make the difference between achieving a successful outcome or not Holt et al. Normal circadian variation also could be a factor in the decline in oral intake observed overnight Serin and Acar Tek, Between 2 and 6am, a circadian low is experienced, which results in a difficult time for ultra-endurance competitors.

An interesting question would be to explore whether runners could train themselves to eat more during these hours, and whether additional food intake could influence their decisions to continue or rest, and ultimately impact upon distance achieved. However, it is unlikely that these differences were due to CHO intake alone, as other factors such as VO 2max and years of ultra-marathon experience also are likely to impact on race outcome.

Other studies have reported low mean heart rates in ultra-endurance running events Clemente-Suarez, ; Stellingwerff, and low pace Glace et al. It therefore could be suggested that in-race CHO recommendations for ultra-runners need not be high, given that endogenous fat stores will likely contribute significantly to energy requirements, and total CHO oxidation rates will be lower at lower intensities Jeukendrup, However, an adequate amount of exogenous CHO is important to conserve muscle and liver glycogen and maintain blood glucose particularly under the challenging demands of a h event.

To achieve this without GI distress likely requires a good balance of MTC intake alongside other macronutrients to support total energy requirements. Mean glucose concentration was 7. From Figure 2 there appears to be an inverse relationship, with interstitial glucose concentration declining as CHO intake is higher over the first 12h, and rising latterly as CHO intake declines.

This could be a response to circadian hormonal control of glucose concentration. Ramos-Campo et al. Similar, steadier blood glucose concentrations than in the current study were observed in runners before 5.

Future studies using CGM devices should investigate corresponding changes in hormone concentrations such as insulin and cortisol, or monitor the effect of specific rates of CHO ingestion on glucose concentration to decipher the primary determinants of fluctuations.

Figure 3. Total race distance covered vs. CHO intake g·h -1 during 24h races for G24 runners showing a moderate positive association. Whilst no firm guidance can be established from this study, the findings do support the importance of both pre-race and in-race CHO intake on performance in a h race.

In addition, investigating feeding strategies in ultra-endurance runners matched for VO 2max , would help to establish if increasing quantities of pre-race and in-race CHO result in performance improvements.

It should be noted that intake of MTCs was difficult to calculate accurately in the present study due to the restricted proprietary nutritional information of specific sugar configurations in some sports-nutrition products. In this study, the amount of ingested CHO both during the pre-race diet and in-race was lower than current recommendations.

Given the duration of the event, despite a low to moderate intensity of exercise, total energy requirements are very high. Therefore, ultra-endurance athletes need to consider ways to increase energy and CHO intake prior to and during these types of events.

Making use of novel products containing alginate hydrogels, especially in the later stages of a h event when dietary intake is most difficult could prove beneficial.

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation. The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by University of Stirling ethics committee.

EK and SG conceived the study, undertook data collection and analysis, and contributed to writing the manuscript. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers.

Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. Atkinson, G. Pre-race dietary carbohydrate intake can independently influence sub-elite marathon running performance. Sports Med. doi: PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar.

Beck, K. Role of nutrition in performance enhancement and post-exercise recovery. Open Access J. Burke, L. Carbohydrates for training and competition. Sports Sci. Clemente-Suarez, V. Psychophysiological response and energy balance during a h ultra-endurance mountain running event.

Costa, R. Perturbed energy balance and hydration status in ultra-endurance runners during a 24 h ultra-marathon. Considerations for ultra-endurance activities: part 1-nutrition. Nutrition for ultramarathon running: trail, track, and road.

Sport Nutr. Gut-training: the impact of two weeks repetitive gut-challenge during exercise on gastrointestinal status, glucose availability, fuel kinetics, and running performance. FDA Freestyle Libre Pro Flash Glucose Monitoring System: Summary of safety and effectiveness data SSED. pdf Accessed October 07, Google Scholar.

Glace, B. Food intake and electrolyte status of ultra-marathoners competing in extreme heat. Hansen, E.

Improved marathon performance by in-race nutritional strategy intervention. Havemann, L. Nutritional practices of male cyclists before and during ultra-endurance events. Holt, N. Exploring experiences of running an ultra-marathon.

Carbohydrate Maximize exercise precision intake recommendations for events lasting longer than 3h indicate that Endufance should ingest up to 90g. Heart rate ultra-endurajce interstitial glucose concentration indwelling Maximize exercise precision were also ultra-endurxnce throughout the event. Pre-race diet each 24 over 48h was recorded via weighed intake and included the pre-race meal 1—4h pre-race. In-race diet 24h event was recorded continuously, in-field, by the research team. Analysis revealed that runners did not meet the majority of CHO intake recommendations. CHO intake over 24—48h pre-race was lower than recommended 4.

Endurance nutrition for ultra-endurance events -

Now 5 years later with extensive additional personal and client hands on experience, I have more to add. Plus I find it rather data and numbers driven — a good place to start, but often real life is far more nuanced than that.

Of course she is now training for her first Miler as one does, yes?! While fuelling endurance events often can seem daunting and difficult, it can also be a lot of fun yes, fun!!

How much less depends on many factors including how hard we are running. If we can build a really strong lipolytic aerobic base via low end aerobic training aka zone 2 and run endurance events primarily in an aerobic state, we will have a more functional gut — ie more blood flow to the area — not to mention burn less carbohydrates the lipolytic aerobic system utilizes primarily fatty acids for fuel.

That said, other factors that can also make fuelling more difficult include heat or other weather conditions. Dehydration or over hydration can also complicate matters.

And of course fat and protein is harder for the body to break down than carbohydrates starches and sugars. Lastly, the longer one is out there, the harder things can become as fatigue builds.

And in multi-day events such as a Miler! we must consider the need for fat and protein as well as adequate carbohydrate, not to mention enough but not too much fluid and sodium.

When training for the likes of a marathon, often the best fuelling is simply 30 to 60 possibly up to 90 grams per hour of pure carbohydrate in the form of sugars aka glucose, fructose and sucrose — found in many natural gels, chews, and fruit such bananas or dates , or possibly the highly processed glucose polymers derived from starch such as maltodextrin — which is main ingredient in many mass produced gels and chews.

For sake of simplicity, this means approximately 1 gel every minutes. You might even keep this simplistic strategy for ultras of up to 12 hours. In my Javelina Jundred Miler , I opted to try racing it by using primarily Huma gels and Skratch exercise hydration.

It was very hot and ultimately my stomach quickly rejected my sweet fuelling choices. Luckily I was also very metabolically efficient at that time, so I was able to take the time needed, not eat much of anything for a while, and recover from my nausea to still finish that race under 24 hours.

I ended up eating a good amount of whole foods from aid stations. Suffice to say, different distances and different courses in vastly differing weather require different strategies! For a lb person running a moderate pace burning ~ calories per hour , that would be to calories per hour — more or less depending on your weight and your metabolic efficiency.

Less metabolically efficient means more calories needed. More metabolically efficient equals less fuel needed on the go. Therefore, aim to consume anywhere between to calories per hour. Consume these calories at either 30 minute intervals ie, cals every half hour or 45 minute or 60 minute intervals.

Less calories at once means less chance of GI issues, but eating so often can get old fast. I will often do up a spreadsheet for clients listing fuelling sources I know work for them that add up to meet target calories.

They might play with it and make changes, but at least it gives them a starting point. Aid station food would be bonus. She felt like she ate a ton, eating nearly everything she brought plus some grilled cheese and quesadilla at aid stations. And she felt the best part of the whole race was that she never hit the wall thanks both to fuelling well as well as solid training , finishing in Which was amazing because she encountered double the elevation advertised!

Often the best way to do this is by aiming to have meals over the course of each day, consuming calories in one go, either at aid stations or provided by crew or packed along with you such as freeze dried meals often utilized during fast packing.

The direction I always give my athletes is:. Too many gels and chews pure sugars or processed starches could eventually cause health issues including gut health problems, blood sugar problems, dental problems and lowered metabolic efficiency.

And sometimes in hot weather, sweet sugary foods aka most gels and chews are unappealing. Instead it was the millet burgers that I reached for, one of the only things that I wanted! It was a very hot day and in hindsight it was probable I needed more sodium. This is unlike the other electrolytes which we neither need nor loose much of during long runs, including magnesium, potassium and calcium these electrolytes are found in natural whole foods and are easily replaced post-run from whole foods.

Of course you need to stay attuned to your body throughout for this to work — but studies have shown that drinking to thirst not only works, it often works better than drinking to a prescribed amount. However, please know this can wildly vary depending on the factors listed above.

The good news is that our bodies can do a great job of regulating our sodium and fluid needs if only we can listen to their needs.

Our brain has a sodium sensor which gives us cravings for sodium rich foods or drinks when we need more salt. Well, fret no more. This article provides a platform for the ingredients recommended for optimal energy levels and peak performance during endurance training and racing.

Put simply, carbohydrates are sugars and starches that fuel our bodies much like gasoline fuels a race car. Each gram of carbohydrate contains ~4 calories worth of fuel.

Just like a race car stores its fuel in a tank, the human body stores carbohydrates as glycogen in both our muscles and liver. These glycogen reserves are relied upon to stabilize blood sugars and allow for optimal muscle function. A single-day or hour carbo-loading protocol may be effective for shorter races, especially if the athlete is training through the race meaning no reduction in training volume is being implemented pre-race.

Sample easy-to-digest carbohydrate options include pretzels, plain bagels, bananas, white pasta, white rice, potato, rice-based cereals, sports drinks, and energy bars. Race Morning: Aim for grams of easy-to-digest low fiber carbohydrate in the hours leading up to race start. Be sure to allow 1 hour digestion time for every calories consume.

A sample pre-race meal to be consumed in the 2- 3 hours leading up to race start would be a plain bagel topped with a smear of peanut butter and honey plus ounces of sports drink. For example, an lb runner should aim for ~ grams of carbohydrate each hour of training or racing.

To maximize carbohydrate uptake into the muscles and extend endurance, choose products whose ingredient lists include multiple types of carbohydrate. Common carbohydrate sources used in sports foods include maltodextrin, glucose or dextrose, sucrose, and fructose.

Common products used on race day include sports drinks, energy gels, energy bars, and energy chews. Post-Race: Aim for grams of carbohydrate, preferably in liquid form to promote rehydration as well as carbohydrate repletion, as soon as possible upon finishing a hard workout or race effort.

During digestion, protein is broken down into at least individual chemical building blocks known as amino acids that form a little pool within our liver and are used to build muscle, skin, hair, nails, eyes, hormones, enzymes, antibodies, and nerve chemicals.

This amount can prove challenging in ultra-endurance running events Costa et al. Studies investigating CHO intake of ultra-runners during competition have shown large variations in intake 25—71g·h. From these studies, a higher CHO intake is associated with improved performance, but ultra-runners typically consume lower amounts than recommended, and less than competitors in other ultra-endurance disciplines Pfeiffer et al.

While these previous studies present evidence of actual CHO intake during ultra-endurance events, there is a lack of information on the mix of CHO sources ingested i.

The benefits of ingesting MTC include less gastrointestinal GI complaints at high CHO ingestion rates Costa et al. The few studies examining MTC intake of runners have shown no convincing performance benefits, unless used as part of a gut-training protocol Costa et al.

Current recommendations for CHO intake rise with increasing exercise duration, but exercise intensity should also be considered. It is often reported that the rate of CHO intake should likely be reduced for those performing at lower intensities Jeukendrup, However, for ultra-runners competing in events lasting greater than 10—12h, it would seem that carbohydrate ingestion rates should probably match those recommended for shorter events ~3—4h , to help meet the considerable metabolic demands of sustained activity.

Although fat oxidation may provide much of the fuel utilised in events lasting up to 24h, there will be an absolute requirement for CHO to spare muscle and liver glycogen stores, and to maintain blood glucose concentration, in order to sustain intensity of activity over that duration.

Maximising CHO availability before and during such events is therefore a key to maintaining performance Williamson, However, no studies have closely examined both pre-race CHO intake and in-race CHO sources ingested by ultra-endurance runners over a h event.

The present study therefore investigated dietary intakes of ultra-endurance runners prior to and during a competitive h event. We also aimed to assess in-race glycaemic responses in relation to feeding strategies. G24 is a continuous undulating trail race on forest trails and tracks, over repeated laps of 4miles 6.

The event begins at 12 noon and ends after h with runners able to change to a smaller 0. Each large lap consists of approximately 80m feet of ascent and descent. Inclusion criteria for participants were: males or females; aged 18—50years; completed at least one previous ultra-marathon event.

We specifically aimed to recruit a sample that was representative of the full range of competitors at the event. Participant characteristics are shown in Table 1. Ethics approval was granted by University of Stirling Ethics of Research Committee.

All participants gave written informed consent prior to study commencement. Table 1. The study used an observational design, examining habitual dietary intake of participants before and during a h race. Participants were asked to follow their usual pre-race and in-race diet routines.

Pre-planned in-race feeding strategy was recorded on a questionnaire sent to participants ahead of the race day. Pre-race dietary intake was recorded using a weighed food intake method. For anything consumed away from home, participants were asked to provide a description and estimate of portion size or send photographs to the researcher.

In-race dietary intake was monitored by recorders assigned to each participant. Water was available at the halfway point each lap; any water taken was self-reported and recorded.

CGMs automatically recorded interstitial fluid glucose concentration every 15min throughout the event. Manual readings of interstitial glucose were also obtained from participants each lap using a hand-held scanning device linked to the CGM.

This device has been validated against blood glucose readings as reported in an FDA report FDA, Participants body mass was obtained post-void, in minimal under clothing, 1h prior to starting and after finishing before any further food or fluid was consumed to assess mass loss. All participants wore a timing chip which recorded lap times and total distance covered.

All dietary intakes were analysed by a Registered Dietitian EK , using Nutritics dietary analysis software Nutritics Limited, Dublin, Ireland. Dietary intake was analysed from h pre-race weighed intake sheets to provide two sets of dietary data: 1 mean h intake pre-race diet ; and 2 intake for 1—4h prior to race start pre-race meal.

All macronutrients and energy intake were calculated total, per hour, and per kg , total fluid from foods and fluids , sodium, and caffeine. Individual intake of sugars glucose, galactose, sucrose, fructose, maltose, and lactose and starch or maltodextrin were also examined to investigate MTC intake.

Fibre and oligosaccharide components were excluded from the individual carbohydrate analysis. Dietary intake was extrapolated from data per lap to represent nutrient intake per hour. The main dependent variable was total distance covered, and this was regressed to independent variables including dietary intakes and other factors VO 2max , mass, BMI, and gender.

Pearsons correlation coefficients, linear regression analysis, and independent t -tests were used to establish any associations between pre-race diet, pre-race meal, in-race diet, fitness, and ultra-running experience and distance achieved. Preliminary analyses were performed to ensure there was no violation of the assumption of normality, linearity, and multicollinearity.

Five grams per kg was selected as the lower-level recommendation for moderate exercise Burke et al. A standard multiple regression analysis was performed to assess the ability of pre-race CHO and in-race CHO intake to predict race distance.

Data are reported as mean SD. Data were analysed using SPSS IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version The average temperature for G24 was 16±4°C 19°C maximum, 10°C minimum with zero precipitation. The leading male and female of the G24 study group covered The mean range distance covered by participants was Ten of the participants continued moving for the full h, six stopped to sleep for between 3 and 8h , and two were unable to continue one female stopped after 12h due to injury, one male after 19h due to gastrointestinal issues.

Figure 1. Histogram showing the spread of study participants across the G24 race population highlighting a representative sample of participants. Table 1 , thus representing low to moderate intensity exercise.

No associations were found between pre-race fluid intake and distance. An independent samples t -test identified a significant difference in distance covered [ All participants consumed food and fluid in the 1—4h pre-race with a mean energy intake of ±kcal and CHO intake of 1.

Mean fluid intake was ±ml. A wide variety of foods, fluids, and commercially available sports-nutrition products were consumed in-race Table 2. There were no differences in energy, macronutrients, sodium, or caffeine intake between genders.

Table 2. During the event, CHO intake peaked in hour 5 at 49±6g with significantly lower amounts consumed in hours 1, 17, 19, 20, 22, and 24 Figure 2.

There was a significant difference in hourly CHO intake [38 vs. Figure 2. Mean hourly CHO intake peaked at 49±6g in hour 5. No significant differences were observed over time for mean interstitial glucose concentration. Fourteen participants retained CGM sensors for the entire race duration.

No association was observed between mean interstitial glucose concentration and dietary CHO intake, or with race distance. Glucose profiles were variable throughout the event.

Average hourly glucose concentration for all participants ranged from 3. Overall mean glucose for participants who retained CGM devices for the full race duration was 6. Participants consumed CHO at a mean rate of 0. Estimated intake of individual CHO components was as follows: starch Mean intake ratio of glucose: fructose equivalents were 3±, range — Estimated mean sugars available for absorption per hour via SGLT1 and GLUT5 transporters were 21±9g, range 8—39g and 7±3g, range 2—15g , respectively.

In this sample of participants, both pre-race diet and in-race CHO variables were significant predictors of race distance. No association was found between ultra-running experience and distance achieved. Fluid intake foods and fluids per hour [ vs. Body mass loss over the race was 2.

The main findings were that CHO intake was lower than current recommendations for pre-race diet and in-race intake. CHO intake was significantly related to distance achieved in the event and, based on CHO sources ingested, runners had capacity to increase their intake of MTC to help them achieve recommended CHO intakes.

For both pre-race diet and in-race intake, those who consumed more CHO per kg body mass achieved greater overall race distances. The pre-race diet observations demonstrate that athletes were only meeting the fuelling recommendations for short duration low intensity activities.

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Author: Taumuro

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