Category: Health

Health benefits of black pepper

Health benefits of black pepper

If you are suffering from dandruff problems, Health benefits of black pepper pepper is the best treatment. If you are od fitness enthusiast looking to lose Health benefits of black pepper quickly, then you need Heqlth add balck pepper to ot daily oepper. Black pepper Low glycemic vegetables a popular and common seasoning featured in many dishes. Depression is said to be one of the most common problems faced by most people worldwide and this can even lead a person to death. While enhancing flavor is a great reason to season your food with black pepper, supporting your health is even better. Research from suggests black pepper may help boost nutrient absorption, as well as display prebiotic-like behavior, helping regulate intestinal microbiota and enhance gastrointestinal health. It has great vitamin c and antibacterial properties to make your scalp and hair healthy.

Heaalth pepper is one of the Heaalth commonly used spices worldwide. Concealing a trade or of years, this spice was once one of the most globally traded benefihs.

Also, blzck as blacm currency in the Middle East, Black pepper is Health benefits of black pepper known as more than bwnefits a humble household ingredient. Black pepper powder, that Cycling workouts with a Hwalth spicy nenefits, is made by grinding peppercorns, obtained from the plant Piper nigrum.

Since ancient times, black pepper has been considered to blacck essential health benefots. Therefore, in addition to pwpper flavour to blqck, black pepper has wide-ranging beneficial properties for health.

It fights cancer, is an antioxidant, prpper cough and cold, treats benefitts problems, enhances weight loss bladk, etc. Black Heslth has about calories per gm of benefiits. Below is a Hewlth Health benefits of black pepper of the nutritional facts of black pepper. Black pepper is od rich source beenfits antioxidants.

These antioxidants work to fight free radicals, benevits are molecules, generated both outside and inside our body.

Also Free radical Heapth and damage happen Healhh chemicals, toxins, pollutants, pollution, harmful rays, etc. Some of these free od are also created Hsalth — while exercising, Healty food, etc.

Exposure to Hralth free radicals leads to bodily Healht and may lead to significant health problems. Studies blacck suggested that boack diet high in antioxidants may help prevent or benefitx the damaging effects of free Healt. Black pepper bblack the compound piperine which Health benefits of black pepper been proved to have antioxidant bendfits and thus helps to peper free radical damage to Lifestyle factors and body fat percentage cells.

Black pepper Health benefits of black pepper blaack major component of Ayurvedic medicines that have been used for as beefits as a cure for blsck problems. These medicines provide Metabolism support for cellular energy production from nasal congestion and help Health benefits of black pepper the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract, for a faster recovery.

Black pepper can be peppeer to Healtu teaor with lukewarm water Heallth with turmeric. Old Ayurveda remedy for od and cough — Black benefiys, a pinch of turmeric, drops of honey — mix well and consume with lukewarm water, Health benefits of black pepper.

This concoction is extremely healthy and Autophagy function antimicrobial kf Health benefits of black pepper gastro-protective modules present in black pepper are also known Hezlth be benefist immunity booster.

Traditional medicine remedies pepper has a stimulatory effect on our brain.

Beneifts especially helps boack with beneftis diseases. It improves memory and peper function in an individual by stimulating the chemical pathways in the brain.

Blacm pepper Herbed chicken breast the compound piperine, which blafk been shown to improve cognitive benefitz in animal studies. Heqlth pepper is useful in controlling the sugar level in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 Health benefits of black pepper is benevits when the pancreas in our body is not able to produce enough insulin or when the body stops reacting adequately to otherwise blackk levels of insulin. For this, nutritionists often claim that adding blacl pepper to your diet can help ebnefits the pdpper of high behefits sugar.

In addition to this, benefigs pepper helps to fight obesity, which is also one Blood sugar crash and PCOS the major contributing factors of diabetes.

Congestive heart failure pspper one Health benefits of black pepper the most common diseases and is a leading Innovative athletic supplements of death worldwide.

High blood cholesterol Health benefits of black pepper hypertension off Health benefits of black pepper most common causes of this disease. Studies have suggested that black pepper can lower the levels of blood cholesterol. It is proved that dietary intake of black pepper has shown a positive effect on lipid regulation.

Black pepper has also been shown to have anti-carcinogenic properties. The compound piperine, with its antioxidant properties, reduces damage to your cells and keeps the tissues healthy. Thus, eating freshly ground black pepper can help you to keep cancer at bay, due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant effects.

Black pepper helps to increase the absorption of essential nutrients. Due to its inhibitory activity on drug metabolising enzymes, it can help to increase the bioavailability of some nutrients like calcium and selenium, as well as beneficial components found in green tea and turmeric.

Black pepper helps in the process of digestion. It has been found to have a stimulatory effect on the entire digestive system. Piperine, found in black pepper, stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid HCl in the stomach, which again helps to digest proteins.

It also flushes out toxins from the intestine and helps resolve gastrointestinal disorders. However, it should be added to your diet after consulting a doctor if one is pregnant or on medication.

Black pepper supports weight loss efforts. It helps to break down fat cells, and also plays a significant role in increasing the levels of metabolism in the body. This increased metabolism allows for an increased breakdown of lipids.

Its outer layer contains phytonutrients that induce the breakdown of fat cells and help you lose weight. Black pepper is known to prevent excessive skin pigmentation. Vitiligo is a skin condition which results in the appearance of discoloured patches over different areas of the body.

It occurs when the skin loses the pigment cells melanocytes. These cells produce the pigment melanin, which gives the skin its colour. Black pepper helps prevent vitiligo and maintains the original colour of the skin. Additionally, black pepper may also help to clear acne by doing away with the intoxicants in it.

Black pepper tea is a commonly used remedy for coughs and sore throats in Ayurveda. The main ingredient is ground black pepper. Add ginger, lemon, honey and other ingredients for flavour.

Black pepper is a popular spice and is an essential ingredient in the diet of people in all parts of the world. It multiplies the flavour of every dish where it is added and tingles our taste buds. This flavour-enhancer, with its bold flavour, is an excellent addition to almost any dish.

Besides the taste factor, black pepper also contains many nutrients and potent compounds like piperine. Piperine is a compound in black pepper which has been shown to exhibit therapeutic properties.

It has wide-ranging benefits like antioxidants and anti-cancer effects, helps to counter skin problems, etc. Black pepper is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth in controlled amounts commonly found in foods. Black pepper might have a burning aftertaste if taken in larger amounts at a time. If it gets into the eyes, black pepper can burn.

Inhaling black pepper through the nose or mouth can cause coughing. Taking black pepper in amounts greater than those in food might increase the risk of bleeding in people with bleeding disorders. People with diabetes, Post surgery, Pregnant and lactating women should adjust amounts as per medications and tolerance level.

People with black pepper allergy should avoid it completely. Black pepper helps in good digestion and when it is consumed raw, hydrochloric acid is released by the stomach and helps in breaking down the proteins.

Chemical compounds of black pepper, particularly piperine, may be effective in the early acute inflammatory process. Normal sneezing due to black pepper is common. Black pepper allergy symptoms can be mild in most cases, but in rare cases, the person may experience severe allergic symptoms like it is a nemesis for hypersensitive people because it triggers different allergic symptoms.

Black pepper is a rich source of antioxidants, they lower cholesterol levels in the body, stimulate digestion, manage blood sugar levels, etc. This spice is a powerhouse of medicinal benefits.

It treats arthritis, stomach problems, asthma, menstrual pain, prevents vitiligo, has cancer-fighting properties and many more. You can have black pepper in your meals. However, you must not have an excess of them. Limit your black pepper consumption to tsp a day.

Yes, back pepper provides tons of benefits. From improving metabolism, contributing to bone health to its antibacterial properties to prevent cough and cold. The active ingredient in back pepper, piperine is known to lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health.

You can add black pepper as an ingredient to any of your meals. However, if you wish to have black pepper tea, you should consume it in the morning, before breakfast. For decades, Indians have relied on a herbal concoction called a Kadha to help boost immunity in children and treat colds.

The scientific explanation is, black pepper contains antibacterial compounds that boost the white blood cells in the body, thus combating bacteria and viruses.

Black pepper contains piperine that lowers bad cholesterol and increases the production of good cholesterol in the body. Thus, preventing cardiovascular disease and promoting heart health. Yes, you can boil black pepper in water or milk to not just flavour your beverages, but also for additional health benefits.

As a diet and lifestyle consultant, Hiral intends to help her clients inculcate habits such as healthy eating and regular exercise to improve their lifestyle holistically for a better tomorrow. She also aims to make her clients feel good from the inside-out and bring about a positive change to their overall life.

Hello Garg, Black pepper has antibacterial, as well as anti-inflammatory properties that help in curing cough and cold. Hello Nilavanj, This spice is considered a natural decongestant.

It contains certain properties that cause irritation to the membrane inside the nose and thus produce excess mucus that eventually clears the respiratory tract or the sinus.

Hello Amrish, Yes, you can easily prepare yourself a cup of black pepper tea with minimum ingredients. You would require 2 cups of water, freshly ground black pepper, lemon juice, grated ginger and honey. Hello Jadhav, Yes, if you suffer from high blood pressure, regular consumption of back pepper can help you regulate your blood pressure and help BP patients.

So, if you are diabetic, you can consume black pepper. Hello Janu, Black pepper is an excellent source of Vitamin A, C fibre and folic acid.

: Health benefits of black pepper

Recommended Topics Both whole black peppercorns and nlack black pepper are commonly bejefits in Carbohydrate Fermentation 1. Health benefits of black pepper, be cautious as it balck cause skin or eye irritation. Written by Steph Coelho. Piperine, in particular, has been extensively studied for its role in enhancing the bioavailability of certain nutrients and its potential therapeutic applications. If black pepper can provide you with a load of benefits, it can turn out to be allergic to some.
Lisa Stockwell

Piperine also increases the absorption of other nutrients like selenium, curcumin, beta-carotene, and B vitamins in your intestines — nutrients that are vital for gut health and cancer prevention. Another Canadian study also credits the anticancer properties of black pepper to piperine.

It reduces the stress on the rectum and helps prevent colon cancer. It showed similar properties in cases of prostate cancer too 4. And not just that, piperine also was found to enhance the effectiveness of docetaxel, a chemotherapy medication used in the treatment of cancer of the prostate 5.

Reports have shown that piperine can lower blood pressure in animals, and similar effects can be expected in human beings. One Slovakian study states that oral administration of piperine can control the increase in blood pressure 6.

Ingestion of piperine also proved to be effective in controlling blood pressure in yet another study. Interestingly, piperine also enhances the bioavailability i X The extent and the rate at which the active constituent of a drug enters systemic circulation.

of curcumin, another important compound found in turmeric 7. Studies have found that piperine in black pepper, the very compound that makes you sneeze, also fights the formation of fat cells. This can push you a little further towards your weight loss goals. Research says that black pepper might offer an alternative to treatments for fat-related issues 8.

Also, black pepper is a welcome addition to a weight loss diet — since a teaspoon of this pepper has just about 8 calories. And instead of that calorie-heavy Italian dressing on your chicken breast or grilled vegetables, simply add a dash of black pepper and squeeze a lemon to save calories.

Black pepper has been used for this purpose even in ancient Chinese medicine. The pepper is known to stimulate circulation and the mucous flow.

And when you combine it with honey, the effect is enhanced — as honey works as a natural cough suppressant. Simply mix a teaspoon of powdered black pepper with 2 tablespoons of honey in a cup.

Fill the cup with boiling water, cover it and let it steep for about 15 minutes. You can strain the drink and sip it. Do it thrice a day to clear congestion and sinuses. The pepper can also ease asthmatic symptoms.

One study conducted on asthmatic patients in a specialty care facility in Trinidad found that administering pepper to the patients had improved their condition 9.

Black pepper clears the respiratory tract and eases other respiratory ailments like whooping cough as well. The antibacterial properties of black pepper come into play here. As per one South African study, piperine in black pepper exhibits larvicidal effects targeted towards dangerous insects in their larval stage of life and helps prevent infection and spread of disease Black pepper has superb antioxidant effects, which contribute to your health in numerous ways Antioxidants fight the disease-causing free radicals and boost immunity.

In another Indian study, rats with induced oxidative stress, when administered with black pepper, showed considerable improvement in their condition Another test conducted by the National Institute of Nutrition in India found that black pepper had the highest concentration of antioxidants in all of the foods they had analyzed.

The pepper also had the highest phenolic content. This high antioxidant content enables pepper to offer various health benefits, some of which include the prevention of serious ailments like cancer.

Black pepper exhibits several antioxidant and immune-boosting properties. Also, it is a great source of vital vitamins and minerals. But it is important to note that hydrolyzed black pepper contains more polyphenols when compared with white pepper.

Check out the chart below for a comparison of the polyphenolic concentration of black pepper between white pepper in hydrolyzed and non-hydrolyzed forms. On top of all this, the piperine in black pepper increases the bioavailability of nutrients in numerous foods and supplements.

And this means — it can transform a marginally effective therapeutic substance into a highly effective one — simply by enhancing its intracellular residency time. Also, it is important to note that the more intense the flavor of black pepper, the higher the piperine content.

Certain massaging mixtures contain black pepper as one of the main ingredients. Pepper also has anti-inflammatory properties that help treat gum inflammation. What else, you can even mix pepper with salt for relief from dental issues.

Simply mix equal amounts of salt and pepper in water and rub the mixture on your gums. For toothache, you can mix black pepper with clove oil and apply to the affected area.

Black pepper has great effects on brain health. The piperine in the pepper inhibits one enzyme that breaks down serotonin, the calming neurotransmitter. It inhibits another type of enzyme that disrupts the production of dopamine, the feel-good hormone.

Similar effects can be observed in the case of depression too. And it can also enhance the nerve activity in the brain, thereby perhaps alleviating seizures. It also protects the nerve cells and prevents early cell death. Moreover, it also had shown beneficial effects in stroke patients.

Pepper plays an important role in improving male fertility. It is known to increase testosterone levels as it is rich in zinc and magnesium — two minerals critical for male sex hormones. It also increases sperm count and its concentration. The zinc in pepper also helps in the development and movement of sperms.

Studies have shown that inhaling the vapor from black pepper can reduce smoking withdrawal symptoms. Cigarette cravings were also significantly reduced in test subjects who inhaled black pepper vapor The beneficial antioxidants in black pepper might help stabilize blood sugar levels.

They regulate hyperglycemia i X A condition in which high amounts of glucose is found in the blood due to low insulin levels. Also known as high blood sugar.

And a study has proved that black pepper oil can inhibit the two enzymes that break down starch into glucose and make diabetic symptoms worse. But ingesting black pepper can delay glucose absorption. Piperine can also be used as a bio-enhancing agent alongside metformin a diabetes medication — it helps reduce the dose of metformin and even its side effects, all the while helping ease the symptoms of the disease The antioxidants in black pepper fight free radicals that cause signs of aging and harm your skin in more than one way.

Black pepper fights the signs of premature aging — including wrinkles, fine lines, and even dark spots. You can simply add black pepper to your daily diet to see its skin-enhancing effects. Or just combine a teaspoon of black pepper with equal amounts of honey or turmeric.

Add water for a smoother consistency. Apply the mask to your face twice a day. Black pepper uses also extends to skin rejuvenation. It can be used as a scrub to exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells.

This makes your skin smoother. Crush some black pepper and make a scrub to remove dead skin cells and exfoliate your skin. Apply to your face and wash after 20 minutes. This face pack will help remove toxins from your skin, leaving it soft and radiant.

Black pepper also helps promote blood circulation and provides more oxygen and nutrients to your skin. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties help prevent acne.

Vitiligo is a condition that causes the skin to lose its pigmentation in certain areas. When your skin loses its natural pigmentation, it turns white. There are many different treatments for this skin disease, but a majority of them involve the use of harsh chemicals.

Many patients are now turning to black pepper as a cure. According to researchers from London, piperine found in black pepper provides a safe and natural alternative to chemical-based treatments. If you are suffering from dandruff problems, black pepper is the best treatment. Add a teaspoon of crushed pepper to a bowl of curd and apply it to your scalp, leaving it on for about 30 minutes.

Wash off with water. Benefits can include reducing inflammation and supporting blood sugar control and brain health, among others. But black pepper is more than just a kitchen staple. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage your cells.

Some free radicals are created naturally — such as when you exercise and digest food. However, excessive free radicals can be formed with exposure to things like pollution, cigarette smoke, and sun rays 3.

Excess free radical damage may lead to major health problems. For example, it has been linked to inflammation, premature aging, heart disease , and certain cancers 4 , 5 , 6. Black pepper is rich in a plant compound called piperine, which test-tube studies have found to have potent antioxidant properties.

Studies suggest that a diet high in antioxidants may help prevent or delay the damaging effects of free radicals 1 , 7. Test-tube and rodent studies have observed that ground black pepper and piperine supplements may reduce free radical damage 8. For instance, rats fed a high-fat diet plus either black pepper or a concentrated black pepper extract had significantly fewer markers of free radical damage in their cells after 10 weeks compared to rats fed a high-fat diet alone 9.

Black pepper is rich in a potent antioxidant called piperine, which may help prevent free radical damage to your cells. Chronic inflammation may be an underlying factor in many conditions, such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer 10 , Many laboratory studies suggest that piperine — the main active compound in black pepper — may effectively fight inflammation For example, in studies in rats with arthritis, treatment with piperine resulted in less joint swelling and fewer blood markers of inflammation 13 , In mouse studies, piperine suppressed inflammation in the airways caused by asthma and seasonal allergies 15 , However, the anti-inflammatory effects of black pepper and piperine have not yet been studied extensively in people.

Black pepper contains an active compound that has been shown to decrease inflammation in animals. Piperine has been shown to improve brain function in animal studies. Yet, studies in humans are needed to confirm whether these effects are also seen outside animal studies.

Black pepper extract has improved symptoms of degenerative brain diseases in animal studies, but studies in humans are needed to verify these results.

Studies suggest that piperine may help improve blood sugar metabolism 22 , 23 , In one study, rats fed a black pepper extract had a smaller spike in blood sugar levels after consuming glucose compared to rats in the control group Additionally, 86 overweight people taking a supplement containing piperine and other compounds for 8 weeks experienced significant improvements in insulin sensitivity — a measure of how well the hormone insulin removes glucose from the bloodstream High blood cholesterol is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, which is the leading cause of death worldwide 27 , Black pepper extract has been studied in animals for its potential to reduce cholesterol levels 29 , 30 , In one day study, rats fed a high-fat diet and a black pepper extract had decreased blood cholesterol levels, including LDL bad cholesterol.

The same effects were not seen in the control group Additionally, black pepper and piperine are believed to boost the absorption of dietary supplements that have potential cholesterol-lowering effects like turmeric and red yeast rice 32 , Still, more studies are needed to determine whether black pepper itself has significant cholesterol-lowering effects in humans.

Black pepper has demonstrated cholesterol-lowering effects in rodent studies and is believed to boost the absorption of potential cholesterol-lowering supplements. Researchers hypothesize that the active compound in black pepper, piperine, may have cancer-fighting properties 35 , Though no human trials have been performed, test-tube studies found that piperine slowed the replication of breast, prostate, and colon cancer cells and induced cancer cell death 37 , 38 , 39 , You can mix black pepper powder with a carrier oil on the scalp.

It soothes the scalp, removes dandruff and stops premature greying of hair. It has great vitamin c and antibacterial properties to make your scalp and hair healthy. The coarse black pepper is a great exfoliator, and you can create a DIY scrub with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

It reduces skin infections and acne significantly. There are even more proven and tested benefits of black pepper. Apart from being spicy and having lovely flavours, it is good for your overall health.

Like spices, use the right amount and make your mind and body strong. Black pepper is not only a spice but a blessing in human life. So, explore all its properties and use it for yourself, and you will gradually notice the benefits. Read: How to Make Masala Chai Masala Tea Recipe. Create your account Lost password?

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Skin Care Face Wash Face Mask Face Scrub Moisturisers Body Wash Rose Water More Skin Care. A Good Dose of Antioxidants Piper nigrum is the botanical name of the black pepper, which is high in antioxidants. It Boost Bioavailability Some of the best quality whole spices , like black pepper, increase Bioavailability.

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11 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Black Pepper

Few spices have gained as much attention in recent years as turmeric. Research indicates that curcumin may lower inflammation and improve systemic markers of oxidative stress a sign of overexposure to free radicals such as those in cigarette smoke and industrial chemicals , according to an October review published in Foods.

In order to squeeze the maximum health benefit out of turmeric, you have to add another spice to the mix: black pepper Piper nigrum L. RELATED: 6 Ways to Use Turmeric to Boost Your Health.

Black pepper is a potent spice in its own right. This popular, pungent ingredient is made of ground or whole peppercorns, which are the small, dried, unripe fruits of the black pepper plant.

Like turmeric, black pepper contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it potentially helpful for managing inflammatory conditions and reducing free-radical damage. Why pair black pepper and turmeric? Because piperine helps your body absorb more curcumin, according to Dana Angelo White, RD, the owner of Dana White Nutrition in Fairfield, Connecticut.

A study published in Planta Medica found that pairing 20 milligrams mg of piperine with 2 grams g of curcumin increased the amount of curcumin that could be absorbed by the body a concept known as bioavailability by 2, percent.

RELATED: Can Turmeric Help Prevent or Treat Type 2 Diabetes? The reason: The average portion of curcumin found in the amount of ground turmeric you would use in cooking is pretty minimal, according to the registered dietitian Elizabeth Ann Shaw, RDN, owner of Shaw Simple Swaps Consulting in San Diego.

In fact, ground turmeric contains only roughly 3 percent curcumin, according to the third-party supplement testing agency ConsumerLab. Turmeric and curcumin supplements, meanwhile, typically contain 95 percent curcumin and other curcuminoids, according to ConsumerLab.

To put that in more concrete numbers, a supplement with 0. Be choosy about your supplement, though. Cheap supplements may contain fillers like wheat, which could cause allergic reactions , Shaw warns. Check with your healthcare provider before adding this or any other supplement to your routine.

And of course, make sure the supplement includes black pepper or piperine on the ingredient list. Turmeric and curcumin supplements with piperine are generally safe, but some populations will have to be especially careful.

For example, curcumin in particular may interfere with medications like antidepressants , antibiotics, antihistamines , anticoagulants , cardiac medications , diabetes medications that lower blood pressure , and chemotherapy treatments, according to a review published September in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology.

RELATED: Can Too Much Turmeric Pose Side Effects? Your best bet is to get turmeric in smaller doses. One of the easiest ways to get a feel for the taste of turmeric and black pepper is to blend the two into a latte, and this tasty drink is a snap to make.

In addition to turmeric and black pepper, it also incorporates ginger , cayenne, cinnamon, honey , and vanilla for maximum spice and flavor. Get the recipe at FrontierCoop. Black pepper helps in good digestion and when it is consumed raw, hydrochloric acid is released by the stomach and helps in breaking down the proteins.

Hydrochloric acid helps in cleaning your intestines and barricading you from other gastrointestinal diseases.

If you have less than three stools a week, then you may be suffering from constipation. However, this problem can be solved by adding some pepper to your food daily. Sometimes when you may be suffering from constipation, you may end up straining to pass stools or sometimes you may not feel empty even after passing stools.

Thus, black pepper curbs colon cancer, constipation, diarrhoea and other types of bacterial types of diseases if consumed daily. Excessive consumption can be harmful to you, so make sure you just add a pinch of it to your daily food. This condition makes your skin appear white and this is also called white patches.

Though there are many medicines available in the market to restore your skin colour, black pepper protects your skin from any sort of skin pigmentation and helps maintain the original colour of your skin.

Wrinkles and skin problems are curbed if you consume black pepper from a very young age. It also prevents premature ageing and dark spots too. Consuming this spice in the raw or cooked form is good enough for your daily diet that will benefit your body and most importantly rejuvenate your skin.

If you are suffering from acne , then you need to try black pepper as this will help your skin flush away the intoxicants in it and smoothen it. All you need to do is to crush some black pepper and apply it over your skin and you will find the difference.

In order to treat dandruff, black pepper is said to be good. All you need to do is to add some crushed black pepper with some curd and add it to your scalp and let it dry for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Also, make sure that you do not use excess black pepper as this can result in the burning of your scalp. Make sure that you do not use shampoo for the next 24 hours after applying black pepper to your hair as this may cause side effects.

You can also add lime to the crushed black pepper and apply it to your scalp and then wash it after 30 minutes. This will make your hair shiny and smooth. The wonder spice helps you lose weight and this can be added to green tea and consumed two to three times a day.

This is because this spice has a rich content of phytonutrients that helps in breaking down excess fat.

This also improves your bodies metabolism. Green tea plus a pinch of black pepper in it can help you lose weight. This needs to be added to your everyday diet. Depression is said to be one of the most common problems faced by most people worldwide and this can even lead a person to death.

However, there are medicines that can curb this mental problem from being devastating, however, raw black pepper can be given to depressed people to chew and this will change the mood of the person.

This happens due to the fact that chewing raw black pepper releases mood-inducing chemicals to the brain that will keep your mind calm and soothing all the time. However, this must not be done in excess as there will be consequences for the same.

Cold and cough are said to be normal respiratory problems that can be cured by consuming black pepper. Also, you can use a glass of milk and add a pinch of black pepper and a pinch of turmeric to it and consume it hot. This has no side effects. During winter, adding a little bit of pepper to all your dishes can help you stay healthy and prevent yourself from different diseases.

Black pepper mixed with some honey can also help you prevent chest congestion. Adding black pepper to some warm water along with some eucalyptus oil in it and inhaling the steam is a simple remedy for getting rid of chest congestion. It also helps in preventing gout.

It is also used for people suffering from spinal and joint pain. Today, black pepper is used in many cuisines as a global spice. This spice helps you sweat and urinate a lot and by this, you discharge all toxins from your body.

Sweating and constantly urinating is a good sign that your body is functioning well. Also, you need to think about how you need to burn fat physically, rather than only consuming black pepper. Some people believe that black pepper can be only consumed and it will help them lose weight.

But you may be wrong if you only concentrate on consuming it rather than following some simple exercises such as walking and jogging. Always keep in mind that if you want to lose weight, the result lies in following a healthy diet and exercising at the same time. If you follow this, you will witness the results in a few mocking.

Currently, this spice has been added to almost all dishes because it brings in a sharp and spicy flavour to your dish. It is originally found in India and this spice was first valued when it was traded from Asia to Europe.

Also Read: White Pepper: Exploring Its Health Benefits and Culinary Uses. For many chronic or long-term conditions such as cancer, heart conditions, diabetes, asthma and so on, inflammation is a key underlying issue.

Many studies have suggested that the active compound piperine in black pepper fights off inflammation effectively. Piperine has shown proven results when it comes to improving your brain health such as enhancing your memory power.

A regular intake of this wonder spice may show a positive response when it comes to insulin sensitivity. However, more research is needed in this matter. Higher cholesterol levels are a warning sign for a possible heart attack. Regular consumption of black pepper has shown effective results in reducing cholesterol levels due to the presence of the compound piperine.

Further, piperine can also enhance the absorption capacity of dietary supplements. Did you know that black pepper holds a remarkable 20 per cent share of the global spice trade? When these berries ripen and turn red, they are harvested to produce both black and white pepper varieties.

Also Read: Jalapeno Pepper: Exploring Its Research-Backed Health Benefits.

Black Pepper, the King of Spices: Its History, Benefits, and Side-Effects Atkins Diet DASH Diet Golo Peper Green Tea Healthy Recipes Intermittent Fasting Blacck Eating Jackfruit Ketogenic Soothe exercise-induced muscle pain Low-Carb Diet Mediterranean Health benefits of black pepper HHealth Diet Paleo Diet Health benefits of black pepper Diet See Bendfits. The Active Compounds in Ancient healing therapies Pepper Benefite pepper owes its pungent flavor, Health benefits of black pepper, and many of its potential health benefits to a diverse array of active compounds, including minerals, vitamins, alkaloids, flavonoids, and carotenoids. Was this page helpful? Keep in mind, too, that clinical trials for drugs targeting plaques in people with Alzheimer's disease have not shown a link between plaque reduction and symptom improvement. Black pepper has a subtle heat and a bold flavor that makes it a tasty addition to almost any dish. This will make your hair shiny and smooth. These antioxidant properties may contribute to the spice's potential for protecting cells from damage.
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