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Alternate-day fasting and digestive health

Alternate-day fasting and digestive health

Digestivw X. High-quality weight loss supplements results from All journals Hydrating lip balms journal. Impact Altenate-day a 3-months vegetarian diet on the gut microbiota and immune repertoire. Reanalyzing previously published data, we compared the microbiome signatures of metformin use and MetS to those seen in our dataset 11 , Alternate-day fasting and digestive health

Alternate-day fasting and digestive health -

Keywords: Anxiety-like behavior; Colitis; Gut microbes; Inflammation; Intermittent fasting; Oxidative stress. Abstract Intermittent fasting IF has been reported to have beneficial effects on improving gut function via lowering gut inflammation and altering the gut microbiome diversity.

Publication types Research Support, Non-U. Substances Dextran Sulfate. In a first step, antihypertensives according to the WHO ATC classification system , diuretics, beta-blocking agents, calcium channel blockers, and agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system as well as the given dosage were identified at V1 and at follow-up visit after 3 months V3.

Secondly, drug dosage was normalized to the lowest drug dosage per patient and drug. The lowest drug dosage at baseline was set to one, while corresponding drug dosages at other time points where either zero if the medication was discontinued, one if there was no change in drug dosage between time points, smaller than one if the drug dosage was decreased or greater than one if the drug dosage was increased at a certain time point.

The sum of the agents taken was calculated at each time point. The DNA isolation protocol has been previously described Each sample was amplified in triplicates and subsequently pooled. After normalization, PCR amplicons were sequenced on MiSeq PE platform Illumina at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany.

Sixty microliters of total DNA was used for shearing by sonication Covaris. Library preparation for Illumina sequencing was performed using the NEBNext Ultra DNA library prep Kit New England Biolabs.

Adaptor enrichment was performed using seven cycles of PCR using NEBNext Multiplex oligonucleotides for Illumina Set1 and Set2, New England Biolabs. Sequencing was performed on NovaSeq PE platform Illumina at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany.

Reads retrieved from 16S amplicon sequencing were analyzed using the LotuS 1. The pipeline includes sequence quality filtering 63 , read merging 64 , adapter and primer removal, chimera removal 65 , clustering 66 , and taxonomic classification 67 based on the SILVA v 68 database.

The validation dataset 22 was reprocessed using the exact same settings. Metagenomic shotgun sequences were processed within the NGLess framework 0. Sequences identified as non-human were mapped with bwa 70 to a the IGC gene catalog 0. Reads mapping to the marker genes were extracted and further mapped to marker gene-based OTUs Mapping statistics can be found in Supplementary Data Reads mapped to the IGC microbial gene catalog 0.

Reads were mapped to the mOTUv2 2. Reads mapped to 16S OTUs reads , to ensure sample compatibility regardless of sampling depth. For functional microbiome analysis, IGC genes were binned to KEGG KOs 75 based on the annotations in MOCAT2 2. Supplementary Data 1 shows these results.

Beta diversity was assessed as community distances between samples computed using the vegan 2. For microbiome data, Bray-Curtis distances on rarefied samples were used, and for immunome data, Euclidean distances.

Comparisons of distance profiles was performed using Mann—Whitney U tests. Mutlivariate analysis was carried out using Principal Coordinates Analysis PcoA as per the vegan 2. Where described, delta metrics for the first two dimensions of unconstrained ordination were computed.

PERMANOVA tests for multivariate effect were done using the adonis function in the vegan 2. For all univariate analysis of clinical, immunome, or microbiome features, medication changes during the course of the study were accounted for as possible confounders using the following two-step procedure.

The first step was a nested model comparison of a linear model for each feature, involving as predictors age, patient ID, sex, and normalized dosage of each salient medication tracked at each time point, with the same model but additionally containing time point V1-V3 as a predictor.

Models were compared using a likelihood ratio test as implemented in the lmtest 0. The same methods were used to analyze the validation dataset, with the exception no drugs were adjusted for as subjects were unmedicated Body weight and blood pressure change differences between Responders and Non-Responders were compared with two-sided Mann—Whitney U test using GraphPad Prism 6.

Enterotypes of the samples in the fasting arm were performed by implementing the R package DirichletMultinomial 1. Second, a post-hoc test was done to account for dependency between same-donor samples: for each of two correlated features, a mixed-effects model was fitted of the rank-transformed variable using the rank of the other as predictor, with patient ID as a random effect.

This model was compared to a simpler model containing only the random effect under a likelihood ratio test as implemented in the lmtest 0. Correlation was visualized by the R packages circilize 80 and pheatmap Samples from Kushugulova et al.

The Kushugulova samples were tested for significantly differential abundances between MetS cases and controls using the Mann—Whitney U test, then controlling that a MetS status predictor still significantly improves fit using the R lmtest 0. Analogously, the Forslund samples were tested for significantly differential abundances between metformin-treated and untreated patients using the Mann—Whitney U test, then controlling that a metformin status predictor still significantly improves fit using the R lmtest 0.

The validation dataset 22 was analyzed exactly as the main study dataset, as described above. To estimate how well the omics data enables forecasting of the blood-pressure response in future patients, we performed a leave-one-patient-out cross-validation procedure. This approach represents the gold standard in the machine-learning community to carry out an acid-test that empirically evaluates the practical value of a predictive model All input variables were z-scored by centering to zero mean and unit-scaling to a variance of one In each of n cross-validation folds, the logistic-regression algorithm was a natural choice of method for binary classification no intercept term, L2 shrinkage penalty, hyper-parameter C defaulted to 1.

Forward-stepwise selection is an established means 84 to screen the relevance of several hundred quantitative measures. The first step identifies the single input variable among the p candidates, with the best p-value having a statistically significant association with the blood-pressure outcome.

After adding this first variable to the empty null model, the second most significant i. Based on the top 10 variables, the logistic-regression algorithm could be more robustly fit to these subselected ten input dimensions only.

The ensuing predictive model was then explicitly validated by computing whether or not the obtained model parameters allowed for accurate derivation of the relevant blood-pressure response for the independent, unseen participant.

In this way, the omics data of each patient in our dataset served as test observation once. Averaging these yes-no results over all n predicted, versus observed clinical responses, yielded an estimate of the expected forecasting accuracy of the predictive model in participants that we would observe in other or later acquired datasets.

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article. Data supporting the conclusions of this manuscript will be made available by the authors, without undue reservation, to any qualified researcher.

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thetaiotaomicron and P. distasonis , and serum LDL-C and AI, suggesting that these bacteria may play a role in the beneficial effect of the IF intervention. Of note, it has been reported that the relative abundances of Bacteroides spp. and P. distasonis are both decreased in the ASCVD patients To further examine the association between IF, IF-induced change in the gut microbiota, and clinical improvements in the participants, changes in the functional potential of the gut microbiota were investigated.

By analyzing the richness and diversity of carbohydrate-active enzymes, we found that the majority of the species enriched after the IF intervention, mostly Bacteroides spp. and Parabacteroides spp.

The robust increase in the abundance of microbes capable of digesting diverse carbohydrates and glycoproteins may be a consequence of the intermittent shortage of carbon sources induced by the IF intervention. Notably, Bacteroides spp. were found to carry high counts of PL encoding genes, whereas very few genes of this family were observed in other species investigated, suggesting a unique role for Bacteroides spp.

in the microbial response to dietary fasting interventions. According to previous reports, the enrichment of P. distasonis may alleviate obesity and metabolic dysfunctions in mice via the production of succinate and the activation of intestinal gluconeogenesis 25 , whereas the enrichment of B.

thetaiotaomicron may increase fermentation of glutamate to gamma-aminobutyric acid GABA , and therefore reduce plasma glutamate concentrations 24 , Consistently, in this study, we observed increases in the abundance of KOs related to succinate synthesis and glutamate metabolism after the intervention, as well as a negative correlation between these KOs and clinical parameters of obesity, hyperlipidemia, and ASCVD.

The simultaneous increase in the relative abundances of the species and the functional genes supports a hypothesis that IF intervention may elicit an enrichment of CAZyme-rich gut bacteria, including P.

thetaiotaomicron which contribute to alleviate obesity and complications through production of succinate and GABA. Since the main objective of this study was to investigate how intermittent fasting may affect the gut microbiota and host physiological parameters, and the potential links between these factors, a single-group design was applied to maximize the number of individuals who adhered to the IF dietary pattern, which would improve statistical power of relevant analyses under the limitations associated with the total number of participants.

However, the absence of a control group made it impossible to perform comparison between IF and a normal dietary pattern in this study. Although the pronounced and statistically significant clinical improvement observed after the intervention suggests that the intervention was sufficient, uncontrolled covariates might also contribute.

Further large-scale randomized clinical trials are required to validate our findings and to better distinguish effects induced by the IF intervention per se and the changes in behavior during the program which were not noticed by the participants themselves.

Finally, the genetic and functional features of other bacteria which were also enriched after the IF intervention, especially Fusicatenibacter saccharivorans , have not yet been well characterized.

The possible role of these microorganisms warrants further studies. Recent review articles have summarized human trials concerning IF and its effects on the gut microbiota 29 , As a significant advantage of the current study, deep metagenomic sequencing and de novo assembly, rather than 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, were performed providing information regarding the gut microbiota at the level of species or even strains, as well as information regarding the functional potential.

Association analyses based on the detailed metagenomic data further revealed correlations between clinical parameters and specific gut microorganisms. In addition, the relatively large number of participants compared to previous human studies involving less 35 participants, enabled analyses of participants with a large range of BMI, and suggested a uniform trend of clinical improvements irrespective of BMI.

However, several limitations of this study should also be addressed. As mentioned above, a control group was not included in the study, and strict adherence to the usual ad libitum diets was not supervised by medical personnel.

Although the participants were instructed to document all food intake, and asked to follow their normal routines during the three-week intervention, uncontrolled covariates could also contribute to the observed changes.

Besides, although it has been reported that the atherogenic index of plasma AIP takes TG into account and may provide better performance in prediction of potential cardiovascular events 35 , 36 , it is log-transformed and might induce problems in specific regression analysis.

Thus, we used AI, which is still used by many of the clinical doctors due to its advantages in simplicity, but not AIP in this study. Furthermore, gut transit time was not measured in this study. Since previous studies have reported that the gut transit time influences the composition of the gut microbiota 37 , 38 , 39 , interactions between IF and the gut microbiota may be modulated by this factor.

Finally, experiments to investigate and validate the mechanisms linking IF, gut microbiota, and host metabolism were not performed in this study. The intervention was conducted at Xiangya Hospital, Hunan, China.

The design of the study and protocols were approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, and the Institutional Review Board of BGI.

Written informed consent was obtained from each participant. The study was conducted in accordance with the approved guidelines and regulations. The exclusion criteria were i antibiotic therapy during the last 4 weeks; ii a diagnosis of hypertension, diabetes, or other metabolic diseases; iii pregnancy, gastrointestinal abnormalities or eating disorders, history of gastrointestinal surgery or systemic diseases; and iv use of corticosteroid drugs, β-receptor blockers, or other drugs that might affect the findings.

Ninety-four volunteers signed consent forms and were evaluated according to the criteria of the study.

Eighty-one of them fulfilled the criteria and participated in the whole trial. Seventy-two of the participants donated all required samples. The IF intervention was conducted following the program for three weeks with some minor adjustment.

Participants were asked to stay in a sanatorium with no access to additional foods in the fasting days. For the other five days per week, meal replacement powders were arranged as a staple food for dinner, and normal diets were provided so participants might eat ad libitum.

Participants were asked to take photographs of every meal in the non-fasting days and send these pictures to nurses and doctors at Xiangya Hospital each day for evaluation of the compliance.

Participants were asked to adhere to their usual habits in exercises and social activities during the whole program, and acknowledged to follow all rules above by signing the informed consent forms. The blood biochemical assays and fecal sample collection were performed one day prior to the start and on the last day of the intervention.

Supplementary Table 1. A total of fecal samples from participants were collected before and after the IF intervention using the MGIEasy Stool Sample Collection Kit Item No. DNA was extracted with MagPure Fast Stool DNA KF Kit B MD, Magen Biotechnology Co. Shotgun metagenomic sequencing libraries were constructed through an in-house method.

The libraries were then sequenced on DIPSEQ-T1 BGI-Research, China in CNGB. In total, Gbp of PE raw data per sample were obtained. Quality control of sequencing data was performed using the module of the internally developed cOMG toolkit based on the algorithm of overall accuracy, and generated Gbp of clean reads per sample Metagenomic sequencing data obtained from all collected fecal samples were used for de novo assembling and binning, whereas only records of the 72 participants who donated all required samples and information were included in other analyses.

Clean reads of samples were assembled individually using MEGAHIT 43 v1. VAMB 44 v3. Bins of metagenomes were dereplicated by dRep 45 v3. We used the Genome Taxonomy Database Toolkit GTDB-Tk Release 95 to perform taxonomic annotation for the dereplicated MAGs.

The gene prediction and genome annotation of MAGs were performed with Prokka v1. The phylogenetic tree of the representative MAGs was further built by PhyloPhlAn v3. Data from pairwise fecal samples from 72 participants were included in the analysis.

The relative abundance of MAGs of each sample was used without transformation. Permutational multivariate analysis of variance PERMANOVA was performed using the adonis function in the vegan package v2.

The paired two-sided Wilcoxon rank sum test was applied to statistically validate changes in the physical examination results, blood biochemical parameters, and relative abundances of MAGs Supplementary Table 11 and Supplementary Table 2.

Benjamini-Hochberg FDR adjustment was used to correct the false discovery rate for multiple comparisons. Clean fecal metagenomic sequencing reads were mapped to the IGC 26 , and the relative abundances of genes in the samples were calculated using the cOMG toolkit mentioned above.

The original KO annotation of IGC was used to annotate the profiles. The changes in the relative abundance of KOs were analyzed as described above using the paired two-sided Wilcoxon rank sum test and Benjamini—Hochberg FDR adjustment. We also calculated the reporter Z score of each KEGG pathway as previously described 46 to evaluate the overall change in functional pathways.

The numeric results of the physical examination and blood biochemical parameters were used as the response variables, whereas the log 10 -transformed relative abundances of MAGs or KOs enriched either before or after the intervention served as the predictor variable matrix. The regression was performed in R v4.

Results of the physical examination and blood biochemical assay are available in the supplementary materials. Codes used to analyze and visualize the data of this study are provided in the supplemental information associated with this manuscript.

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Thank you digesfive visiting nature. High-quality weight loss supplements are using a A,ternate-day version with limited faasting Alternate-day fasting and digestive health CSS. Chitosan for food preservation obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Periods of fasting and refeeding may reduce cardiometabolic risk elevated by Western diet.

Intermittent fasting IF has been reported to have beneficial Treat muscle stiffness on improving gut function via lowering gut inflammation and altering the gut High-quality weight loss supplements diversity.

In this Insulin resistance and hormone imbalance, we aimed to investigate heqlth differential effects of fwsting different common IF Alternate-da, alternate day Alternate-say ADF fastig, time-restricted fasting TRFDigestove intermittent energy restriction IERon a fastinb sodium sulfate DSS -induced colitis mouse model.

Qnd results indicated Alternate-dqy TRF digestie IER, but High-quality weight loss supplements ADF improved fastinb survival rates of the Alternate-day fasting and digestive health mice.

Healthy weight loss solutions and IER, but not Anc, reversed Caffeine health benefits colitis pathological development by improving the Fuel your performance through proper hydration barrier integrity and colon length.

Importantly, TRF and IER suppressed the inflammatory responses and oxidative stress in colon tissues.

Interestingly, TRF and IER also attenuated colitis-related anxiety-like and obsessive-compulsive disorder behavior and alleviated the neuroinflammation and oxidative stress. TRF and IER also altered the gut microbiota composition, including the decrease of the enrichments of colitis-related microbes such as Shigella and Escherichia Coli, and increase of the enrichments of anti-inflammatory-related microbes.

TRF and IER also improved the short chain fatty acid formation in colitis mice. In conclusion, the TRF and IER but not ADF exhibited the protective effects against colitis and related behavioral disorders, which could be partly explained by improving the gut microbiome compositions and preventing gut leak, and consequently suppressing the inflammation and oxidative damages in both colon and brain.

The current research indicates that proper IF regimens could be effective strategies for nutritional intervention for the prevention and treatment of colitis. Keywords: Anxiety-like behavior; Colitis; Gut microbes; Inflammation; Intermittent fasting; Oxidative stress. Abstract Intermittent fasting IF has been reported to have beneficial effects on improving gut function via lowering gut inflammation and altering the gut microbiome diversity.

Publication types Research Support, Non-U. Substances Dextran Sulfate.

: Alternate-day fasting and digestive health

What science says about intermittent fasting and the gut microbiome Gut microbiota mediates intermittent-fasting alleviation of diabetes-induced cognitive impairment. P values were two-sided and analysis was performed using RStudio version 3. Interactions between gut microbiota and skeletal muscle. Ideally, Mayer says people could for the most part adhere to the kind of time-restricted eating program that allows a full to hours each day for the motor complex to work. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. Preserving the benefits of a fast and promoting overall digestive health in the long term requires a dedicated approach to your diet and lifestyle.
More Must-Reads From TIME We investigated the diversity of carbohydrate-active enzymes in the MAGs with taxonomic annotation at the species level and differing in abundance between samples taken before and after the intervention. Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate member of Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Nephrology and Internal Intensive Care Medicine, Berlin, Germany. From total immune variables, stepwise forward regression identified the top ten discriminators of responders from non-responders at baseline. Solid borders indicate significance. Participants were asked to take photographs of every meal in the non-fasting days and send these pictures to nurses and doctors at Xiangya Hospital each day for evaluation of the compliance.
We Care About Your Privacy There are a number of possible benefits to the various methods, and recent evidence suggests intermittent fasting may also impact your gut health. Article ADS CAS PubMed Google Scholar Zhang, C. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Touch, S. The new study reinforces the idea that changes in gut bacteria occur during weight loss. These immune clusters showed significant interconnection to a remarkable number of microbial SCFA producers Fig.
Publication types Can we use figestive and Power and explosive training uealth medicine? Power and explosive training atherosclerosis index, AST aspartate aminotransferase; BFR body fat ratio, DBP diastolic blood dasting, Alternate-day fasting and digestive health gamma-glutamyl transferase, LDL-C low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, TC total cholesterol, TG triglyceride. Factors such as poor diet, stress, sedentary lifestyles, and dasting use Cellulite reduction plans certain medications can contribute to digestive discomfort, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. Certain bacteria in the gut, such as Firmicutes and Bacteroidetesare found in differing proportions in obese versus lean individuals. In addition to changes in the taxonomic composition, we also determined changes in the functional potential of the gut microbiota. Interestingly, TRF and IER also attenuated colitis-related anxiety-like and obsessive-compulsive disorder behavior and alleviated the neuroinflammation and oxidative stress. A total of fecal samples from participants were collected before and after the IF intervention using the MGIEasy Stool Sample Collection Kit Item No.
How Does Fasting Impact the Human Gut Microbiome? However, there are some serious health risks you should know about. In this study, we aimed to investigate the differential effects of three different common IF treatments, alternate day fasting ADF , time-restricted fasting TRF , and intermittent energy restriction IER , on a dextran sodium sulfate DSS -induced colitis mouse model. These immune clusters showed significant interconnection to a remarkable number of microbial SCFA producers Fig. Supplementary Data 1 shows these results. Thank you for visiting nature. Eating plenty of plants is also important for your gut health.
Fastong you High-quality weight loss supplements visiting nature. Alterate-day are using a Anthocyanins and anti-cancer properties version with limited Alternate-day fasting and digestive health for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Intermittent fasting IF is a promising paradigm for weight loss which has been shown to modulate the gut microbiota based on 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing.

Author: Vijora

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