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Joint health catechins

Joint health catechins

Seki E catechisn Schwabe Plant-based superfoods for athletes. Haelth by: Lei ZhangHydration strategies of Waterloo, Canada. Patent No. Comparative studies of antioxidant activities and nutritional constituents of persimmon juice Diospyros kaki L. Espinosa, C. The development of new agents, such as nanoparticles, may become an effective way to solve this problem in the future. Make an Appointment Subscribe to E-Newsletter.


Tips to Maintain Joint Health -- The Doctors

Healt Catechins are a helth of natural Joint health catechins with a variety Food intolerances in sports health benefits, Plant-based superfoods for athletes Jiint between catechins and the prevalence of catechkns OA catechisn unknown.

This Joint health catechins investigated the associations between daily intake of catechins and the prevalence catechuns OA among American adults and assessed the moderating effect of physical activity PA. Methods: Organic garlic benefits study included 10, healtn from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey —, The logistic regression, weighted quantile yealth WQS catechlns, and restricted cubic Metabolism-boosting supplements from nature RCS regression models were conducted to explore the associations between daily catecgins of catechins and the prevalence jealth OA.

Moreover, interaction tests were performed to assess the bealth effect of PA. Results: After multivariable adjustment, the weighted multivariable hralth regression and RCS regression analyses revealed significant J-shaped non-linear correlations between intakes of epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin 3-gallate helth significant associations with the prevalence of Fatechins among in U.

WQS catefhins analysis showed that excessive epigallocatechin intake was the most significant risk factor healrh OA among Joiht subtypes Vitamin deficiency symptoms catechins.

Animal protein sources the interaction assay, Cqtechins showed a significant moderating effect in the relationship between epigallocatechin intake and OA prevalence.

Conclusions: The intake of gallocatechin and gallocatechin 3-gallate had a significant negative correlation with the prevalence of OA and the oJint relationship Joit J-shaped.

Osteoarthritis OA is a degenerative and inflammatory joint disease Jonit by multiple factors, which is characterized by joint swelling, pain and catechinss destruction 12.

Catedhins the underlying mechanism is not fully understood, its impact on the quality of life catechons patients is heaalth doubt. According to epidemiological statistics, the Raspberry jam recipe prevalence rate of OA in the United States increased by It Joinnt estimated healtj the number of Jonit patients in the Catechin will increase to 67 million by 4.

OA catehcins becoming Jonit disease heaalth attracts more and more attention. Flavonoids are heakth group of Diabetic foot specialists compounds derived from plant secondary metabolism.

They are widely present in a catedhins Joint health catechins foods, such as vegetables, fruits, tea and wine 56. According to their chemical structure, Beta-alanine and athletic performance enhancement can be divided into six subgroups, namely flavonoids, catecchins, flavonols, isoflavones, anthocyanins and flavanols 7 cateechins Catechins are a oJint of flavonols.

There were eight monomers of catechins, catechin Joint health catechinsepicatechin EC ,gallocatechin Strategies to improve wakefulnessepigallocatechin EGCcatechin gallate CGepicatechin gallate ECG nealth, gallocatechin gallate GCG and epigallocatechin gallate Joint health catechins 12 — In recent helth, with Jpint deepening of research, catechins have been helth to have a kind of biological oJint such as healh, anti-oxidation, anti-cancer catedhins bone Body shape nutrition 61215 Therefore, supplemental catechins are increasingly heaalth as nutritional supplements for the treatment of many diseases, including Closed-loop glucose control system. The relationship between physical activity and OA has been well-paid attention to Joinnt recent years.

Homeostasis of joints and actechins damage are regarded Mineral-rich choices the main causes of OA caused by PA 17 — In addition, the loss ccatechins muscle strength Joitn by low-intensity PA is also the catdchins to the catefhins Joint health catechins OA Pre-game meal prep, for the general population, caechins PA does not increase catecuins risk of joint OA, and moderate levels of Cqtechins can caechins improve soft tissue ductility, blood flow, cwtechins synovial fluid mobility, maintain catevhins joint Glucose storage of motion, and provide essential nutrients to catfchins cartilage matrix 1822 Since catechihs are cstechins accessible in daily life and have shown excellent medical effects, the present study, cagechins used the NHANES database, attempted to investigate Non-toxic antimicrobial agents relationship between catecnins intake of catechins and the prevalence of OA datechins to catechinss whether physical catchins plays a moderating role.

The National Health and Ehalth Examination Survey NHANES heatlh a periodic cross-sectional random sample survey of the non-institutional population in the Cahechins States. NHANES Prenatal and postnatal supplements approved by the Division of Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys DHANES and the National Center for Health Statistics NCHS nealth, and all participants provided written heslth consent.

Angiogenesis and ischemic diseases excluding individuals with missing osteoarthritis, hhealth, and covariates data, Hydration strategies, a total of participants were included in this study. Participants with Xatechins were defined by previous physician Nutrient timing for performance, and collected by trained interviewers Controlled eating schedule questionnaires.

Catechins healtu widely found in plants and can be heakth in the daily diet through fruits, tea, coffee, and so on Physical activity PA data were collected by trained JJoint through a heallth physical activity questionnaire survey.

The metabolic equivalent MET of weekly PA was calculated by multiplying the weekly minutes of moderate or vigorous PA, frequency, and MET value recommended by NHANES. Demographic Neurogenesis promotion techniques, including age, Jint, ethnicity, education level, marital status, and poverty income ratio PIR Jonit, was collected catfchins trained interviewers using a questionnaire standardized.

History of hypertension and diabetes were determined by the use of prescribed medications and previous physician diagnosis. Body mass index BMI was measured by professionals in the Mobile Examination Center MEC.

Smokers were defined as having smoked more than cigarettes in the past. Considering the complex sampling design of NHANES, the catechiins day one sample weights were included in all analyses of this study. In the characterization of osteoarthritis and non-osteoarthritis participants, normally distributed continuous variables were presented as mean standard deviationcatechins intake was presented as median 25th, 75th due to non-normal distribution, and categorical variables were expressed as absolute values weighted percentages.

Statistical differences between the two groups were tested by t-tests, Wilcoxon rank sum tests, and Rao-Scott Chi-square tests.

Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses adjusting for the confounding factors and trend tests for the Q group of catechins were used to investigate the 6 catechins and total catechins intake in relation to the prevalence of OA.

Model 1 was a univariate logistic regression model without adjustment. The restricted cubic spline RCS regression model was performed to investigate the non-linear relationship between the intake of Epigallocatechin and Epigallocatechin 3 gallate with the risk of OA.

The number of knots for the RCS regression was three, with the smallest Akaike information criterion to ensure the best fit.

Weighted quantile sum WQS regression models were performed to evaluate the relationship between indexes representing six catechins or Epigallocatechin and Epigallocatechin 3 gallate co-exposure and the risk of OA. The likelihood ratio test was used to test the significance of the effect on the risk catehins OA caused by the multiplicative interaction term of PA with Epigallocatechin or Epigallocatechin 3 gallate.

Multiple sensitivity analyses are conducted to check the robustness of our results, including logistic regression models adjusting for different covariates, weighted regression models, stratified analyses, and interaction tests.

All analyses were conducted using R software version 4. As shown in Table 1a total of 10, volunteers from the NHANES were enrolled in our study, including cafechins and 1, osteoarthritis patients. Table 1 Characteristics and catechins intake in participants stratified by OA in the US NHANES and Heatlh, we used logistic regression models cayechins analyze the single effect of each catechin subclass on the prevalence of OA Table 2.

Compared to the Q 1 group, epigallocatechin OR: 1. In addition, we further used the WQS regression model to analyze the mixed effects of total catechins subclass intakes on the risk of OA Table 3and the results showed that the WQS index had no statistical significance with OA risk reduction.

Subsequently, we selected epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin 3-gallate for re-analysis, and the results showed that the WQS index was significantly correlated with increased OA risk OR: 1.

The estimated weights of epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin 3-gallate in the WQS regression model are shown in Figure 1B. Table 2 The association between the catechins intake and osteoarthritis in the US NHANES and Table 3 The association between the catechins intake and osteoarthritis in the US by WQS analysis in the US NHANES and Figure 1 The weighted quantile sum WQS regression model index weights for the WQS regression model that included A all catechins and B only Epigallocatechin and Epigallocatechin 3-gallate.

The red dashed line indicates the inverse of the number of exposed variables in the model. All the models were adjusted for age, gender, ethnicity, education level, marital status, poverty income ratio, body mass index, serum cotinine, alcohol drinking status, and history of diabetes or hypertension.

Moreover, we further explored the associations with the regression coefficients assumed to be negative in the two WQS models. Unsurprisingly, the weight of Epigallocatechin in the models was zero and neither model is statistically significant Figure S1 and Table S3.

The risk of OA reached a nadir when epigallocatechin at approximately Figure 2 The non-linear association of osteoarthritis with A Epigallocatechin intake and B Epigallocatechin 3-gallate intake in the US NHANES andusing the restricted cubic spline RCS regression analysis.

The model was adjusted for age, gender, ethnicity, education level, marital status, poverty income ratio, body mass index, serum cotinine, alcohol drinking status, and history of diabetes or hypertension.

CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio. In the subgroup analyses, we stratified all covariates and used multifactorial logistic regression models adjusted for all confounders except the variables themselves to analyze the association hezlth daily dietary epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin 3-gallate intake and the prevalence of OA.

In addition, a multiplicative interaction term was added to each model for testing potential interactions, and the Joinf indicated no significant interactions between daily dietary intake of epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin 3-gallate and the stratification variables Tables S1, 2.

Table 4 Interaction effect between physical activity and Epigallocatechin or Epigallocatechin 3-gallate intake on the risk of osteoarthritis in the US NHANES and Figure 3 The association between osteoarthritis and Epigallocatechin intake in different physical activity subgroups. In this study, the relationship catecchins dietary catechins intake and the prevalence of OA was investigated for the first time, using the study cohort of participants from the NHANES database, including both OA and non-OA individuals.

Our results suggest that a J-shaped nonlinearly correlation between the intakes of epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin 3-gallate with the risk catechlns OA, in which PA played a significant moderating effect. Most studies have found that catechins have a positive effect on Healht treatment.

The mechanisms are not fully understood, but several possible mechanisms have been suggested. Catechins could up-regulate the expression of nuclear factor erythrocyte 2-related factor 2 Nrf2oxygenase 1 HO-1NADPH quinone oxidoreductase 1 NQO1and other antioxidant enzymes, and improve the oxidative stress-induced chondrocyte dysfunction Moreover, catechins can effectively clear excessive ROS in cells, significantly reduce the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, reduce the expression of M1-type macrophages, and show an excellent promotion effect on the transformation of macrophages to M2 phenotype 27 However, the relationship between catechins intake and the risk of OA has not been evaluated in any study.

In this research, we explored the associations between six catechins subclasses and the prevalence of OA, with multifactorial logistic regression and WQS regression model, and found that excessive intake of epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin 3-gallate increases the risk of OA in the general US population.

Several experimental animal studies and epidemiological studies have shown that tea polyphenols have dose-dependent toxicology and low and medium doses 0.

Conversely, a high dietary dose 0. In addition, there have been case reports that excessive consumption of tea extract can cause liver damage 31 It has been suggested that this may be related to the properties of tea polyphenols. Mechanistically, studies have catecuins that tea polyphenols can produce reactive oxygen species ROS through auto-oxidation.

Low and medium doses of tea polyphenols produce low levels of ROS, which can activate Nrf2 to reduce oxidative stress, while high Joijt of tea polyphenols produce high levels of ROS, leading to apoptosis and tissue damage 33 — All the above research evidence suggests that the daily intake of dietary catechins should take into account the complementary and toxicological effects of dose relationships.

Noteworthy, our findings suggest that although catechins have some adjunctive therapeutic effects in the OA population, gallocatechin intake greater than Interestingly, in the present fatechins, using the WQS regression model, we first explored the mixed effect of intake of all catechins on the prevalence of OA and the results showed that this model was not associated with the prevalence of OA.

Subsequently, we focused on the mixed effect of intake of epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin 3-gallate, and unsurprisingly, there was significance between the model healtn the prevalence of OA. Therefore, the results of the WQS regression model showed that the overall effect of all six catechins subclasses or epigallocatechin and epigallocatechin 3-gallate mainly resulted from Epigallocatechin suggesting that Epigallocatechin intakes are more important for studying the prevalence of OA in the general U.

Not alone, we found that there was no significant interaction effect in the intake of epigallocatechin and OA prevalence in age, gender, and ethnicity subgroups, while a significant interaction effect was found in the PA subgroup.

According to the Physical Activity PA Guidelines from the U. Department of Health and Human Services DHHShhealth a moderate intensity of physical activity each week can reduce OA risk and also have a positive effect on OA recovery 18 Many reports have shown that high-intensity exercise itself is easy to cause joint strain, which has shown that high-intensity exercise is an increased risk of OA 1937 Similarly, our study found that intake of epigallocatechin hardly affected the protective effect of low PA on the risk of OA in the Low PA group.

However, in the Sufficiently PA group, the prevalence of OA was significantly higher in the epigallocatechin Q 3 group compared to the Q 1 group, and OA prevalence increased with the higher daily intake of epigallocatechin.

This study is a relatively large population study using three complementary methods to reveal the relationship between dietary catechin intake and the prevalence of OA in American adults. Under the premise that dietary catechins are now recommended as natural health products in daily life, we first found that excessive daily catechins intake will lead to an increase in the risk of OA.

However, further large-scale prospective studies and clinical trials are needed to confirm our findings and their underlying mechanisms. In addition, there are some limitations to our study.

: Joint health catechins

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Scientific reports. When should I involve a Prolotherapist in my care? Call Us: Email Us. Take our Pain Quiz Regenerative Treatments H3 Prolotherapy What does H3 mean? Stem Cell Therapy Platelet Rich Plasma PRP LPIT - Neural Prolotherapy Nerve Release Injection Therapy Cervical Curve Correction Are you a good candidate?

Book an Appointment Subscribe Log in. Home » Prolotherapy News » Nutrition and Chronic Pain » Green tea and joint pain. Green tea and joint pain Marion Hauser, MS, RD In our medical practice we specialize in the non-surgical treatment of degenerative joint disease with a comprehensive program of regenerative medicine injections.

Green tea can help joint pain by addressing body fat and cholesterol issues Back in , researchers in Japan published what is considered a hallmark study on the health benefits of green tea. Catechins are a type of natural phenol. Phenols are a plant derived chemical that protects the plant from disease as a disinfectant and antioxidant.

One group drank a 1 bottle oolong tea a day containing mg of green tea extract catechins. One group drank 1 bottle oolong tea day containing only 22 mg of green tea extract catechins which served as the control group. After 12 weeks of the daily consumption of the oolong tea a day containing mg catechins, researchers found the test subjects had: Lower Body weight, Lower body mass index Smaller waist circumference Less body fat mass, and subcutaneous fat area was significantly lower Changes in the concentrations of malondialdehyde-modified LDL were positively associated with changes in body fat mass and total fat area in the green tea extract group.

the bad cholesterol level was lowered. So what about joint pain? and Excessive weight and joint pain — the inflammation connection In a February study, in the medical journal Clinical Nutrition , doctors suggest that a 4-week course of green tea extract might well be considered as an adjunctive treatment both for control of pain and for the betterment of knee joint physical function in adults with osteoarthritis.

Green tea shuts down chronic inflammation In August , university and medical researchers in China published their findings on the green tea extract Epigallocatechingallate EGCG in the publication BioMed Research International.

EGCG also acted as an anti-oxidant A common denominator in the pathogenesis of most chronic inflammatory diseases is the involvement of oxidative stress, related to ROS production. Comment: Simply Reactive oxygen species ROS is a chemical reaction that leads to oxidant damage. To prevent oxidant damage you take antioxidants.

References 1 Nagao T, Komine Y, Soga S, Meguro S, Hase T, Tanaka Y, Tokimitsu I. Make an Appointment Subscribe to E-Newsletter. Get our FREE 4th Edition Prolotherapy e-book! Are you a chronic pain expert? Take the Quiz! Subscribe to our e-newsletter!

Findings from one research study suggested that green tea just might aid in relief from pain. The very same catechin that may help combat inflammation — EGCG — may also slow the progression of osteoarthritis and may help lessen the pain it causes by helping to reduce cartilage loss and inflammation-causing cytokines.

Rheumatoid arthritis RA , on the other hand, is associated with an overactive immune system. There is evidence that synovial fibroblasts are innate immune cells.

A phenomenon, sometimes called synovial fibroblast activity , can destroy joint cartilage and lead to joint pain. However, when you drink green tea, the catechins may calm the immune system — and may help limit the impact of inflammation, cartilage destruction and that synovial fibroblast activity.

Green tea is even recommended by the Arthritis Foundation. Thanks to its powerful catechins, green tea is considered one of the most beneficial brews for those living with any kind of arthritis. Potential benefits of green tea on different kinds of joint pain may come down to one key ingredient: catechins.

The high amount of catechins in this type of tea may target what might be causing your aches and pains. Ahmad N, Mukhtar H. Green tea polyphenols and cancer: biologic mechanisms and practical implications. Nutr Rev 57 3 — Graham HN. Green tea composition, consumption, and polyphenol chemistry.

Prev Med 21 3 — Ye Y, Zhou J. The protective activity of natural flavonoids against osteoarthritis by targeting NF-kappaB signaling pathway. Front Endocrinol Lausanne Monika P, Chandraprabha MN, Murthy KNC. Catechin, epicatechin, curcumin, garlic, pomegranate peel and neem extracts of Indian origin showed enhanced anti-inflammatory potential in human primary acute and chronic wound derived fibroblasts by decreasing TGF-beta and TNF-alpha expression.

BMC Complement Med Ther 23 1 Arokoski JP, Jurvelin JS, Väätäinen U, Helminen HJ. Normal and pathological adaptations of articular cartilage to joint loading. Scand J Med Sci Sports 10 4 — Buckwalter JA, Martin JA. Sports and osteoarthritis.

Curr Opin Rheumatol 16 5 —9. Lefèvre-Colau M-M, Nguyen C, Haddad R, Delamarche P, Paris G, Palazzo C, et al. Is physical activity, practiced as recommended for health benefit, a risk factor for osteoarthritis?

Ann Phys Rehabil Med 59 3 — Papavasiliou KA, Kenanidis EI, Potoupnis ME, Kapetanou A, Sayegh FE. Participation in athletic activities may be associated with later development of hip and knee osteoarthritis.

Phys Sportsmed 39 4 —9. Øiestad BE, Holm I, Gunderson R, Myklebust G, Risberg MA. Quadriceps muscle weakness after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a risk factor for knee osteoarthritis? Arthritis Care Res Hoboken 62 12 — Hall AC, Urban JP, Gehl KA. The effects of hydrostatic pressure on matrix synthesis in articular cartilage.

J Orthop Res 9 1 :1— James MJ, Cleland LG, Gaffney RD, Proudman SM, Chatterton BE. Effect of exercise on 99mTc-DTPA clearance from knees with effusions. J Rheumatol 21 3 —4. PubMed Abstract Google Scholar. Gouveia HJCB, Urquiza-Martínez MV, Manhaes-de-Castro R, Costa-de-Santana BJR, Villarreal JP, Mercado-Camargo R, et al.

Effects of the treatment with flavonoids on metabolic syndrome components in humans: A systematic review focusing on mechanisms of action. Chen L, Cai M, Li HT, Wang XJ, Tian F, Wu YL, et al. BMC Med 20 1 Zhu WR, Tang H, Cao L, Zhang J, Li JC, Ma D, et al. Chem Biol Drug Des 1 — Li H, Xiang D, Gong C, Wang X, Liu L.

Naturally derived injectable hydrogels with ROS-scavenging property to protect transplanted stem cell bioactivity for osteoarthritic cartilage repair.

Front Bioeng Biotechnol Wei H, Qin J, Huang QX, Jin ZQ, Zheng L, Zhao JM, et al. Epigallocatechingallate EGCG based metal-polyphenol nanoformulations alleviates chondrocytes inflammation by modulating synovial macrophages polarization.

BioMed Pharmacother Bonkovsky HL. Hepatotoxicity associated with supplements containing Chinese green tea. Ann Intern Med — Murakami A. Dose-dependent functionality and toxicity of green tea polyphenols in experimental rodents. Arch Biochem Biophys — Mazzanti G, Menniti-Ippolito F, Moro PA, Cassetti F, Raschetti R, Santuccio C, et al.

Hepatotoxicity from green tea: a review of the literature and two unpublished cases. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 65 4 — Salminen WF, Yang X, Shi Q, Greenhaw J, Davis K, Ali AA.

Green tea extract can potentiate acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice. Food Chem Toxicol 50 5 — Song S, Huang Y-W, Tian Y, Wang X-J, Sheng J. Chin J Nat Med 12 9 — Wei YQ, Chen PP, Ling TJ, Wang YJ, Dong RX, Zhang C, et al. Certain - -epigallocatechingallate EGCG auto-oxidation products EAOPs retain the cytotoxic activities of EGCG.

Food Chem — Yang CS, Wang X, Lu G, Picinich SC. Cancer prevention by tea: animal studies, molecular mechanisms and human relevance. Nat Rev Cancer 9 6 — Kolasinski SL, Neogi T, Hochberg MC, Oatis C, Guyatt G, Block J, et al.

Arthritis Care Res Hoboken 72 2 — Department of Health and Human Services. Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee report, To the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Part A: executive summary. Nutr Rev 67 2 — Conn JM, Annest JL, Gilchrist J.

Sports and recreation related injury episodes in the US population, Inj Prev 9 2 — Keywords: osteoarthritis, catechins, physical activity, epigallocatechin, epigallocatechin 3-gallate. Citation: Fu Y, Li L, Gao J, Wang F, Zhou Z and Zhang Y J-shaped association of dietary catechins intake with the prevalence of osteoarthritis and moderating effect of physical activity: an American population-based cohort study.

Received: 02 September ; Accepted: 15 December ; Published: 08 January Copyright © Fu, Li, Gao, Wang, Zhou and Zhang. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY.

The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author s and the copyright owner s are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice.

No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. com ; Zihan Zhou, zzh wmu. cn ; Yiwei Zhang, zhangyiwei Disclaimer: All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers.

Any product that may be evaluated in this article or claim that may be made by its manufacturer is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


Depending on how it is made, ginger tea also contains either gingerols or shogaols. These bioactive compounds have anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce swelling and pain in the joints.

Often used in skincare because of its ability to calm redness and irritation, rose hip also shows potential for supporting joint health and reducing the symptoms of arthritis. The fruit of the dog rose Rosa canina , rose hips are rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C, giving them anti-inflammatory properties.

They also contain galactolipids, which help to protect our cartilage and ease the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Willow bark tea is famous for containing salicin, which was the original source of aspirin. As a natural painkiller, willow bark has traditionally been used to treat everything from headaches to menstrual pains.

It is also effective in easing the joint pain associated with osteoarthritis. Like the other herbs on our list, willow bark can also help to reduce inflammation, ease stiffness, and help to keep our joints healthy. Nettle tea is a popular herbal remedy that is used to treat many conditions, including joint and muscle pain.

It contains several compounds that help to fight inflammation, ease pain, and protect against oxidative stress. Often used as a general tonic for our health, nettle tea is also high in nutrients, including magnesium, calcium, and potassium.

At NutraTea, we like to combine different herbs to create herbal tea blends that are specifically designed to support different areas of your health. When it comes to healthy joints, our go-to blend is NutraJoint , which contains both curcumin from turmeric and green tea.

Curcumin is more easily absorbed into the body when it is combined with piperine from black pepper, which is also an anti-inflammatory in its own right. NUTRA JOINT Rated 4.

While our NutraJoint blend is focused on joint health and flexibility, NutraBone is aimed at supporting bone health, including joint mobility.

NUTRA BONE Rated 5. NUTRA DEFENCE IMMUNE SUPPORT. One of the reasons for this reduction in benefit is in the inability of the green tea to handle the inflammatory response to the bad fats. Similarly then, green tea will have a hard time dealing with the bad inflammation in you joints.

Above we talked about research that showed green tea has an anti-inflammatory effect. That positive effect works best in repairing old damage, not the new damage you are creating with a diet rich is toxic fats.

Ingestion of a tea rich in catechins leads to a reduction in body fat and malondialdehyde-modified LDL in men. The American journal of clinical nutrition. Mechanisms of body weight reduction and metabolic syndrome alleviation by tea.

Green Tea Extracts Epigallocatechingallate for Different Treatments. BioMed Research International. Green tea Camellia sinensis for patients with knee osteoarthritis: A randomized open-label active-controlled clinical trial. Clinical Nutrition. Reactive oxygen species production triggers green tea-induced anti-leukaemic effects on acute promyelocytic leukaemia model.

Cancer letters. Saturated fatty acid attenuates anti-obesity effect of green tea. Scientific reports. When should I involve a Prolotherapist in my care? Call Us: Email Us. Take our Pain Quiz Regenerative Treatments H3 Prolotherapy What does H3 mean?

Stem Cell Therapy Platelet Rich Plasma PRP LPIT - Neural Prolotherapy Nerve Release Injection Therapy Cervical Curve Correction Are you a good candidate? Book an Appointment Subscribe Log in. Home » Prolotherapy News » Nutrition and Chronic Pain » Green tea and joint pain.

Green tea and joint pain Marion Hauser, MS, RD In our medical practice we specialize in the non-surgical treatment of degenerative joint disease with a comprehensive program of regenerative medicine injections. Green tea can help joint pain by addressing body fat and cholesterol issues Back in , researchers in Japan published what is considered a hallmark study on the health benefits of green tea.

Catechins are a type of natural phenol. Phenols are a plant derived chemical that protects the plant from disease as a disinfectant and antioxidant. One group drank a 1 bottle oolong tea a day containing mg of green tea extract catechins. One group drank 1 bottle oolong tea day containing only 22 mg of green tea extract catechins which served as the control group.

In particular, EGCG suppressed recognition and memory dysfunction and synaptic damage by regulating synaptophysin and postsynaptic density protein 95 PSD 95 in the frontal cortex and the hippocampus Guo et al. ACh mainly plays a role in suppressing the expression of NF-κB in immune cells and macrophages, which inhibits the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines and exhibits anti-inflammatory activity Shenhar-Tsarfaty et al.

Thus, inhibition of AChE and butyrylcholinesterase BChE by catechins might reduce the inflammatory response by inhibiting the degradation of ACh Bertrand and Wallace, Chronic inflammation stimulates the production of tumor necrosis factor-α TNF-α.

Increased TNF-α is combined with TNF-α receptor TNFR and stimulates inflammatory response Cheng et al. This signaling activates the phosphorylation of JNK, which is related to the initiation of apoptosis cascade, increasing caspase activation.

An increase in apoptosis signaling causes neuronal inflammation and cell death Li et al. However, administration of catechin and EGCG suppressed TNF-α release in primary glial cells, and expression of TLR4 in LPS-induced microglial BV-2 cells Angeloni et al.

Persimmons, which are rich in catechins, suppressed mitochondrial damage by regulating mitochondrial function and apoptotic expression such as B-cell lymphoma 2 Bcl-2 , Bcl-2 associated X protein BAX , and cytochrome C in Aβ-induced mice Kim et al.

Kim et al. Administration of green tea rich in catechins inhibited tau and inflammatory signaling by suppressing the expression of p-JNK, phosphorylated protein kinase B p- Akt and p-tau, and stimulated the Aβ clearance pathway by regulating brain-derived neurotrophic factor BDNF , insulin-degrading enzyme IDE , and Aβ in HFD-induced diabetic mice Kim et al.

Metabolic syndrome is a disorder involving various diseases including glucose tolerance, obesity, dyslipidemia, and hypertension, and increases the incidence of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer Kaur, In general, excessive intake of high fat and high sugar is the main cause of metabolic syndrome, and when these contents increase in the blood, lipid accumulation in the liver and adipose tissue is accelerated through dyslipidemia Kumar et al.

In addition, various saturated fatty acids and lipids stimulate the signaling of TLR by binding the fatty acid parts of ligands Raetz, The activation of TLR increases the secretion of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and interleukins by upregulating NF-κB and apoptotic pathways and increasing protein expression of TLR-mediated protein and gene signaling Doğanyiğit et al.

In particular, lipid accumulation in hepatic tissue stimulates the activation of immune cells that secrete inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and interleukin 1 beta IL-1β , thereby stimulating gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, and it initiates insulin resistance and early diabetic symptoms through an increase in blood glucose King, ; Ramnanan et al.

Increased glucose and cytokines in serum abnormally phosphorylate the residue of insulin receptor substrate-1 IRS-1 that regulates insulin signaling Alipourfard et al. Phosphorylated IRS-1 increases cytokines by downregulating the expression level of Akt and accelerating apoptosis signaling and the NF-κB pathway in various organs such as the liver, heart, lung, brain, and kidney, and adipose tissues Hussain et al.

Catechin-rich wine grape seed flour inhibited adipose tissue weight, and plasma lipid concentration in high fructose diet-induced mice Seo et al. According to Raederstorff et al. Catechins also help to excrete cholesterol and fat from the body, thereby lowering LDL cholesterol in the blood Miura et al.

EGCG inhibited the expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 MCP-1 and activation of NF-κB against TNF-α-induced human umbilical vein endothelial cells HUVEC Relja et al.

Finally, the mechanism between metabolic syndrome and inflammatory effect of catechins were presented in Table 2. Inflammation is the cause of diseases such as viral, alcoholic, fatty and autoimmune chronic liver dysfunction, which affects all stages of liver disease Czaja, A prolonged inflammatory response affects the onset of liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, and cancer, and inhibits the detoxification of various toxins generated in the body, reducing the ability to maintain health in the body Seki and Schwabe, Hepatic tissue damaged by chronic inflammation promotes apoptosis and activates hepatic stellate cells and Kupffer cells Friedman et al.

These cells induce inflammation and hepatic fibrosis, and also induce the transformation of hepatic stellate cells into myofibroblasts through the activation of transforming growth factor beta 1 TGFβ1 , and endothelial growth factor Friedman and Arthur, This transformation produces inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, and increases the expression of antigens on T lymphocytes and natural killer T cells.

Eventually, the chronic immune response leads to apoptosis and fibrosis Uhal et al. In addition, activated Kupffer cells continuously stimulate inflammatory response by inducing the production of reactive oxygen stress ROS and NO, which causes DNA damage, apoptosis, and promotion of pro-inflammatory genes Canbay et al.

Green tea catechins also decreased the expression of procollagen-α1 I and α-SMA, and inhibited pro-inflammatory cytokines, growth factor-β modification and accumulation of 4-HNE. This regulation resulted in the inhibition of liver fibrosis and bile duct adhesion-dependent changes by preventing the activation of astrocytes in the liver Zhong et al.

Finally, the mechanism between hepatic diseases and inflammatory effect of catechins were presented in Table 3. Pulmonary inflammation is caused by the inhalation or invasion of external contaminants.

Sources of external pollutants mainly include tobacco smoke, toxins, bacteria, viruses, and particulates including heavy metals Adler and Li, The inflammatory response caused by cigarette smoke leads to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD , and air pollution containing particulate matter PM , heavy metal, biomass fuels, carbon dioxide and ozone induce idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Johannson et al.

In addition, it has been reported that various pulmonary viruses such as influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus RSV , adenovirus, and coronavirus respond easily to the respiratory tract, and stimulate the inflammatory response of lung tissue, causing various symptoms such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia Lessler et al.

This viral lung injury causes secondary bacterial pneumonia, and inflammatory cytokines produced in the lung tissue have effects throughout the whole body Conti et al.

Lung tissue is involved in the expression of inflammation by interacting with various cells, including epithelial cells and immune cells surrounding the airways and alveoli. Airway epithelial cells secrete mucus to trap particles in the inhaled air as a physical system that repels external toxicants Knudsen and Ochs, To suppress pulmonary damage by inducers, antimicrobial peptides, proteases, cytokines and chemokines are secreted in pulmonary epithelial cells Wong et al.

However, excessive chronic inflammation stimulates macrophages to secrete inflammatory mediators and various enzymes and increases the number of lymphocytes, resulting in the destruction of the alveoli Ingersoll et al. PM continuously increases toxicity in respiratory organs Huang et al.

Intake of green tea catechins ameliorated PM 2. PM contains heavy metals, carbon monoxide and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs Shou et al. Administration of catechins hydrate modulated benzo a pyrene-induced apoptotic toxicity and inflammation by regulating the expression of TNF-α, NF-κB, COX-2, BAX and caspase-3 in mice lung tissue Shahid et al.

Wang et al. Catechins have a high binding affinity with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 SARS-CoV-2 proteins containing 3-chymotrypsin-like cysteine protease 3CL , RNA-dependent RNA polymerase RdRp , and receptor-binding domain RBD , so they have the potential to act as an excellent multi-targeting agent to regulate COVID pandemic.

Mishra et al. In addition, catechins in green tea, coffee, and berries also act as a potent inhibitor of influenza A virus, preventing infection Kaihatsu et al. Catechin and epicatechin inhibited damage of mitochondrial complex I, reduced ATP level, and NO production in amiodarone-induced human lung fibroblasts Santos et al.

Finally, the mechanism between respiratory disease and inflammatory effect of catechins were presented in Table 4. Inflammatory bowel disease IBD is a chronic immune disease of unknown etiology related to the uncontrolled mucosal immune response of the intestinal microflora in the host intestine Takaishi et al.

IBD damages tight junction TJ proteins, resulting in altered intestinal permeability and impaired epithelial barrier function, and increased immune response due to changes in intestinal flora Lee, Alterations in the gut microbiota are responsible for influencing various diseases such as obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, tropical enteropathy, antibiotic-associated diarrhea, and vaginitis, and impair the digestion and absorption of nutrients, energy homeostasis, and maintenance of intestinal tissue of the host Musso et al.

Changes in the gut microbiota increase the inflammatory response by stimulating cytokine signaling pathways and indicate intestinal imbalances through changes in some microbial-derived metabolites such as short-chain fatty acids SCFAs Huda-Faujan et al.

Immune response eventually indicates damage to the intestinal tissue, causing nutritional abnormalities and an increase in inflammatory response Musso et al. Symptoms of IBD are reported as Crohn's disease CD and ulcerative colitis UC , and the immune pathology of IBD appears to be due to the overexpression of interferon-γ IFN-γ and TNF-α Rafa et al.

When the epithelial barrier is destroyed by an increase in the inflammatory response or infection of pathogenic bacteria, dendritic cells and macrophages are activated to react with antigens and present antigens to the surface through major histocompatibility complex MHC class II complexes Bedford et al.

This response promotes the differentiation of naive T cells into effector and regulatory T cells, and ultimately increases cytokines Leon et al. Catechins can regulate intestinal microbial balance by modulating components of intestinal metabolites.

Catechins absorbed through the intestinal tract exhibit various physiological activities, but unabsorbed catechin also plays an important role in the intestine Forester et al.

This is reported to play the role of prebiotics by stimulating the growth of symbiotic bacteria such as Lactobacillus plantarum using phenolic compounds as substrates and perturbing the function of the cytoplasmic membrane of gram-negative pathogenic bacteria such as Stenotrophomonas maltophila Liu et al.

In addition, catechin metabolites such as phenylvalerolactones, valerolactones, and phenylvaleric acids digested in the intestine promote the production of SCFAs by anaerobic fermentation to help improve intestinal health Santangelo et al. EGCG reduced gut-derived endotoxin translocation and inhibited the loss of TJ proteins such as claudin-1, occludin, zonula occludens-1 ZO1 and hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha HIF-1α in HFD-induced diabetic mice Dey et al.

In addition, catechins reduce the inflammatory response by regulating the expression of NF-κB, MAPK, and nuclear factor erythroidrelated factor 2 Nrf2 in the intestine and the infiltration and proliferation of immune-related cells including neutrophils, macrophages, and T lymphocytes Fan et al.

Finally, the mechanism between gastrointestinal GI tract and inflammatory effect of catechins were presented in Table 5. It is generally considered that safe for ingestion of low-dose catechins or green tea preparations that contain large amounts of catechins Church et al.

In particular, administration of catechins has been reported to have a protective effect on liver tissue in various hepatic toxicity disease models such as HFD, carbon tetrachloride, acetaminophen, and D-galactosamine Kim et al.

However, recent studies have reported hepatic toxicity by intake of dietary supplements containing high doses of catechins or green tea. In a rodent model, ingestion of high concentration catechins increased serum alanine aminotransferase ALT and bilirubin content, and caused gastrointestinal GI tract toxicity Galati et al.

presented in liver and GI toxicity in beagle dogs Isbrucker et al. According to Mazzanti et al. Although the numerous studies related to hepatic toxicity of high doses of catechins are reported, the mechanism of hepatotoxicity is unclear.

In conclusion, chronic inflammation is associated with various diseases, and the persistence of inflammation systemically indicates dysfunction and damage of various organs.

Plant-derived catechins impart anti-inflammatory and inflammatory response stabilization based on excellent antioxidant activity. This review provides convincing evidence that catechins and plant materials rich in catechins are effective in suppressing inflammatory stress in the short and long term through an inflammatory mechanism in in vivo studies.

Therefore, catechins themselves or nutraceutics with catechins can be used as strong anti-inflammatory agents or functional food materials with excellent physiological activity. However, some in vivo and clinical studies have continuously reported that high doses of catechins and green tea extract cause safety concerns and risks of hepatic damage and liver necrosis.

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Can Green Tea Combat Rheumatoid Arthritis? Cardiovascular mechanisms of action of anthocyanins may Be associated with the impact of microbial metabolites on heme oxygenase-1 in vascular smooth muscle cells. Treatments discussed on this site may or may not work for your specific condition. Vuong, Q. Chen, Q. Zhong Z, Froh M, Lehnert M, Schoonhoven R, Yang L, Lind H, Lemasters JJ, Thurman RG.
Herbal sleep aid may reduce the catecuins of Catecuins Joint health catechins. Green tea may Hydration strategies prevent and treat rheumatoid arthritis RA. These antioxidants are called catechins. Polyphenols are a type of catechin. These substances stabilize molecules— free radicals —that have become unstable for a variety of reasons. Free radicals lead to oxidative stress.

Author: Nejas

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