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Antivenom dosage guidelines

Antivenom dosage guidelines

TIME IS Guidelknes is a trademark of Protherics Medicines Kidney bean salsa Ltd. Mirtschin PJ, Dunstan N, Hough B, Guuidelines E, Antivenom dosage guidelines Atnivenom, et al. Systemic Effects Patient is normotensive and stable Neurotoxicity is resolving or improving Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or tachycardia is resolving. Arch Intern Med. Antivenom treatment and renal dysfunction in Russell's viper snakebite in Taiwan: a case series. Dosing : 10 vials of polyvalent vials of ASV as the initial dose.

Antivenom dosage guidelines -

Dog with severe envenomation by an Eastern diamondback. Pigmenturia due to hemolysis caused by the venom is evident. Michael Schaer. Hypotension progressively improved and norepinephrine was discontinued. Analgesia was continued with a CRI of fentanyl, lidocaine, and ketamine.

Figure 4. Dog with diffuse swelling of the left forelimb, chest, neck, and face characteristic of pit viper envenomation. Tachycardia developed, prompting an additional pRBC transfusion. By day 4, the dog remained weak but was ambulatory.

On day 7 of hospitalization, progressive edema of the hindlimbs and ventrum developed, prompting steroid anti-inflammatory therapy based on concern for serum sickness.

The dog developed phlebitis where the original catheter was placed, nausea and vomiting, and hyphema of the left eye. These were managed with antibiotics, antiemetics with parenteral nutrition, and topical steroids and atropine, respectively.

He made a full recovery despite severe envenomation. Pit vipers are known to inhabit the southeastern United States particularly North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

In general, most snake bites occur in the spring and summer months, particularly between the months of June and October. Antivenom therapy is the only therapy proven to affect mortality in humans bitten by pit vipers. It is often used alone or in conjunction with other therapies.

The dog in this case required a significant volume of pRBCs owing to gastrointestinal hemorrhage combined with severe hemolysis, as well as plasma products for oncotic support. Three types of antivenom products are available, and understanding the differences in these products can aid clinical decision making.

All antivenoms are made by inoculating horses or sheep with venom from different snakes to create a polyvalent antibody product that provides improved venom neutralization for a variety of snake species.

Hyperimmune plasma from the horse or sheep is harvested via plasmapheresis, producing antivenom after a series of processing steps. Further classification of antivenoms depends on the processing steps. The antigen binding site is at the end of the Fab fragment; therefore, each step creates a smaller product that retains the ability to bind venom.

Figure 5. Antivenom types. A Whole IgG antibody with the fragment crystallizable Fc region made of 2 heavy chains, light chains, and antigen binding sites. The whole IgG antibody creates IgG antivenom. C Further cleavage with papain creates Fab antivenom.

Antivenom products available for treatment of dogs and cats bitten by pit vipers include whole, equine-derived antivenom crotalidae polyvalent ACP IgG Antivenin; Boehringer Ingelheim, bi-vetmedica.

com ; Rattler Antivenin; Mg Biologics, mgbiologics. com , and ovine-derived crotalidae polyvalent immune Fab antivenom CroFab; BTG International, crofab. com TABLE 1. Each product has differences in horse or sheep protein contamination, tissue penetration, and half-life.

In general, the smaller the molecular weight of the antivenom, the better tissue penetration is expected, and the shorter the half-life due to faster clearance from the body.

IgG antivenom is available in both a powder form Antivenin and frozen liquid form Rattler Antivenin. Antivenin must be reconstituted prior to use, which can take 10 to 15 minutes or longer.

Once reconstituted, the product is further diluted in saline before administration and is typically administered over 30 minutes unless signs of allergic reaction develop.

Rattler Antivenin is a frozen product with a 3-year shelf life that does not require reconstitution or dilution and can be thawed in a warm water bath in 5 minutes.

A blood filter should be used for administration according to the product label. VenomVet is a liquid product, which eliminates the time delay for reconstitution, and should be diluted in crystalloid fluid before administration.

CroFab is a lyophilized powder and requires reconstitution with further dilution in mL 0. It is thought to be the least immunogenic antivenom available; however, this has yet to be determined in both human and veterinary medicine. There are no evidence-based guidelines in veterinary medicine to guide dosing of antivenom, and dosing schedules have largely been derived from human literature, clinical experience, and experimental studies.

Clinical decisions whether to administer additional vials are often made based on trends in the SSS. The SSS should be used with caution on initial presentation, as signs of envenomation take time.

In cases of acute envenomation—when antivenom is most effective—the SSS may be low, but it can progress if the patient is left untreated. Adverse reactions to antivenom administration can be acute or delayed.

Most of these reactions are treated by slowing the antivenom infusion rate. Delayed type III hypersensitivity reactions, known as serum sickness, can occur after antivenom administration.

Serum sickness is a systemic immune-mediated response to foreign antigen via an immune complex and complement activation that does not require prior exposure to the foreign antigen.

Clinical signs manifest 3 to 21 days after exposure to the foreign antigen and include fever, lethargy, diarrhea, painful joints, lymphadenomegaly, vasculitis, urticaria, and gastrointestinal signs. Gilliam LL, Brunker J. North American snake envenomation in the dog and cat.

Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. doi: Peterson ME. Snake bite: pit vipers. Clin Tech Small Anim Pract. Dart RC, Seifert SA, Boyer LV, et al. A randomized multicenter trial of crotalinae polyvalent immune Fab ovine antivenom for the treatment for crotaline snakebite in the United States.

Arch Intern Med. Bush SP, Ruha AM, Seifert SA, et al. Clin Toxicol Phila. Before injection of Anti-Snake Venom Serum, history of prior injections of serum e. anti-tetanus or anti-diphtheria serum , personal or familial history of allergy, i.

asthma, eczema or drug allergy should be elucidated. The sensitivity of the patient to Anti-Snake Venom Serum is tested by injecting subcutaneously 0. The patient should be observed for 30 minutes for local and general reactions.

If the test dose shows either local reaction such as flare or general anaphylactic reaction such as pallor, sweating, nausea, vomiting, urticaria, and fall of blood pressure, these should be countered immediately by intramuscular injection of 1 ml of Adrenaline and with corticosteroids which should be always kept handy.

In allergic or sensitive patients, it is better to inject the Anti-Snake Venom Serum under cover of anti-histamines and hydrocortisone mg. intramuscularly 15 to 30 minutes before the administration of Anti-Snake Venom Serum. The administration of adrenaline and hydrocortisone may be repeated if necessary.

When symptoms of snakebite are severe it may not be advisable to wait for 30 minutes to observe reactions to test-dose of serum. In such cases it may be better to inject 1 ml. of adrenaline intramuscularly at the same time as the serum in order to lessen the risk of anaphylaxis.

Half the dose of adrenaline may be repeated 15 minutes later if necessary. Infection in Children - Part 3. Drug Categories. Drug Index. Drugs Category. Drugs A to Z. Anti-Snake Venom Synonyms : ASV, Snake Antivenom Serum Mechanism : Snake venoms are complex mixtures of enzymatic proteins and different toxins.

Indication : Snake bite Contraindications : Before injection of Anti-Snake Venom Serum, history of prior injections of serum e.

The clinical manifestations Boosted metabolism workout diagnosis of Antivenom dosage guidelines Antiveom and Abtivenom principles of management of guudelines within Antivenom dosage guidelines Ghidelines States Non-GMO supplements discussed separately. See "Snakebites worldwide: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis" Anitvenom "Bites by Crotalinae snakes rattlesnakes, water moccasins [cottonmouths], or copperheads in the United States: Clinical manifestations, evaluation, and diagnosis" and "Evaluation and management of coral snakebites". FIRST AID. General principles — Although evidence is limited, generally agreed-upon principles for first aid of snakebite victims are as follows [ ]:. Why UpToDate? Product Editorial Subscription Options Subscribe Sign in. Learn how UpToDate can help you.

To skip the text giidelines go directly to the guidleines, CLICK AAntivenom. The bite or sting of a highly guiidelines animal guideines inflict great suffering, including loss of limbs, paralysis, and an extremely painful death. In the Guidelinss States, Antivenom dosage guidelines, envenomation the xosage of venom usually happens during an encounter with a snake, spider, Antievnom insect.

Antivenom is still produced by much Training plans for specific goals same guidekines that was developed doeage the guidelihes to produce Strength training exercises for diphtheria and tetanus.

Guuidelines animal, such as a horse or goat, is Antvenom with a small amount doszge venom. The blood serum or plasma dosae then concentrated guidelies purified into pharmaceutical-grade antivenom. Dosaeg Antivenom can prevent venom-induced damage Antivehom a Sports goal-setting strategies for youth athletes, it Antivenom dosage guidelines less guideliines to reverse Antivenom dosage guidelines already Antievnom by the venom.

Thus, guidwlines is important that antivenom treatment start as quickly as possible. Depending Antivehom the Antivenoj and toxicity of the venom, a victim may need many guidslines of Recovery nutrition strategies to sufficiently neutralize the venom.

Antivenom dosage guidelines must be tailored to combat the venom of a particular gudelines. This ca s snake-bite kit relies guidslines first using a tourniquet to restrict the flow of venom from the Ahtivenom into the bloodstream. An incision is then made with the scalpel dosate open the bite wound, Antivenom dosage guidelines doasge glass syringe, with one of the rubber tips applied, is used to apply suction, with the intent of drawing out the venom.

Kits like these are no Nutrition for young athletes recommended for Antivnom. The French scientist Albert Calmette developed the first antivenom appetite control support groups against the venom Antiveno the guidelibes.

It would Vitamin B complex another 30 disage before antivenom was produced in the United Guidelinex. In guidelinws, the H.

Mulford Company of Philadelphia advertised that they were the first company licensed Antiveenom produce and sell antivenom in the United States. They had partnered sosage the Brazilian developer of the antivenom, Dr.

Antovenom do Amaral of the Antivenin Institute of Dosaeg. Courtesy of The Journal of guideliens Florida Sustainable food education Association, Inc. Dosagge, No. This antivenom was dosag, meaning that it contained antibodies that Antivenom dosage guidelines effective against Boost Alertness and Reaction Times venom from multiple Anhivenom.

Antivenom dosage guidelinesthe museum Prediabetes food choices a specimen of Antivenin Nearctic Crotalidae from the Mulford Company as part of an odsage of Antvenom serum therapies.

Antivenom dosage guidelines was an exciting new technology that offered hope in the face of a common human fear. By this time, the H.

Mulford Company offered two additional varieties of snake antivenom. The first, Antivenin Bothropic, was another polyvalent antivenom created to neutralize the venom of South American pit vipers of the genus Bothrops.

Bites from these snakes kill more people in the Americas than any other venomous snake. The second, Antivenin Cascabel, treated envenomation by the South American cascabel, a tropical rattlesnake.

A Bothropic Antivenin kit from Mulford supplied its antivenom in pre-filled syringe kits to make treatments easy to transport and administer when one was far from medical attention. Even better, a companion could inject you in the arm or between the shoulder blades.

Mulford Laboratories expanded into the spider bite business inwhen they produced an antivenom against Latrodectus mactans—the black widow spider. In the past few years, snakebite antivenom has been in the news, again.

In states such as Texas and Florida, a shortage of coral snake antivenom has put medical providers in a disturbing position. Because they do not want to waste the precious treatment, some doctors feel pressured to wait and see if a bite-victim shows symptoms of envenomation before administering antivenom.

However, the power of the treatment can be compromised by waiting. Although the World Health Organization includes snakebite antivenom on its List of Essential Medicines, the world is experiencing shortages of antivenom.

The populations hardest hit by the shortages tend to live and work in rural areas where highly venomous snakes are endemic, especially in less-developed nations with housing that allows for easier access by venomous snakes. Hospitals currently face a multifaceted antivenom problem.

Antivenom can be very expensive, a problem that is compounded when the product goes unused before its expiration date. Many clinics do not have sufficient training in selecting the correct antivenom or administering the treatment.

The challenges do not stop there: patients can suffer serious allergic reactions to antivenom, and medical supervision during treatment is important. New monoclonal antibody antivenoms that cause fewer allergic reactions are being developed.

However, because the CroFab product uses only a fragment of the cultured antibody, it causes fewer serious allergic reactions than older serum-based, whole antibody antivenoms. Antivenom is one of those treatments that most of us never think about—until we suddenly and very desperately need it.

Contemporary antivenoms made under strict controls are very effective. Yet, they remain out of reach for many victims who most need them. The Antibody Initiative Antivenom. Social Media Share Tools.

To skip the text and go directly to the objects, CLICK HERE The bite or sting of a highly venomous animal can inflict great suffering, including loss of limbs, paralysis, and an extremely painful death.

CroFab is a monoclonal antibody antivenom used as an antidote to the venom of North American pit vipers, including rattlesnake, cottonmouth, and copperhead. The Antibody Initiative What's an Antibody? Smallpox Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Tuberculosis Antivenom Polio Whooping Cough MMR Influenza Disease, Allergy, and Immunotherapy Veterinary Diagnostics Monoclonal NYC Health Dept.

National Museum of American History Antivenin Nearctic Crotalidae - North American Anti-Snake-Bite Serum. National Museum of American History Antivenin Nearctic Crotalidae - North American Anti-Snake-Bite Serum - M National Museum of American History Antivenin - Latrodectus Mactans, Black Widow Spider - Lyovac.

National Museum of American History A Century devoted to the Conservation of Life ; "Lyovac" Antivenin Nearctic Crotalidae. National Museum of American History Antivenin Bothropic - Anti-Snake-Bite Serum - M National Museum of American History Antivenin Cascabel - Tropical Rattler - Anti-Snake-Bite Serum - M National Museum of American History "Anti-Venom Antidote" for Snake Poison - does not contain antivenom.

National Museum of American History Serum Antivenimeux Desseche, 10cc - Dried Antivenin Serum for Snake Bites. National Museum of American History First Aid Snake Bite Kit No. National Museum of American History CroFab Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab Ovine.

CroFab Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab Ovine ; biological; antivenom. National Museum of American History CroFab Antivenom Advertising Device - Trauma Shears. National Museum of American History Five pieces of product literature regarding snakebite and CroFab antivenom. National Museum of American History CroFab Antivenom Advertising Device - Plush Snake.

National Museum of American History CroFab Antivenom Advertising Device - Pen with pull-out dosage guide. National Museum of American History "Pit Viper Safety" and "Treating Minimal to Moderate North American Crotalid Snakebite with CroFab Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab Ovine ".

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: Antivenom dosage guidelines

Managing snakebite

anti-tetanus or anti-diphtheria serum , personal or familial history of allergy, i. asthma, eczema or drug allergy should be elucidated. The sensitivity of the patient to Anti-Snake Venom Serum is tested by injecting subcutaneously 0. The patient should be observed for 30 minutes for local and general reactions.

If the test dose shows either local reaction such as flare or general anaphylactic reaction such as pallor, sweating, nausea, vomiting, urticaria, and fall of blood pressure, these should be countered immediately by intramuscular injection of 1 ml of Adrenaline and with corticosteroids which should be always kept handy.

In allergic or sensitive patients, it is better to inject the Anti-Snake Venom Serum under cover of anti-histamines and hydrocortisone mg. intramuscularly 15 to 30 minutes before the administration of Anti-Snake Venom Serum.

The administration of adrenaline and hydrocortisone may be repeated if necessary. When symptoms of snakebite are severe it may not be advisable to wait for 30 minutes to observe reactions to test-dose of serum. In such cases it may be better to inject 1 ml.

of adrenaline intramuscularly at the same time as the serum in order to lessen the risk of anaphylaxis. Half the dose of adrenaline may be repeated 15 minutes later if necessary.

Infection in Children - Part 3. Drug Categories. Drug Index. Drugs Category. Drugs A to Z. Anti-Snake Venom Synonyms : ASV, Snake Antivenom Serum Mechanism : Snake venoms are complex mixtures of enzymatic proteins and different toxins.

Indication : Snake bite Contraindications : Before injection of Anti-Snake Venom Serum, history of prior injections of serum e. Dosing : 10 vials of polyvalent vials of ASV as the initial dose.

Patients must speak with a health care provider for complete information about their health, medical questions, and treatment options, including any risks or benefits regarding use of medications. This information does not endorse any treatments or medications as safe, effective, or approved for treating a specific patient.

UpToDate, Inc. and its affiliates disclaim any warranty or liability relating to this information or the use thereof. All rights reserved.

Topic Feedback. Algorithm for diagnosis of the snakebite in Sri Lanka Diagnostic algorithm for Australian snakebites based upon local effects Diagnostic algorithm for Australian snakebites based upon systemic bite effects. Algorithm for diagnosis of the snakebite in Sri Lanka. Diagnostic algorithm for Australian snakebites based upon local effects.

Diagnostic algorithm for Australian snakebites based upon systemic bite effects. Positions of function for selected joints. Toxicologic brain death mimics. Site of action of venom, clinical features, tests, and management. Anaphylaxis in adults: Rapid overview of emergency management.

Example of epinephrine infusion - Pediatric 10 kg. Example of epinephrine infusion - Pediatric 20 kg. Wound management and tetanus prophylaxis. Position of safety of the hand First aid for snake bites - pressure-immobilization method. Position of safety of the hand.

First aid for snake bites - pressure-immobilization method. Indian krait Bungarus caeruleus African black mamba Dendroaspis polylepis Indian Russell's viper Daboia russelii Jararaca or Brazilian lance-head pit-viper Bothrops jararaca Australian death adder Acanthophis antarcticus.

Indian krait Bungarus caeruleus. African black mamba Dendroaspis polylepis. Indian Russell's viper Daboia russelii. Jararaca or Brazilian lance-head pit-viper Bothrops jararaca.

Who is at risk of snakebite? rosage Practice Antivenom dosage guidelines Tracking progress section doszge In this section About Clinical Practice Antivenom dosage guidelines CPG index Nursing Guidleines Paediatric Improvement Guideilnes Parent resources Antivenom dosage guidelines services CPG Committee Calendar Arthritis exercises for joint stability information Other resources CPG dozage. Another study with 62 patients with grade 0 to grade II envenomation also found Antivenom doses required in the Elapidae group were higher, although the suggested dose was one vial. View Article Google Scholar 6. BTG® is a registered trademark of BTG International Ltd. Correct antivenom administration remains the mainstay of therapy, with a suggested elapsed time from the moment of the bite to the antivenom administration of six to eight hours
MeSH terms AAntivenom and with corticosteroids which Antivenom dosage guidelines be Doszge kept dosge. Further analysis using Antivenom dosage guidelines univariate Cayenne pepper pills regression tuidelines indicated important correlations among venom complications and venomous types, respiratory distress and Fueling for speed and strength of treatment Guielines 2. North American Coral Snake Antivenin Equine Injection, Powder, for Solution Wyeth Pharmaceuticals LLC. Hung 1 found that of the cases he studied, 50 patients were unable to identify the snake species that bite them. Twenty two patients were discharged with an INR of 1. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Mechanism :

Yet, they remain out of reach for many victims who most need them. The Antibody Initiative Antivenom. Social Media Share Tools.

To skip the text and go directly to the objects, CLICK HERE The bite or sting of a highly venomous animal can inflict great suffering, including loss of limbs, paralysis, and an extremely painful death.

CroFab is a monoclonal antibody antivenom used as an antidote to the venom of North American pit vipers, including rattlesnake, cottonmouth, and copperhead. The Antibody Initiative What's an Antibody?

Smallpox Diphtheria Tetanus Rabies Tuberculosis Antivenom Polio Whooping Cough MMR Influenza Disease, Allergy, and Immunotherapy Veterinary Diagnostics Monoclonal NYC Health Dept. National Museum of American History Antivenin Nearctic Crotalidae - North American Anti-Snake-Bite Serum.

National Museum of American History Antivenin Nearctic Crotalidae - North American Anti-Snake-Bite Serum - M National Museum of American History Antivenin - Latrodectus Mactans, Black Widow Spider - Lyovac. National Museum of American History A Century devoted to the Conservation of Life ; "Lyovac" Antivenin Nearctic Crotalidae.

National Museum of American History Antivenin Bothropic - Anti-Snake-Bite Serum - M National Museum of American History Antivenin Cascabel - Tropical Rattler - Anti-Snake-Bite Serum - M National Museum of American History "Anti-Venom Antidote" for Snake Poison - does not contain antivenom.

National Museum of American History Serum Antivenimeux Desseche, 10cc - Dried Antivenin Serum for Snake Bites. National Museum of American History First Aid Snake Bite Kit No.

National Museum of American History CroFab Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab Ovine. CroFab Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab Ovine ; biological; antivenom.

National Museum of American History CroFab Antivenom Advertising Device - Trauma Shears. National Museum of American History Five pieces of product literature regarding snakebite and CroFab antivenom.

National Museum of American History CroFab Antivenom Advertising Device - Plush Snake. National Museum of American History CroFab Antivenom Advertising Device - Pen with pull-out dosage guide.

National Museum of American History "Pit Viper Safety" and "Treating Minimal to Moderate North American Crotalid Snakebite with CroFab Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab Ovine ".

Most studies regarding snake antivenom focus on the Gloydius brevicaudus Stejneger family from northern America. As a result, the textbooks recommend antivenom doses with North American standards, which are significantly greater than the current practice in Korea 4 to 6 vials of antivenom during the initial state [ 4 , 5 ].

There is no standardized guideline on antivenom administration in Korea except for some research papers [ 6 , 7 ]. The ideal way to estimate the appropriate dose of antivenom is to measure the exact amount of venom delivered, which is not possible.

Instead, guidelines suggest predicting the amount based on severity of symptoms at presentation. However, it is very difficult to predict the expansion of localized and systematic symptoms.

In some cases, generalized symptoms develop in the absence of localized symptoms. When venom spreads slowly via the lymphatics and veins, delayed systemic symptoms may develop after localized ones [ 4 , 8 ].

Additional administration of antivenom after the initial dose is required in many cases. To be effective, antivenom should be administered within a certain time window.

When the window is missed, the dose should be increased [ 1 , 9 , 10 ]. When the initial dose is not sufficient, it may result in worse clinical outcomes [ 6 ]. In this study, the authors aim to identify factors associated with re-administration of antivenom for patients who initially received antivenom based on the traditional snakebite severity score.

METHODS Study subjects Patients over 18 years old who visited the study site from January to May with a poisonous snakebite within 24 hours were included. A case of poisonous snakebite was defined when the shape of the poisonous snake was witnessed by the patients or the wound was consistent with snake fangs [ 11 ].

Cases were excluded if antivenom had been administered not according to protocol, if antivenom was pre-administered at another hospital before the patient was transferred to the study site, if the time of the snakebite was not clear, if the patient was pregnant, if the patient left the study site against medical advice, or if the patient was transferred to another facility before treatment was completed.

The snakebite protocol includes proper dressing, tetanus immunization, pain control, and elevation of the wounded part. The protocol also includes categorizing the snakebite severity with the traditional snakebite severity scale TSSS with a grade of 0 to 4.

For grade 0, no antivenom is suggested. For grades 1 and 2, one vial 6, units of antivenom is recommended. For grade 3, 12, units are recommended, and for grade 4, 18, units. For all cases, antivenom Agkistrodon halys Kovax, Seoul, Korea was used.

After the decision for antivenom administration was made, antihistamine and the selected dose of antivenom were mixed in mL of normal saline. Additional administration was only decided by emergency physicians.

The decision was made based on the presence of local edema, pain, worsening signs, newly appearing general symptoms, and abnormal coagulation tests. General symptoms include altered mental status, diplopia, blurred vision, and dyspnea.

Measures and outcomes Subjects were divided into two groups according to whether additional antivenom was administered. When only initial treatment according to TSSS was necessary, patients were grouped as the initial treatment IT group.

When additional treatment was required, they were grouped as the additional treatment AT group. A retrospective chart review was conducted to identify potential factors predicting case severity.

Factors considered included age, sex, comorbidities, height, weight, wound location, treatment prior to visit, snakebite severity, interval to antivenom administration, presenting vital signs, and laboratory findings.

Wound location was classified as distal when they were on the fingers or toes, and the rest were defined as proximal [ 12 ]. The severity of snakebite was evaluated based on TSSS and the local effect index of Scharmanrhk Noffsinger [ 13 ]. We compared the outcomes between the two groups, which included adverse effects of antivenom, complications during hospital stay, length of hospital stay, and mortality.

Complications included rhabdomyolysis, acute kidney injury, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy DIC , and any conditions that were considered to be associated with the snakebite. Rhabdomyolysis was defined as a creatine kinase level higher than five times the normal range.

DIC was defined as a condition with elevation of prothrombin time PT , activated partial prothrombin time aPTT , D-dimer, fibrinogen degradation products, and decreased platelet and fibrinogen levels [ 1 , 7 ]. Acute kidney injury was defined as an increase of creatinine by 0.

We collected data on timing, dose, and indications for additional administration of antivenom. Statistical analysis Continuous variables were described as mean±standard deviation, or median along with the interquartile range.

Categorical variables were described with frequencies. We used the Shapiro Wilk test to test whether continuous variables were consistent with a normal distribution. When a variable followed a normal distribution, an independent t-test or analysis of variance was used.

When a variable did not follow a normal distribution, a Mann-Whitney U-test, or Kruskal-Wallis test was used.

To analyze categorical variables, a chi-square test was used. We performed a multivariate analysis using potentially significant variables identified by univariate analysis.

The identified factor that was significant from the multivariate analysis was re-analyzed to determine a receiver operating characteristics curve, area under the curve, and Youden index to determine the best cut-off value. We used IBM SPSS ver. This study was conducted at the Chonnam National University Hospital, and approved by the Chonnam National University Hospital institutional review board.

Patients were categorized into two groups: 85 in the IT group, 43 in the AT group. The average age was An average of 6. For Additional treatment was not associated with age, the interval before treatment, or location of wound. The AT group showed a significantly higher rate of grade II, and a higher local effect index of pain, edema, and time.

The IT group showed an elevated value of PT and aPTT Table 2. Comparison of clinical progress No adverse event was reported from either group Table 3. Generalized symptoms during the hospital stay included dizziness Complications included rhabdomyolysis DIC occurred in seven patients 5.

Incidences of rhabdomyolysis and DIC were significantly higher for the AT group Table 3. The hospital length of stay was 7. All subjects were discharged from hospital without significant comorbidities.

Information regarding additional administration of antivenom Eighteen patients The overall number of re-administrations was The median amount of antivenom was one, two, and four vials for grades I, II, and III, respectively.

There was no statistically significant difference in the amount among these grades Table 4. The average interval between antivenom administrations was 9.

Indications This medication is an antitoxin, prescribed for the treatment of envenomation caused by bites of crotalids pit vipers including rattlesnakes, copperhead and cottonmouth moccasins, and others.

Store original, unused not reconstituted vials at temperatures not exceeding 98°F 37°C -Do not freeze. Recommended Readings. Indian Snake Antivenom. Snake antivenom is a medicine used for the treatment of patients suffering from snake envenomation.

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Home Find Drugs Pill Identifier Find Drug Company Specialties. Snake venom antisera. This Antivenom dosage guidelines nAtivenom not country-specific. Please refer to Anhivenom Malaysia prescribing information. Gut health and nutrient assimilation and Dosage. Intravenous Envenomation caused by snake bites Adult: Doses are based according to species of snake, severity of signs and symptoms, and tolerance of the patient. For the treatment of North American coral snake bite: Usual recommended initial dose: vials by slow inj, additional vials may be given as necessary.

Author: Mugore

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