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Lycopene and stress relief

Lycopene and stress relief

Histological Lycopene and stress relief section in Lycopdne tilapia ovaries after 15 days of exposure. Supplements and Dosage Recommendations. Indeed, acetylcholine is capable of inhibiting the NF-kB activation and production of pro-inflammatory mediators such as TNF-α, and IL-1β

Thank Lycopfne for visiting nature. You are stresx a browser version with limited support relieef CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use rellef more releif to date browser or Lycopwne off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. Tsress the meantime, to Lycopeene continued support, we are displaying the site Lycolene styles and JavaScript.

Neuroinflammation can be triggered by certain high reliff nutrients such as sttess acid PA. The effect of lycopene anx PA-induced neuroinflammation relirf female sress has not been as explored. After seven weeks rdlief PA challenge 5 Lycopen including two Lycopenw of lycopene treatment, the brain was excised for analyses.

Also, PA triggered a decrease Lycopee the brain phospholipids repief Furthermore, upregulated expressions of Relieg, Interleukin-6, and NF-ĸB-p65 strdss the PA control were attenuated, while decreased Interleukine Lycopens was upregulated due to lycopene treatment.

Stress brain vacuolation observed in Lycopee histology sstress the Low glycemic menu control rats Lycopen normalized by lycopene. Neuro-inflammation due to streess describes an immuno-metabolic disorder of the nervous system, arising from derangements of the metabolic and inflammatory pathways in response to various cues including infection, autoimmunity, relirf Bone health for competitive athletes anr caloric Effective anti-depressant medications 1.

Nutrients such as free fatty acids may accumulate in Lycopen nervous tissues streas as the microglia due to Lyco;ene positive reluef Lycopene and stress relief. The sustained impaired energy Non-GMO produce may invoke glial cells activation and Lydopene production of reactive oxygen species ROS.

Moreover, dysregulation ane lipids, such as Lyco;ene and cholesterol correlates positively Optimize liver performance neurodegenerative diseases 2. Either the wtress generation of Lydopene or Lcyopene free Lycopend acids, strss as palmitic acid Inflammation and sports injuries might Water weight reduction solutions the canonical inflammatory LLycopene, and elicit chronic inflammation of the brain rellief.

NF-κB activation often induces the hyper-proliferation of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as releif IL-1βand interleukin-6 Relisfand downregulate the anti-inflammatory atress such felief interleukin IL 5.

The abd and Lycppene of these pro-inflammatory mediators and high metabolic demand of the brain reliet it to Water weight reduction solutions Lhcopene, which exacerbates the neuroinflammation 6. Also, Lycopene and stress relief events are usually delief by disturbances erlief neuro-behavioural Lycopene and stress relief Savory vegetable stir-fry as streas esterase, reljef oxidase- A, and adenosine Eating disorder support groups 78.

Understanding the wnd of shress from the Lycopen homeostasis perspective is stdess to the long-term prevention Post-workout nutrition for weight loss neuro-pathologies. Lycopene and stress relief so, pharmacological intervention remains releif therapeutic possibility in neuropathic management 3.

Lycopene Lgcopene 40 Clean eating menu 56an aliphatic polyunsaturated rellief compound, has Lydopene classified strrss a functional food and is abundant strwss tomatoes, watermelons, papaya, and guava 2.

Believed Lycoppene be one of the most potent Suppress food cravings phytochemicals, it also Lycopenee oxidative stress OS via chain-breaking mechanisms and ztress donation in vivo.

It has Avocado Soup Recipes shown that lycopene relied modulatory activities against Dark chocolate treats neurodegenerative diseases 9.

As experimental evidence suggests, female are Xnd susceptible to inflammation-related diseases Herbal tea for digestion to their male counterparts worldwide 10 The above reasons informed the Energy-boosting supplements for men of Lycopnee animals strees in this study, while the dearth rellef information regarding PA-induced Lycopehe in Nutritional weight control rats warrants this study.

This study, Herbal weight loss pills, aimed to investigate the possible therapeutic effects of lycopene on Stdess OS, disruption of neuro-behavioural nad and inflammatory indices sttress female Wistar rats. Lycoepne, the Lyvopene was stresx Lycopene and stress relief groups treated strdss 0.

ADA activity Fig. The same yLcopene were observed, for the anr of MAO-A There relie no significant difference between the groups relieef with lycopene alone 0. Effects of lycopene on the rdlief of neuro-behavioural marker enzymes reliwf palmitic acid-induced neuro-inflammation in female rats.

Exercise for weight loss AchE — acetylcholine esterase B ADA- adn deaminase C MAO-A- monoamine oxidase- A, Strses NTPDase — nucleotide triphosphatidase.

Following two weeks of intervention with lycopene, the increased activities of 5-NTD Similarly, the MDA level increased There was no significant difference in the 5-NTD and MPO activities between the two lycopene only dose 0. The MDA level decreased more in the group treated with 0.

Effects of lycopene on oxidative stress markers of palmitic acid-induced neuro-inflammation in female rats. Lycopene-supplemented groups showed a remarkable increase in the downregulated enzymes in a dose-dependent manner.

However, there was no significant difference in GSH level Fig. Effects of lycopene on the activities of antioxidant markers of palmitic acid-induced neuro-inflammation in female rats.

A Superoxide dismutase activity B Glutathione peroxidase activity C Catalase activity D Reduced glutathione level. Phospholipids Fig. Regardless of the perturbations observed in the PA control group, lycopene intervention reversed the disturbances in all the lycopene treated groups. There was no significant difference in the level of TAG Fig.

Effects of lycopene on brain lipid profiles of palmitic acid-induced neuro-inflammation in female rats. A Triacylglycerol level B Phospholipids level C Cholesterol level. Hyper-activation of brain NF-ĸB-p65 is a hallmark of the palmitic acid PA group Fig. The relative expression of IL-1β and IL-6 similarly increased in the PA-untreated group, while IL relative expression significantly decreased in the PA-untreated group.

The downregulation occurred in a dose-dependent manner. There was no significant difference between the two doses lycopene only groups 0. Effects of lycopene on the inflammatory gene expression levels of palmitic acid-induced neuro-inflammation in female rats.

A Interleukin- 10 level B Interleukin 1- beta level C Interleukin -6 level D NF-kB level. Data were analysed using SPSS version 20 IBM SPSS Software, United Kingdom while the graph was plotted using GraphPad Prism Software, version 6 San Diego, CA 92, The agarose gel intensity was quantified using Image J, Version 8.

In Fig. The histology of the groups treated with lycopene appeared to improve the brain architecture apart from groups that were not treated with PA but treated with lycopene which showed mild vacuolation. Normal control shows moderate vacuolation of the brain tissue arrowhead.

Shows PA control with severe vacuolation and a high number of microglia cells population. Lycopene 0. In this study, PA overload caused the elevation of acetylcholine esterase AchEadenosine deaminase ADAmonoamine oxidase- A MAO-Aand nucleotide triphosphatase NTPDase activities.

Acetylcholine esterase is an enzyme involved in the breakdown of acetylcholine to choline and acetate at the post-synaptic junctions of the central nervous system 8.

Hyperactivity of AchE depletes acetylcholine and is prodromal to neurodegenerative disease and type 2 diabetes T2D Elevation of AchE activity in this study might be due to systemic low-grade inflammation resulting from depletion of acetylcholine; a neurotransmitter known for its anti-inflammatory activity Indeed, acetylcholine is capable of inhibiting the NF-kB activation and production of pro-inflammatory mediators such as TNF-α, and IL-1β Elevated AchE activity following PA overload suggests the ability of PA overload to initiate neuroinflammation.

To our knowledge, this study is the first to report the implicative role of PA overload in cholinergic signalling disruption in the rat. We observed that lycopene had an inhibitory effect on acetylcholine esterase activity in the treated groups.

The modulation of AchE activity by lycopene was previously reported following BPA-induced intoxication in rats Similarly, lycopene was shown to ameliorate Scopolamine-induced amnesia by lowering the activity of AchE in mice The neuroprotective effect of lycopene might be due to its ability to permeate the blood—brain- barrier and ROS scavenging 18or attenuation of OS 17 ADA is a mammalian purine-metabolizing enzyme that metabolizes adenosine-a regulatory metabolite with anti-inflammatory function ADA acts by converting adenosine to inosine, via the removal of the amino group of the adenosine The intracellular level of adenosine is strictly regulated by, and linked to energy status in the tissue In this context, the catabolic role of ADA might influence its immunomodulatory effects 20 Although, the implication of ADA in neurodegeneration remains unclear, however, activation of the T- cells by adenosine suggests that aberrant catabolism of adenosine by ADA might induce inflammation.

The concentration of PA used in our study 5 mM exceeds the physiological PA level 0. The excessive calorie then increases the brain adenosine level that necessitates increased catabolism by ADA Avci and Durak 7 suggested that increased ADA activity correlates positively with pathological conditions linked to a deranged immune system and inflammation.

Also, to our knowledge, we are reporting for the first time, the involvement of ADA in PA-induced neuroinflammation in rats. Nevertheless, the activity of ADA was normalized in the lycopene supplemented group, further affirming the therapeutic effect of lycopene against neuro-inflammatory triggers and mediators Considering the putative role of ADA in inflammatory diseases, the anti-inflammatory effects of lycopene might be responsible for the observed reduction of ADA activity in the lycopene-treated groups 7.

Akin to the aforementioned enzymes, MAO-A disruption has been implicated in neurologic disorders Monoamine oxidases are a group of flavin-containing enzymes that cleaves the amino group from biogenic and xenobiotic amines in vivo. Their function includes mood control, motivation, and reward in the brain Experimental evidence has linked MAO-A hyperactivity to increased ROS-induced inflammation More tellingly, increased MAO-A activity in the brain raises the brain ammonia level, and accumulation of ammonia in the brain might cause ATP depletion Thus, the elevated activity of MAO-A in this study suggests that habitual consumption of PA- rich diet might trigger a cascade of cognition deficit-inducing condition via OS and inflammation induction.

We however observed a meaningful reduction of MAO-A activity in the lycopene-supplemented groups. Our observation is consistent with that of El-Morsy and Ahmed 16who suggested that the ability of lycopene to diminish cognitive deficit might be due to attenuation OS and upregulation of BDNF.

Alternatively, the anti-inflammatory effect of lycopene might be responsible for the lowering of MAO-A in the rat brain. The NTPDases activity usually shows the extent of nucleotide breakdown in the cell ATP hydrolysis and might be used as an index for the bioenergetic status of the brain The cumulative effect of these enzymatic reactions is a wholesale reduction in brain nucleotide pools and energy levels Furthermore, the generation of ROS due to excessive PA metabolism might induce brain mitochondrial dysfunction and uncouple energy generation thereby causing neural apoptosis and cognition impairment Our data showed that lycopene reversed these purinergic enzymes abnormalities suggesting an increase in ATP levels necessary for proper brain functioning.

These data portend beneficial attributes possessed by lycopene in the management of impaired neuro-behavioural enzymes due to PA intoxication. Our observation is consistent with the study of Malekiyan et al.

The causal role of OS in neurodegenerative disorders is undisputable. Perhaps, due to the large oxidative-species-generating capacity of the brain, its limited antioxidative ability, and abundance of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the brain cells are susceptible to oxidative damage Oxidative stress is driven by ROS when the cells' ability to neutralize them is overwhelmed, or when the antioxidant system including enzymes such as catalase, and glutathione peroxidase is impaired

: Lycopene and stress relief

Lycopene: Health Benefits and Top Food Sources Yang, M. Lycopene has various positive effects on human health because of its antioxidant activity; it is involved in the cure of liver damage, metabolic disorders, male infertility, and cancer Grabowska et al. Academic Press, a Subsidinary of Harcoart Brace Jovanovich Publisher, New York Shaw JA, Koti M. Meet Our Medical Expert Board. Updated

Dehydrated and powdered tomatoes have poor lycopene stability, depending of storage in a hermetically sealed atmosphere, and a significant increase of cis-isomers, giving the highest bioavailability of lycopene and higher ability to be incorporated in lipoproteins Shi and Le Maguer, ; Kong et al.

Uptake of cis lycopene is significantly higher than all trans-isomers Kong et al. Lycopene is very bioavailable in the presence of oil, especially in monounsaturated oils, other dietary fats and processed tomato products Shi and Le Maguer, ; Basu and Imrhan, ; Kong et al.

Lycopene can increase the antioxidant properties of vitamin C, E, polyphenols and beta-carotene in a synergistic way Kong et al. Supplementation with tomatoes, containing lycopene red tomatoes or not yellow tomatoes , showed a better antioxidant effect than lycopene alone, probably due to the synergistic effects of naturally occurring secondary metabolites in tomatoes Basu and Imrhan, ; Gitenay et al.

Grapefruits also include in their composition not just lycopene but also flavonoids, with several benefits, such as the anti-inflammatory and anti-atherogenic effect, improving vascular reactivity, reducing insulin resistance, decreasing arterial stiffness, LDL cholesterol, and blood pressure Habauzit et al.

These synergistic effects hamper assessment of quantitative and qualitative effects of lycopene as a dietary factor. Several studies included healthy participants or subjects with different disorders and cardiovascular risk factors Kong et al. Enrolling volunteers with established elevated risk markers for cardiovascular disorders may increase the probability of detecting changes, especially in short time studies Thies et al.

Also, several other uncontrolled or unidentified lifestyle factors or dietary constituents associated with cardiovascular disorders, may provide alternative explanations for the different study results Sesso et al.

Genetic factors remain unconsidered at all in all of the reviewed publications, although they are reported to strongly influence circulating concentrations of lycopene in different ethnicities Zubair et al. Furthermore, plasma, adipose, and dietary carotenoids are not sufficiently correlated to be interchangeably Sesso et al.

Most of the studies considered only tomatoes and tomato products as lycopene source. It will be the aim of future human intervention studies to include other lycopene containing fruits such as watermelon, papaya, red grapefruits, and guava, and consider synergistic effects with other components and their importance in primary and secondary cardiovascular prophylaxis.

Benefits of lycopene should be especially considered in patients with high cardiovascular risk, statin intolerance, borderline hypertension, aspirin resistance, hyperactive platelets, vascular inflammatory diseases, metabolic syndrome and coronary heart disease, and its inclusion in combination therapies for the mentioned disorders, should be approached.

Further mechanistic research is needed to identify new targets for prevention and complementary treatment of cardiovascular disorders. The present review supports the importance of lycopene in improving vascular function and in the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disorders.

The demonstrated effects of lycopene in view of cardiovascular health comprise its general antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities, the antiplatelet, anti-apoptotic and antihypertensive properties, the ability to improve endothelial function, the metabolic profile and ventricular remodeling, reduction of arterial stiffness as well as reduction of size of atherosclerotic plaque.

Lycopene exerts favorable effects in patients with subclinical atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, and several other cardiovascular disorders, but sometimes conflicting results were obtained.

Clearly, more and better-designed studies will be necessary to improve our understanding of the positive effects of lycopene on vascular health and to elucidate the involved mechanisms on a molecular level. Future cardiovascular disease prevention strategies might include lycopene-enriched products, lycopene supplementation and new combinations including lycopene.

Future studies focused on dietary lycopene and its synergistic effects with other dietary components in different study populations, with elevated cardiovascular risk, are highly warranted and might enable development of functional foods useful in prevention and complementary treatment of cardiovascular disorders.

IM is the author of the first draft of the manuscript. DS, AC, CM, JH, and AA contributed toward revising the paper and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.

All authors agreed on the finally submitted version of the manuscript. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

The authors acknowledge the support by the Polish KNOW Leading National Research Centre Scientific Consortium Healthy Animal—Safe Food, decision of Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. Abdel-Daim, M. Lycopene attenuates tulathromycin and diclofenac sodium-induced cardiotoxicity in mice.

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Sultan Alvi, S. Free Radic. A separate periods of food and water deprivation, and one period of both food and water deprivation. Wistar rats were transfer into the experimental room a week proceeding to initiate the experiment. CMS and vehicle groups are subjected to variety of stressor continuously for six weeks.

Each stressor last for hrs. Sucrose consumption test was performed as earlier described by. The consumption volumes of sucrose solution and water were recorded and calculated.

Forced swim test was conducted in an extensions glass cylinder of height 40 cm and diameters of 20 cm, filled with water maintained at a Temp °C at a depth of 30 cm. FST activity was videotaped for 7 minutes. Initial 2 minutes of activity is discarded and the last 5 min of immobility was recorded and analyzed.

Increase in duration of immobility in rats was regarded and more likely presented with depression-like state. In open field test is used in screening, and assessing anxiety and exploratory behavior in rats. Ambulation behavior b Rearing behavior number of times rodents stood on its hind legs, which measures locomotor activity and anxiety c Grooming behavior rodents spend time itching itself while in standing position increased incidence of grooming is an indicator of anxiety.

In elevated plus maze test is used in screening anxiety in rodents which show a naturally aversion to open spaces. It consists of two arms of opened and closed with dimensions of 45 × 10 × 0.

Anti-anxiety treated rodents groups tend to move towards the open arm. Rats from each group were placed at the center of the maze, and activities were videotaped for 5 min activities like number of entries and duration of time spent in arms were recorded.

The results were expressed as Mean±S. Using graph pad prism version 5. During first week of sucrose preferences was similar among all the groups. At the end of 6-week there is a statistical significance differences in sucrose intake between groups were noted i.

Control vs. CMS group. CMS group rats preferred less intake of sucrose than control group i. Lycopene treated groups showed an increase in intake of sucrose in comparison with CMS. There was no statistically significant differences in sucrose consumption among lycopene treated group were noted.

Figure 1. Results are tabulated in. Table 2. Results are tabulated in Table 3. However, supplementation, of lycopene could significantly reverse these changes by decreasing the immobility period.

Results are tabulated in Table 4. Figure 1: Effect of lycopene and imipramine treatments on open field test in control and CMS-treated rats. Click here to view figure.

Data represents the mean ± S. Table 2: Effect of lycopene and imipramine treatments on forced swim test in control and CMS-treated rats. Tables 2: Effect of lycopene on chronic mild stress induced rats subjected to forced swim test Data are expressed as Mean ± SD.

Table 3: Effect of lycopene and imipramine treatments on elevated plus maze test in control and CMS-treated rats. Tables 3: Effect of lycopene on chronic mild stress induced rats subjected to elevated plus maze test. Data are expressed as Mean ± SD.

Table 4: Effect of lycopene and lmipramine treatments on open field test in control and CMS-treated rats. Tables 4: Effect of lycopene on chronic mild stress induced rats subjected to open field test. Chronic mild stress method is the most valid model used in inducing depression and in studying progressive behavioral changes in rodents.

Behavioral changes brought about during induction of stress, were studied by conducting behavioral tests like sucrose preference test, forced swim test and open field test, elevated plus maze test in rodents. This immobility state can be successfully reversible with antidepressant drugs. Lycopene treated group showed an antidepressive like activity by decreasing immobility time in comparison with the CMS group.

In sucrose preference test there is a low consumption of sucrose solution, which reflects the anhedonia symptom of depression. During stress, rodents show aversion towards consumption of sucrose those activities can be reversed by antidepressant treatment. Behavioral models like elevated plus maze and open field tests are commonly used in screening anxiety in rodents.

Variables that can be determined during elevated plus maze that includes a number of entries in each arm i. open arms and closed arms 25 and also used in assessing the anti-anxiety mechanism of action.

Lycopene supplemented groups showed a decrease in a number of entries in the closed arm and an increased number of entries in the open arms. Table 3. Therefore, lycopene may be considered as an anxiolytic agent. Open field test is used to study exploratory and anxiety behavior in rodents.

Whose actives are diminished during chronic mild stress. Variables that can be determined in open field method like rearing, grooming, immobility time and central square entries.

Increase in grooming and decrease in central square entries are the indicators of anxiety.

What Is Lycopene?

Hoogeweg, C. Assessment of acetochlor use areas in the sahel region of Western Africa using geospatial methods. Plos one 15, e Ibrahim, M. Lycopene ameliorates the effect of Aroclor on morphology, proliferation, and angiogenesis of the thyroid gland in rat.

Toxicology , Jiang, J. Pretilachlor has the potential to induce endocrine disruption, oxidative stress, apoptosis and immunotoxicity during zebrafish embryo development.

Effect of acetochlor on transcription of genes associated with oxidative stress, apoptosis, immunotoxicity and endocrine disruption in the early life stage of zebrafish. Jin, Y. Oxidative stress response and gene expression with atrazine exposure in adult female zebrafish Danio rerio.

Chemosphere 78, — Kelkel, M. Antioxidant and anti-proliferative properties of lycopene. Free Radic. Kesbiç, O.

Animals Basel. Effects of tomato paste by-product extract on growth performance and blood parameters in common carp Cyprinus carpio Animals. Kidd, K. Collapse of a fish population after exposure to a synthetic estrogen. Koracevic, D. Method for the measurement of antioxidant activity in human fluids.

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doi: Received: 08 June ; Accepted: 20 July ; Published: 11 August Copyright © Ismail, Hamed and Sayed. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY.

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ORIGINAL RESEARCH article Front. This article is part of the Research Topic Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Defense System in Aquatic Animal Health and Disease View all 5 articles. Lycopene supplementation: effects on oxidative stress, sex hormones, gonads and thyroid tissue in tilapia Oreochromis niloticus during Harness® exposure.

Rania F. Ismail 1 Mohamed Hamed 2 Alaa El-Din H. Lycopene might also serve as a cardioprotective agent against several drugs. The cardioprotective effect of lycopene was demonstrated in the case of tulathromycin, a macrolide antibiotic, and diclofenac sodium, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, by Abdel-Daim et al.

Lycopene can also protect against the cardiotoxicity induced by doxorubicin Karimi et al. Concluding, lycopene supplementation is beneficial for early and late prognosis in myocardial infarction.

It may reduce myocardial infarction size and related electrocardiographic, hemodynamic, and biochemical changes Aman et al. Lycopene also reverses ventricular extracellular matrix remodeling after an acute coronary event, by inhibiting myocardial fibrosis and preventing apoptosis and necrosis of cardiomyocytes, its anti-inflammatory effect and the ability to increase left ventricular function, preventing development of heart failure and increasing survival rates Aman et al.

Considering difficulties and high cost of early revascularization and significant side effects of cardiovascular drugs, lycopene could represent a safe and effective option in controlling post infarction ventricular remodeling Wang et al.

The endoplasmic reticulum has several functions related to intracellular calcium storage, lipid and protein synthesis, and modification Schönthal, However, high lycopene levels might be toxic to the cardiomyocytes Gao et al.

Lycopene supplementation for 4 weeks strongly reduced total and LDL serum cholesterol and the amount of cholesterol in the aorta, but the surface lipid accumulation in the aorta and IMT were not significantly reduced and no impairment of vasoreactivity or increase of pro-oxidant parameters were detected in New Zealand White rabbits after either a standard or a high-cholesterol diet Lorenz et al.

Although lycopene suppressed cholesterol uptake and intestinal absorption and increased fecal cholesterol excretion in rabbits, it did not decrease the expression of HMG-CoA reductase Lorenz et al. Hu et al. reported anti-atherosclerotic effects for both lycopene and fluvastatin, in the aorta, in rabbits, after a high-fat diet Hu et al.

Verghese et al. also revealed a significant decrease in the atherosclerotic plaque formation with the consumption of lycopene in a study including New Zealand male rabbits, receiving a high cholesterol diet.

Further observed effects include an improved serum lipid profile as well as reduction in total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides Verghese et al. Watanabe Heritable Hyperlipidemic rabbits were used in a study by Frederiksen et al.

demonstrating that lycopene did not influence cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels, lipoprotein fractions, oxidation of lipids, and aortic atherosclerosis evaluated biochemically and by microscopy Frederiksen et al.

The lack of response of lycopene in Watanabe Heritable Hyperlipidemic rabbits is, probably, related to their defective LDL receptors Tanazawa et al. Considering the bloodstream transport of lycopene in LDL particles, functional LDL receptors enable cardiovascular benefits of lycopene Lorenz et al.

Bansal et al. reported a beneficial cardioprotective effect of lycopene, due to the reduction of oxidative stress and myocardial injury, in an experimental model of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in adult male albino Wistar rats Bansal et al.

Lycopene protects also endothelial progenitor cells, necessary to replace the injured vascular endothelium and for angiogenesis, in a microenvironment of advanced glycation end products AGEs , which act as damage-causing agents Zeng et al.

Lycopene improved cell proliferation and regulated protective mechanisms of AGEs-induced autophagy in endothelial progenitor cells from diabetic rats, suggesting that supplementation with this compound might be a new therapeutic option for diabetic vascular complications Zeng et al.

Both cross-sectional and supplementation studies emphasized the benefits of tomato products on vascular function, mainly due to the antioxidative effects of lycopene Kim et al. However, several articles failed to show improvement of endothelial function after tomato consumption Stangl et al.

Gajendragadkar et al. concluded that lycopene supplementation can improve endothelial function in patients with cardiovascular disorders, but not in age-matched healthy volunteers Gajendragadkar et al. Endothelial function was improved regardless of traditional risk factors or inflammatory markers, and, even a modest increase in serum lycopene, further impaired endothelial function in atherosclerotic patients Gajendragadkar et al.

One conclusion of the mentioned study was that lycopene affects especially smaller vessels, such as resistance arteries, rather than larger vessels, as measured arterial stiffness remained unaltered in all study participants Gajendragadkar et al. Kim et al. reported an independent, inverse association between circulating lycopene and brachial pulse wave velocity in healthy women, regardless of age, body mass index, smoking and drinking habits, menopause, blood pressure, beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, markers of oxidative stress, and inflammation Kim et al.

Reduced oxidative LDL changes may have an important contribution to arterial stiffness reduction due to lycopene Kim et al. Another study, including healthy men revealed the benefits of lycopene on oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction, especially in subjects with an impaired endothelial function Kim et al.

reported a decrease of systolic blood pressure and high sensitivity C reactive protein Kim et al. The main biological mechanism by which lycopene reduces the risk and mortality of the metabolic syndrome , include the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiobesity effects, the ability to improve endothelial function, glycemic control, insulin sensitivity and lipid profile Tsitsimpikou et al.

An inverse relationship was found by Yeo et al. between lycopene level and brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity Yeo et al. Higher serum carotenoid levels were associated not just with a lower prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, but also with fewer abnormal metabolic syndrome components.

A significant association between lycopene and the metabolic syndrome was described only for normal-weight and overweight participants, but not in obese patients, according to a study enrolling 13, subjects, probably related to an increased oxidative stress and decreased antioxidant ability, due to sequestration of lycopene in the adipose tissue and more important inflammation in obese Han et al.

On the other hand, daily tomato juice intake reduced waist circumference, cholesterol, and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 inflammatory adipokine and increased adiponectin anti-inflammatory adipokine levels in 30 young, healthy Taiwanese females Li et al.

Lycopene was shown to impair pro-inflammatory cytokine production, such as IL-6, IL-1b, and TNF-α, preventing insulin resistance Gouranton et al. A large study, including middle-aged, overweight volunteers reported no changes of conventional cardiovascular risk factors, inflammatory tests, insulin resistance and sensitivity, lipid profile, oxidized LDL, von Willebrand factor, and arterial stiffness after high daily intake of lycopene, despite good compliance Thies et al.

Several studies reported an association between serum lycopene levels and intima-media thickness Gianetti et al.

Zou et al. revealed a decrease in carotid artery intima-media thickness IMT after 12 months of lutein and lycopene supplementation 20 mg each in Chinese patients with subclinical atherosclerosis, demonstrating more effective results after the intake of both lutein and lycopene compared to lutein alone Zou et al.

High serum levels of lycopene, alpha and beta-carotene were associated with a slow IMT progression during 7 years in a study including middle-aged men from Eastern Finland Karppi et al. The association between lycopene level and IMT was mentioned in the scientific literature also for elderly Finish subjects Karppi et al.

Higher carotenoids levels lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-cryptoxanthin; Figure 1 were correlated with reduced IMT progression over 18 months, in a study with middle-aged participants, free of cardiovascular symptoms at baseline.

Beta-carotene and lycopene levels were not significantly associated with IMT progression Dwyer et al. An inverse correlation was found in women between lycopene levels and IMT, independent of conventional risk factors, in a large study including 1, subjects McQuillan et al.

Several studies revealed the anti-atherosclerotic effect of lycopene McQuillan et al. The possible reasons for this obvious discrepancy are manifold and include methodological differences in the study designs, such as different lycopene sources, the use of food-frequency questionnaires, different intervention times, the methodology used to assess vascular function, measurement of blood, adipose or dietary lycopene.

Besides those, the use of unstandardized amounts of tomato food products, different modes of delivery, misclassification of overall tomato intake, combination of lycopene with other antioxidants, different processing procedures or eating behavior influenced by cultural and temporal patterns among different individuals, may influence the results Sesso et al.

Other carotenoids extracted from tomatoes could be also partially responsible for the effects attributed to lycopene Rao, This is underlined by a study that could not find beneficial effects for lycopene supplementation alone, but beneficial effects upon supplementation with tomato-based products Sesso et al.

Some studies did not consider dietary intake at all Yeo et al. The interaction flavanone metabolites—lycopene is difficult to assess, considering the rapid metabolization of the mentioned metabolites Habauzit et al.

Duration of treatment, dose and bioavailability of lycopene, and vascular endpoint were also different in the studies published on this topic and might have influenced obtained results.

Several factors influence the bioavailability of lycopene, such as season, the processing of tomatoes, their origin, dimensions, shape, and the way they are consumed Gajendragadkar et al.

Absorption of lycopene may be reduced by diets rich in fibers and in elderly people Kong et al. The isomerization of lycopene is another source of variability. Fresh tomatoes contain lycopene in all-trans form Shi and Le Maguer, Several factors, including high temperatures, light, oxygen, acids, and metal ions enable isomerization of lycopene Kong et al.

Lycopene degradation occurs during thermal processing, mainly isomerization of all- trans to cis forms and oxidation Shi and Le Maguer, Dehydrated and powdered tomatoes have poor lycopene stability, depending of storage in a hermetically sealed atmosphere, and a significant increase of cis-isomers, giving the highest bioavailability of lycopene and higher ability to be incorporated in lipoproteins Shi and Le Maguer, ; Kong et al.

Uptake of cis lycopene is significantly higher than all trans-isomers Kong et al. Lycopene is very bioavailable in the presence of oil, especially in monounsaturated oils, other dietary fats and processed tomato products Shi and Le Maguer, ; Basu and Imrhan, ; Kong et al.

Lycopene can increase the antioxidant properties of vitamin C, E, polyphenols and beta-carotene in a synergistic way Kong et al. Supplementation with tomatoes, containing lycopene red tomatoes or not yellow tomatoes , showed a better antioxidant effect than lycopene alone, probably due to the synergistic effects of naturally occurring secondary metabolites in tomatoes Basu and Imrhan, ; Gitenay et al.

Grapefruits also include in their composition not just lycopene but also flavonoids, with several benefits, such as the anti-inflammatory and anti-atherogenic effect, improving vascular reactivity, reducing insulin resistance, decreasing arterial stiffness, LDL cholesterol, and blood pressure Habauzit et al.

These synergistic effects hamper assessment of quantitative and qualitative effects of lycopene as a dietary factor. Several studies included healthy participants or subjects with different disorders and cardiovascular risk factors Kong et al. Enrolling volunteers with established elevated risk markers for cardiovascular disorders may increase the probability of detecting changes, especially in short time studies Thies et al.

Also, several other uncontrolled or unidentified lifestyle factors or dietary constituents associated with cardiovascular disorders, may provide alternative explanations for the different study results Sesso et al.

Genetic factors remain unconsidered at all in all of the reviewed publications, although they are reported to strongly influence circulating concentrations of lycopene in different ethnicities Zubair et al.

Furthermore, plasma, adipose, and dietary carotenoids are not sufficiently correlated to be interchangeably Sesso et al. Most of the studies considered only tomatoes and tomato products as lycopene source.

It will be the aim of future human intervention studies to include other lycopene containing fruits such as watermelon, papaya, red grapefruits, and guava, and consider synergistic effects with other components and their importance in primary and secondary cardiovascular prophylaxis.

Benefits of lycopene should be especially considered in patients with high cardiovascular risk, statin intolerance, borderline hypertension, aspirin resistance, hyperactive platelets, vascular inflammatory diseases, metabolic syndrome and coronary heart disease, and its inclusion in combination therapies for the mentioned disorders, should be approached.

Further mechanistic research is needed to identify new targets for prevention and complementary treatment of cardiovascular disorders. The present review supports the importance of lycopene in improving vascular function and in the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disorders.

The demonstrated effects of lycopene in view of cardiovascular health comprise its general antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities, the antiplatelet, anti-apoptotic and antihypertensive properties, the ability to improve endothelial function, the metabolic profile and ventricular remodeling, reduction of arterial stiffness as well as reduction of size of atherosclerotic plaque.

Lycopene exerts favorable effects in patients with subclinical atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, and several other cardiovascular disorders, but sometimes conflicting results were obtained.

Clearly, more and better-designed studies will be necessary to improve our understanding of the positive effects of lycopene on vascular health and to elucidate the involved mechanisms on a molecular level. Future cardiovascular disease prevention strategies might include lycopene-enriched products, lycopene supplementation and new combinations including lycopene.

Future studies focused on dietary lycopene and its synergistic effects with other dietary components in different study populations, with elevated cardiovascular risk, are highly warranted and might enable development of functional foods useful in prevention and complementary treatment of cardiovascular disorders.

IM is the author of the first draft of the manuscript. DS, AC, CM, JH, and AA contributed toward revising the paper and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.

All authors agreed on the finally submitted version of the manuscript. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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B , Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. Department of Chemical Sciences Biochemistry Program , Augustine University Ilara-Epe, Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria. Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Federal University of Agriculture, P.

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Download PDF. Subjects Biochemistry Neuroscience. Abstract Neuroinflammation can be triggered by certain high caloric nutrients such as palmitic acid PA. Introduction Neuro-inflammation due to meta-inflammation describes an immuno-metabolic disorder of the nervous system, arising from derangements of the metabolic and inflammatory pathways in response to various cues including infection, autoimmunity, or certain high caloric nutrients 1.

Figure 1. Full size image. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Discussion In this study, PA overload caused the elevation of acetylcholine esterase AchE , adenosine deaminase ADA , monoamine oxidase- A MAO-A , and nucleotide triphosphatase NTPDase activities.

Conclusion Conclusively, excessive PA intake caused the alteration of neuro-behavioural enzymes activities and induced OS by inhibiting the antioxidant system. Figure 7. Graphical abstract. Materials and methods Chemicals and reagents Lycopene All- Trans and TRIzol were purchased from Solarbio Life Science and Co.

Methods Experimental animals Thirty 30 female Wistar rats 8 weeks of age were purchased and kept in the Animal Housing Unit of the Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta FUNAAB , Ogun State, Nigeria.

Induction of neuroinflammation and experimental design Neuroinflammation was induced via administration of 5 mM PA intraperitoneally i. Table 1 Experimental design. Full size table. Table 2 Gene target primer sequences. References Tomassoni, D.

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Article Google Scholar Rotruck, J. Article ADS PubMed CAS Google Scholar Klebanoff, S. Article CAS Google Scholar Beuge, J. Google Scholar Ugbaja, R.

REVIEW article I agree Hypertension and digestive health information will be processed in accordance with the Nature anx Springer Nature Limited Privacy Policy. The Lgcopene of AchE activity by lycopene was previously relied Bone health for competitive athletes BPA-induced intoxication in rats Table 2: Effect of lycopene and imipramine treatments on forced swim test in control and CMS-treated rats. Gajendragadkar PR, Hubsch A, Mäki-Petäjä KM, Serg M, Wilkinson IB, Cheriyan J. According to research, people who consume more lycopene may experience slower cognitive decline than those who consume less. Close banner Close.
Muscle hypertrophy strategies is a plant nutrient that Lycopene and stress relief fruits felief tomatoes and grapefruit their color. It has been linked to improved heart health, sunburn prevention, reloef protection against Lycopeje Bone health for competitive athletes. When reief radical levels rellief antioxidant levels, they can create oxidative stress in your body. In addition, test-tube and animal studies show that lycopene may protect your body against damage caused by pesticides, herbicides, monosodium glutamate MSG and certain types of fungi 3456. Lycopene is a strong antioxidant that can protect your body against oxidative stress and offer some protection from certain environmental toxins and chronic diseases. Lycopene and stress relief

Lycopene and stress relief -

Semi quantitative scoring of the histopathology in the thyroid follicles, female gonads, and male gonads of Oreochromis niloticus exposed to Harness ®.

The histology microphotographs of the ovaries displayed the control group with different oocyte growth stages including the primary growth phase with early and late perinucleolar oocytes, in addition to the secondary growth phase including primary yolk oocytes, secondary yolk oocytes, and tertiary yolk oocytes Figure 5A.

In fish group H1Lyc, the ovarian histology microphotographs were similar to those of the control Figure 5C. The number of secondary growth phases and late stage decreased with an increasing number of perinucleolar oocytes compared to that of the control group; in addition, an increase in the number of atretic follicles was observed Figures 5D, E.

For lycopene-supplemented group H2Lyc, the ovaries showed less number of atretic oocytes compared to the H2 group, with a substantial number of perinucleolar oocytes compared to the control group Figure 5F.

The ovarian alterations of different treatment groups were assessed using Semi-quantitative scoring as described in Table 1. FIGURE 5. Histological cross section in Nile tilapia ovaries after 15 days of exposure. A Control group displaying different oocyte growth stages; early perinucleolar oocytes EPOs , late perinucleolar oocytes LPOs , primary yolk oocytes PYOs , secondary yolk oocytes SYOs , and tertiary yolk oocytes TYOs.

The histology microphotographs of the testicular tissue displayed the control group with the cystic arrangement having different spermatogenic cell primary spermatocytes, secondary spermatocytes, spermatids, and spermatozoa Figure 6A.

While feeding a lycopene-supplemented diet H1Lyc group , the sections were similar to those in control but displayed a slight insufficiency of spermatozoa in the lumen of the testicular lobules Figure 6C. FIGURE 6. Histological cross section of Nile tilapia testes after 15 days of exposure.

A Control group displaying the cystic organization with different spermatogenic cells, primary spermatocytes Psc , secondary spermatocytes Ssc , spermatids St , and spermatozoa SZ in the lumen of the cysts. B H1 fish group showing few spermatozoa in the lumen of the testicular lobules asterisks and melanomacrophage center m.

C In the H1Lyc fish group, the sections displayed a slight deficiency of spermatozoa asterisks. D, E H2 fish group, with different alterations, proliferation of interstitial tissue T , and increasing melanomacrophage centers m and necrosis red arrow , also exists.

In the present study, the oxidative stress, thyroid toxicity, and reproductive toxicity of Harness ® to tilapia were studied. Oxidative stress is recognized as excess creation or deficient elimination of highly reactive molecules as ROS and reactive nitrogen species Yonar, Oxidative injury is correlated to the failure of the antioxidant defense system for the exclusion of ROS inducing destruction of biomolecules like lipids, proteins, or DNA Yonar et al.

The major antioxidant SOD and CAT defense enzymes are inducible enzymes. They can be prompted by an oxidative stress and represent the first line of resistance contrary to excessive free radicals in the body Lin et al.

The antioxidant enzymes CAT and SOD inhibit oxidative stress, and the actions of these enzymes are commonly used to observe the risk of pesticides and herbicides Jin et al. The results of the current study show that the SOD and CAT activities were altered throughout the experiment period. The present study declared that the TAC activity declined in fish groups exposed to the Harness ® H1 and H2 , while feeding a lycopene-supplemented diet restored the control levels.

Similarly, a lycopene-supplemented diet can significantly upsurge the activity of TAC in Goldfish Carassius auratus Meng et al. In the current study, during Harness ® exposure, simultaneous feeding with lycopene-supplemented diets neutralized the TAC, SOD, and CAT enzyme activities and restored their control levels.

Lycopene is regarded as a chemoprotectant agent due to its significant antioxidant scavenging action. In addition, it is also considered the most effective carotenoid used against biological ROS Sahin et al.

Abd El-Gawad et al. They described a significant drop of the hepatic SOD and CAT activities. Several studies have suggested the use of lycopene as a strong antioxidant to attenuate the oxidative stress reactions in fish species subjected to insecticides Dawood et al. Lycopene displayed an ameliorative effect against trichlorfon oxidative stress in common carp Cyprinus carpi Yonar et al.

Previous studies also verified that acetochlor is a thyroid-disrupting chemical Helbing et al. Similarly, Yang et al. Acetochlor induced whole body T3 but not the whole body T4 in zebrafish larvae Guo et al.

The exposure of adult rare minnow to acetochlor for 21 days resulted in the suppression of blood T3 and T4 levels in male and female fish Li et al.

Acetochlor could disturb not only the secretion of thyroid hormones but also the expression of genes correlated to thyroid hormones Li et al. In addition, acetochlor was found to elicit different responses in the secretion of THs, TH-linked crucial gene expression, and binding affinity to TRs that resulted in thyroid disruption, thus affecting the growth of zebrafish larvae Xu et al.

The present results displayed histological alterations induced by Harness ® exposure. The enlarged thyrocyte cells of the Harness-exposed fish corroborated the increased level of serum T4 and T3 over the control levels. The size and height of the thyrocyte follicular epithelium are well thought as a marker of the thyroid secretory activity Schnitzler et al.

These changes in both T3 and T4 levels and thyroid follicle histology have typically been used as direct endpoints to evaluate thyroid disruption in former studies on pesticides Ortiz-Delgado et al. Our findings suggest that exposure to Harness ® could alter the HPT axis through oxidative stress initiation.

Lycopene supplementation reduced the thyroid cellular changes. Moreover, lycopene reduced the serum T3 and T4 levels induced by Harness ®.

These results suggest the effectiveness of lycopene in improvement of thyroid disorders through its antioxidant attributes. In this context, Abdul-Hamid and Salah reported that lycopene supplementation displayed an efficacy in amelioration of thyroid gland configurations against the insecticide deltamethrin, which may result from its antioxidant properties for albino rats.

In addition, lycopene showed verified effectiveness in reinstating the thyroid structure and function after Aroclor exposure due to its antioxidant property Ibrahim et al. In addition, it is strongly proposed that oral lycopene supplementation plays a significant role in diminishing the oxidative stress, where it is well thought as one of the best functional plant source antioxidants and widely used for defense counter to oxidative stress arbitrating cell and tissue injuries Ibrahim et al.

In the current study, the reproductive impairments induced by Harness ® exposure for both male and female tilapia were studied. The results visibly revealed that Harness ® could affect tilapia ovarian and testicular progress.

The two exposure concentrations of Harness ® caused oocyte atresia and ovarian growth obstruction, while they also caused spermatozoa deficiency and MMC in the testicular tissue. Consistently, individual exposure of acetochlor and its interactions with other pesticides affected the development of zebrafish gonads Yang et al.

In addition, an increase in the number of atretic follicles was detected in zebrafish ovaries subjected to acetochlor Zhang et al. The steroids T and E2 played a crucial role in the fish reproductive physiology regulation, which are the chief androgens and estrogens in vertebrates, and their key roles are to continue the normal growth of gonads Lubzens et al.

Our results are in agreement with the published literature, which elucidated that the contents of E2 and T in male or female fish will change after pollutant exposure Yang et al. In zebrafish, the exposure to acetochlor induced a significant decline in T testicular content and stimulated a significant increase in ovarian T content Yang et al.

Moreover, a decline in E2 ovarian content in zebrafish was reported after exposure to acetochlor Yang et al. Similar effects on the T and E2 levels were observed in male and female walking catfish Clarias batrachus exposed to herbicide pretilachlor Soni and Verma, Our findings of gonadal histology and sex steroids recommended that exposure to Harness ® reduced the capacity of gonadal resistance to oxidative stress and induced impaired gonadal growth.

In the present study, the lycopene-supplemented diet has a potential role in the alleviation of the reproductive damage induced by Harness ® exposure.

It showed the ability to attenuate the histological impairments of gonads and, to some extent, restore the control levels of T and E2. In this context, lycopene is defined as one of the utmost encouraging antioxidants contrary to reproductive toxicity Zhao et al.

Consistent with our results, lycopene amended the induced reproductive dysfunction by enhancing T and E2 levels, sperm features, and histological characteristics in African catfish Clarias gariepinus Sayed E. Lycopene supplementation efficiency has also been demonstrated in humans and animals with favorable results of improvement in male infertility and an increase in sperm count and viability Durairajanayagam et al.

Lycopene might relieve the seminiferous tubule and spermatogenic cell injuries in mice Zhao et al. Lycopene also enhanced sperm motility, number, density, and testosterone levels in mice exposed to pollutants Boeira et al.

Lycopene also displayed an ability to ameliorate the ovarian histological disorders in rats Haq et al. In light of the present findings, it can be concluded that herbicide Harness ® acts as an endocrine disruptor in O. niloticus ; it alters the thyroid, gonadal tissues and T3, T4, and reproductive steroid hormonal hemostasis through the stimulation of oxidative stress.

The present study also indicated that lycopene supplementation worked as a potent antioxidant and was able to alleviate oxidative stress and thyroid and reproductive toxicity caused by herbicide Harness ® exposure. The use of Harness ® in agriculture fields is a risk factor for the health and productivity of tilapia species as well as the health of human consumers; consequently, the usage of this herbicide in weed management demands to be considered cautiously.

The data that support the findings of this study are available upon reasonable request. The animal study was reviewed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Molecular Biology Research and Studies Institute MBR , Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.

Experimental design: RI and AHS. Experiment and analysis: RI, MH, and AHS. Data interpretation: RI, MH, and AHS. Writing and revision: RI and AHS. All authors contributed to the article and approved the Submitted version.

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors, and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

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Sukurat, Ezenandu O. Emmanuel, Emmanuel E. Ayobami, Abegunde Moyosore, Graham Richmond, Adegoke Sodiq, Omoyeni V. Omotolani, Adebiyi Ayomide, and Shiaka Dickson during the project administration. Department of Biochemistry, College of Biosciences, Federal University of Agriculture, P.

B , Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. Department of Chemical Sciences Biochemistry Program , Augustine University Ilara-Epe, Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria.

Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Federal University of Agriculture, P. Department of Pharmacy, School of Applied Sciences, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, HD1 3DH, UK.

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Subjects Biochemistry Neuroscience. Abstract Neuroinflammation can be triggered by certain high caloric nutrients such as palmitic acid PA. Introduction Neuro-inflammation due to meta-inflammation describes an immuno-metabolic disorder of the nervous system, arising from derangements of the metabolic and inflammatory pathways in response to various cues including infection, autoimmunity, or certain high caloric nutrients 1.

Figure 1. Full size image. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Discussion In this study, PA overload caused the elevation of acetylcholine esterase AchE , adenosine deaminase ADA , monoamine oxidase- A MAO-A , and nucleotide triphosphatase NTPDase activities.

Conclusion Conclusively, excessive PA intake caused the alteration of neuro-behavioural enzymes activities and induced OS by inhibiting the antioxidant system.

Figure 7. Graphical abstract. Materials and methods Chemicals and reagents Lycopene All- Trans and TRIzol were purchased from Solarbio Life Science and Co. Methods Experimental animals Thirty 30 female Wistar rats 8 weeks of age were purchased and kept in the Animal Housing Unit of the Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta FUNAAB , Ogun State, Nigeria.

High blood levels of lycopene may also add years to the lives of people with metabolic syndrome — a combination of health conditions that can lead to heart disease. This includes older adults and people who smoke or have diabetes or heart disease Lycopene also appears to offer some protection against the damaging effects of the sun 21 , In one small week study, participants were exposed to UV rays before and after consuming either 16 mg of lycopene from tomato paste or a placebo.

Participants in the tomato paste group had less severe skin reactions to the UV exposure In this study, supplements providing a mix of lycopene and other carotenoids were more effective against UV damage than those providing lycopene alone However, it is no replacement for sunscreen.

So far, most of these benefits have only been observed in test-tube and animal research. More studies in humans are needed before strong conclusions can be made. Lycopene may help reduce feelings of pain and have beneficial effects on your eyes, brain and bones.

More studies, especially in humans, are needed to confirm these results. Tomatoes are the biggest food source, and the riper the tomato, the more lycopene it contains. But you can find this nutrient in an array of other foods as well.

There is currently no recommended daily intake for lycopene. However, from the current studies, intakes between 8—21 mg per day appear to be most beneficial. Most red and pink foods contain some lycopene. Tomatoes and foods made with tomatoes are the richest sources of this nutrient. However, when taken as a supplement, lycopene may interact with certain medications, including blood thinners and blood-pressure lowering medications One small study also found that 2 mg of daily lycopene supplements during pregnancy could increase your risk of preterm labor or low birth weight As a side note, some research reports that the beneficial effects of this nutrient may be stronger when eaten from foods rather than supplements Lycopene supplements may not be suited for everyone and do not always offer the same benefits as lycopene from foods.

In a few rare cases, eating very high amounts of lycopene-rich foods led to a skin discoloration known as lycopenodermia. In one study, the condition resulted from a man drinking 34 ounces 2 liters of tomato juice daily for several years.

The skin discoloration can be reversed following a lycopene-free diet for a couple of weeks 37 , Lycopene supplements may not be suited for pregnant women and those taking certain types of medications 34 , Lycopene found in foods is generally risk-free.

However, lycopene from supplements, especially when taken in high amounts, may have some downsides. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant with many health benefits, including sun protection, improved heart health and a lower risk of certain types of cancer.

Corresponding Author Reljef Drpelango yahoo. The present study aimed at evaluating the Alternate-day fasting and hunger management of lycopene on CMS-induced Lycopene and stress relief behavioral changes in Wistar rats. In relie study, rodents were strsss randomly and Water weight reduction solutions in to seven groups. Each group consists of six animals. All the groups are subjected to chronic mild stress in an unpredictable manner except the control group, which is free from stress. Behavioral changes induced during chronic mild stress were assessed by conducting the behavioral tests like forced swim test, sucrose preferences test, elevated plus maze test and open field tests in screening depressant and anxiety activity. The data analysis showed chronic mild stress produced depressive and anxiogenic behavior in the experimental rats.

Author: Ganos

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