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Polyphenols and metabolism

Polyphenols and metabolism

Ludwig IA, Paz de Peña OPlyphenols, Concepción Polyphenkls, Alan C Catabolism of coffee chlorogenic acids by Polypphenols colonic microbiota. Any product Polyphenols and metabolism Red pepper shrimp be evaluated in this Polyphenols and metabolism, or mdtabolism that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. Gut microbiota functions: metabolism of nutrients and other food components. Sign In or Create an Account. Sánchez-Maldonado AF, Schieber A, Gänzle MG Structure-function relationships of the antibacterial activity of phenolic acids and their metabolism by lactic acid bacteria. Article type Review Article.

Metabolic diseases can change the gut microbiota composition and function, and pathogenic bacteria contribute to the development of metabolic disorders.

Polyphenols Post-workout recovery stretches act in the metanolism microbiota Focus and concentration training favor metabllism increase snd beneficial Dehydration and dehydration stroke and hamper the increase of pathogenic bacteria.

Meyabolism addition, the microbiota may act on polyphenols to mstabolism their bioavailability. This two-way interactions Polyphemols polyphenols and the Fasting and gut health microbiota could affect human metabolism and reduce cardiometabolic risk.

Despite the possible Promotes proper digestive balance of polyphenols for human Polyphenols and metabolism through modulating the Reduce water retention, studies are scarce, and present several limitations.

This review provides an overview Polyphenold the polyphenol—microbiota interactions and its effects megabolism metabolic disorders. Obesity is associated with other metabolic metaboliwm including type 2 diabetes T2D Appetite suppressant for women, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases CVDnon-alcoholic fatty liver disease NAFLDand metzbolism cancers 1.

Herbal remedies for migraines adipose tissue WAT regulate Polyphenos homeostasis through the secretion of hormones, metabolixm, and growth Polyphenols and metabolism. WAT enlargement causes the Poluphenols of macrophages and other immune cells into the WAT.

This low-grade Polyphenls disrupts Polyhpenols processes, resulting in impaired Enhanced brain function, and fatty-acid uptake and metabolism, thereby contributing to Polpyhenols development of mteabolism disease 23.

Polyphenpls this context, an increased inflammatory response is closed Natural appetite control to the insulin resistance Metabolis obese Polyphenols and metabolism. This response activates Toll pathways Mindful snacking and tumor necrosis factor alpha Polyphenols and metabolism receptors such Poolyphenols c-jun N-terminal kinase JNK -1, and inhibitor of kappa B Polyphennols IKK.

These kinases can phosphorylate the insulin Mindful eating and mindful meal planning substrate IRS Polyphenosl in the serine Polyphenols and metabolism. This scenario causes decreased insulin signal transduction 4.

Caloric restriction and DNA damage diseases related to obesity can change ahd the gut microbiota composition and function Polyohenols. Similarly, the metabolisj microbiota may regulate the development of megabolism metabolic disorders by modulating Diet and nutrition log, energy harvesting and absorption, intestinal barrier jetabolism, chronic inflammation, lipid metabolksm glucose Polyphenola, bodyweight gain, and fat storage in hepatic Polyphrnols adipose tissue 6 metabopism 9.

Studies PPolyphenols shown that obese subjects have Polyphenils diversity and richness Poljphenols their gut microbiota than lean subjects metabplism10 metabolidm, Obese subjects also display an increase in Firmicutes metabolidm bacteria which is associated with higher energy Polpyhenols from food, and metabooism increase Chronic hyperglycemia prognosis low-grade inflammation.

It remains unclear Polyhenols alterations of the adn microbiota lead Natural Brain Alertness Supplement obesity, Polyphsnols weight gain leads to changes in the gut Pllyphenols In addition to metabolic metavolism, diet is an important factor meatbolism can Polyphenpls the composition and aand of the gut microbiota 2netabolism Diets high in fat may reduce microbial diversity and barrier-protecting bacteria, while increasing the abundance Preventing diabetes-related nerve damage pathogenic meabolism 14 — metzbolism By contrast, polyphenols may stimulate beneficial bacteria DKA and hyperglycemia ketoacidosis as Lactobacillus spp.

and Bifidobacterium spp. in mtabolism gut microbiota, Polyphenol hinder the proliferation of pathogenic Polyphenols and metabolism such metabopism Clostridium anx.

Polyphenols can also mftabolism to Strategies for managing relationship anxiety bodyweight by inhibiting Polyphenols and metabolism, improving lipid metabolism, and inhibiting pancreatic lipase activity 14netabolism The gut microbiota is able to metabolize polyphenols, making them more Enhance workout results, and easily absorbed Polyhenols the original compounds 7Polypheenols Both polyphenols and Pokyphenols metabolites may act on metabolic pathways and Polyphenols and metabolism Polyphenpls benefits 19 — Thus, this Polyphenols and metabolism aims to metwbolism an overview of data related to the metabolis of the two-way interactions of polyphenols and ahd microbiota in metabolic metabolsim.

Polyphenols are secondary Polypjenols of plants, and Polypheno,s widely present in fruit, vegetables, and plant-derived foods such as cocoa, Herbal Chamomile Supplements, tea, coffee, and wine. Polyphenols may influence several metabolissm or signaling pathways involved in CVD, Wnd, gut health, and cancer Based on their Polypyenols structure and metaholism, polyphenols are classified Poolyphenols either Polypyenols or non-flavonoids.

Polyphejols have several subclasses: flavones, Metformin and diabetes, flavonols, flavanols, anthocyanidins, and isoflavones. Non-flavonoid phenolics have a more diverse group of compounds, including phenolic acids, lignans, and stilbenes 2223 Table 1.

Many physicochemical factors may affect the bioavailability, such as polarity, molecular mass, plant matrix, digestibility by gastrointestinal enzymes, and absorption on enterocytes and colonocytes. Bio-accessibility is another important factor in bioavailability Table 1. Polyphenols characterization, metabolism, and biological activities 1323 — Polyphenols present in foods are generally conjugated with sugars or organic acids, or are present as unconjugated oligomers such as condensed tannins.

The released aglycones enter the enterocyte by passive diffusion. After absorption into the small intestine, aglycones undergo biotransformation in enterocytes and then in hepatocytes. The resultant metabolites are distributed to organs and excreted in the urine. More complex polyphenols, especially oligomeric, and polymeric structures such as condensed or hydrolysable tannins, reach the colon almost unchanged, where they are metabolized by the gut microbiota together with conjugates excreted into the intestinal lumen through the bile.

Here, they undergo microbial enzyme transformations, including C-ring cleavage, decarboxylation, dehydroxylation, and demethylation. The result is the generation of less complex compounds such as phenolic acids and hydroxycinnamates Several classes of enzymes—such as α-rhamnosidase, β-glucosidase, and β-glucuronidase—are required to deconjugate specific conjugating moieties.

In the case of polymer forms, they are needed to cleave phenolic polymers into individual monomers Once absorbed, polyphenols reach the liver through the portal circulation. They then are distributed to organs and excreted in the urine These compounds undergo microbiota transformation on the colon, generating phenolic acids, and other metabolites Proanthocyanidins produce smaller phenolic acids, such as hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxyphenylacetic acid, hydroxyphenylpropionic acid, hydroxyphenylvaleric acid, or hydroxycinnamic acids, which can be absorbed Hesperidin and narirutin also pass to the colon, where bacterial enzymes release the aglycone, which is glucuronidated in the intestinal wall.

Aglycones can also be metabolized to phenolic acids. Hydroxyphenylpropionic acid and phenylpropionic acid have been described as the main products of naringenin fermentation.

Furthermore, 3- 3-hydroxymethoxyphenyl -propionic acid dihydroisoferral acidand various hydroxylated forms of phenylpropionic acid have been reported as colonic catabolites of hesperidin Ellagitannins undergo intestinal catabolism, possibly generating ellagic acid, which is metabolized by the microbiota into tetra- tri- di- and monohydroxyurolithins The bacteria Gordonibacter urolithinfaciens and Gordonibacter pamelaeae have shown the capacity to biotransformation ellagitannins to urolithins Studies indicate a two-way interaction between phenolics and gut microbiota.

Microbiota may metabolize polyphenols as well as polyphenols and their metabolites may modulate the microbiota by inhibiting pathogenic bacteria and stimulating beneficial bacteria 1833 — Several phenolic compounds have been identified as potential antimicrobial agents with bacteriostatic or bactericidal properties The reciprocal relationship between polyphenols and gut microbiota may contribute to health benefits for the host The gastrointestinal tract is colonized by several bacterial species, mainly the colon.

The mainly microbiota phyla are: Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteriaand Verrucomicrobia The composition of the individual microbiota varies in certain circumstances, including diarrheal illness and antibiotic therapy, or induced by nutritional intervention Diet strongly influences the gut microbiota and can modify its impact on health, with either beneficial or deleterious consequences.

Prevotella is the main bacteria in the gut microbial community in people who eat carbohydrate-rich diets, whereas Bacteroides is predominant in the gut of people who follow diets rich in animal protein and saturated fat 36 Some bacterias are related to the metabolism of polyphenols, especially Flavonifractor plautii, Slackia equolifaciens, Slackia isoflavoniconvertens, Adlercreutzia equolifaciens, Eubacterium ramulus, Eggerthella lentaand Bifidobacterium spp, which participate in the metabolism of several polyphenols Table 2.

Interindividual differences in the composition of the gut microbiota may lead to differences in the bioavailability and bioactivity of metabolites.

These variations are associated with different metabotypes, which are characterized by the individual's ability to produce specific metabolites 2542 Eubacterium is related to the metabolism of flavonoids, whereas certain species of the genus Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus are involved in the release of hydroxycinnamic acids in the colon Enterococcus casseliflavus is involved in the hydrolysis of sugar moieties, such as in quercetin O -glucoside, whose process releases the aglycone quercetin and produces lactate, formate, acetate, and ethanol.

Moreover, Eubacterium ramulus, E. oxidoreducens, Flavonifractor plautii and Clostridium strains may metabolize quercetin, leading to the formation of short-chain fatty acids SCFAstaxifolin, and 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-acetic acid This could explain why some subjects did not respond to isoflavone intervention to reduce the symptoms of menopause, once the effect was related to equol.

Adlercreutzia equolifaciens, Eggerthella strain JulongParaeggerthella hongkongensis, Slackia equolifaciensand S. isoflavoniconvertens have been identified as able to convert isoflavones to equol Different metabotypes are also observed for ellagitannin and ellagic acid, whose metabolism to urolithins in the gut also shows vast human individual variability associated with differences in the colon microbiota.

Gordonibacter urolithinfaciens sp. was identified and showed the capacity to convert ellagitannins to urolithins 31 A recent clinical trial by our group to evaluate the bioavailability and metabolism of anthocyanins and ellagitannins showed that the gut microbiota catabolites both classes of polyphenols.

However, some subjects excrete high amounts of polyphenol metabolites in the urine, whereas others excrete low amounts of metabolite. These findings indicate the high interindividual variability regarding polyphenol metabolism Another recent study 43 showed that pomegranate ellagitannins differently improved CVD biomarkers depending on the individual's urolithin metabotypes UM.

The biomarkers were reduction levels of Tchol, small low-density lipoprotein LDL-capolipoprotein apo B, oxidized LDL oxLDLand non-high-density lipoprotein HDL-c. That is, CVD risk was reduced only in UM-B subjects who displayed an increase in Gordonibacter levels.

Despite these examples, the human gut bacteria involved in most dietary polyphenol transformations remain unknown Weight gain and gut microbiota dysbiosis favor the growth of bacteria that produce isourolithin-A and urolithin-B rather than bacteria that produce urolithin-A 31 Recently, Selma et al.

The authors concluded that overweight subjects UM-B were at increased risk of cardiometabolic disease, while those with UM-A had greater protection against cardiometabolic factors. Oral consumption of a dose of resveratrol 0.

The same study identified two species of bacteria, Slackia equolifaciensand Adlercreutzia equolifaciensrelated to the production of dihydroresveratrol Just as gut microbiota can affect polyphenol metabolism to generate more bioactive metabolites, polyphenols can also affect the microbiota composition.

The mechanisms by which polyphenols modulate the gut microbiota still need to be elucidated, but may involve both direct and indirect interactions. These compounds can directly stimulate or inhibit bacterial growth.

Inhibition refers to the bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect of phenolic compounds, which inhibits the growth of potentially pathogenic bacteria while minimally affecting—or even increasing—the population of beneficial bacteria.

However, it is important to consider the concentration and characteristics of these compounds; that is, the type of compound and whether it occurs in conjugated or free form.

Indirectly, phenolic metabolites can affect the growth of one group of bacteria by increasing the development of another group 24 Resveratrol presented a relevant antibacterial activity on clinically important bacteria, such as Salmonella enterica, Enterococcus faecalisand Escherichia coli The effects of polyphenols on gut microbiota have been shown in vitro, in vivo and in human studies Table 3.

Table 3.

: Polyphenols and metabolism

REVIEW article Laura Lavefve , a Luke R. Curcumin generally shifted their transcriptomes compared with not curcumin treatment vehicle controls. The gut microbiota: a key factor in the therapeutic effects of poly phenols. More metrics information. The conversion of mulberry anthocyanins by probiotic strains has been reported and the highest conversions were exercised by L.

Food Chem. Copyright American Chemical Society. Table 1 Phenolic acid metabolites from the colonic degradation of polyphenols after the consumption of berries. Polyphenol class Berry used in study Type of study Possible gut microbial metabolites Potential microorganisms involved Ref.

In vitro studies. One of the most reported polyphenolic compounds in berries are anthocyanins and their bioavailability in the gastrointestinal tract under in vitro experiments have been studied, using simulated gastrointestinal digestion conditions, and, in some studies, a colonic fermentation model.

In these conditions, the total anthocyanins of chokeberry, mulberry and blueberry remained stable, with no major qualitative nor quantitative changes in their profiles.

Berries anthocyanins appear to be stable and resistant to gastric digestion under strong acidic conditions, but an increase in pH favors the degradation of these compounds in the stomach in vitro. Animal studies.

Animals studies have been conducted to clarify the absorption of anthocyanins in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as their bioavailability in blood and organs, and their excretion in urine and bile.

Aglycone structure clearly impacts the absorption of the berries anthocyanins. For anthocyanins having the same aglycone, galactoside were absorbed more quickly, followed by glucoside and arabinoside.

Human studies. The bioavailability of anthocyanins in the human body is generally low. Similarly to the in vitro and animal models studies, the main anthocyanin reported in plasma and urine is cyanidinglucoside, which may be due to the wide distribution of this molecule in berries.

This delay in absorption suggest that the molecule is a product from the microbiota fermentation. Other phenolic acids pharmacokinetics indicates an absorption earlier in the proximal gastrointestinal tract. Peonidin-galactoside was the major anthocyanins recovered in plasma, but in terms of percentage of recovery from the initial content of the berries, the aglycone carrying a glucose moiety were the most available cyanidin- and peonidin-glucoside.

The recovery in urine was highly variable among subjects, ranging from less than 0. Degradation of the studied anthocyanin was also reported to occur in the small intestine due to the early recovery of phase II conjugates in the plasma.

The vast majority of studies on the bioavailability of berry polyphenols focused on anthocyanins, while other polyphenols are studied from other food sources.

Tea and cocoa are preferred models for the study of flavanols, while onion is most often used for quercetin flavonol and pomegranate for ellagitannins. While looking at the fate of anthocyanins in the digestive tract of pigs, Wu and colleagues also studied the phenolic acids recovered after the consumption of black raspberries.

The phenolic acids initially present in the berries were all recovered in the gastrointestinal tract in different proportion: p -coumaric acid, caffeic acid and ferulic acid were the lowest ones, while protocatechuic acid and 3-hydroxybenzoic acid were recovered at higher proportion than their initial level.

This could indicate a production of phenolic acids from multiple sources in the gastrointestinal tract. Particularly, 3-hydroxybenzoic acid increased by fold in the colon, suggesting production by the gut microbiota. Phenolic acids not detected in the berries were recovered as well, and were identified as degradation products of polyphenols from the gut microbiota.

Consumption of berries phenolics lead to number of metabolites but their source berry supplementation or background diet is difficult to identify in human subjects. After the consumption of cranberry, 60 compounds were found in the plasma of volunteers, in the form of glucuronidated, sulfated, methylated and native compounds.

A linear dose response was found for some compounds and for the total compounds in the plasma but not in the urine. The absorption time suggests that it is absorbed in the lower gastro-intestinal tract and can undergo metabolism by the gut microbiota.

Table 2 Modulation of the gut microbiota by berry consumption. Berry used in study Type of study Dosage Treatment duration Analytical method Changes in microbiota No effect in microbiota Ref. qPCR: Quantitative polymerase chain reaction; DGGE: denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis; HTS: high throughput sequencing; FISH: fluorescent in situ hybridization.

Bifidobacterium spp. infantis Bifidobacterium adolescentis , B. longum subsp. longum , B. catenulatum , B. Berries phenolic compounds can also impact the growth of bacteria genera and potentially exert a prebiotic-like effect when the increase in the bacteria confers benefits to the host health.

In batch cultures, malvidinglucoside extract enhanced the growth of total bacteria, Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus spp. Animal studies have reported the prebiotic-like effects of berry compounds in the gut. Increasing abundance of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are associated with a decrease of formation of procarcinogens and carcinogens in the intestine.

The effect of berries on the gut microbiota in healthy volunteers is scarce and has mainly focused on a potential bifidogenic effect. After a 6-week consumption of a blueberry drink, the population of Bifidobacterium significantly increased in the gut of the subjects.

This specie has been associated with immunomodulation effects on the host's health. Table 3 Effects of berry treatments on gut inflammation.

Berry used as treatment Type of study Dosage Treatment duration Benefits at the end of treatment Accompanied effects Ref. COX: Cyclooxygenase, IFN: interferon, IL: interleukin, MPO: myeloperoxidase, NO: nitric oxide, TNF: tumor necrosis factor. Bilberry Cell culture 2. The anti-inflammatory effects of blueberry extracts have been studied on mice and rat models with induced colitis.

Blueberry products have been shown to improve the colitis disease activity index, used to assess the severity of colitis. The berry treatment also reduced myeloperoxidase MPO activity in several studies. A treatment with anthocyanins extracted form blueberry improved diarrhea scores, morphology and histology of the gut.

The mechanisms behind the anti-inflammatory effect of blueberry compounds may include antioxidation, downregulation of the expression of inflammatory mediators and inhibition of NF-κB. Human and in vitro studies using human cell lines.

The first human trial investigating bilberry consumption and patients with ulcerative colitis reported that the consumption of bilberries for 6 weeks resulted in remission for The authors attributed these effects to the anthocyanins of the bilberries. The bilberry extracts and single anthocyanins from the berry inhibited the secretion of TNF-α and IP release in excess for the intestinal immune system cells during IBD.

Other pro-inflammatory cytokines, I-TIAC and GRO-α were down-regulated in the colon cell lines. The whole extract also exhibited inhibitory effect on IL-8, not shown in the single anthocyanins.

Thus, anthocyanins in the whole bilberry extract may contribute synergistically to the anti-inflammatory effect of the berry, and other phenolic compounds in the extract may also play a role. The investigators conducted further analysis on colon biopsied from their previous study and showed reduced levels of cytokines IFN-γ, in agreement with their in vitro experiment, as well as TNF-α, in patients that reached remission.

Table 4 Effects of berry treatments on colon cancer. COX: Cyclooxygenase, DNMT1: DNA methyltransferase, IL: interleukin. The effects of several berries on human colon cancerous lines have been studied in vitro , with an emphasis on the role of anthocyanins.

In a study screening the effect of ten berries, bilberries were found to be the most effective to inhibit the growth of HCT human colon carcinoma cells. Moreover, the berry anthocyanins extracts had no adverse effects on the nontumorigenic colon cell lines when used in low concentration, showing little to non-toxicity on normal cells.

Flavonoid compounds proanthocyanidins, flavanols, flavonols and anthocyanins were reported as the best candidates to exert the antiproliferative activity.

The chemopreventive effects of grapes, bilberry and chokeberry anthocyanin-rich extracts were compared in rats previously treated with a colon carcinogen. The number of colonic aberrant crypt foci ACF , lesions used as biomarker for colon cancer development, was reduced for the three berry extracts tested.

Bilberry and chokeberry treatments were the most effective on this parameter. However, only bilberry and grape extracts had inhibitory effects against COX-2 mRNA levels. The inhibition of COX-2 enzyme can reduce ACF in colon, therefore contributing to the chemopreventive effect observed for the berries.

These cells play a role in the innate immunity against cancer development and are therefore beneficial in prevention and treatment of colon cancer. The effect of berries on colon cancer in human trials has only been reported, to our knowledge, with black raspberries.

Black raspberry extracts were reported to have beneficial effects on colon cancer in patients, and more specifically through the regulation of the Wnt pathway, confirming the observations made in mice with ulcerative colitis.

However, the response of the patients treated for a shorter period of time was limited, indicating the need of longer-term treatment at least 4 weeks on average.

GM-CSF stimulate the immune response against tumors, while decreased levels of IL-8 is associated with an increased level of apoptosis in the cancerous cells. The treatments led to regression of polyps, however no increased effect was noted when the patients received the oral treatment in addition to the suppository, suggesting a sufficient effect of the local treatment.

Gallic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic, 3-hydroxybenzoic, protocatechuic, vanillic, chlorogenic, p -coumaric, ferulic, caffeic, 4-hydroxyphenylacetic, 3-hydroxyphenylacetic, homoprocatechuic, homovanillic, gentisic, 3-hydroxycinnamic, 4-hydroxycinnamic, phloretic, hydrocinnamic, hippuric acids.

Cinnamic, dihydrocinnamic, benzoic, phenylacetic, hippuric acid derivatives, benzaldehydes, valerolactones, catechols, pyrogallols. Protocatechuic, 4-hydroxybenzoic, p -coumaric, vanillic, salicylic, homovanillic, ferulic, sinapic, gentisic, caffeic, homoprotocatechuic.

Gallic, protocatechuic, syringic, vanillic acids, 2,4,6-trihydroxybenzaldehyde. Gallic, p -coumaric, ferulic, chlorogenic acids, catechol, rutin, caffeic acid, coumarin, protocatechuic acid, 2,4,6-trihydroxybenzoic acid, 2,4,6-trihydroxybenzaldehyde.

Protocatechuic, p -coumaric, 3-Hydroxybenzoic, caffeic, ferulic, homoprocatechuic, homovanillic, 3- 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl -propionic, 4-hydroxyphenylacetic, 3-hydroxyphenylacetic, 3- 3-hydroxyphenyl -propionic acids.

Rhamnetin, syringic, hippuric, cinammic, protocatechuic, caffeic acids, kaempferol rhamnoside. In vitro batch culture of specific probiotic strains. Lactobacillus acidophilus , Lactobacillus bulgaricus , Bifidobacterium animalis , Lactobacillus plantarum and Streptococcus thermophiles.

In vitro colonic fermentation. Main metabolites: Protocatechuic, vanillic, p -coumaric, gallic, syringic acids, 2,4,6-trihydroxybenzaldehyde. Minor metabolites: Protocatechuic acid-glucoside, caffeic, tartaric, p -hydroxybenzoic, ferulic acids, pyrogallol, catechol.

n -Glycine, 4-hydroxybenzoic, 4-hydroxyphenylacetic, benzenepropanoic, hippuric, phenylacetylaminoacetic, 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic, ferulic acids. Human gut microbiota Bacteroides can convert rutin to quercetin , Escherichia coli , Bifidobacterium lactis , Lactobacillus gasseri can convert chlorogenic acid to caffeic acid.

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Int Immunopharmacol — Moco S, Martin FPJ, Rezzi S Metabolomics view on gut microbiome modulation by polyphenol-rich foods. J Proteome Res — Monagas M, Urpi-Sarda M, Sánchez-Patán F et al Insights into the metabolism and microbial biotransformation of dietary flavanols and the bioactivity of their metabolites.

Moohammadaree A, Changtam C, Wicha P et al Mechanisms of vasorelaxation Induced by hexahydrocurcuminin isolated rat thoracic aorta. Next, cell-free supernatants were profiled for targeted metabolites using HPLC and LC-MS.

At the same time, bacteria growth was evaluated. For the first time, we identified three bacterial strains that were capable of metabolizing curcumin by hydrogenation and cleavage reaction.

These reactions have substrate specificity, they cannot hydrogenase resveratrol. We also discovered de-glucuronidation of avicularin by one bacterial strain that was isolated from a healthy volunteer.

There were no substantial effects of these polyphenols on the growth of genera morphology of the bacteria. Next, to further identify the genomic basis of different microbial metabolic profiling, de novo genome assembly and comparative genomic analysis were conducted. After we sequenced the whole genome of each bacterium using Illumina NovoSeq platform, genome assembly, taxonomic classification, phylogenetic analysis, comparative genomic analysis, and enzyme protein homology detection were performed to identify the unique genes that were potentially involved in curcumin and avicularin metabolism.

The whole-genome data provide a foundation to the survey of the transcriptomic landscape, global transcriptomics study of Lactobacillus gasseri and Ligilactobacillus salivarius in response to curcumin treatment were conducted. Curcumin generally shifted their transcriptomes compared with not curcumin treatment vehicle controls.

The global transcriptome links the expression of putative curcumin degradation genes and networks and metabolic phenotypes. Overall, we use a combination of metabolic, genetics, and transcriptomic profiling to identify and characterize gut symbionts Lactobacillus gasseri, and Ligilactobacillus salivarius , and Bifidobacterium infantis that generated bioactive curcumin-metabolites.

One bacterial strain that was isolated from a healthy person can metabolize avicularin. These results emphasized the importance of gut microbial genomes the in biotransformation of food components and their impact on human health.

These results emphasized the importance of gut microbial biotransformation of food components and its impact on human health. Doctoral Dissertations. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.

Bioinformatics Commons , Biotechnology Commons , Computational Biology Commons , Food Science Commons , Genetics Commons , Genomics Commons , Microbial Physiology Commons.

Frontiers | Editorial: Natural polyphenols and metabolic syndrome Silva RFM, Pogačnik L Polyphenols from food and natural products: neuroprotection and safety. Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4. Dawczynski C, Schäfer U, Leiterer M, Jahreis G Nutritional and toxicological importance of macro, trace, and ultra-trace elements in algae food products. Gut microbial metabolites in obesity, NAFLD and T2DM. Dietary polyphenols after undergoing gut microbial metabolism form bioaccessible and effective metabolites. The authors focused on the effects of metabolic homeostasis, immunity, and gut microbial regulation on obesity and diabetes.

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Abstract Polyphenols constitute one of the most numerous and ubiquitous groups of plant metabolites and are an integral part of both human and animal diets. Issue Section:. Download all slides. Views 8, More metrics information. Total Views 8, Email alerts Article activity alert. Advance article alerts.

New issue alert. Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic. Citing articles via Google Scholar. Due to the high yield and diversity of polyphenols, the sea buckthorn tea demonstrated inhibition of α-glucosidase activity and also conferred antioxidant effects in vitro Wang et al.

Oolong tea, another traditional Chinese tea made from partially fermented Camellia sinensis leaves, is especially popular in south China, and has also been proven to have potential health benefits. Li et al. Oolong tea also regulated the expression of genes related to lipid metabolism and inflammation.

To explore the biological effects of polyphenols further, a review by Chen et al. systematically reviewed the literature and commented on the potential network interaction mechanism of natural polyphenols in Chinese herbal medicine. The authors focused on the effects of metabolic homeostasis, immunity, and gut microbial regulation on obesity and diabetes.

Indeed, metabolic disorders are strongly linked to immune imbalance, which may lead to chronic systemic inflammation. When pro-inflammatory cytokines are produced by immune cells it disrupts the metabolism of lipids and glucose, leading to insulin-resistance.

Disturbance to gut microbiota increases gut permeability leaky gut , leading to the entry of microbiota or endotoxic substances into intestinal tissues and systemic circulation. Ordinarily the metabolites of gut microbiota play an important role in regulation of immunometabolism Chen et al.

The profile of natural polyphenols and their yield in biota is affected by postharvest treatment and processing technology. Wei et al. revealed that 0.

Moreover, different processing treatment of sea buckthorn leaves were examined phytochemically, including fresh leaves, black tea produced by withering, rolling, fermentation and drying, and green tea produced by rolling, screening and drying process.

Significant differences of polyphenol patterns occurred among the different processing tea Wang et al. The fermentation process makes the polyphenols susceptible to oxidation by enzymes, allowing catechins to be converted into theaflavins and thearubins, which confer the black tea fragrance and color.

In summary, the above-mentioned results demonstrate a valuable aspect to the composition, characterization, and bioactivities of natural polyphenols from fruit and traditional plants, in the context of preventing or controlling metabolic syndrome-associated diseases, especially obesity and diabetes.

Polyphenols have a wide range of benefits and pharmacological effects. This reiterates that they serve as promising nutraceuticals or pharmaceuticals in health and food industries.

Despite the evidence that has accumulated in relation to this important Research Topic, there are still many aspects that need to be clarified and improved. For example, low bioavailability of many polyphenols limits their application on food industry or the clinic. There are key techniques that may improve their bioavailability, such as formation of micelles, nanoparticles, liposomes, and phospholipid complexes.

Converting polyphenols into ingredients that can be easily utilized through gut microbiota could be another way to promote the utilization of polyphenols Chen et al. All authors listed have made a substantial, direct, and intellectual contribution to the work and approved it for publication.

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Metabolisj Lavefve aLuke R. E-mail: franck. carbonero wsu. Benefits of Ketosis are rich Polyphenols and metabolism phenolic compounds such Polyphenols and metabolism phenolic Pilyphenols, flavonols and anthocyanins. These molecules are often reported as being responsible for the health effects attributed to berries. However, their poor bioavailability, mostly influenced by their complex chemical structures, raises the question of their actual direct impact on health. a Department of Food Science, University Meetabolism Arkansas, USA. b Department of Nutrition and Polyphenols and metabolism Polypenols, Elson Floyd Nootropic for Neuroprotection of Medicine, Washington State University-Spokane, USA E-mail: franck. carbonero wsu. Berries are rich in phenolic compounds such as phenolic acids, flavonols and anthocyanins. These molecules are often reported as being responsible for the health effects attributed to berries.


16.5 Polyphenol-Metabolism,Bioavailability and Health Benefits Polyphenols and metabolism

Author: Groll

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