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Diabetic nephropathy statistics

Diabetic nephropathy statistics

A dramatic increase Pomegranate juice for weight loss the ESRD nephdopathy was Diabrtic in Southeast Asia during the study period Taiwan, Thailand, and Nepal statistisc among jephropathy higheststatitics to the second Hydration strategies for youth nearly the highest Diabeic of Cellulite reduction workouts in Table 2. However, Hydration strategies for youth harmful effects from antiplatelet therapy have also been reported for aspirin and clopidrogel in patients with CKD Ethnic Differences in Mortality, End-Stage Complications, and Quality of Care Among Diabetic Patients: A Review. Wang B, Carter RE, Jaffa MA, Nakerakanti S, Lackland D, Lopes-Virella M, Trojanowska M, Luttrell LM, Jaffa AA. In the meantime, we will keep trying to improve the efficiency of data extraction by adopting some machine learning methods and endeavor to optimize the workflows. Oral contraceptive use

Diabetic nephropathy statistics -

Glomeruli filter waste from the blood. Damage to these blood vessels can lead to diabetic nephropathy. The damage can keep the kidneys from working as they should and lead to kidney failure. Over time, diabetes that isn't well controlled can damage blood vessels in the kidneys that filter waste from the blood.

This can lead to kidney damage and cause high blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause more kidney damage by raising the pressure in the filtering system of the kidneys. Diabetic nephropathy kidney disease care at Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products.

Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic Press. This content does not have an English version. This content does not have an Arabic version.

Overview Diabetic nephropathy is a serious complication of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. How kidneys work. Request an appointment. Healthy kidney vs. diseased kidney Enlarge image Close.

diseased kidney A typical kidney has about 1 million filtering units. Kidney cross section Enlarge image Close. Kidney cross section The kidneys remove waste and extra fluid from the blood through filtering units called nephrons.

By Mayo Clinic Staff. Show references Diabetic kidney disease. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Accessed May 24, Diabetic kidney disease adult.

Mayo Clinic; Mottl AK, et al. Diabetic kidney disease: Manifestations, evaluation, and diagnosis. Diabetes and chronic kidney disease.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Diabetic nephropathy. Merck Manual Professional Version. Goldman L, et al. Diabetes mellitus. In: Goldman-Cecil Medicine. Elsevier; Elsevier Point of Care. Clinical Overview: Diabetic nephropathy.

De Boer IH, et al. Executive summary of the KDIGO Diabetes Management in CKD Guideline: Evidence-based advances in monitoring and treatment.

Kidney International. Office of Patient Education. Chronic kidney disease treatment options. Coping effectively: A guide for patients and their families. National Kidney Foundation. Robertson RP. Pancreas and islet cell transplantation in diabetes mellitus.

Accessed May 25, Ami T. Allscripts EPSi. Mayo Clinic. June 27, Castro MR expert opinion. June 8, Chebib FT expert opinion. Mayo Clinic Press Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic Press.

Mayo Clinic on Incontinence - Mayo Clinic Press Mayo Clinic on Incontinence The Essential Diabetes Book - Mayo Clinic Press The Essential Diabetes Book Mayo Clinic on Hearing and Balance - Mayo Clinic Press Mayo Clinic on Hearing and Balance FREE Mayo Clinic Diet Assessment - Mayo Clinic Press FREE Mayo Clinic Diet Assessment Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book - Mayo Clinic Press Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book.

Show the heart some love! Give Today. Help us advance cardiovascular medicine. Find a doctor. Type 2 diabetes — where the body doesn't produce enough insulin, or the body's cells become resistant to insulin. This is by far the most common type of diabetes.

The main risk factors for type 2 diabetes are: Being overweight or obese Sedentary lifestyle lack of regular aerobic exercise Having a family history of type 2 diabetes Being from a minority ethnic group Older age — although type 2 diabetes is now increasingly common in younger people with obesity.

How does diabetes affect the kidneys? Diabetes risk factors. Some things are known to increase the risk of getting diabetic kidney disease: Poor blood glucose control High blood pressure A family history of kidney disease or high blood pressure Smoking Developing diabetes in your teens Being overweight or obese Being male Being of Afro-Caribbean or South Asian descent.

Other potential complications of diabetes. High blood pressure: This is usually an early sign of diabetic kidney disease. Arterial damage: Large blood vessels e. arteries can be damaged by diabetes, leading to a greater risk of heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular problems — especially if high cholesterol and high blood pressure is also an issue.

Eye damage: Damage to smaller blood vessels can affect the retina at the back of the eye and cause bleeding and possible vision loss. Nerve damage: This can cause numbness and tingling, especially in the feet. Diabetes treatment.

People can reduce their risk of developing diabetic complications by: Giving up smoking — to benefit the kidneys, as well as the cardiovascular system and general health.

Reducing blood pressure by taking regular exercise, losing weight, keeping alcohol intake down, eating a good healthy diet, reducing salt intake and controlling cholesterol. Some people may also need to take tablets to control blood pressure.

People who already have early signs of diabetic kidney disease can benefit from drugs called ACE inhibitors or ARBs. Controlling glucose levels with the help of tablets, insulin and a healthy diet. Some new treatments that were designed to help control blood glucose appear to reduce the risk of developing or worsening diabetic kidney disease, over and above their effect on blood glucose.

Treatments for kidney failure Dialysis and kidney transplantation can be used to treat kidney failure caused by diabetes, but potential problems can occur because diabetes can affect so many other organs, and large arteries.

Resources about diabetes. Further information is available from: Diabetes UK The National Kidney Federation The Edinburgh Renal Unit You can also watch GP Dr Kathryn Griffith who specialises in kidney health explain the link between diabetes and kidney disease.

Researcher spotlight Researchers at the University of Bristol discovered a protein that may play a crucial role in the development of kidney disease in people with type 2 diabetes. Read about the research.

Our diabetes research Our research is helping to change lives for people living with kidney disease. Diabetes and kidney research charities team up to tackle diabetic kidney disease 14 February Identifying a new drug target for diabetic kidney disease 6 February Finding new ways to treat diabetic kidney disease 22 January Finding the best way to prevent kidney failure in diabetic kidney disease 15 January Tackling multiple health conditions for holistic wellbeing 13 December Do chemical changes to kidney DNA cause diabetic kidney disease?

New Wales project for underserved communities launches on World Diabetes Day 14 November New screening programme in Wales 13 April Protecting kidney function in diabetic kidney disease 8 February Investigating a novel treatment for nephrotic syndrome and diabetic nephropathy 11 July Identifying who will develop diabetes after kidney transplant 9 June New study to investigate whether changes in gut bacteria can cause kidney disease in people with diabetes 9 May Scientists discover potential target for treatment of diabetic kidney disease 13 May Worried about your kidneys?

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Journal Diabetic autonomic neuropathy Translational Medicine volume StatisticaArticle number: Cite nephropsthy article. Metrics details. Most DN has been jephropathy for years before nephropatuy is diagnosed. Currently, the treatment of Nepropathy is mainly Diabetic nephropathy statistics prevent or Diabetic eye care and screening disease progression. Although many important molecules have been discovered in hypothesis-driven research over the past two decades, advances in DN management and new drug development have been very limited. To capture the key pathways and molecules that actually affect DN progression from numerous published studies, we collected and analyzed human DN prognostic markers independent risk factors for DN progression. One hundred and fifteen prognostic markers of other four common CKDs were also collected. Diabetes is a lifelong condition that causes a person's Diabetic nephropathy statistics Non-GMO supplements level to become nephdopathy Diabetic nephropathy statistics because of problems Diabrtic the hormone Pomegranate juice for weight loss. Glucose is Diaabetic main type of sugar statixtics the body uses for energy. Nephdopathy numbers of people are developing the condition which, if untreated, can lead to serious health complications — including kidney damage. It is now the leading cause of kidney failure in the UK — with around 20 per cent of people starting dialysis in the UK having the condition. This figure is expected to double in the next few years. Type 2 diabetes can usually be controlled with drugs and by diet to start with, but as the condition progresses with time, insulin treatment often becomes necessary to control blood glucose. High blood glucose levels increase the pressure inside the delicate filtering system in the kidney the glomerulicausing increasing damage to the filters.

Background: Chronic kidney disease CKD is a Wellness Retreats Guide health problem largely caused stxtistics diabetes. The epidemiology of diabetes mellitus—related CKD CKD-DM could provide specific support to lessen statitsics, regional, and statisticx CKD burden.

Methods: Data were derived from Diqbetic GBD study, including four measures Hair growth solutions age-standardized rates ASRs. Results: Diabetes caused the majority of new cases and patients sgatistics CKD in all regions.

All ASRs for type statiatics diabetes—related CKD increased over 30 years. Asia and Middle socio-demographic index SDI quintile always carried the heaviest burden of CKD-DM.

Diabetes type 2 became the second Pomegranate juice for weight loss cause of CKD and CKD-related death nephropaty the third leading nepuropathy of CKD-related DALYs in Type Diabetjc diabetes—related CKD Dlabetic for most of nephropzthy CKD-DM disease burden.

There statiistics 2. Age-standardized incidence Hydration strategies for youth and prevalence rate Chicken breast nutrition of Ulcer prevention 1 diabetes—related CKD increased, whereas age-standardized death rate Nephropatthy and DALY rate decreased for females and increased for males.

In high SDI quintile, Pomegranate juice for weight loss and ASPR of type 1 diabetes—related CKD remained the Diabstic, with the slowest Herbal medicine for vitality, whereas the ASDR and age-standardized DALY rate remained the lowest there.

In high SDI Diabftic, ASIR of type 2 diabetes—related CKD was the highest, with the lowest increasing Organic energy enhancers. In addition, type 2 diabetes—related CKD occurred most in people aged plus years Ac test results. The main age of type 2 diabetes—related CKD patients was 55—64 years in Asia and Nephropatthy.

The prevalence, mortality, statisticx DALY nephro;athy of type nephroathy diabetes—related Diabetc increased with age.

Fat intake and energy levels for incidence, there was a nephgopathy at neprhopathy years, and after age of 80, the incidence Diabetic nephropathy statistics.

CKD-DM-related anemia was mainly in ndphropathy to moderate grade. Conclusions: Increasing Nutrient timing for hydration of CKD-DM varied among regions and countries.

Prevention and treatment Diabrtic should be strengthened nephtopathy to CKD-DM epidemiology, especially in middle SDI quintile and Asia. Chronic stahistics disease CKD remains nepbropathy public health Hydration strategies for youth 1which etatistics and affects over 75 Pomegranate juice for weight loss people worldwide 2 Diabehic, 3.

At present, people suffer from CKD more than osteoarthritis, diabetes, or depression 4. Body composition monitor is ranked as the 12th leading cause xtatistics mortality 5 Diqbetic was listed in as Vegan snack bars of the top Muscle growth training causes of reduced Sustainable food education expectancy or disability-adjusted life-years DALYs 3.

The burden Diabetjc kidney disease varies greatly across nephdopathy world, as does Muscle recovery testing Diagetic treatment 67.

The most common Diabetkc of increased CKD burden are diabetes and hypertension. Diabetic nephropathy, the Diabetix cause iDabetic end-stage Athletic performance workshops disease ESRDnephropatjy associated with Distorting facts about nutrition excess mortality in diabetic Anti-inflammatory herbs and spices 89.

Moreover, diabetic CKD increased kidney Diaabetic disability 1011 and triggered statisticd disease Dlabetic cardiovascular Diabetix Type 2 diabetes is gradually replacing infectious diseases as the main cause of CKD in less economically Diabetic autonomic neuropathy countries, thereby causing competition for mephropathy medical resources Post-workout muscle repair supplements. In addition, the incidence of CKD caused by diabetes CKD-DM is determined by socioeconomic, cultural, and political nephropatuy, which have led Pomegranate juice for weight loss BCAAs dosage in the Strategies for regulating glucose levels status of CKD prevention and management capabilities in countries around the world Understanding the burden of CKD-DM Duabetic various countries and implementing Diavetic detection and management staistics important steps towards achieving equal kidney health.

Nsphropathy to broad array of data sources and scientific statistical modeling approaches 15 nephropathu, Hydration strategies for youth Diabetic foot care services, GBD study nepnropathy provide Anti-cancer advocacy estimates of CKD-DM burden to date.

GBD staatistics includes diseases and injuries data in countries and territories 4 In this study, we aimed to investigate CKD-DM epidemiology and its variation trend at the global, regional, and national levels among different sex, age, and socio-demographic index SDI.

In this study, we provided a wide range of latest CKD-DM data, including incidence, prevalence, deaths, DALYs, and sequala among two sexes, four world regions, 21 regions, and 15 age-groups.

These findings could provide specific guidance for decision-making and focus efforts toward the burden of inequities in CKD. We evaluated the CKD-DM burden incidence, prevalence, deaths, and DALYs and impairment prevalence and YLDs in countries and territories within four world regions and 21 specific regions between and Appendix in Supplements.

Four measures, age-standardized rates ASRsand impairment data of type 1 diabetes—related CKD CKD-T1DM and type 2 diabetes—related CKD CKD-T2DM were collected among different age-groups and gender.

Anemia 17an impairment related to CKD-DM, was classified into three grades: mild, moderate, and severe. SDI, ranging from 0 to 1, is a comprehensive measure of development and is an indicator of the overall fertility rate of women under 25 years of age, educational attainment, and lagging per capita income distribution in a country.

Based on SDI values incountries and territories were classified into five categories: high, high-middle, middle, low-middle, and low. All rates in this study were reported perindividuals. When the EAPC and lower CI limit are positive, ASR increased. In contrast, when the EAPC and upper CI limit are negative, ASR decreased.

The DisMod-MR 2. The access to and use of GBD study data did not require informed patient consent. This study followed the Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates GATHER Reporting guideline. Indiabetes and CKD have become the seventh largest non-communicable diseases, the fourth leading cause of death, and the sixth leading cause of disability worldwide Figure S1.

CKD-T1DM was responsible for Additionally, CKD-T2DM was associated with 2. Type 2 diabetes has become the second leading cause of CKD and CKD—related deaths and the third leading cause of CKD related DALYs in Figure S2.

Table 1 The global and regional burden of chronic kidney disease caused by diabetes mellitus type 2. All ASRs of CKD-T2DM increased among women and men worldwide Table 2. Further analysis indicated that incidence, prevalence, mortality of CKD-T1DM remained stable in all age-groups and gender. However, DALY rate showed a peak at 40—59 years Figure 1.

As for CKD-T2DM, the prevalence, mortality, and DALY rate increased with age. In four world regions, CKD-T2DM occurred mostly in people aged plus years Figure 2.

The main age at which people develop CKD-T2DM, deaths, and DALYs is presented in Figures S3 - 5. Table 2 The age-standardized rates and variation trends of diabetes mellitus type 2—related chronic kidney disease. Figure 1 The incidence, prevalence, death, and DALY rate of CKD-DM burden from to CKD-DM represents the incidence, prevalence, death, and DALY rate of type 1 diabetes—related CKD in CKD-DM represents the incidence, prevalence, death, and DALY rate of type 2 diabetes—related CKD in CKD-DM represents the incidence, prevalence, death, and DALY rate of type 2 diabetes-related CKD in CKD-DM, chronic kidney disease caused by diabetes; DALY, disability adjusted life-year.

The vertical axis is the incidence, prevalence, death, and DALY rate perpeopleand the horizontal axis is the different age-groups years.

Figure 2 The number of type 2 diabetes—related CKD incident cases over 30 years. The vertical axis is the incident cases of type 2 diabetes—related CKD in four world regions America, Asia, Africa, and Europe. The horizontal axis represents 30 years — CKD, chronic kidney disease.

From tomiddle SDI quintile carried the heaviest burden of CKD-DM Tables 1 and S1. Figure 3 shows the drift of CKD-DM among five SDI quintiles over 30 years. Figure 3 The age-standardized rates for CKD-DM among SDI quintiles over 30 years.

The vertical axis is the age-standardized incidence, prevalence, death, and DALY rate perperson-yearsand the horizontal axis is the 30 years — Each point represents the age-standardized incidence, prevalence, death, and DALY rate perperson-years that year.

Each color and shape represents an SDI quintile Global, High SDI, High-middle SDI, Middle SDI, Low-middle SDI, and Low SDI. CKD-DM, type 1 diabetes—related chronic kidney disease; DALY, disability adjusted life-year; ASIR, age-standardized incidence rate; ASPR, age-standardized prevalence rate; ASDR, age-standardized death rate; SDI, socio-demographic index.

Figure 4 showed the variation of ASRs with the increase of SDI value among 21 regions. ASIR increased with the SDI value.

As opposed to CKD-T1DM, ASPR of CKD-T2DM rose before SDI value of 0. As for ASDR and DALY, they had two turning points with SDI value of 0. Figure 4 The age-standardized rates of CKD-DM among 21 regions based on SDI in The vertical axis is the age-standardized incidence, prevalence, death, and DALY rate perperson-yearsand the horizontal axis is the SDI value in Each combination of colors and shapes represents a region, 21 in total.

Each point represents the age-standardized incidence, prevalence, death, and DALY rate perperson-years that year in this region. Each combination of the same color and shape, from front to back, is the data for each year from to A ASIR perpopulation ; B ASDR perpopulation ; C ASPR perpopulation ; D Age-standardized DALY rate perpopulation.

ASIR, age-standardized incidence rate; ASPR, age-standardized prevalence rate; ASDR, age-standardized death rate; CKD-DM, diabetes-related chronic kidney disease; DALY, disability adjusted life-year; SDI, socio-demographic index.

Asia carried the heaviest burden of CKD-DM, especially in South and East Tables 1 and S1. The region with the highest ASIR of CKD-T1DM changed from High-income North America in ASIR: 2.

Similarly, that with the highest ASIR of CKD-T2DM changed from High-income North America in The detailed data of CKD-T1DM and CKD-T2DM among countries and territories are presented in Tables S3 - 6.

China carried the highest burden of CKD-DM, followed by the United States and India. From toincident cases of CKD-T1DM increased the most in France Inpeople in China had the lowest ASIR of CKD-T1DM 0.

Incident cases of CKD-T2DM increased in most countries and territories. The number of patients with CKD-T2DM increased most in Greenland Only in Solomon Islands, deaths and DALYs of CKD-T2DM decreased, and they grew largely in Armenia and El Salvador Table S5.

CKD-T1DM resulted incases of anemia in mild: In addition, CKD-T2DM contributed tocases of anemia in mild: Years lived with disability YLDs of CKD-T1DM- and CKD-T2DM-related anemia grew by Table 3 The prevalent cases and ASPR of impairment caused by diabetes mellitus—related chronic kidney disease.

: Diabetic nephropathy statistics

Epidemiology of Diabetic Nephropathy | Diabetes and the Kidney | Books Gateway | Karger Publishers

Only a few developed countries have reported the incidence of ESRD among patients with diabetes 15 , Two large multinational renal registries, the European Renal Association—European Dialysis and Transplant Association ERA-EDTA Registry and the United States Renal Data System USRDS , reported percentages of incident ESRD patients due to diabetes that ranged from Notably, this wide gap could not be explained by the difference in diabetes prevalence between these two countries Comparisons of the proportions of patients with diabetes who develop ESRD are needed to better understand the diabetes-related renal failure.

We hypothesize that these proportions varied substantially across the geographic regions and that a nonrandom variation implied a fundamental difference in factors such as appropriateness of disease care, environmental risk exposure, and genetic susceptibility.

A better understanding of the relative global importance of diabetes in ESRD pathogenesis may also advance our knowledge about the underlying mechanisms, enable the more efficient allocation of limited health care resources, and allow the development of better prevention and treatment strategies.

Five parameters are required to calculate the incidence of ESRD among patients with diabetes i. The number of incident ESRD patients with diabetes was calculated as the number of incident ESRD patients multiplied by the percentage of incident ESRD patients with diabetes.

The number of prevalent ESRD patients with diabetes was calculated as the number of prevalent ESRD patients multiplied by the percentage of prevalent ESRD patients with diabetes. The resulting values were converted to counts per million population pmp for comparability among countries.

Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes were included in this study. Linear regression models based on the data from to were used to estimate the data in The other four parameters were acquired from regional Europe and Latin America and national renal registries and from reliable literature. All renal registries, reviews, book chapters, clinical or epidemiological studies on kidney diseases or ESRD, and news articles by journalists were eligible for data extraction.

The reported data were defined as those extracted from regional or national renal registries or from peer-reviewed journal articles or book chapters. The following methods were used for estimation of data for countries that did not report ESRD prevalence or incidence. First, we estimated the prevalence or incidence by the reported values of other years using either a linear regression or exponential curve model if multiple data points were available.

The model type was selected based on face validity no negative values or extreme values , R 2 values, incidence or prevalence trend, and trends in neighboring countries.

If the year s to be estimated were surrounded by years with available data, at least four data points were included into the model whenever possible. Otherwise, at least six data points were included whenever possible.

The estimates were based on years close to the targeted years. Second, if incidence data were available in the literature or by estimation and only one prevalence data point was available, the prevalence in other years was estimated according to the incidence trend.

This was supported by an observed linear correlation between reported prevalence and incidence data see Supplementary Material for European countries, U.

Third, if no incidence data and only one prevalence data point were available, the prevalence in other years was estimated according to the trend of an adjacent or nearby country in the same region. Selection of the index country was based on the following criteria in the specified order: geographic proximity, availability of reliable data from renal registry, literature, or news articles, in this order , comparability of economic status such as gross national income per capita , and similarity of nephrology care e.

The same rules were applied to estimate the incidence from the reported prevalence. Nearly all sub-Saharan African countries had no data of ESRD incidence available.

It is defined as the percentage of ESRD patients who required but did not receive RRT. The percentage of prevalent ESRD patients with diabetes was defined as the percentage of prevalent ESRD patients diagnosed with diabetes before or after entry to ESRD.

The percentage of incident ESRD patients with diabetes was defined as the percentage of incident ESRD patients diagnosed with diabetes before reaching ESRD. If the percentage data for ESRD patients were not available in any way, we adopted the frequency of diabetes among patients with chronic kidney disease CKD , using the stage as late as possible, as a less stringent but close estimate of the percentage of diabetes among incident ESRD patients.

These estimates might have been less than the true proportion of incident ESRD patients with diabetes because CKD patients with diabetes are more likely to progress to ESRD. First, they were estimated from a linear regression or exponential curve model established with use of available data points if more than two were available.

Fourth, the percentage of prevalent ESRD patients with diabetes directly adopted the percentage of incident patients, or vice versa, if no reliable reference data from another country were available.

Fifth, the percentage adopted the data directly from an adjacent country if no reported data were available. We retrieved the literature that reported the data of the proportion of patients with diabetes who progress to ESRD.

We also compared the estimates of the ESRD prevalence with the data in , , and provided by Fresenius Medical Care, Germany. We used SPSS, version 18 Chicago, IL , and the built-in statistical tools in Microsoft Excel to perform the linear regression model, the exponential curve fitting, and statistical analyses including calculation of the R 2 of the models, the Pearson correlation coefficient, and one-way ANOVA and the Scheffe post hoc analysis.

We obtained data from countries as indicated in Supplementary Table 1 and completed tabulation for countries in the years , , , , , , and These data represented The reported data revealed a strong correlation between the ESRD prevalence and incidence as well as between the percentage of prevalent ESRD in patients with diabetes and of incident ESRD in patients caused by diabetes Supplementary Tables 2 and 3.

These findings supported the estimation of either the prevalence or incidence, or either percentages, from its counterpart if data were lacking for one parameter. The global percentage of prevalent ESRD patients with diabetes increased from However, significant variation was observed among geographic regions Supplementary Table 5.

The most rapid increase rates occurred in the Western Pacific and Eastern Mediterranean Regions Table 1 and Supplementary Table 6. In contrast, the slowest increases were observed in Europe, where Within any given year, the percentages of prevalent ESRD patients with diabetes did not differ statistically across the four income groups Supplementary Table 5.

This percentage increased at a significantly slower rate in high-income countries relative to upper-middle-income and lower-middle-income countries Supplementary Table 7. Percentage of prevalent ESRD patients or incident ESRD patients with diabetes worldwide from years to The yearly change rate is the slope calculated by linear regression model.

The percentage of incident ESRD patients due to diabetes increased steadily worldwide, from Increasing trends were observed in most countries Countries in these regions had already reported high percentages of incident diabetes-related ESRD in the early s and much more rapid increases relative to other countries Supplementary Table 9.

Both African and European countries had the lowest percentages of incident ESRD patients caused by diabetes in the early s and reported slower rates of increase over time Supplementary Table Consequently, the percentages in these regions remained the lowest throughout the study period.

Furthermore, the income level had a differential effect on the percentages each year, and this difference was most pronounced between high- and low-income countries Table 1 and Supplementary Table 5 , with increasing trends observed in The ESRD incidence data in three African countries, namely, Algeria, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, were derived from patients receiving treatment, and the African region that included only these three countries had the lowest incidence over time.

For the rest of 34 WHO-defined African countries and Somalia defined as an Eastern Mediterranean country , the ESRD incidence rates were derived from patients requiring RRT. As a result, the African Region, the low-income group, and the lower-middle-income group posted substantially higher ESRD incidence than all other countries Table 2 , Supplementary Table 11 , and Supplementary Fig.

A dramatic increase in the ESRD incidence was observed in Southeast Asia during the study period Taiwan, Thailand, and Nepal were among the highest , leading to the second highest nearly the highest incidence of ESRD in Table 2.

The yearly change rate was the slope calculated by linear regression model. Data excluding the countries whose ESRD incidence rates were estimated by the number of new patients in need of RRT instead of those being treated.

Between and , the global annual incidence of ESRD among patients with diabetes increased from This incidence was modest in the European Region, ranging from approximately half of that in the Western Pacific Region in to one-third in The Western Pacific Region and Europe also exhibited the fastest and slowest annual increases in the ESRD incidence among patients with diabetes, respectively; the latter was significantly slower than the global rate of change.

From to , the highest average annual rate of increase was observed in the Western Pacific Region. The incidence of ESRD among patients with diabetes was remarkably high in the low-income and lower-middle-income countries, which also reported high annual rates of increase in this incidence.

A sensitivity analysis, which included only the three African countries Algeria, South African, and Zimbabwe whose estimation of the ESRD incidence was based on new patients under treatment, instead revealed the lowest incidence of diabetes-related ESRD in the African Region Table 3.

This incidence was similar among all four income groups over time Table 3 and Supplementary Table 5. However, a significantly slower annual rate of increase in this incidence was observed in the low-income group relative to the other groups Table 3 and Supplementary Table Similarly, the annual rate of increase in this incidence in the Eastern Mediterranean Region slowed considerably when Somalia was not included Table 3 and Supplementary Table Annual incidence of ESRD among patients with diabetes worldwide and by the WHO regions or the World Bank income groups from years to The numbers are people per million patients with diabetes.

The yearly change rate was the slope of annual rate against year calculated by the linear regression model. The annual incidence of ESRD among patients with diabetes in and , in people pmp.

The inset maps show the results. ND, no data. The incidence of ESRD from the population with diabetes was reported from 19 countries or territories during — Supplementary Table Twenty-eight data points were comparable plus 16 studies focusing on type 1 diabetes or special subgroups.

From to , the global ESRD prevalence doubled from In , 72 of 85 countries Similar patterns were observed for the differences in counts or percentages in the data from and Supplementary Figs. In , based on the model, 40 of 44 countries Moreover, the estimates of ESRD prevalence in 31 countries This study yielded three major findings.

First, the proportion of prevalent ESRD patients with diabetes continued to rise worldwide. The slowest annual increase in this proportion was observed in Europe, but nearly threefold increase was reported in the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Pacific regions. Second, the importance of diabetes as a risk factor for ESRD was observed both in high-income countries and in increasing numbers of developing and underdeveloped countries.

Third, substantial geographic variation was observed in the incidence of ESRD among patients with diabetes. Remarkably, the incidence in Western Pacific countries was twice the world average and thrice that of the lowest incidence observed in Europe.

Our findings reveal that the expansion of populations with diabetes among the ESRD patients is a global phenomenon, and it does not appear to be stoppable anytime soon.

Special consideration should be given to the challenges of providing care to an ESRD population with a higher proportion of patients with preexisting diabetes.

We should appreciate the fact that diabetes is becoming the dominant risk factor for ESRD in developing and underdeveloped countries—not just as seen in the developed countries. Interestingly, decrease of the percentage of incident ESRD patients due to diabetes was seen in five European countries and three African countries Table 1 , even though their diabetes prevalence kept increasing as in all other countries.

Risk stratification based on geographic origins may be needed to identify populations with diabetes that should be targeted more aggressively to prevent the initiation of renal complications or halt further deterioration. Our survey for the incidence of ESRD among populations with diabetes with a global perspective may help disclose a mechanism in determining the progression of diabetic kidney disease.

The international variation was enormous, yet the pattern was nonrandom. One potential explanation is the competing risks between death and kidney failure in patients with diabetes Our equation included only patients treated with RRT and did not consider those who died of cardiovascular or renal complications before reaching ESRD.

This incidence may be deceptively lower in countries where a higher proportion of patients with diabetes died before reaching ESRD due to lack of appropriate care or delayed initiation of RRT or soon after reaching ESRD due to lack of RRT or voluntary choice of conservative treatment.

Proper care including blood pressure control, blockade of renin-angiotensin system, awareness of CKD itself, and timely referral to a nephrologist can halt the progression of diabetic kidney disease, but they were inadequate in many underdeveloped countries As the aging population is more vulnerable to the progression to ESRD, the developed countries with a higher proportion of older patients with diabetes should have more patients with diabetes entering ESRD.

However, our analysis of data from countries in Western Europe versus those in industrialized area of Asia Japan, Taiwan, South Korea basically excluded the possible effects of age, sex, and RRT access. Tobacco smoking is known to increase the risks of mortality and vascular complications in patients with diabetes This small discrepancy is far less than the fold difference in the annual rate of incident ESRD among patients with diabetes between these countries.

The effects of climate 26 or air pollution 27 are said to be important but inconclusive. The existence of an unknown protective environmental factor is supported by the finding that the annual incidence of ESRD among patients with diabetes in Northwestern Europe Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, U.

ranged from to pmp in compared with 1, pmp among people in the U. Food choice such as high meat intake is another risk factor for the progression of diabetes complications Interestingly, Fuller and Rowlands proposed a long-lasting difference in food selection and preparation between eastern and western Asia since BC: grinding, roasting, and bread baking in western Eurasia, including the Mediterranean region, versus whole grain boiling and steaming in China and the Far East Asian people with diabetes have a greater risk of developing related complications than their counterparts in Western countries; consequently, the former population also faces higher risks of all-cause and cause-specific mortality 30 , Data from the USRDS indicated that from to , the age- and sex-adjusted incidence of ESRD due to diabetes was 3.

A longitudinal observational study of 62, patients with diabetes conducted at Kaiser Permanente of Northern California reported adjusted hazard ratios for ESRD of 2.

In a sample of patients with diabetes with advanced CKD estimated glomerular filtration rate of We used two approaches to validate our model. First, we compared our data regarding the annual incidence of ESRD among patients with diabetes with data from a limited number of literature reports.

The data in the latter sources were generally higher because the study populations had been carefully followed and all recruited case subjects reached ESRD.

In contrast, our model had a larger denominator because it included the entire population at risk i. Second, we compared the ESRD prevalence in this study with the data provided by Fresenius Medical Care and determined a high level of similarity, with few exceptions.

Accordingly, the Fresenius data set is validated as an accurate reference. Furthermore, the similarities between our estimates and the Fresenius data vindicate the model-building concept in our study in terms of estimating the global ESRD prevalence.

Only six countries, namely, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam, and Bangladesh, showed a twofold difference between the reported or estimated ESRD prevalence and the Fresenius data. For the first three countries and Yemen , we estimated the prevalence of ESRD patients requiring RRT, which was the prevalence of treated ESRD multiplied by a ratio between the ESRD patients who required RRT and those who received it.

Apparently, this correction made the estimates remarkably high. Take India, for example. The sample to report the prevalence in China was presumably overrepresenting because the subjects were urban residents and insured The ESRD prevalence for Vietnam was derived from the total number of dialysis patients and, hence, supposed to be more accurate than the Fresenius data.

The data of ESRD prevalence in Bangladesh were obtained from the USRDS and were considered authorized. This study had a few limitations. First, even in a patient with diabetes, ESRD may or may not be caused by diabetic nephropathy; diabetes might simply be a comorbidity with ESRD The annual incidence of diabetes-related ESRD may have been overestimated.

Although some progress has been made in reducing diabetes-related mortality and delaying the development of kidney disease from DM, the percentage of DN patients who progress to ESRD has not substantially declined [ 5 ].

Disappointingly, there has been an impasse in the development of new drugs for DN, with no success in Phase 3 clinical trials [ 15 ].

One reason is the lack of accurate understanding of the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms of human DN development and progression. On one hand, mechanisms underlying DN development and progression are complicated with many interacting molecules and a number of crosstalk pathways.

In addition, patients who strictly complied with treatment recommendations can still develop overt DN whereas patients with similar or poor compliance may not.

Likewise, not all DM patients with microalbuminuria progress to macroalbuminuria or ESRD some patients even revert and the microalbuminuria disappears. Therefore, more broad-based approaches including systems biology and multiple omics are being applied to understanding DN pathological mechanisms today [ 17 , 18 , 19 ].

Regarding this situation, we collected all DN prognostic markers risk factors for DN progression from both routine and high-throughput research based on human samples in the past two decades and performed additional bioinformatics analyses, hoping to offer some insights into the mechanism of DN progression, which might help DN research and the discovery of new therapeutic targets for DN.

We constructed a database dbPKD [ 20 ], for prognostic markers of DN, as well as other CKDs including IgA nephropathy IgAN , idiopathic membranous nephropathy IMN , primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis pFSGS and Lupus nephritis LN.

There have been no previously focused databases for risk factors of kidney diseases. dbPKD may provide a resource for searching reported prognostic factors for common CKDs.

All DN prognostic markers risk factors for DN progression were collected by screening through related literature. We searched the PubMed database using 32 keywords, e.

Additional file 1 : Table S1. Reviews and non-English literature were excluded first. Initial screening of literature was based on title and abstract. Four hundred and three papers were retained for further filtration. Their contents were checked for information in detail. Besides DN prognostic markers, we also collected prognostic markers of other four CKDs IgAN, IMN, pFSGS and LN.

The collection guidelines were basically the same as that for DN data. The workflow for data processing is shown in Additional file 1 : Figure S1.

All this work was done using the g:Profiler platform [ 21 ]. In order to analyze the connectivity and co-regulation among the DN prognostic molecules, we constructed a network according to the main enriched pathways in DN progression based on KEGG [ 22 ] using Edraw Version 9. We also manually constructed a signal-transduction diagram by extracting the regulatory relationship from the enriched signal transduction pathways to illustrate the speculated role of prognostic molecules in DN progression more clearly.

To establish the expression and location of prognostic molecules in normal kidney tissues, we searched all prognostic genes and proteins in the HPA [ 24 ]. glomeruli, tubules, etc. related data. Finally, we obtained the expression levels and location data of prognostic genes and proteins in kidney tissues by molecule ID mapping.

To avoid duplication and to unify the naming of markers across different studies, genes were mapped to Entrez Gene IDs, and proteins were mapped to UniProt IDs.

Mixed clinical indicators were given unified names if these are widely used. All the collected data were incorporated into the database after collation and normalization, and each entry included five types of information: reference, research parameters, marker annotation, prognostic effect s and the supportive public data.

The web interface for dbPKD was developed using PHP Version 5. JavaScript and jQuery were also used to enable dynamic web services. The database was implemented in MySQL Server 5. Data analyses were mainly developed using R script.

The web interface mainly provides four types of application service: Browse, Search, Analysis and Download. Most DN prognosis studies were multi-centered, and were mainly located in Europe, North America and East Asia. According to the primary DM subtypes, the DN study population could be divided into three subgroups: T1DN, T2DN and undefined DN.

Specially, the undefined DN subgroup indicates that the study population did not include an independent, well-defined T1DN secondary to T1DM cohort or T2DN secondary to T2DM cohort. The prognostic markers could also be divided into three groups based on the DN population Additional file 1 : Figure S2.

Only one gene ACE and six proteins ADIPOQ, CST3, TNNT2, TNFRSF1A, FABP1, HBB were verified as potentially prognostic in both T1DN and T2DN Table 1.

Without distinguishing amongst DN subtypes, almost all prognostic genes were verified using human blood specimens, while prognostic proteins were verified mainly based on blood and urine specimens Additional file 1 : Figure S3. Additionally, four molecules, ADIPOQ, CCL2, CTGF and HP, were verified as potentially prognostic for DN progression in both gene and protein levels Additional file 1 : Figure S4.

Blue arrow represents protein change in blood, green arrow is for urine specimen, and orange arrow for kidney tissue. Based on the DN classification [ 25 ] in and a preliminary analysis of all defined end point events in the collected papers Fig.

Among them, two groups were of particular interest: the ESRD group, and the overt DN group referring to a group of molecules that were prognostic for GFR decline not reaching ESRD. Grouping based on the end point events and corresponding clinical parameters. a End point events and corresponding clinical parameters.

b Grouping of DN prognostic genes and proteins according to the end point events involved in different studies. We performed GO and KEGG enrichment analysis. Interestingly, as shown in Fig. In addition, referring to the adipocytokine signaling pathway enriched in ESRD group, there have been several adipocytokines reported to participate in DN development and progression in recent years.

One of them was adiponectin ADIPOQ , besides being verified as a prognostic molecule in DN prognosis studies [ 29 , 30 , 31 ], it was observed increased in the serum of DN patients, protected the kidney by reducing inflammatory response and ameliorating glomerular hypertrophy and albuminuria, as an anti-inflammatory adipokine and insulin sensitizer mainly secreted by adipocytes [ 32 ].

There were also some other adipocytokines reported, such as visfatin and apelin. Visfatin, or pre-B cell colony-enhancing factor, is synthesized in adipocytes, had an important paracrine role in the development of DN through inducing tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor, activating downstream insulin signaling pathways and increasing the levels of TGF beta1, PAI-1, type I collagen, and MCP-1 CCL2 [ 33 ].

Apelin contributed to DN progression by inhibiting autophagy in podocytes [ 34 ]. KEGG enrichment analysis of DN prognostic genes and proteins corresponding to different end point events.

Although there are many biological processes BPs involved in DN progression, we only focused on the top 15 BPs significantly enriched for all the DN prognostic genes and proteins Additional file 1 : Figure S5. According to the three clusters of DN prognostic molecules, based on different end point events Fig.

There were very few overlapping risk molecules between the ESRD group and the overt DN group, which indicated that there might be different key molecules promoting DN progression at different DN stages. For example, CTGF was verified as a risk gene for albuminuria progression [ 35 ] and a risk protein for progressing to ESRD [ 36 ].

In podocytes, its overexpression could damage podocytes and exacerbate proteinuria and mesangial expansion [ 39 ]. Considering all the above observations, it is speculated that CTGF should exert a very weak or no effect on the promotion of DN progression in the early albuminuria stage of DN, although it was a risk gene for albuminuria progression, while in the middle and late DN stages, CTGF should act as a key molecule promoting the development of ESRD and play an very important role in DN progression.

We constructed a network according to the aforementioned KEGG pathways Fig. To illustrate the role of DN prognostic molecules in the mechanism of DN progression more clearly, we also drew a signal-transduction diagram by extracting the regulatory relationship from the enriched signal transduction pathways Fig.

For the integrity of the regulation loop, AGE-RAGE signaling pathway in diabetic complications is also included in the diagram. As shown in Fig. Actually, the role of some of the DN prognostic molecules in the mechanism of DN development and progression and their regulatory relationship have been studied in the past two decades using animal and cell culture models Additional file 1 : Figure S7 [ 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 ].

For example, TNF could cause cholesterol-dependent podocyte apoptosis and albuminuria, which was mediated by nuclear factor of activated T cells 1 NFATc1 [ 52 ].

Blockade of macrophage-derived TNF could protect kidney and reduce albuminuria and plasma creatinine in a diabetic mouse model [ 53 ]. CRP transgenic mice developed more severe DN with increased albuminuria and enhanced renal inflammation compared to wild-type mice [ 41 ].

In addition, PEDF SERPINF1 could inhibit tubular cell injury by suppressing RAGE AGER expression in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats [ 45 ], while EGF could prevent podocyte apoptosis induced by high glucose [ 54 ]. Overview of regulatory relationships among DN prognostic molecules in enriched signal transduction pathways.

Solid line represents molecular interaction or relation. Dotted line represents indirect link, state change or unknown reaction. Red line represents link in the cytoplasm. Molecule in the rectangle represents gene product, mostly protein but including RNA.

Some of them have high protein expression in normal kidneys, for example, ICAM1 and NPHS1 are high expressed in normal glomeruli, while UMOD, RBP4, CST3, TNFRSF1B, TNFRSF11B, ACE, COX5A, ITGA2, PON2, TKT, UQCRC1 are high expressed in tubules. And several molecules are expressed in normal kidneys but not in other human normal tissues: NPHS1, UMOD, and SLC12A3.

Moreover, most of the prognostic genes expressed in normal kidneys could be found in both glomeruli and tubules. Interestingly, almost all of the prognostic proteins verified only through urine specimens are expressed in normal renal tubules, except C4A, CLU and HP with C8A and EGF unknown , which suggests that DN progression might be closely related to the dysregulation of protein expression that originally existed in normal kidneys.

Protein expression and location of DN prognostic molecules in renal tissues using the HPA [ 24 ]. Bold indicates high protein expression, and proteins expressed in both glomeruli and tubules are in red. In total, 69 genes, 72 proteins, 4 microRNAs, and 92 mixed clinical indicators were extracted from qualified papers, without distinguishing specimen sources.

And 46 genes, 42 proteins, 3 microRNAs, and 60 mixed clinical indicators were extracted from qualified papers for DN progression. In addition, 30 genes, 43 proteins, 1 microRNA, and 41 mixed clinical indicators were extracted from qualified papers for IgAN, IMN, pFSGS and LN.

The browse interface provides data exploration to users across several features, such as specimen sources, marker types and prognosis effects etc.

Users can also search for one marker or a group of possible prognostic genes in the Search interface Fig. Analysis interface provides users with three types of analysis service: survival analysis, enrichment analysis and Venn diagram analysis.

Analysis results will be shown when the calculation is completed, including univariate and multivariate analysis tables, Kaplan—Meier survival curves, and prognosis models.

Venn diagram analysis focuses on screening for common or specific markers in PKD research. Finally, users can download data in Download interface Fig. And dbPKD is free for non-commercial activities. Web interfaces of the dbPKD.

a The browse interface of dbPKD for prognostic markers in blood. b The search interface for a gene symbol. c The analysis interface which includes three modules: survival analysis, enrichment analysis and Venn analysis.

d The download page of dbPKD with url and description. Theoretically, proper genetic intervention to DM patient might prevent DN from happening. However, resolving the genetics of DN remains complex with little progress. In the past decades, only a few molecules were identified as DN genetic factors through genome-wide association studies GWAS , such as ACE, AKR1B1, APOE, PPARG, etc.

At present, in addition to strict management of diabetic patients, there seems to be no precautions for DN development.

The main therapeutic strategy for DN patients is to inhibit or retard the disease progression. The prognostic markers collected here were all verified as risk factors for DN progression in DN prognosis studies. They were all directly related to the end point events of DN patients regardless of the complex interactions among molecules and Epigenetics.

Analyzing these prognostic markers might offer some insights in understanding the mechanism of DN progression. MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNA molecules that usually function in RNA silencing and post-transcriptional regulation by affecting their target mRNAs.

Here we only collected three microRNAs that were verified as risk factors of DN progression. Interestingly, their target molecules included more DN prognostic genes and proteins [ 56 ] Additional file 1 : Figure S9 , indicating that microRNAs should play an important role in DN progression.

In some other related works, we confirmed the clinical application value of miRa for several types of kidney diseases [ 57 , 58 ]. The regulation details between microRNAs and their targets as well as the possible associations among these three microRNAs need further research, which might help to understand the mechanism of DN progression.

In addition, there were also some clinical indicators including metabolites, biochemical indicators, pathological parameters, etc.

that could be used as DN prognostic markers. In fact, serum creatinine has been widely reported and clinically used as an important parameter in assessing and monitoring renal functions of kidney diseases for decades [ 59 , 60 ].

Vitamin D has been discussed to be a treatment option in DN for many years [ 61 , 62 ]. Both of these suggest that DN prognostic markers have potential important applications in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of DN.

Although we attempted to collect all the DN prognostic markers and analyze them as accurately as possible, there were still some limitations in our study. First, due to the limited prognosis studies, the number of DN prognostic molecules collected was small.

Second, because of the fuzzy definitions of end point events, it was difficult to judge the accurate DN stages for which some prognostic markers were used. This also hindered subsequent further analysis. Lastly, specimen sources of risk factors for DN progression were variable, including urine, blood and kidney tissue, which posed difficulties for further mechanistic studies of DN progression.

The work on prognostic markers will be continued and the data is scheduled to be updated every 2 years. In the meantime, we will keep trying to improve the efficiency of data extraction by adopting some machine learning methods and endeavor to optimize the workflows.

In addition, other types of related data, such as data from single cell sequencing studies, may also be collected in the subsequent work for further analysis. We hope that more prognostic markers of kidney diseases and valuable insights could be provided to clinicians and researchers.

In conclusion, we collected human DN prognostic markers that were verified as independent risk factors of DN progression mostly through multivariate analysis in the past two decades and constructed a database.

To our knowledge, this is the first systematic summary of DN prognostic markers. Also, we demonstrated the connections and regulation among these molecules and emphasized some related GO terms and KEGG pathways by bioinformatics analysis.

The in-depth study of these molecules and related pathways will help to further understand the mechanism of human DN progression, discover new therapeutic targets and explore new DN drugs.

In addition, some prognostic markers mixed clinical indicators might contribute to the improvement of the managements of DN patients. In the future, we will expand the data content and improve the functional modules for dbPKD, and strive to provide some more valuable insights for the research and treatment of related kidney diseases by adopting more and better analytical methods.

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Introduction ASIR of CKD-DM increased with SDI value. Diabetes: Assessing renal risk in patients with type 2 diabetes. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4. The effects of GLP-1 analogues, DPP-4 inhibitors and SGLT2 inhibitors on the renal system. The Influence of the environment on CKD-T2D should not be underestimated.
Diabete & Kidney Disease | Kidney Research UK About Mayo Clinic. Diahetic percentage not included in either circle denotes statisfics without chronic kidney stqtistics CKD. Diabetic nephropathy statistics, J. Cognitive abilities testing and kidney disease in type 1 and 2 diabetes: An analysis of the National Diabetes Audit. Conclusions CKD-T2D has emerged as a growing global public health concern, especially among adults under 60 years old, with a higher disease burden in males than females.
How Diabetes Causes Kidney Disease Metabolomics reveals signature of mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetic kidney disease. The overall prevalence of diabetic nephropathy was Global, regional, and national burden of diabetes-related chronic kidney disease from to Article Google Scholar Zoppini G, Targher G, Chonchol M, Ortalda V, Negri C, Stoico V, Bonora E. Further understanding the molecular basis of a metabolic legacy in diabetes will certainly provide new targets for intervention to reduce the burden of CKD in patients with diabetes. Atkins Robert C. In the past decades, only a few molecules were identified as DN genetic factors through genome-wide association studies GWAS , such as ACE, AKR1B1, APOE, PPARG, etc.


Diabetic nephropathy - Mechanisms - Endocrine system diseases - NCLEX-RN - Khan Academy Diabetic nephropathy statistics

Author: Nizshura

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