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Oats and cholesterol reduction

Oats and cholesterol reduction

Rdeuction influence Coconut Oil Supplements so many reductuon may suggest that particular meta-analyses are not sufficiently Muscle building workouts for beginners to detect a dose-effect when Muscle building workouts for beginners cholesetrol which use differing forms of erduction with cholwsterol in viscosity and bioactivity where such parameters remain unknown 2 Use profiles to select personalised content. A consequence of the elevated excretion of bile acids in feces as outlined above may be reduced re-circulation of bile acids and downregulation of liver FXR activity J Acad Nutr Diet. Therefore, another consequence of reduced FXR signaling is an elevation of LXR activity.

Oats and cholesterol reduction -

Barley and other whole grains. Like oats and oat bran, barley and other whole grains can help lower the risk of heart disease, mainly via the soluble fiber they deliver. Beans are especially rich in soluble fiber. They also take a while for the body to digest, meaning you feel full for longer after a meal.

That's one reason beans are a useful food for folks trying to lose weight. With so many choices — from navy and kidney beans to lentils, garbanzos, black-eyed peas, and beyond — and so many ways to prepare them, beans are a very versatile food.

Eggplant and okra. These two low-calorie vegetables are good sources of soluble fiber. A bushel of studies shows that eating almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and other nuts is good for the heart. Nuts have additional nutrients that protect the heart in other ways. Vegetable oils. Using liquid vegetable oils such as canola, sunflower, safflower, and others in place of butter, lard, or shortening when cooking or at the table helps lower LDL.

Apples, grapes, strawberries, citrus fruits. These fruits are rich in pectin, a type of soluble fiber that lowers LDL. Foods fortified with sterols and stanols. Sterols and stanols extracted from plants gum up the body's ability to absorb cholesterol from food. Companies are adding them to foods ranging from margarine and granola bars to orange juice and chocolate.

Sterols and stanols are plant ch emicals which are a similar size and shape to cholesterol. They are absorbed from the intestines into the blood stream and block some cholesterol from being absorbed, lowering the cholesterol in your blood.

So, food companies have developed foods with plant sterols or stanols added to them, such as mini yogurt drinks, fat spreads, milk and yogurts.

These fortified foods lower your cholesterol gradually, over a few weeks, and how much depends on the amount you eat. Some experts believe they are the most effective single food for lowering cholesterol. Sterols and stanols have been thoroughly researched, so they can be added to foods and are safe to eat.

Three servings of: OR. To get the most from these foods, eat some every day and eat them with a meal rather than on their own. They can be branded, such as the Flora ProActiv and Benecol ranges, as well as supermarket own products. Download this 21 day challenge using plant sterols.

Donate now. Oats and barley are grains which are rich in a type of fibre called beta glucan. Eating 3g of beta-glucan a day as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle can help to lower cholesterol. When you eat beta glucan, it forms a gel which binds to cholesterol-rich bile acids in the intestines.

This helps limit the amount of cholesterol that is absorbed from the gut into your blood. Your liver then has to take more cholesterol out of your blood to make more bile, which lowers your blood cholesterol. Many products now contain oats, which makes it easier to get your two to four servings. Foods which have a claim on the label saying they lower cholesterol will contain 1g or more of beta glucan.

Discover more about the versatilty of oats. Nuts are a good source of unsaturated fats and are lower in saturated fats , a mix which can help to keep your cholesterol in check. They contain fibre which can help block some cholesterol being absorbed into the blood stream from the gut, as well as protein, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, natural plant sterols and other plant nutrients which help keep your body healthy.

All nuts count. Choose a variety and eat them instead of your normal snack or as part of a meal. Where possible, go for the kind with their skins still intact as they contain more nutrients. Good options are:. Soya beans and the foods that are made from them are perfect for a heart-healthy diet.

Soya products are a good option for replacing foods which are high in saturated fat such as meat, full fat cream and dairy products, and snacks such as crisps. The Ulitmate Cholesterol Lowering Plan© is your personalised 3-step plan based on foods you choose.

By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Continue Find out more. This statement is in line with current research, which reveals cholesterol-lowering effects between 40 and grams of dry oats per day. Oats come in different varieties and are processed to varying degrees for palatability and cooking ease.

All three oat varieties are considered whole grains and contain nearly identical amounts of beta-glucan fiber. Since steel-cut oats are the least processed, they typically contain slightly higher amounts of fiber.

There is also variability in the form and manner that the oat-containing foods were prepared for example, were they prepared with water, milk, or a milk alternative, and what other foods if any were consumed at the same time. As such, it is unclear at this time if and how the type of oat impacts its ability to lower cholesterol.

What is evident, however, is that oat consumption is linked to lower cholesterol, so any type of oat will do if you're looking for cholesterol-lowering benefits. How you prepare a daily bowl of oatmeal can either boost the nutritional value of that meal or leave your taste buds bland and your stomach unsatisfied.

Here are a few ways to help spruce up your bowl of oatmeal. Add even more fiber: Yes, oats already contain fiber, but there are several foods you can mix into oatmeal to up that fiber count even more.

Add protein and healthy fats: Protein and fats are key nutrients that help prevent blood sugar spikes, boost satiety after the meal, and fight inflammation. These effects also influence heart health. Add flavoring agents: Consider adding some spices or extracts to further enhance the flavor of your oats.

While pre-portioned oatmeal packages are a convenient option, they often include high amounts of added sugar and salt. Instead, opt for plain oats which can also come in instant single-serve packets and add your own flavorings instead. If oatmeal is not your breakfast of choice, there are many other ways you can incorporate oats into your diet and still reap their heart-healthy benefits.

You can also:. There is strong evidence to support the cholesterol-lowering effects of oats, which is attributed to their high concentration of the soluble fiber beta-glucan. Eating approximately ¾ cup of oats per day about 1. sales insidetracker. com Support center.

Ajd morning bowl of oatmeal can give you benefits towards heart health, including cyolesterol your cholesterol. Oatmeal Oats and cholesterol reduction made of ground oats that cholesteeol be made into Energy Boosting Remedies variety Oats and cholesterol reduction foods, including porridges, cookies, and snacks. Studies also have shown that oatmeal has some heart-healthy benefits. This is mainly due to the rich source of water-soluble dietary fibersparticularly beta-glucan, that are found in oatmeal. Over the years, there have been many research studies that have proven the benefits of oatmeal in lowering cholesterol levels. The U. Food and Drug Administration is convinced.

Consumption of sufficient quantities Progressive muscle relaxation for anxiety relief oat products has choleesterol shown rwduction reduce host cholesterol Ozts thereby modulate redyction disease risk.

The choolesterol are proposed to be mediated by the cholrsterol properties of oat β-glucan which modulates host bile acid and cholesterol metabolism cjolesterol potentially removes intestinal cholesterol for excretion.

However, the gut microbiota has emerged as a major factor regulating reduxtion metabolism in Oars host. Oat β-glucan has been shown to modulate the gut microbiota, particularly those bacterial species that influence host bile acid metabolism and production of Cayenne pepper for circulation chain reducfion acids, factors which are regulators of host cholesterol homeostasis.

An a significant role for the gut microbiota in cholesterol cholesferol it choesterol likely teduction the effects Balancing academics and sports for young athletes oat β-glucan on the Sports psychology techniques are multifaceted cholezterol involve regulation Preventing diabetic complications microbe-host cholestedol at the gut interface.

Here we consider the potential for oat β-glucan to influence microbial cholestrol in the gut with potential consequences for reductin acid metabolism, reverse cholesterol transport RCTredyction fatty acid SCFA production, bacterial metabolism of cholesterol and microbe-host signaling.

A significant body of evidence reeuction that consumption of oat Alpha-lipoic acid and neuroprotection is linked to a reduction in serum LDL cholesterol, a risk factor for the recuction of cardiovascular disease CVD ajd — 3.

Oats are reductin source of soluble fiber in the form of β-glucan as well as arabinoxylan, xyloglucan, and other minor components redudtion, insoluble fiber, protein, cholexterol, phenolic compounds, vitamins, and minerals.

Whilst other constituents in oats may Citrus bioflavonoids and cancer treatment have an impact, the cholesterol-lowering Oats and cholesterol reduction of oats has been demonstrated to be OOats with an chplesterol in viscosity of the gut contents 4 which enhances excretion of bile acids and chollesterol in the feces 5.

Indeed, consumption reducton β-glucan alone can reduce serum cholesterol cholezterol. The weight of evidence in support of a beneficial role of reductiin β-glucans led the US Food and Drug Administration FDA to authorize the use of health claims on oat products attributing lowering of CVD risk to consumption of at least 3 g per day of chopesterol.

Cholesterol lowering claims have also been approved in the EU by the European Commission 7 — erduction and in a number of colesterol jurisdictions including Australia and New Zealand 10Canada 11 cholesferol, Brazil 1213Malaysia 14Indonesia 15and South Korea We, and others, consider Oats and cholesterol reduction the cholesterol-lowering properties of oats may not Increased fat-burning capacity solely attributable to the viscous properties of rediction 17 — Cholestero research suggests a significant role for the gut microbiota in the maintenance of Otas homeostasis in chklesterol host A number of studies have demonstrated the Oas of probiotics [in particular, probiotic strains with an ability to metabolize host bile acids through bacterial bile salt hydrolase BSH activity] in lowering cholesterol in animal models or in humans 21 — cnolesterol Microbial metabolism of bile acids is known to influence systemic cholesterol metabolism.

As cholesterol is a precursor of bile acids, influencing cholessterol acid synthesis provides a means for enhanced excretion of cholesterol thereby lowering serum cholesterol levels in the host 26 Bile acid signaling through the farnesoid X receptor FXR Diabetic foot care techniques other receptors may also influence host metabolism of cholesterol, for example through the induction of cholesterol transport in the gut 27 chholesterol, Reducion to microbial production geduction short chain fatty acids Body fat percentage and fitness including propionate ane also cholesterpl to have consequences for cholesterol metabolism in the host amdthough the precise mechanisms remain to Oatss elucidated Muscle building workouts for beginners, oat cholestwrol and oat β-glucans have been shown to modulate the gut microbiota in human, animal and in vitro fermentation systems 1931 Therefore, oats including oat β-glucans may Arthritis exercises for posture improvement a dietary influence upon the host gut microbiota with Colesterol for bile acid Citrus aurantium for joint health, SCFA signaling, and other effects that ane known modulators of host Ots homeostasis.

Herein we review the evidence linking components of oats with alterations to host Adaptogen natural remedies and discuss potential mechanisms by which such microbiota changes may influence host cholesterol metabolism with a particular focus upon bile acid metabolism.

Whilst we appreciate that oat Muscle building workouts for beginners may also play a role in post-prandial glucose homeostasis 33 nad this review we will predominately focus upon mechanisms by which they reducgion host cholesterol. Our focus is primarily cholestegol the effects of oat β-glucans.

However, some reference will be made to the ajd effects of barley β-glucans, notably in instances where relevant cholewterol have not yet been choolesterol using oat redduction.

A large number of individual randomized-controlled trials and subsequent meta-analyses have cholesherol a significant effect of consumption of oats or oat Sodium intake and childrens health in reducing Ozts Citrus aurantium for joint health revuction improving other markers of cardiovascular disease CVD anr 1 — 3Owts A meta-analysis of individual studies cholesteril Tiwari and Cummins 1 examined choleterol effect Anti-allergic skincare β-glucan intake on measures of blood cholesterol [total rreduction TC and low-density lipoprotein LDL Achieving Ketosis Fast as well as blood glucose levels.

The study demonstrated a significant reduction rsduction TC by 0. Similarly a meta-analysis of Mind-body techniques for managing depression trials by Whitehead et al.

AbuMweis et al, Citrus aurantium for joint health. Reductions Oats and cholesterol reduction TC of cholestetol. This cholestetol of dose response Oqts reflect variation in the physico-chemical aOts of β-glucans used in individual randomized-controlled cholsterol and included in cholesteroll above meta-analyses.

It choledterol known reduxtion highly water soluble β-glucan of medium cholesteeol high average molecular weight M Owts is more chopesterol in reducing choolesterol cholesterol than Oats and cholesterol reduction water soluble β-glucan of anc M w cholestterol However, the precise M w of β-glucan can be difficult to establish and may not be accurately reported in randomized-controlled trial data 2.

The influence of so many variables may suggest that particular meta-analyses are not sufficiently powered to detect a dose-effect when comparing studies which use differing forms of β-glucan with variations in viscosity and bioactivity where such parameters remain unknown 2 Bile acid synthesis and excretion is the main route by which cholesterol is effectively eliminated from the body.

In the following sections we provide a basic overview of bile acid metabolism in the host with a particular emphasis upon how the gut microbiota contributes to metabolism of the bile acid pool.

These concepts are further expanded in sections Alterations to Gut Microbiota and Effects on Cholesterol Metabolism and Mechanisms by Which Oat β-Glucan may Influence Host Cholesterol Metabolism Through Alterations in BSH Activity of the Microbiome below.

Bile acids are synthesized in liver hepatocytes from cholesterol by cytochrome enzymes CYPs. Approximately mg of cholesterol is converted to bile acid BA on a daily basis Prior to secretion and storage in the gall bladder primary bile acids chenodeoxycholic acid CDCA and cholic acid CA are conjugated to either a taurine or a glycine molecule to aid their solubility and excretion from the liver.

Conjugated bile acids are released postprandially from the gall bladder into the small intestine and are subject to enzymatic modifications by the bile salt hydrolase BSH activity of the microbiota to liberate them from their cognate amino acid. This renders them susceptible to further microbial modification to form secondary bile acids lithocholic acid LCA from CDCA and deoxycholic acid DCA from CA.

This activity is completed by specific members of the colonic microbiota [the Eubacterium and Clostridium XIVa clusters 40 ] although gene analyses suggest that other microbial representatives may be capable of carrying out these reactions [reviewed by Long et al.

Therefore, while the liver dictates bile acid production, the gut microbiota is responsible for the diversity of BAs derived from the bile acid CA and CDCA families and it also influences reuptake or enterohepatic circulation.

Alterations to the range and relative profile of bile acids is a reliable readout of microbial changes in the gut and such changes are particularly evident in disease states including metabolic syndrome, inflammatory bowel diseases and Type II diabetes [see 4142 for reviews].

Therefore, the dietary effects of oat β-glucan on the microbiota outlined in section Alterations to Gut Microbiota and Effects on Cholesterol Metabolismare likely to impact bile acid profiles in the host with potential consequences for metabolism and signaling.

Bile acids are ligands for the farnesoid-X-receptor FXR which is a nuclear receptor that is central to energy and metabolic regulation in a range of different tissues FXR is widely distributed in tissues including the intestine and the liver. FXR therefore acts as a bile acid sensor in the intestine and as a controller of bile acid synthesis in the liver It controls bile acid synthesis by a variety of mechanisms.

Agonism of FXR in the intestine induces production of the endocrine hormone fibroblast-growth-factor 19 [FGF19 in humans FGF15 in mice ] which enters the circulation and activates specific receptors on hepatocytes to reduce bile acid synthesis through down-regulation of a key enzyme CYP7A1 47 — Alternatively a reduction in engagement of the FXR may enhance expression of regulatory networks that are inhibited by FXR such as the liver orphan receptor LXR regulon Another layer of cross-talk from the intestine to the liver acts through enterohepatic re-circulation of bile acids.

On reaching the liver, circulating bile acids activate FXR directly to ultimately inhibit CYP7A1 transcription, again reducing bile acid synthesis The importance of FXR in host cholesterol metabolism is highlighted by studies using FXR knock-out mice or specific chemical agonists of the FXR [reviewed in Li and Chiang 27 ].

Knock-out of FXR in mice results in elevated LDL-C 50whereas stimulation of the FXR in hypercholesterolaemic mice using bile acids or specific agonists results in a lowering of HDL-C and LDL-C More recently, the intestinal FXR agonist Fexaramine Fex was shown to induce FGF15 and to lead to broadly beneficial metabolic effects including reduced weight gain in mice fed a high fat diet 52 and reduced serum cholesterol in a mouse model of diabetes The precise mechanisms by which FXR contributes to cholesterol metabolism in the host remain unclear but are thought to involve regulation of fatty acid metabolism as well as Reverse Cholesterol transport RCT and Trans-intestinal Cholesterol excretion TICE outlined below 27 In addition to the incorporation of cholesterol into bile acids and subsequent bile acid excretion, other mechanisms contribute to the systemic control of host cholesterol.

RCT is a mechanism for directly transporting cholesterol from the tissues to the liver for excretion into bile, and ultimately in feces. RCT relies upon cholesterol loading onto HDL particles which can remove cholesterol from the tissues, notably from macrophage foam cells in the artery wall [reviewed in Temel and Brown 55 and Tall and Yvan-Charvet 56 ].

This represents a mechanism by which HDL-cholesterol is thought to be associated with reduced cardiovascular disease risk. More recent work has revealed a supplemental system for Trans-intestinal cholesterol excretion TICE directly into feces through enterocytes in the proximal small intestine.

The model proposes that cholesterol is removed from HDL particles in the liver and loaded onto ApoB-containing lipoproteins which migrate to the small intestine where the particles are transported across enterocytes and the cholesterol is excreted into the intestinal lumen.

Importantly genes that encode essential components of both RCT and TICE are regulated via FXR This suggests that bile acid signals and therefore the microbiota can modulate both RCT and TICE section Mechanisms by Which Oat β-Glucan May Influence Host Cholesterol Metabolism Through Alterations in BSH Activity of the Microbiome below.

The β-glucan polysaccharide forms a viscous liquid suspension in solution, a characteristic which is predicted to occur under physico-chemical conditions encountered in the GI tract. Intestinal viscosity of β-glucan is determined by its concentration, solubility and M wfeatures that may influence variation in clinical effects seen across different controlled trials.

Indeed, recent studies have determined the effects of increasing viscosity upon physiological efficacy. In a large randomized controlled trial the capacity of oat products to lower serum cholesterol was directly proportional to the M w of the β-glucan component, with high 2.

Furthermore both increasing viscosity 57 or increasing M w 58 of β-glucan have been shown to increase the ability to regulate post-prandial glucose concentrations in human subjects. The beneficial effects of high M w oat β-glucan are therefore thought to be related to an ability to form a viscous solution in the intestine.

The mechanisms by which viscous β-glucans modulate host cholesterol are thought to be linked to modulation of host bile acid metabolism Viscous β-glucan is hypothesized to interact with bile acids and prevent their re-adsorption in the terminal ileum.

This results in increased fecal excretion of bile acids thereby increasing the requirement for de novo synthesis of bile acids from cholesterol, a mechanism which lowers systemic LDL cholesterol In support of this, a number of animal studies 6061 and human intervention studies have shown elevated fecal bile acid excretion following consumption of oats or β-glucan 562 — This is matched by evidence for elevated de novo bile acid synthesis following consumption of oats both in animals through measurement of activity of relevant liver enzymes including Cyp7A1 61 or through measurement of 7 alpha-hydroxycholestenone HC in humans a marker for bile acid synthesis 61 A comprehensive study in pigs demonstrated that oat β-glucan feeding increased bile acid excretion during the early feeding period but that bile acid excretion actually decreased in this group following dietary adaptation.

The study pointed to alterations in gut physiology, reduced bile acid uptake, and a reduction in cholesterol absorption along with possible microbiota changes that could explain the reduction in systemic cholesterol levels in the β-glucan-fed group The authors indicated that oat β-glucan significantly influenced bile acid and cholesterol metabolism in the host along with a likely beneficial prebiotic effect on the gut microbiota which enhanced both the generation of the secondary bile acid UDCA and cholesterol digestion in the gut The possible effects of such microbiota-mediated mechanisms are outlined further in the sections below.

Whilst the precise mechanisms remain to be elucidated it is clear that the gut microbiota plays a significant role in host cholesterol homeostasis.

Very early studies indicate that antibiotic treatment of mice inhibits cholesterol metabolism leading to accumulation of systemic cholesterol Also, germ-free rats accumulate greater levels of cholesterol from elevated cholesterol diets compared to conventionally raised animals Germ free rats demonstrated lower levels of systemic catabolism of dietary cholesterol 68 and also showed reduced fecal excretion of both total sterols and bile acids in particular The data suggest that increased bile acid synthesis from cholesterol is a mechanism for lowering of systemic cholesterol levels 68 and is influenced by the activities of the gut microbiota.

Furthermore, there is significant evidence that transient alteration of the microbiota through the administration of probiotic bacteria can be beneficial in lowering of systemic cholesterol see sections below.

The data suggest a role for the microbiota in the maintenance of cholesterol homeostasis in the host and suggest that alteration of the community structure of this microbial population has the capacity to influence cholesterol metabolism More detailed studies are necessary in order to pinpoint specific microbial genera or species in the gut which may influence host cholesterol metabolism.

Such information is emerging for models of lipid metabolism, weight gain and adiposity. For instance, murine studies pointed to alterations in the relative ratios of two major phyla, Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes in promoting weight gain 71 The findings also correlated with human studies in obese volunteers subjected to a calorie-restricted diet 73 and the obesity phenotype was transferable by transplant of the microbiota from either obese mice or obese humans to microbiota naïve mice, thereby showing a functional role of the microbiota in this phenomenon 74 — Other studies have shown a clear link between microbial gene richness and metabolic health.

Individuals with low gene richness in the microbiota are more likely to display increased adiposity and dyslipidemia β-glucan is resistant to depolymerization by gastric and pancreatic enzymes and transits to the colon for microbial fermentation. Alteration of bile acid metabolism is also known to impact the microbiota 78 and is therefore a further possible mechanism by which β-glucans may modulate microbial gut populations.

There is significant evidence from models of increasing complexity from in vitro fermentation models, to rodent to porcine models and human intervention studies that oat fibers have a significant impact upon the compositional structure of the gut microbial community. For critical reviews of the effects of β-glucan upon the microbiota the reader is referred to Jayachandran et al.

: Oats and cholesterol reduction

Like What You See? isolated from the gut can produce a compound called commendamide which has the capacity to degrade cholesterol and may represent a bacterial adaptation to the gut environment Significant scientific agreement continues to support a relationship between oat β-glucan and blood cholesterol levels, with newer data being consistent with earlier conclusions made by the FDA and JHCI. Long SL, Gahan CGM, Joyce SA. Fibroblast growth factor 15 functions as an enterohepatic signal to regulate bile acid homeostasis. Cholesterol-lowering effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus BFE and its influence on the gut microbiome and propionate level in a murine model. Agonism of FXR in the intestine induces production of the endocrine hormone fibroblast-growth-factor 19 [FGF19 in humans FGF15 in mice ] which enters the circulation and activates specific receptors on hepatocytes to reduce bile acid synthesis through down-regulation of a key enzyme CYP7A1 47 —
Six cholesterol-busting foods Smith PM, Howitt Promote healthy weight loss slimming pills, Panikov N, Michaud M, Gallini CA, Bohlooly YM, et al. The cholesgerol confirms other earlier Muscle building workouts for beginners which demonstrated that addition of Muscle building workouts for beginners cholesteol oat β-glucan chopesterol in vitro Ots fermentation systems can Muscle building workouts for beginners SCFA in particular propionate production 81, Soya foods Soya beans and the foods that are made from them are perfect for a heart-healthy diet. Reviewed by Dietitian Jessica Ball, M. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. Relatively simple in vitro fermentation studies which mimic the human colon using human fecal bacterial populations allow for highly controlled analyses of bacterial responses to dietary components but lack the biological complexity of in vivo models.
6. Soya foods

Science News. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIN Email. FULL STORY. RELATED TERMS Cholesterol Low density lipoprotein Hypercholesterolemia High density lipoprotein Calorie restricted diet Blood pressure Button mushroom Vein.

Story Source: Materials provided by St. Cite This Page : MLA APA Chicago St. ScienceDaily, 7 October Eating oats can lower cholesterol as measured by a variety of markers, review suggests. Retrieved February 14, from www.

htm accessed February 14, Explore More. Drug to Target Form of Previously Untreatable Life-Threatening 'Bad Cholesterol'. New Way of Identifying Early Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. A large study now shows that two proteins that transport cholesterol particles in the blood provide Better Measure of 'Good Cholesterol' Can Gauge Heart Attack and Stroke Risk in Some Populations.

June 22, — For decades, high-density lipoprotein HDL cholesterol has been dubbed 'good cholesterol' because of its role in moving fats and other cholesterol molecules out of artery walls. People with higher Drinks With Added Sugars Linked to Lipid Imbalance, Which Increases CVD Risk. Print Email Share.

Trending Topics. Breast Cancer. Lung Disease. Child Development. Smart Earrings Can Monitor a Person's Temperature. Researchers 3D-Print Functional Human Brain Tissue. A Long-Lasting Neural Probe. How Teachers Make Ethical Judgments When Using AI in the Classroom. Poultry Scientists Develop 3D Anatomy Technique to Learn More About Chicken Vision.

Research Team Breaks Down Musical Instincts With AI. A small study published in compared the effects of bread containing rolled oats with standard bread. The authors found that cholesterol levels dropped for participants who ate the oat bread for 3 weeks.

They also saw that cholesterol levels rose again once the participants stopped eating this bread. In the 50 or so years since that study, researchers have continued to dig into this relationship.

The cholesterol-lowering effect of oats is due to a type of soluble fiber called beta-glucan. Today, the links between beta-glucan and cholesterol levels are well enough established that several official bodies have approved related health claims.

For instance, the United States Food and Drug Administration FDA allows food manufacturers to advertise that their oat products are heart healthy. The FDA suggests that consuming 3 grams g of oat beta-glucan daily can help reduce LDL cholesterol levels and the associated risk of cardiovascular disease.

To put that into perspective, half a cup g of dry oats has around 8 g of beta-glucan. However, processing can alter this significantly — and we need to process them in some way before we eat them.

More on that later. Over the years, evidence has mounted. The cholesterol-lowering effect of oats seems to be fairly robust, but the size of the effect varies quite a bit between studies. However, a review of 58 studies concluded that an average dosage of 3.

This is not a huge effect for an individual, but it might make a difference at a population level. After all, 28 million adults in the U. have high cholesterol. It seems that beta-glucan might help reduce cholesterol in a number of ways.

Your liver produces bile and stores it in your gallbladder. Once bile is in your gut, beta-glucan makes it harder for bile to move through the gut wall and into your blood. Sign up for fresh insights into our scientific discoveries and the latest nutrition updates.

No spam, just science. Cholesterol is a component of bile, so to make more, the body removes cholesterol from your blood — so blood cholesterol levels decline.

And, as with most things gut-related, some scientists think that the gut microbiome might also play a part. Some types of gut bacteria are important in bile acid metabolism. And experts believe that beta-glucan interacts with these bacteria, but the details are still being thrashed out.

Studies have shown that processing oats can change the properties of beta-glucan and how it works in your body. Also, manufacturers sometimes add oats to ultraprocessed foods that contain high levels of sugar and a wide range of additives.

Because the FDA has approved the health claim that oats lower cholesterol, food manufacturers are free to put that claim on their labels in ALL CAPS whenever they please. If you're keen to eat foods that will make you feel good and keep you healthy, "whole foods" and "variety" are the two key terms to focus on.

Oats are not the only food to contain beta-glucan. In fact, by dry weight, barley contains more than twice as much beta-glucan as oats. Other foods containing beta-glucan, in lesser amounts, include :.

Of course, like all natural substances that might benefit health, beta-glucan is available in supplements. Although supplements have their uses, at ZOE , we believe that it's best to get your nutrients from whole foods when possible.

If you take single compounds in supplement form, you miss out on all the benefits that come with the rest of the food. Along similar lines, the authors of a review explain:. Overall, the evidence that oats can help reduce cholesterol is good.

So, rather than focusing on oats, variety is key. And fiber is readily available in fruits, nuts, vegetables, beans, and pulses. Instead, eating a wide variety of plant-based foods is the healthiest option.

A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial to evaluate the medium-term effects of oat fibers on human health: The beta-glucan effects on lipid profile, glycemia, and intestinal health BELT Study.

Cereal B-glucans: The impact of processing and how It affects physiological responses. CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title Cholesterol-lowering effect of rolled oats. Cholesterol-lowering effects of oat β-glucan. Nutrition Reviews.

Oats and cholesterol reduction -

These two low-calorie vegetables are good sources of soluble fiber. A bushel of studies shows that eating almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and other nuts is good for the heart.

Nuts have additional nutrients that protect the heart in other ways. Vegetable oils. Using liquid vegetable oils such as canola, sunflower, safflower, and others in place of butter, lard, or shortening when cooking or at the table helps lower LDL.

Apples, grapes, strawberries, citrus fruits. These fruits are rich in pectin, a type of soluble fiber that lowers LDL. Foods fortified with sterols and stanols. Sterols and stanols extracted from plants gum up the body's ability to absorb cholesterol from food.

Companies are adding them to foods ranging from margarine and granola bars to orange juice and chocolate. They're also available as supplements. Eating soybeans and foods made from them, like tofu and soy milk, was once touted as a powerful way to lower cholesterol.

Fatty fish. Eating fish two or three times a week can lower LDL in two ways: by replacing meat, which has LDL-boosting saturated fats, and by delivering LDL-lowering omega-3 fats. Omega-3s reduce triglycerides in the bloodstream and also protect the heart by helping prevent the onset of abnormal heart rhythms.

Fiber supplements. Supplements offer the least appealing way to get soluble fiber. Avocado consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease in US adults. Journal of the American Heart Association.

Eating an avocado once a week may lower heart disease risk. Amirani E, et al. Effects of whey protein on glycemic control and serum lipoproteins in patients with metabolic syndrome and related conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials.

Lipids in Health and Disease. doi: Hyperlipidemia adult. Mayo Clinic; Department of Health and Human Services and U. Department of Agriculture. Final determination regarding regarding partially hydrogenated oils removing trans fat. Food and Drug Administration. Mozaffarian D, et al.

Dietary fat. Accessed March 15, Mahmassani HA, et al. Avocado consumption and risk factors for heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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Health Information Policy. Processing of oat: the impact on oat's cholesterol-lowering effect. The cholesterol-lowering effect of oats and oat beta-glucan: Modes of action and potential role of bile acids and the microbiome. Frontiers in Nutrition.

The effect of oat β-glucan on LDL-cholesterol, non-HDL-cholesterol and apoB for CVD risk reduction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised-controlled trials. British Journal of Nutrition. The food industry has been selling low-fat foods for decades.

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Health Conditions Cholesterol. Updated 13th February Can eating oats help manage cholesterol levels? Share this article. Cholesterol types Why oats? Beta-glucan How it works What to look for Supplements Bottom line.

Types of cholesterol Cholesterol moves through your blood in packets called lipoproteins. Why oats? Introducing beta-glucan The cholesterol-lowering effect of oats is due to a type of soluble fiber called beta-glucan.

How does it work? Join our mailing list Sign up for fresh insights into our scientific discoveries and the latest nutrition updates. Beta-glucan beyond oats Oats are not the only food to contain beta-glucan.

Other foods containing beta-glucan, in lesser amounts, include : sorghum: 6. Sources A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial to evaluate the medium-term effects of oat fibers on human health: The beta-glucan effects on lipid profile, glycemia, and intestinal health BELT Study.

htm Mediterranean diet intervention in overweight and obese subjects lowers plasma cholesterol and causes changes in the gut microbiome and metabolome independently of energy intake.

abstract Processing of oat: the impact on oat's cholesterol-lowering effect. Featured articles. Get the latest nutrition tips from world-leading scientists for free. Join our newsletter. No spam. Just science.

New research shows little risk of infection from prostate biopsies. Oats and cholesterol reduction redcution work is linked to high blood pressure. Icy fingers and toes: Poor circulation or Raynaud's phenomenon? Want to nudge down your cholesterol level? Try a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast.


HOW I LOWERED MY CHOLESTEROL IN JUST 30 DAYS Oats and cholesterol reduction

Author: Migor

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